Sword Among Us

Chapter 1064: Hands-on! (Second more)

Chapter 1064 Hands-on! (Second more)

Chapter 1064

"Hold him!"

"The boss said, once he changed direction, he immediately reported the pigeons!"

"Oh... what about people?" Several Yipintang disciples suddenly lost their happiness when they chased the ruins of the Fengtan Building. They were so anxiously cold and sweaty on the spot, one of them rushed to the heights to check.

"Don't be nervous, I saw that he just turned there." One person drank a companion who was preparing to blindly fly high-level chasing people, pointing to the shop where the gold ingot was hanging in front of a door.


A group of people walked quickly to the door, and they saw a happy exchange with a guy in front of the counter in the bank, and they were relieved.

"Fortunately, I didn't lose it."

"What did he come to the bank?"

"Don't you go to the wind building?"

"Don't worry, look at it, if you just want to save things, we have missed a few money houses along the way... This money house is the closest to the wind building." One of the disciples in Yipintang carefully reminded his companions.


A group of people are quiet.


For a group of followers behind me, happiness has long been noticed, and I don’t care, because the capital is now completely under the control of Yipintang, and it is unrealistic to walk in the capital and not want to be discovered by Yipintang. What is the destination? Yipintang focuses on the martial arts.

"This guest officer, what little can you do for you?" The guy in front of the counter was very enthusiastic.

When the happy watch reveals that you want to store things in the bank, the latter’s face is more smiling: “We will charge a small amount of storage fees when hosting small items. If there are too many things to store, you may have to pay the price of a Qiankun bag. ""

"I have a Qiankun bag, and everything that needs to be stored is inside..." Happy, waiting for him to talk, throwing a fine bag beforehand:

"Take good care."

“You can rest assured that you are a guest.” A high-quality Qiankun bag is enough for the guys to have a smile on his face. He is more mean and humble: “Things must be properly kept for you. You can come and take them at any time...” The seal was given to the Qiankun bag, and it was handed over from a small window to the bank.

After the custody of the goods, I was happy to pay attention to the enthusiastic introduction of the folks and turned to come out of the bank.

Out of the door, happy is quite a kind of relaxed and completely indulge all the scruples, deeply inhaled, looking to the altar of the wind-fighting building that has been turned into a ruin not far away.


From the moment when the altar of the Fengfeng Building was completely turned into a ruin, it has not become inaccessible and cold. Every day, the players who pass through here will see that there are dozens of masters of Yipintang around the ruins, and they are doing nothing.

There are a lot of disciples in the streets around the ruins. Every time you walk into a restaurant, you can see the people who are full of friends.

But if the disciples who are attacking the wind building are close, the people of Yipintang will not hesitate to stare at them, and then follow up with a group of people.

When I walked into this street, the street was quiet...

Step on!

The footsteps are very slight.

In the restaurant, on the balcony, and even on the roofs on both sides of the street, there were people who were wary and hostile.

Turning into this street no more than 50 meters, the back and left and right sides have been followed by more than two hundred people...

One by one, staring at the lonely one, slowly walked towards the ruins of the ruins of the Fengtan Building!

Happy did not pay attention to the disciples of Yipintang who appeared from all sides.

The people who have been arranged by Mengyun to stay here are all elite, but there is no top master, so there is no need to care.

Happy to walk alone in front, and quickly walked into the square open space outside the main square of Fenglou.

This is still the first time I saw the collapse of the General Hall of the Wind Building.

Facing a pile of the altar that has become a rubble ruin, I couldn’t help but think of it two days ago... At that time, the wind building was one of the most powerful and inviolable forces in the Central Plains, but now, the sea is sacred, the object is People are not.

From the back of the street, the intensive footsteps, and the dense shadows that emerged from the ruins, finally interrupted the happy thoughts and freed them from the sigh of sigh.

The eyes were cold, and I glanced at the people in front of the company, which was very obvious in front of the hostility.

Just then, one person came out from the opposite crowd.

About 30 years old, the face of the feminine swordsman, innocent atmosphere, a good equipment, not proud of the hands holding the sword on the chest, plundered over a relatively bulging broken wall, completely a small person's gesture Muzzle: "You are happy..." The tone is not about awe and respect, only ridicule and jealousy: "I know what you are here for, but unfortunately, it has been controlled by us, unless you kill us all, Otherwise, it is impossible to take the wind chimes safely from here."


Under the eyes of countless people, happy stopped.

The words of the feminine swordsman are not finished:

"Bai Xiaosheng, the wind chime is the enemy of our product, we must do a good job of not ending with us, go back and tell Bai Xiaosheng, let the wind chime delete the number and re-train, her body of the nine yin is no longer possible to save. In the Central Plains!"

Yipintang is full of glory!

That's right.

The wind chimes are very famous, but now the entire Central Plains is the world of Yipintang, no one can stop them from killing the wind chimes!

Including happy...

I am not happy to protect the wind chimes in the safe area of ​​the city!

When I heard the words of a feminine swordsman, I finally reacted with joy, and lifted my chin slightly. In front of countless disciples, I showed a pair of indifferent scorpions!

That moment.

Countless Yipintang disciples have a sense of shudder that has been frozen by the chill of the bones. I feel a sense of killing from the bottom of my heart.

A hundred meters away, the emperor who was speeding the road at full speed suddenly saw a glimpse of the direction of the general altar of the wind building.

Followed by Wu Zhi quickly noticed that the expression of an emperor is different:

"what happened?"

"There is a strong sword in front!" The emperor's brow wrinkled and screamed: "In the altar of the wind building, I am afraid... I have already moved with Yipintang."

"What! In the city!?"

Wu Kui and a group of people behind him also made an unstoppable exclamation, with an incredible color:

"After the destruction of the altar, there is no way to fight, it is a safe area protected by the court! Happy to not know this?!"

Although a group of people were ordered to come to work, but it is still unclear and clear, listening to an emperor said that happy may be in the city safe area, one by one cold hair vertical, very pinched a cold sweat.

The emperor did not say anything again, but his expression was more serious. He was near the stone steps of a nearby shop and ghostly swept to the height of the roof.

Speeding at full speed!


The ruins of the ruins of the wind building, the grand altar suddenly reflected into the eyes of an emperor.

In the scene of the eye, the emperor’s pupils suddenly tightened. I saw that the square outside the altar of the Fengfeng Building was full of people, and probably gathered more than 3,000 people!

There are more onlookers around the street!

The sword that belongs to happiness is standing in the most densely populated area...

"Fortunately, no hands."

Wu Kuo also followed up. Obviously, he also found the situation in front of him. A breath of relief was heard from behind the emperor.

The words of Wu Ku have not yet been completely lost. An emperor suddenly has a sharp eyebrow, and he realizes that the sword that belongs to happiness is turning to a substantial killing, unconsciously exclaiming exclamation!

"not good!"


A group of people have not yet reacted.

Outside the altar of the wind building, happy suddenly broke into the ruins like a sword with a sheath!

boom! !

Under the sullen eyes of Wu Kui and others, the happy figure seems to suddenly burst into flames, and the blood red fire blooms from the inside of the Yipintang horse!

On the edge of the roof of the open space of the General Square of the Fengfeng Building, an emperor suddenly stopped.

A group of people, including Wu Kui, also stopped one after another, and looked incredulously at the crazy scene in the ruins ahead, his face turned white...

"It's over."

"Happiness is definitely being provoked by people in a class without words to control..."

"This is bad!"

In addition to an emperor, a group of masters in the wind building revealed a deplorable expression: "Damn! It's still a late step!"

Under the gaze of a group of people, the players around them watched like a fryer!

"what happened!"

“How to be happy in the safe area of ​​the city!”

"This is bad!"

"He is crazy! This is the capital!! The two factories, Jinyiwei, and the six doors will chase him to the ends of the earth!" Countless people have shown extreme incomprehensibility.

On the other hand, on the side of Yipintang, after being violently raided by a sudden and sudden violent attack, including a group of disciples including the feminine swordsman, the people in all directions quickly reacted, and a burst of mountains and tsunami shouted and more hurriedly. drink:

"it is good!"

"Happy to take the initiative to kill in the Beijing security zone!!"

"Dry beautiful!!"

"Tell this news to the owner!"

"Brothers, you must hold on to your happiness! The court master will come soon, everyone will come together! Hold him! Leave him! Don't let him run!"

"Haha... see what he does! He is very powerful, his brain is not fascinating. This time he is exposing something on his body, but he still has to sit on his prison for a month!"

"Be careful to block the mouth..."

"Don't be afraid of death, brothers! This time we made a great contribution! As long as you can hold him for a while, when the master of the capital arrives, he will plant it!"

Calls and reminders of this type come and go.

One by one, the disciples of the class have been covered with inexplicable red light. The realm is fully open, the body is fully open, and the sword is out of the line and the line of defense is so excited that it cannot be self-sustaining.

The wind outside the altar of the wind building turned into a boiling ocean!

Thousands of Yitangtang disciples have devoted themselves to the happy cocoon!

The people around the four sides looked around and lamented the pain of their feet. At the same time of gnashing their teeth, they couldn’t wait to be happy and simply mistakenly killed more people.

But for the people who attacked the wind building, happy to take this shot is undoubtedly a sign of worse...

The moment when the only emperor was happy to take a shot, he kept watching it quietly, his eyes were deep, and he didn’t know what to think about.

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