Sword Among Us

Chapter 1067: Wind chimes return (second more)

Chapter 1067 Return of the Wind Chimes (Second)

Chapter 1067

The ruins of the Fengtan Building

When the white-faced eunuch, who symbolizes the master of the inner palace, even the middle-aged master of the same army, the more magnificent atmosphere made people stunned at the place.

Gas field!

A familiar gas field of the exclusive sunflower came down, and the square open space outside the main square of the wind building, the atmosphere of the slaughter was suddenly ignored by the players present, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the condescending eunuch's body.

"Sunflower Collection"!

Late masters of mythology!

In the crowd, some players who belong to the imperial court can't help but exclaim: "How come he actually came?"

"The second factory of the East Factory, the master of the late mythology guarding the emperor..."

"The one around him, I look good."

"The border guards Xiaoqing, later transferred to the Beijing West Factory to serve, specializing in the masters of the mythical masters of the major rivers and lakes, the strength is not clear, but from the momentum point of view, should not be inferior to the dead **** ... 呃 ..." The player who had traveled outside the Say to say it here, suddenly noticed that the **** on the roof had turned back and took a glimpse of the light, and scared the smug words back directly.


"Four great mythical masters!"

"Happy this time is really a horse!"

"In the capital, the man killed at the foot of the emperor, I am afraid that it has touched the bottom line of the court, but... Yipintang is unlucky this time, and it has damaged thousands of people... Let’s see how he will end up." .

In front of the two masters of the two major mythical scenes, there are six doors of the old Yan and Jin Yiwei's Suzaku, the four great mythical masters have formed a form of invisible, happy to be the first to be locked by four powerful air, very cautiously Stopping, vigilantly open the real gas field to resist the sunflower field, do not dare to chase a class of disciples.

"Oh, it’s still a master."

The white-faced **** quickly realized that the true vitality of the body outside the body was infinitely endless. It seemed to be above the sunflower field, and the pupil smiled slightly.

The pointed laughter of a man-like woman is not as funny as an ordinary eunuch, but instead gives a majesty and oppression that must be guarded with caution.

"Small age, killing is too heavy can be bad, if not in the capital, at the foot of the emperor, your bones, maybe even the family must be tempted to accept you as a disciple, but unfortunately... now alarmed the emperor, at the foot of the emperor Killing people in the wilderness is to challenge the imperial court and challenge the imperial power. You have a hundred heads that are not enough to cut, and you will be shackled. You may be able to say something in front of the emperor, giving you a happy way to die, so as not to raise your hand. It’s so bitter and bitter.”

If it is a normal player, if you hear this, you may think that killing too much has triggered some kind of story mission, but happy is knowing that there is no such simple thing.

This dead **** is not an idiot...

Now that things have come to such a field, almost all of the imperial power of the court has been dispatched. What can an **** guarantee? What is the majesty of the imperial power and the court?

I really want to get rid of it, that is stupid!

Happy to ignore the temptation of the white-faced eunuch, look around, look around the four sides...

At this time, the people of Yipintang have been completely chilled, more than 4,000 horses have been damaged to less than 500, and the top masters have lost two, and the remaining few have lost their shadows; There are not a few people in the ruins.

People all retracted into the streets!

Today, he is alone in the four major mythical masters of the four institutions of the imperial court.

"There is too much nonsense!"

With the blissful words, the white-faced eunuchs were humiliated by their own dignity, and their eyes were slammed and slammed into the audience:


"Give your face a face! Don't blame your heart!"

As soon as the voice fell, it became the signal of the four great mythical masters at the same time. The old smoker and the Suzaku had already suffocated their stomachs and both angered and shot.

Seeing the happy moments of being trapped in the siege of the four great mythical masters, even an emperor who has never been moved, can not help but reveal a nervous expression at this moment.

Although I have always wanted to know the extent to which the strength of happiness is reached, he believes that there is no counter-attack force in the face of the two great mythological masters, not to mention the gold knife to catch a fast-winning master.

"Look! Happy break out!!"

Just when everyone thinks that the situation is very difficult, I am afraid that it is difficult to finish smoothly. Suddenly, the situation in the field has changed greatly. The four great mythical masters are actually forced to open, and they are brave enough to attack two attacks. * Surrounded by the encirclement, rushing to the depths of the altar of the Fengfeng Building.


One emperor, Wu Kui and so on are invigorating!

The people of Yipintang were still thinking that this wicked **** was finally dying. I didn’t expect that such a lineup would have no way to make happiness completely ***.

"damn it."

"He is coming!"

"Run!" No one is sipping a gunshot in the past, seeing happiness rushing in their direction, and people are running wild and running away after a hundred meters.

Even if they are happy, they think that they are happy and want to reinvent them and kill them. They don’t return, they are absolutely determined!

Everyone thought that they were happy to break out...

However, Wu Kuo seemed to think of something at this moment. When the eyes were bright, he immediately passed the emperor without affirmation:

"The direction of happy going is like the position where the wind chimes are off the assembly line."

Originally, he was not very sure, but looking at happiness was completely without the traces of a fugitive escape, which was not a sign of flusteredness and ready to leave.

The response of the emperor was fierce. Looking back, I’m keeping a close eye on it:

"you sure?"

"I was sure that it was the position of the downline that I arranged for her. At that time, I knew that the altar could not be saved..." After the words were not finished, Wu Kui saw an emperor flying a very fast pigeon, and looked back and behind them. A group of humanities:

"I know that I am happy, you will go with me!"


A group of people in Wushou was a glimpse first, but watching an emperor did not hesitate to rush to the site of the altar, no one hesitated, and followed closely.

Every move of the Emperor and others is in the monitoring of another group of masters!

As soon as they left, someone immediately swept from the roof and slammed into the balcony on the second floor of a restaurant.

The balcony of the restaurant is sitting on the balcony of the dream cloud and the evil emperor.

The two quietly tasted by the window.

When I heard the movement, Meng Yun was only slightly focused:

“Is there a movement?”

"Yes, but happy is now being pursued by the four great mythical masters, I am afraid I can't personally respond to the wind chimes."

The spit speed is very fast: "An emperor brought people into the ruins of the ruins of the Fengfeng Building. I don't know if I am ready to assist in the breakout, or I am ready to respond to the wind chimes."

After that, the spy left under the direction of Meng Yun.

In the room, there are only dream clouds and evil emperors.

This time, the evil emperor opened his mouth and raised his eyes:

"Happy defensive ability is very good. Although the four great mythical masters can threaten him, it is difficult to keep him..."

"Four people can't do it together?" Meng Yun frowned. She didn't believe that the evil emperor had a happy evaluation. However, at present, few people in the rivers and lakes have dealt with more than two masters of mythology at the same time, like a happy single-handedly attracted four myths. The situation targeted by the masters is really shocking.

"The defense of happiness is still second. If it is just defense, we can ignore it..." When it comes to this, the evil king has paused: "But he has a trick that is very mysterious and can burst out three times in the middle of the myth. The trick of the master's full blow, even I am very jealous, although it can not be continuously displayed, but the cooling time is not long, it is not a problem to leave the capital alone."

"So, you think, he may not be eager to leave the capital now."

The pattern on the forehead of Mengyun is tighter.


The evil king nodded:

"Rescue the wind chimes, and Bai Xiaosheng has at least recovered some of them... The strength of one emperor is not damaged, only the wind building will be completely destroyed. There are two giants left in the iron triangle... plus happy, it is still not allowed. Little trouble."


Meng Yun naturally understands what the troubles the evil emperor said.

After all, Yipintang did not have the ability to compete with an emperor and a happy one. Even if the evil emperor stayed in the Central Plains for a long time, it would not be possible to suppress the two men. Two masters who have Bai Xiaosheng escorted!

Once the wind chimes are rescued, the relationship between happiness and Bai Xiaosheng is even closer. Maybe when you join an emperor, you can bring a lot of trouble to Yipintang. Even the Central Plains, which will be fully incorporated, will be cut again. flesh.

"No matter what, the wind chimes must die today!"

Meng Yunguo decided to set the evil emperor.

The latter has a hand:

"There is no way for Beijing to send out a mythical master. I can help you with this busy, and it is a gift given to you before leaving."

"That's enough, the rest is handed over to Xie Lingyun Luo Jing... They are already standing by." The latter sentence is to urge the evil emperor to start.

The latter did not say anything, took the teacup, slipped through the nose, put it back down, and the person disappeared silently from the seat.

As soon as the evil emperor left, the face of Meng Yun returned to calm, his lips squirmed, and the second floor of the restaurant, a group of people quickly and silently cast out the streets.


The wind chime went down online this day and waited in anxiously, sitting in his living room, staring at the computer, connected to the first vision of a friend, watching the situation of the ultimate altar of the wind building, a sensory virtual helmet on the sofa. Holding a phone in his hand.


The shock came from the hand, and the wind chime felt that the whole person was alive. If you don’t say anything, quickly turn off the computer, put the helmet on, and lie down on the sofa.

Re-enter the game.

It’s a happy encounter with the four great mythical masters in the distance;

The latter is not easy at all, and there is no time to say hello.

Around her, there is a group of top-level masters such as an emperor and a martial artist:

"Welcome back."


With a happy low drink.

The wind chime did not say anything, and quickly took out the magical piano from the Qiankun bag, and under the protection of a group of people, began to move in the direction of the street.

The emperor guessed it right, happy to use the four great mythical masters as free bodyguards, keep the wind bells on the road.

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