Sword Among Us

Chapter 1079: Assassin to kill, break through (fourth, ask for recommendations)

Chapter 1079, arrogant attack, breakout (fourth, for recommendation)

Chapter 1079

I was ambushed by the evil masters as the first group of masters. Although they were successful and broke through, they did not leave immediately...

Leopard Yuan Dan's efficacy lasts for an hour!

If it is just such an easy breakout, happy will feel a pity...

More than a year ago, he was lying in a hospital bed for a year and a half because he was designed by Mengyun!

This time, it was designed by Mengyun and the evil emperor. It was almost in a desperate situation. It was very uncomfortable to change. If it was not enough strength before, it would definitely be a place to practice and wait until you have enough strength to look back. Revenge, but now, he has the ability to revenge, naturally will not run away.

After smashing away from the lake, I was happy to sneak into the woods, and the phantom-like drill back to the edge of the woods where the evil emperors had hidden.

As he imagined!

The evil emperor was very disappointed and angry with a group of top players. He left a group of people to leave alone, and Yipintang and the wolf organization did not stay together.

Luo Jing, Shi Huasheng and others took a class of people to leave, leaving more than 20 people in the wolf organization outside the forest, to clean up the intention to return to the capital.

Seeing this, happy to open his eyes, a human skin mask over the face, suddenly became a normal middle-aged person.

Grab a common 4-segment sword that I used before from the Qiankun bag and pluck it out from the forest!


After all, the outside of the forest was a group of top players. The clothes were just slamming, and they were immediately noticed by the wolves and others. A group of people stopped and shouted with great vigilance.

Turning around, a strange middle-aged man slid out of the woods alone.

The brow wrinkled, but a group of people relaxed their vigilance.


The wolf happened to be in a bad mood. Seeing that the Zhongyuan martial arts person who seemed to pass by was thrown out of the forest, or plundered toward the team, his eyes screamed coldly.


The people who are so happy that the wolf organization can find trouble, and they scream out from the nose. The man is in the air, the sword is squirted out, and a fancy sword is thrown out, and the coyote who is at the forefront of the crowd is at a high speed. Urgent and fast.


"The wolf was underestimated." A group of wolves organized people who were not shocked and rejoicing. They were stunned by the wolf and the strange middle-aged man who suddenly appeared.

The wolf happens to have a stomach fire and does not know where to vent, and sees that some people do not know the life and death of the initiative to hand to their own, the eyes flashed through the cruel eyes.


With both hands in the claws, the wolf does not advance and retreat to meet this sword.

In his opinion, a guy wearing a half-set magic weapon and carrying a four-section ordinary sword is at most between the top and the top.

But what he didn't think of was that when the palm of the hand collided with the sword in the air, the seemingly fierce palm was actually shattered by the sword.


The wolf's face changed.

People are in the air, too late to change their moves, and they are suffering from a sword.

Happy can not want to give the wolf more opportunities to break his identity, the second sword, the third sword followed the first sword.

Even if you don't use the black iron epee, under the bonus of the arm strength attribute, the strength of happiness is much stronger than before. What's more, there is the efficacy of the leopard Yuan Dan, the power of a sword is not inferior to the myth. Early master.

A sword directly hits a wolf, and the man loses his balance in the air...

The second sword and the third sword fell on the body, and the wolf's body was suddenly broken, and the body trembled, and even a few mouthfuls of blood.

"not good!"

"Save people!"

A group of people behind the wolf finally noticed that the situation was not good. I didn’t expect the sword of a strange middle-aged man to have such power. They converge on the color of the previous Xiaoyan. The two closest to the wolf were shot at the same time, ready to offset. The follow-up two swords of the middle-aged man.


Happy to be prepared...

The three swords came down, and the wolf that couldn't take care of it had been shocked by the five internal organs, dying, and a darkness in the darkness shook.

The poor wolf still doesn't know who his enemies are, and he is so confused that he is happy to break the dirty organs and return to the temple.

A group of wild wolf organizations can't help it.

At first glance, the wolf was killed by a face-to-face confrontation. The blood of the mercenary suddenly surged, no need to communicate, and the intense killing instantly infected everyone.

"Revenge for the wolf!"

Put down the body of the wolf, a group of people have drawn weapons, surrounded by left and right...


Happy and two wolf organization masters entangled without a killer, waiting for this moment.

Hey! !

The wind is full of sky!

A group of people surrounded by the side, this started the real gas field, the black iron epee instantly replaced the 4 pieces of the famous sword, swept out.

The eyes of the wolf organization saw the black giant sword appear in the hands of middle-aged men, one by one as a lightning strike!


"It's happy!!"


A group of people exclaimed.

Unfortunately, it is too late to help them to withdraw from the battlefield! !

The fierce swords swept out, and more than 20 talents were able to offset most of the attack power of the first wave of swords, and then quickly smashed by two powerful forces to vomit blood.

More than 20 people, all without exception, fell and fell to one place! The nearest spot was killed and killed on the spot. The rest of the people felt that the suffocating blood was tumbling, the internal force was difficult to condense, and the body seemed to be overwhelmed by the megaliths. It was difficult to move, and watched the happy step by step. The face is getting paler!


Going to the front of a few people, happy did not immediately start.

The long sword pointed and stopped in front of one of them.

The latter looked at the tip of the happy sword, took a deep breath and cursed his teeth: "There will be people who will help me revenge!"

A cold cold light passed through the latter's eyes!

Happy movements are quick, very decisive, and my eyes are calm and terrible...

A few people next to me witnessed the whole process and saw the body of the companion slamming the dust, and they all felt a sense of coolness in both body and mind.

When the sword moved to the second person, the latter hesitated obviously and did not immediately make an act of anger and happiness.

"Tell the evil emperor."

The sound of happiness broke into the ears of several wild wolves: "This is just a small warning. From today, everyone who stays in the Central Plains wolf organization must be ready to drop their heads at any time... ..."

"heard it?"

Condescending, happy and arrogant.

The people of the wolf organization looked at each other and took a breath, and nodded.


When you are happy, you will slowly withdraw your sword.

When the wild wolves thought that they were saved, they would...

"You can also die."

A few people have not had time to condense a little internal force that has just recovered, and a cold light flashes through their eyes!

boom! boom! boom……

The bodies of several people trembled at the same time, as if they had been pumped out of the air and slammed into the ground.


Suddenly solved the twenty-seven people of the wolf organization, and found the explosive equipment from them. They didn’t have much time to stay, and they left the location of the crime without stopping. He didn’t want to kill the evil emperor with the anger. Killing time, with his current strength, it is almost impossible to kill evil kings with spiritual pressure and powerful deceleration.


Lingbo microsteps are turned on at full speed.

Listening to the sound of the wind, I am happy and thinking quickly:

"The evil emperor brought a lot of masters to the capital this time. There are only 30 masters. This time, killing the masters of 30 wolves, I believe that the evil emperor can be depressed for a while. He can’t enter the city like me now. I have a leather mask, the prophet can't find me."

"Before I showed up again, the evil emperor could not know my whereabouts... Once it appeared, the evil emperor would inevitably come over."

"This time should not be short, you can make good use of it, and create opportunities for people who attack the wind building."

Thinking of this, I am happy to think of Ji Feng and others to break through the large area of ​​the line!

It is east of the capital and heading for the mountains.

"If you can bring the attention of the evil emperor and Yipintang to this side, the grasp of the windbreaking building can be improved by at least 30%!"


The evil emperor received the book of the flying pigeons of the wolf five minutes after he left. He learned that after a group of people were separated, they were sneaked in a happy disguise. The remaining people were completely annihilated, and one did not stay. At that moment, no one knew. How ugly the evil emperor's face is.

Mengyun got the news a few minutes later than the evil emperor. This is because her people have been closely monitoring the martial arts temple. After receiving it, they found that a large number of wild wolf organizations came out from inside, and they were informed by the people.

"The ambush failed, but also lost all the masters of the wolf organization, this guy..." When Meng Yun learned the news, his face was also very unsightly. He tightened his brows and his eyes flickered. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"The evil emperor is right. If you can't kill him during the time he was wanted, shut him down for a month. I am afraid that being happy for a long time will become a stab in the eyes of our class."

Someone reminded next to you.

Meng Yun raised his eyelids. "Who can kill him?" In a word, let the people around us close their mouths - even the evil emperor brought a large number of top masters to collapse, they did not have more powerful plans and suggestions.

"The most important plan at present is to destroy the wind building, completely destroy the morale of the phantom, as for the happy, temporarily ignore it."

After a pause, Meng Yun asked his men to order: "Notify all the brothers in the church, but if you see happiness, you don't have to be hard-pressed, and you can go straight to avoid the war, except that he appears with the people who broke out..."

When the elders of Yipintang were preparing to issue this order, one of the elders suddenly received a book of flying pigeons...

After a glimpse, I quickly turned to Mengyun:

"An emperor appeared in the west of the capital, and slaughtered our two leveling points, more than a hundred brothers."

Dream cloud spirit:

"It seems that the phantom is going to break through... oh, let the brethren over there be more alert! Notice the blood coat, the thick eyebrow monk is ready to support,"

The voice did not fall, and another flying pigeon biography fell to the hands of the elders.

After a few seconds, the latter said a message that made the dream cloud wonder:

"A mysterious master is found in the west of the capital. The other party has no gang emblem. It is hitting our brother who is besieged Ji Feng. Now there are more than 500 brothers killed, and the number of casualties is still increasing sharply..."

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