Sword Among Us

Chapter 1068: The evil king is yin (third, ask for recommendation)

Chapter 1068, the evil king is yin (third, ask for recommendation)

Chapter 1068


"Fast inform the owner! The piano wind chime is online!!"

"Brothers, get ready!"

As soon as the wind chimes entered the crowds of the crowds, they quickly attracted the attention of a group of people. In the buzzing buzz, the crowds surged, and a group of people who had arranged a dream cloud quickly occupied the streets and the roofs on both sides.

The array of people in Yipintang used an array of thousands of horses far away from the front of the wind chimes.


Lele! !

A strong bow suddenly turned into a full moon, with a substantial strong killing, the safe area instantly became a dangerous place like the Longtan Tiger Cave, and the wind chimes entered the attack range immediately.

However, after a group of people, wind chimes and other people entered the attack range, they did not dare to drop the arrows easily, for no reason.

Happy with four great mythical masters rushing in front, five people staggered and plundered, playing indiscriminately, but invisible but for the wind chimes a group of people played a small cover effect - who would accidentally bumped into the four major It is not a trivial matter to be a master of law enforcement agencies.

It’s a good offense on weekdays. Here is the capital, at the foot of the emperor, anyone can obstruct and attack law enforcement officers, and sin plus!

In the eyes of the public, dealing with these influential and prestigious masters in Beijing, it is no different from sending deaths. Although happy, this is important, but if you can’t fight for a long time, you may be separated to kill those who provoke yourself.

Get the cover of the four great mythical masters, one emperor, Wu Kui and others to protect the wind chimes, all the way to the vicinity of the street.

At this moment, the happy voice of the four great mythical masters screamed:

"Welcome to the martial arts! Happy to borrow this road, everyone, if you are not a person, please temporarily avoid the nearby restaurant, so as not to be affected by the sword without eyes... After three, stay in the street, Please take care!"

As soon as this was said, the martial arts people on the streets suddenly boiled up.

Many people realized from the beginning that they might have to break through here and avoid the nearby roof early;

Nowadays, the rest of the people have also rushed to avoid nearby shops and restaurants. A few people even ran lightly dozens of meters away and looked far away.

The whole street suddenly left only the people of Yipintang, which looked like a smashing one, and it looked empty!


After three and one, the happy style is full of the wind and the four great mythical masters. The fly also rushes to the front, facing the defensive line of Yipintang, and looks like electricity.

Don't say anything! Directly rushing! !

"Don't let the arrow!"

The heads of the people looked happy and murdered, and suddenly they panicked. Although some people were alert and loudly reminded, there were still people who were taken care of and had a real murderousness. Under the strong oppression, they were careless. Off the strings!


There are still a lot of nervous mistakes.

A few people put arrows, people around them thought they got the signal, they started shooting!



From the initial few arrows, it quickly developed into arrows and rain.

Although a group of attack targets are happy, but Lingbo microsteps with the dragon shape, easily escaped the lock, the arrow rain of the sky is mostly shrouded in the past four major mythical masters!


Sharply angered and shook the crowd.

The white-faced **** was originally the second-grade head of the East Factory. His status was lofty and his heart was so proud. Nowadays, the three masters of the United States have never had a nameless battle. They used to be angry and unwilling. The hood is shot, and the time is like a volcano!

"You are a group of martial arts people who are speculative. When the capital is the place, at the foot of the emperor, you are actually murderous in the drama, and rushing into the court! There is no court in the eyes! There is no imperial power!"

He was greeted by the second round of arrow rain and the slogan of Yipintang’s disciples breaking the jar:

"Oh shit!"

"It has already been sinned anyway! Just kill this dead eunuch!"

When I heard the words "dead eunuch", the white-faced **** was furious! When the hands were empty, the sunflower field reversed, and the overwhelming arrow was suddenly shot to the side.

"A group of anti-committees!"

When I opened my heart, I turned to the target and rushed over to Yipintang.

The other three mythical masters, though not so intense, also used their actions to tell the people around them that they were very upset.

When passing by a few disciples of Yipintang, the continuous tobacco rod ignited a few on the spot, and it was screaming...

Suzaku walked through the throats of several Yipintang disciples;

The only one who did not take the shot was the master from the West Factory. It seems that the original goal of these people is not their own. In addition to shattering a roof, the arrow that spurred the sky was turned over, and a pair of eyes were still staring in front. Flying happy, tightly trailing.

Happy to start is not so gentle.

At the foot of the Son of Heaven, thousands of people have been killed. The biggest evil is that once the war is dead, it is one month's imprisonment, so the happy one starts to hit the most intensive area.

Yi Pintang's defense line was instantly torn apart...

Wherever you go, people turn over!

When the formation was destroyed, an emperor, Wu Kui and others guarded the wind chimes, and easily blocked the arrows from the left and right sides.

Although the wind chimes are the subject of key protection, but in the crowd, the hands are not idle.

Holding the piano in one hand, quickly plucked a string of sound blades in one hand, and smashed most of the arrows in the void.

The group quickly broke through the middle of the street for a hundred meters.


A happy first stop.

There are only three people left behind him.

The spurred East Factory’s second-grade ‘white-faced eunuch’ took the initiative to pursue the past with those who provoked his majesty’s majesty;

There is one less behind the mythical situation behind me, and the pressure is greatly reduced.

But the reason for letting go back is not this.

"Come out!"

One emperor took a group of people to park outside the happy ten meters, the former screamed: "Evil King!"

As soon as the voice fell, a sweeping pressure fell from the sky!

Wu Kui and others were shocked and the pressure surged! !

Looking at the turn, I saw the man with the silver head appearing silently on the left roof, condescending, looking at a group of people with a sly look.

"I know you can't see your eyes and ears."

The evil emperor shoulders his hands, as if he saw an old friend looking at an emperor: "Your strength seems to grow more than the last time." After that, his eyes turned to the happy face of the three great mythical masters.

With the advent of the evil emperor, there was inevitably a slight tension in the face of an emperor, and the voice of the voice sank: "Choose a place, we play a game."

"I want to kill you, anytime, anywhere, but this time my goal is not for you, to be interested, to hand over the little girl behind you."


Under the spiritual pressure of the evil emperor "Daoxin Demon", Wu Kui and others can only use their own bodies to surround the wind chimes, and they swear back.

At the same time, the sound of the wind chimes has come to an abrupt end. Under the oppression of the evil emperor, it is impossible to be calm and look at the enemies on the roof.


The evil emperor smiled.

Then I smiled and said: "You are still difficult to protect yourself. Do you think you can keep the little girl's life in front of me?"

"Don't give it a try, how do you know?"

The emperor’s face was solemn and slowly pulled out the black sword in the sheath.

A slight sword smashed from the initial insignificance under the pressure of the evil spirits, and grew rapidly...

The whole person of the emperor seems to be taller. With the gaze of gradual sharpening, a towering sword is like a peak to counter the spiritual pressure of the evil emperor.

"Not bad."

The evil emperor gave a slight glimpse, and immediately smiled with a sly smile: "I didn't expect your will to be stronger than the last time, you can already block my pressure..."

Speaking of this, it paused. "But, to stop my attack, unless you use the sword behind you... I am very curious, how long can you keep her?" The controversy of the real power suddenly and powerfully A lot! As soon as the voice fell, the evil emperor took a handful grip, and a spiritual storm simply swept over the wind chimes, and the cast was extremely fast!


The speed of an emperor was originally in the forefront of the entire rivers and lakes. He noticed that the evil emperor had shot and did not see any movement. A black sword in the purple belt brought a broken light in the void.

The mental storm seems to be cut open by the epee. Most of the attacks are instantly offset in the air. The remaining Yuwei is scraped from the crowd of a group of people like a gust of wind, no longer threatening.

"Good! Take me another shot."

The evil emperor is not strange, and Lang laughs with both hands in the void, while grabbing two spiral-like mental storms.

The black shadow flashed, and the happy appearance came from the sniper of the three masters. A black iron epee fell from the sky to the evil emperor...

boom! !

The roof of the entire store was suddenly collapsed.

The evil emperor's face ugly backed a dozen meters and stared at him with vigilance: "Do you still feel that you are not enough?" If the non-happy real life is too thick, this goal is a wind chime, he can't wait to send the fun immediately. Jingcheng death row.

However, he obviously did not know, happy as early as the moment waiting for his shot.

As long as the evil emperor actively attacks people in the safe area, in the eyes of the four great mythical masters, it will no longer be an ordinary people, but an enemy who provokes the imperial court to provoke the imperial power.

"On your own, and want to kill people in front of me and an emperor? It is too much to think about it..." Happy to kick the evil emperor to the emperor's sarcasm unceremoniously.

The evil emperor is preparing to answer, but suddenly realizes that the happy position just makes himself enter the vicinity of the six door masters and Suzaku - two winds come!

Although the old smokers and the Suzaku came to be happy, at first glance, foreign fighters violently attacked the target in the Beijing city in their own face.

When the evil emperor perceives that he is falling into the calculation of happiness, the person has already caught the pinch of the two great mythical masters, his brows are tight, his face suddenly burst into a burst of white, he has to shoot, and he looks at his happy eyes and falls easily. On one side of the roof, I lost the opportunity to start the wind chime.

And a group of people arranged by Mengyun, after seeing the evil emperor trapped, happy, and the emperor gathered together, they wisely chose to watch the people go far...

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