Sword Among Us

Chapter 1063: Depression, Bai Xiaosheng (first)

Chapter 1063, Depression, Bai Xiaosheng (first)

Chapter 1063

Going back to the world three years later, it is completely different from the festive atmosphere of the other side. When you enter the game, you will feel the heavy atmosphere in the Baixiaosheng Mansion growing and spreading.

in the past!

Among the Central Plains, every martial arts person feels great pride in being able to enter the Bai Xiaosheng Mansion, which is considered to be a symbol of identity and power.

However, since Yipintang was in charge of the capital city, even the gangs in the capital did not dare to come to the door again. A group of Zhouyi disciples of Bai Xiaosheng also walked a lot. The house became cold and clear, and only saw Bai Xiaosheng sitting alone in the pavilion after going online. , playing his unknown songs.


Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but breathe deeply, hesitated, and finally walked into the pavilion.

Or wake up by footsteps, or early detection of happy closeness, the moment of entering the pavilion, Bai Xiaosheng finally opened, but did not stop the movement of the piano: "I have always thought that as long as I do not personally get involved in the rivers and lakes The name of the rivers and lakes Bai Xiaosheng, no one can take away and replace ... I did not expect the ultimate can not help but break the ring, involved in the disputes between the rivers and lakes."

There is nothing in the piano sound, but it is very rhyming and rhythmic. With the tone of Bai Xiao’s life, it has quite a bit of artistic conception.

Happy did not speak, stop listening to Bai Xiaosheng's talk.

"But this time I was involved in the rivers and lakes, I don't regret it." Bai Xiaosheng raised his head slightly, and his tone increased a little bit. His eyes blew from the happy face: "The ending is so, I can't help it." I believe that Yipintang and the wolf organization can no longer dominate the Central Plains for too long, but the most regrettable thing is that the Fengfeng Building will disappear from the Central Plains, and my apprentice wind chimes..." When you hit here, a noisy tail Interrupt the rhythm of the whole song.

"..." Happy still didn't speak, just sighing in my heart.

After this war, Yipintang and the wolf organization have completely stabilized the hegemonic position of Yipintang in the Central Plains. There is no resistance in the Fengfeng Building. It is only a matter of time to break down one by one, and it will not stretch for too long...

As for the wind chimes.

Although the offline has escaped, in the context of today's rivers and lakes, a woman who is pregnant with a yin and a yin, a woman who has been regarded as a disciple by a class, is hard to survive, no matter how tall or strong she is...

"The wind building is irreparable, but your disciple wind chimes, I can **** her to your house." He said, happy and seated opposite Bai Xiaosheng.

A word full of self-confidence is to let Bai Xiaosheng’s eyes slam up, and then it will be faint and bleak...

"Even if the **** returns here, it is difficult to go out one step at the end of the yin yin, and the dream cloud will fight to send a top master into the prison, and will not let the wind chime easily come out of this door."

Bai Xiaosheng was so pessimistic and helpless before his first appointment.

Whether in this world or in the world three years ago, happiness is the first time to see such negative emotions from the face of Bai Xiaosheng.

The brow wrinkled, and I took a jug and two cups from my own Qiankun bag. I didn’t care about it all. I took a cup and started: “Worry about doing so much, take a step and see the situation, the situation will be bad. Where are you going? After a while, the situation will be better or not." Signaling Bai Xiaosheng's wine, happy eyes looked at the latter firmly:

"Have me a good trip!"


The wine glasses touch each other, and the happy ones simply drink the wine in the cup! Then, under the strange eyes of Bai Xiaosheng, he grew up and walked outside the house.

"Where are you going?"

Bai Xiaosheng finally realized that the tone of happiness was different, and couldn't help but get up and chase the pavilion.

The latter does not return:

"Of course, I went to the General Hall of Fenglou. When I solved the people of Yipintang, I will tell you to let the wind chimes come up."


Bai Xiaosheng was shocked. He didn't expect to be happy to do it. He didn't plan to plan in detail: "There is now a banned area. You are so past, you can't take them."

"That's something I have to consider! Just contact an emperor and let him do another bodyguard."

Happy head does not return to leave Bai Xiaosheng Mansion!

Bai Xiaosheng frowned a few times in the pavilion, and finally chose to give a letter to the emperor and the phantom, telling them happy decisions.

He knows that happiness is not a slap in the face, but to protect the safety of an unlisted wind chime in a safe area of ​​the city, and to bring it back to his house from the area where he is in a hurry, there is no other way than to kill.


"The landlord, these little things are left to us to deal with, just go to rest."

"No need to."

"Wu Louzhu, you are going to persuade the landlord to let her go... This way, the body will cross." In a restaurant near the Fengfeng Building, hundreds of disciples attacking the wind, the phantoms in the middle of the city are busy giving a seal. The pigeons have written back letters and sent letters, and they have been busy without interruption. One by one is somewhat unbearable.

From yesterday to today, the phantom has compiled thousands of pigeons, and more than a day, only intermittently rest less than two hours, and all rest in the game.

From the very beginning, the gangs of the gangs and the deputy gangsters passed on the books, and then went to the famous pigeons of the famous rivers and lakes to pass the books and reply letters, each one personally looked at them, and then personally considered the letter.

They know what the phantom is so desperate for!

Hit the wind floor!

In order to protect the wind building, the phantom is desperate! !

Now she can't help her not desperately. The general altar of the Fengfeng Building in Beijing is destroyed. The position of the altar is now changing, but the altars in various places have been destroyed one after another. Today there are only less than 200 altars. Every one is in jeopardy.

It can be said that the current wind building is a dangerous egg in the wind, and one accidentally is the end of the bones!

Only Meng Yun realized that her time is really not much...

In order to connect as much as possible to more people, she used all the rest time, not even letting her deputy and confidant intervene, and each letter was personally questioned.

At the corner of the restaurant, the emperor sat there for a long time, so he stared at the phantom and stared for a long time...

Looking at a large number of pigeons and dense paper strips on the restaurant, he couldn't wait for a sword to crush all of them.

But every time I saw the phantom in the eyes when I found some weighty notes, I hoped to endure.

at this time……

Oh la la!

In the sound of flapping the wings, a homing pigeon descends from the sky.

One Emperor saw that the pigeon was already vomiting, but there were only a few people who gave him a flying pigeon on weekdays, and generally there was no important thing to contact him.

One Emperor quickly took the pigeons into his hands.

Unfolding the note and glanced at it, one of the emperors couldn't help but clenched the black-skinned sword on the table.

This move suddenly caught the attention of many people in the restaurant.

Slightly inhaled, the face of an emperor recovered as usual.

Under the horror of all the disciples in the restaurant, the emperor picked up the sword on the table and walked up quietly:

"I am going out to breathe."

Passing by the phantom table, the phantom brows, and suddenly grabbed one of them from a group of pigeons that had just arrived.

I took a look and a voice rang from behind the emperor:

"Wu Louzhu, you bring the wind squad, go with the emperor to see through the wind."

An emperor who walked to the door of the restaurant heard this sentence, and his feet were slightly stagnation, and he paused for half a second before he continued to move.

Wu Kuo quickly understood this, the so-called breathable of an emperor, I am afraid to do things.


With one command, the sound of the sword began to linger, and hundreds of seats in the restaurant suddenly came out one-third.


A group of top players in the Fengfeng Building followed the emperor out of the restaurant, and immediately caused the eyes of many people in the street and the streets.

A few pigeons are on the rise!

"Where are they going?"

"do not know!"

"If an emperor personally leads the team, there must be action and keep up."


"They are in this direction, it seems to be going to the main hall of the wind building..."

"Isn't there already a ruin? Going there?"

"I don't know..." "Wait, there seems to be a group of brothers still there... I will fly the pigeons to the owner."

The capital, which has already tended to be peaceful, was once again shocked by a small stone.


The main hall of Yipintang was built on the original site!

With the gradual stabilization of the overall situation of the capital, the situation of the surrounding cities was controlled, and a group of Yipintang high-level officials, such as Mengyun, urgently discussed the next plan in the newly-built Grand Hall.

"...When the wind building is gone, the Central Plains has no power to fight with us, but I suggest that we continue to focus on the disabled party and avoid the recurrence of happy events a year and a half ago."


"There are resources... There are no fewer than 100 gangs destroyed by us everywhere. The resources that are vacant, are we expanding a group of life professional players and expanding our number of divisions to 500?"

Listening to the high-level talks of Yipintang, the evil emperor did not have much interest until the wolf suddenly said a word to him.

"He is on the line."

"where are you now?"

"The prophet said... happy now seems to be going to the ruins of the Fengtan Building."

"Where to go there?"

The evil emperor slightly frowned.

Now the entire Central Plains, there are only two people who can pay attention to him. One is an emperor, the other is happy, but the emperor has not appeared in front of him since he appeared in the Central Plains. He has already guessed that the other party may be based on his interaction with happiness. Rep understands the gap between the two, so I did not find the door to challenge - after all, the Central Plains is now very fragile, and the defeat of an emperor will undoubtedly bring the morale of the Central Plains itself to a bottom.

The wolf shakes his head:

"It is not clear at the moment."

The voice did not fall, but the dream cloud next to it was smashing the note in his hand and turned his face: "If I didn't guess wrong, he went to the ruins of the wind building to save someone."

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