Sword Among Us

Chapter 1078: Breakout, reentry (third)

Chapter 1078 Breakout, Reentry (third)

Chapter 1078

In an instant, dozens of figures intertwined, and far away will be happy to the middle.

Happy glanced at the indifference and took back his gaze. Coldly said: "For me alone, Yipintang and the wolf organization have sent all the elites out. This is what makes me so popular!"

The masters surrounded by the four are the top performers of Luo Jing, Xie Lingyun, Rich Eyebrow Monk, Wild Killer, Shi Huasheng, etc. In addition, some people do not have a gang gang emblem on the chest, but mainly wolf, small peach and other people, most of them White-skinned blue eyes, all-in-one full-length magical device, clearly the top master of the wolf organization.

Such a luxurious lineup, even if the evil king of the mythical peak hits, I am afraid that there will be no death!

But happiness doesn't seem to care at all. The careless attitude makes people around them frown, and there is a feeling of being despised and insulted.

The first thing I couldn’t help but the wolf, a pair of cruel, killing haze eyes staring at happiness, sneered: "I was not happy enough when I was in the wind building, this time I have to change the late criminal law. And then entertain you well."

The latter did not get the slightest pleasure when he broke his heart and bones. Afterwards, he was happy with the evil emperor, which made him extremely hateful and unwilling. This time he has the opportunity to kill himself again and again, where he can still hold his heart. Excited?


Happily glanced at him with a sigh of relief, screaming at the nose: "The ants can suffocate with one finger!"


"Come out, evil emperor, if you don't want them to die too badly." Happy did not give the wolf a chance to break out, the words containing internal forces spread out.

After a few seconds, the voice of the evil emperor came true:

"I think I have been very far away. How do you know that I am nearby?"

"You don't come, these bugs don't dare to provoke me, unless there are too many dreams and dreams of Yipintang and the wolf organization." The reckless and unremarkable words made the group of top experts around the world look green and white. .

"That's right, it's the way we are, even if it's the top master, it's hard to take advantage of the quantity." The evil emperor did not say something that would encourage the morale of the people around him, but only a happy world with him. Your own tone.

The people of Yipintang and the wolf organization are slightly frowning, but they dare not interrupt the words of the evil emperor.

"Do not talk nonsense, you brought such a group of wastes to set up here, not to talk nonsense with me, let's do it, let me see if Yipintang, the wolf organization has left my ability." Happy tone, wounded but already I took the black iron epee out and stuffed a pill into the mouth.

Leopard Yuan Dan!

Faced with the situation of more than 60 top players and evil emperors, even if they are happy, they have to make every effort to break through from the very beginning.

"Don't worry."

The evil emperor saw that the happy move quickly tightened the hearts of a group of people around, and the crowd was filled with the smell of gunpowder. He quickly said: "Happy, I have a purpose here."

"Desperate, I will not join the Wolf, Yipintang any organization." Happy to know the evil emperor's intentions, directly dispel the other party's last hope.

"Why must be so persistent, a game only." The evil emperor shook his head in disappointment: "This showdown, you should see, Bai Xiaosheng lost... The phantom lost... The emperor also lost... Now it is your turn... ..." Suddenly, the evil emperor chuckled:

"Do you really think that you still have a chance to come back to life? You have to know that today you are dead and sent to the prison, at least one month, one month, enough to let Yipintang destroy all the forces that resist us."

"I have always liked to challenge adventures!"

The voice did not fall, Lingbo micro-step started, happy to directly answer the evil emperor's problem with his own actions.

Roar! ! !

All sides are top players, everyone is closely staring at the happy every move, happy just got some action, immediately attracted the attack of countless masters.

The first one to respond is Shi Huasheng! Zhangkouyi, the invisible sound wave is like a shock wave that has been brewing for a long time from Hong Zhong. The instant shock destroys the innumerable afterimages that are happy and illusory, and directly pushes the happy body into a stagnation.

"Catch you!"

Almost at the same time, the wolf laughed and raised a black flame, and an invisible big hand caught the happy body...

But just as his power was holding his heart, his face changed:

"not good!"

A boiling real element sprang from the happy body, like a volcanic magma. The wolf felt that his internal force touched the other's true vitality field and quickly melted. The internal force evaporates halfway in an instant, and his face is pale and ugly!

"Want to go?!"

The evil emperor quickly noticed that the attack of the wolf was not as happy as planned, and ‘嗖’ appeared in the sky above the battlefield!

Hey! !

A majestic spiritual pressure has shrouded in the past.

In the face of the spirit of the evil spirits, the happy body is only slightly reduced by a little speed...

However, the reduction in instantaneous speed is enough for the people around you!

The speed was slow, and the happy moment fell into the encirclement of the top 14 masters. The Thunder’s attack was swept away from all sides, leaving no gaps.

Hey! !

Life and death, happy did not hesitate to choose hard hit!

The wind is full of sky!

Xuan iron epee dance!

The three blood-red swords smashed into the front of the wolf and the other three wolf-skilled masters with a sigh of anger and destruction.


The most important reason for choosing the wolf organization as a breakthrough is that the people of the wolf organization have not been confronted with themselves. In the first battle of the capital, Yipintang suffered enough in his hands and knew his terrible, but this group The guy with strength and qualification is proud to face himself for the first time.

As he expected!

Although the three men chose to join forces, they obviously don’t know much about the wind...

Seeing three swords in front of the eyes, it is natural that everyone chooses a sword to offset.

"Be careful!"

Although the evil emperor saw the happy plan at a glance, it was too late to make a rescue.

boom! ! !

The masters of the three wolves were directly shocked by the six swords that appeared out of thin air. They rushed out to the front of the field and never got up. Only the wolf saw the plane in advance and avoided it.

The happy attack has been equivalent to the mid-term master of the mythical environment. After taking the medicinal medicine, it is infinitely close to the late master of the mythical environment; the real-powered gas field can support the attack of the mythical kings and the evil kings for a period of time, facing the injury of a group of incompetent masters. It is not difficult to deal with it...

The effect of the triple attack is nine swords. The people of the wolf organization are unclear and wasteful, but they are happy to kill three people.

Breaking through the mouth, happy to the top ten people indiscriminate bombing, Lingbo microsteps with the sword smashed a hole to rush out of the encirclement!

The attack of a group of people falls on the real gas field is simply tickling.

Lingbo microsteps easily open the distance, leaving a distance, the real energy field is still one-half...


"The evil king, don't give up!"

Hearing the laughter of happy heads, the evil emperor and a group of top-level masters of the Yipintang and the wolf organization stopped, his face was very ugly, and the happy figure left.

Especially the evil emperor...

Originally, I was so steadfast that I didn’t expect to have such a big scorpion. The wolf lost my hand and said that my three hands were killed by a photo...

"A group of waste."

Coldly slammed the bottom of the eye, the evil king did not return to go back.

He is very happy with his ability to continue his battle in Beijing. This guy can play for a few days and nights even if he encounters a mythical master. If he catches up, he has no way. The blind attack by a man is nothing but death.

The evil emperor left, leaving a group of people face each other, his face is not bad!

"This actually made him run away..."

"It's too shameful."

"Don't look at Laozi, his real power is very strange, I can't stand him." The wolf's internal force consumes a large part, while sitting on the side of the knee and replying, explain.

"Rojing, why didn't you just shoot?"

Shi Huasheng’s blame caused Luo Jing to frown:

"Happy understanding of darkness is no worse than me. The sensitivity to darkness is much more powerful than mine. I secretly released a few times and the darkness is lost..." When it comes to this tone: "The ambush mission failed, hurry. Send this news to the owner, happy this time on the line may help the phantom break out, we must remind the church owner to prepare early, we will go back."

Others nodded.

The people of the wolf organization and the people of Yipintang were not originally a faction. This time, because of their negligence, they were happy to leave, and they also folded a few brothers. They were in a bad mood, and they did not answer the questions. After seeing the people who left the hall, they left. Many people’s eyes fell on the wolf:


"This time we lost a lot of face."

"...I didn't expect James to hang up like this. The head is now very disappointing to us, or don't go back and touch him."

"..." The wolf meditates and opens his eyes. When you look at the expressions of your partners, you know that they are just the light on your mouth: "The capital is the most prosperous place in the Central Plains. There is a place where there is a good wine, a woman, you are sure like."

"Where? Take us there."

A group of people suddenly threw things that had just been lost into the clouds. Now even the Central Plains has fallen into the hands of the wolf organization. The whole world is almost all included, and a happy one does not make them care too much.


When a group of people started, they didn't realize that in the woods they had hidden in the woods, one person who was facing them was now smashed from the back of the tree!

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