Sword Among Us

Chapter 1066: Four mythological encirclement (first)

Chapter 1066, Four Great Myths Surrounded (First)

Chapter 1066

The court master is late!

The first to appear is the master of Jinyiwei 'Suzaku', the jade face is handsome and very young. When he emerged from the roof, he frowned and glanced at an emperor who was not far from the sky, and his hand was a touch of cold. The glass that shattered the eaves, like the arrow from the string, silently pierced the crowd.

Until the happy 20 meters, a strong atmosphere of a mythical power is very arrogant from the body...


Suzaku's temperament is cold, but the sword is very surprising. The sword light flashes, and the seven sword flowers are in front of happy.

The disciples of the Tang Hall on Monday were exposed to the luck and surprise of the escape:

"finally reached!"

"Mom! I almost thought I had to explain it here..."

A group of people who have been happy recently have rushed back, and they don’t want to stay in the vicinity for a moment.

This is no wonder.

In less than three minutes, I was happy to kill a class of nearly 3,000 people... The ruins of the entire altar of the Fengfeng Building were sprinkled with the blood and body of a disciple.

If the mythical masters arrive, they know... their mission has been completed! I will stay here again, but I will die in vain.

But what they didn't expect was...

The seven sword flowers fluttered, but they were smashed several times.

"The people of the court came, and they have to enter the second stage." To avoid the first wave of attacks, happy horses plucked dozens of meters without stopping.

This time, I am not happy to pursue the people of Yipintang.

The figure flickered in a row, and ran for dozens of meters in an instant, plunging into the depths of the wind tower...

A few of the disciples of Yipintang had long been stunned, and they heard the sound of breaking the wind behind them, and they were all excited and thought they were going to hang.

What they didn't think of was that the clothes broke through the air and passed by. The happiness didn't stop, and they went away.

Several people were happy first, then shouted in a double-eyed manner:

"He wants to run!"

"Damn! The front...stop him!!"

I was already happy to be killed in the morale of the collapse of morale, and I saw that I was as happy as the wind, and fled to the depths of the entire altar of the wind building, one by one, stupid.

Under the inexplicable impulse and strength, there really was a group of people stopping and turning around...


Whizzing! !

I was very careful to throw out a hidden weapon.

But in the face of these things that won't even break the defense, I don't care to open the real gas field. Countless hidden weapons quickly ignited in front of them, and they fell wilting on the ground behind them...


"A group of cowards!"

"Block him! Let him break through, where is the face of our class!!"

"Don't let the brethren be bloody!!"

Yipintang disciples are excited and thousands of people roar!

Under the pressure of the resurgence of the happy voices of most people, a group of disciples who were killed and timidly bitten their teeth and took back the hidden weapon, desperately rushing to happiness.

That's right!

If they also choose to retreat, with a happy speed, even if they can't get rid of the chase of the court master, they can break out of the city with good defense and go ahead! By then, the situation of sacrificing thousands of brothers will not be worth mentioning.

A group of people put their lives and deaths here!


Happy has been cold-eyed to observe the movements of the Yipintang disciple who flew in front, listening to the roaring roar from behind, and continued to keep a low profile.

"Oh shit!"

"Give me a stop!" A group of Yipintang disciples killed again!

The number is small, but the gathering of two hundred people is quite spectacular and looks very dense.

But for happy, this is not enough.

Linguistic look around!

I noticed that the crowd kept a low-key, top-level player who did not participate in the frontal attack. The corner of the corner of the crowd traced a curve that was not easily noticeable by outsiders, and suddenly turned to accelerate.

"He doesn't dare to fight!"

"Run to the left! Stop him!!"

Seeing that there is no courage to stop the battle, Yipintang is more prosperous, and more *** is encouraged to excite and accelerate the containment.

Suzaku is still tightly following behind the happy, but the continuous moves are happy to use the Lingbo microsteps and the dragon shape to avoid the past.

The ruins of the total square of the Fengfeng Building are once again lively!

However, the exclamations outside have gradually subsided. Many people are standing on the roof and watching the happy and bizarre self-investment, and they are aware of something, very understanding. Close watch.

"The people of Yipintang are fascinated by some authorities. This time, I am afraid that I am in danger of escaping..." Wu Kuai stood on the edge of the roof and saw that the people of Yipintang were rejoiced by the wrong signal, and the group of brothers behind them showed their excitement. The color.

"Would you like to fly the pigeons to Bai Xiaosheng now, let him prepare to call the wind chimes online?" Someone suggested.

Wu Kui suddenly woke up, only to remember that the main purpose of this trip was to take the wind chime to leave the dangerous place, return to Bai Xiaosheng Mansion, his eyes lit up, and the inquiring position looked at an emperor.

"Not yet."

While the emperor answered, he gaze at the street not far from the left, and his brows were slightly condensed.

Wu Kui was shocked. Following the eyes of an emperor, he found an old man wearing a linen dress and carrying a cigarette in his hand on the roof. The latter’s eyes were on the field and a piece was hanging around his waist. Not a very conspicuous brand...

Seeing this person, Wu Kui suddenly couldn’t stop taking a breath.

Another master of mythology!

The golden knife of the six doors catches fast! !

He understood what it meant to be in the words of "not yet available" in the words of an emperor.

In the face of a master of mythology, happy can still carry out the plan to kill the enemy, but if you face two masters of mythology at the same time?

The happy situation suddenly becomes precarious...


The remaining 1,000 people in Yipintang quickly reunited together.

I was happy to find the right time and opportunity, but suddenly I noticed that a stern cold light fell on myself, and the spiritual sense of reflection locked the six-door golden knife to catch the fast.

Can't drag anymore!

Although happy to be aware of the arrival of the middle of the ordinary mythical master, but continue to drag down may appear the third and fourth mythical master, the situation will get worse and worse, you must immediately shoot!

Xuan Tie Epee shot again!

Lingbo micro step!

Supporting the real gas field, happy to see Suzaku's attack as nothing, smashing into the crowd of Yipintang.

The previous **** scene was once again staged!

Kill all the way!

Instantly put down the one hundred and one disciples.

Yipintang disciples were scared again by the fierce and fierce performance...

But today is obviously not their lucky day.

The cold air just rose from the back, and suddenly a loud voice screamed from a distance:


The anger of the mythical masters descended from the sky, and under the strong internal force, the sound rolled like a thunder, and it was clearly introduced into the ears of everyone in the range of the circle.

Six golden knives catching a quick look, happy again, black hands, killing in the capital, finally could not help, a roar, swept down from the roof, with a nose of cigarette smoke into the crowd !

The emergence of the second mythical master has undoubtedly brought endless confidence and morale to the people of Yipintang:

"Haha! I have a golden knife to catch it!"

"Brothers! Kill!"

"See how he escaped this robber!"

A group of people were as excited as they were with chicken blood.

But before the convergence of the two great mythical powers, at least two hundred people have fallen under the happy sacred iron epee.

The six-door gold knives quickly caught up close, forming a double-team with Suzaku, and the smoker descended from the sky with the fire of the Suiyuan;

Suzaku's sword is endless!

The two great mythical powers joined forces, even if they were an emperor, they couldn’t help but squeeze the cold sweat.

"Golden body Lohan!"

Seeing that the two men’s attacks are about to be close, happy at this time to make a decision that everyone could not expect...

Withdrawal of the indestructible body and the real gas field, the golden metallic luster instantly clings to the whole body.

"Is it right?"

One emperor, Wu Kui and so on, including the top masters of Yipintang hidden in the dark, quickly understand that it is to use the essence of the body, to spend a difficult time with a minimum price.

Because, the life and death body martial arts "Rohan body" is not considered the mainstream body protection method of the top experts on the rivers and lakes, but the righteousness is still used frequently, can play a very good protective effect at some times, and even reverse situation.

In the few seconds that the golden body Rohan started, it can greatly reduce the damage suffered. In terms of happy defense, it is almost invisible in the face of the attack of the mythical master.


Happy, but with the powerful strength of the two great mythical masters, the smashing into the most densely populated area of ​​the Yipintang crowd!


The wind is full of sky! !

The people of Yipintang had no time to react, and they were happy to fly from the wolf to the sweeping army. The terrorist attack broke out! For a time, the chicken flies!

Poorly, the top master who has been hidden behind the crowd has not been lucky enough to escape. The triple attack force that burst out of the wind and the sky suddenly bursts into the blood and screams on the spot. Even the death does not know. Wu Temple.


The attack of the wind full of sky is unusually overbearing!

Even the golden knives that swiftly swept away and the Suzaku were swept away by the shock, and they saw a glimmer of shock from each other's eyes.

This stop, happy hands have lost dozens of lives!

This scene completely broke the heart of the remaining one-class disciple!

Not only did the two great mythical masters join hands, but they did not pose a slight threat to happiness. Instead, they were shocked and repulsed, and hundreds of people were killed in the same way...

At least one thousand people left in Yipintang’s total square of the Fengfeng Building, there are only less than 500 left! Under the chase of happiness, I dare not look back, and I will run wild as birds and beasts.


Chasing to the vicinity of the street, happy to stop, brows, and locked a white middle-aged man wearing a palace in the palace on the left roof, and a middle-aged man who looks like a hero. Body.

The former is a condescending look, and a shuddering cold from the nose:

"Suzaku! Smoke old! The martial arts of the two of you have regressed... The two of them could not immediately take the nameless **** of a river and lake, and let the family disappoint."

The people of the East and West factories have arrived!

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