Sword Among Us

Chapter 1081: "This life, sell it to you!" (Second more)

Chapter 1081 "This life, sell it to you!" (Second more)

Chapter 1081

Capital city

Since the moment when the phantom of the Fengfeng Building and the two major capital gangs have entangled more than 100,000 people, the capital that has been calmed down by Yipintang has once again boiled!

The people of Yipintang are assembled again;

The people of the 12 major gangs in Beijing also quickly got the notice from Mengyun and began to assemble in the direction of the west gate.

In addition, the blood of the people, as well as the top players of Yipintang have also rushed to the city gate to prepare for interception.

However, after two days of precipitation and preparation, the wind building was obviously prepared for the full preparation. In addition to all the top players online, the top two masters of the other gangs, as well as Ji Feng’s death, returned to Beijing. A few of the top masters have also gathered around the city gate to seize the right place and the right people.

An emperor in a purple and black robes personally sat in the gate of the town, and his body was stained with dark blood by the blood. The sword was walking outside the city gate, and many of the masters of the hall were afraid to go out of the city.

Rumble! !

Temporary people from several directions in the capital have no way to stop the phantom and other people's footsteps. Tens of thousands of horses quickly formed a torrent of iron hoists outside the capital, and they drove the people of Yipintang back to the city. .

"All the way!"

"Protect the brethren who have been killed once in the city!!"

"Brothers in the city of the city are coming out quickly. There is not much time. We wait for up to three minutes outside the city. After three minutes, the big troops immediately start the breakout!

In the crowd, the phantom constantly issued various instructions. Although the sound was not loud, but it was powerful, and for a moment, the countless disciples around the wind felt that the woman who once led the first big gang of the Central Plains regained its glory.

“The landlord! Bai Xiaosheng wrote a letter saying that there are more than 30 signs of top players in the north of the city, so let us focus on prevention.”

The brackets in the hands of the martial arts are smashed.

The phantom brow was tight, but did not immediately give instructions, but looked to another sister who received the book from the pigeons.


The lover hurriedly glanced at the contents and handed the note over, condensing the voice: "The brothers who kept at the gate of the city returned, and there were dozens of top-level masters in the south gate."

"I knew it."

The phantom is not in a hurry:

"Dream cloud will certainly not sit down and see us easily break out and leave, intending to split the pressure of the two sides and not give the emperor a chance to break."

"what should we do?"

Wu Kui knows the situation is urgent, and directly asks what to do next.

The phantom does not hesitate:

"As long as the evil emperor does not appear, there is still room for circumstance. One emperor is indeed separated from the body, but we have not fallen to the point where the pressure on the side of the building has not been able to withstand the pressure!" The ground fell on an emperor and his lips squirmed.

The latter quickly became...

An emperor did not leave immediately!

Instead, it covered the human skin mask and slammed into the crowd and disappeared.

The phantom sings all the top players in the team together, together with Tangmen's hidden weapon masters, there are nearly one hundred:

"From now on, everyone will get together, don't settle down, be prepared to deal with the counterattack from Yipintang..." The phantom is very fast and has a sound.


The heroes promised!


At this moment, another protagonist in this battle stood at the height of the west gate. Under the protection of a group of top-class masters, he looked down at a group of people who attacked the wind building and the two major capital gangs. Unstoppable from the city, the crowds of black people outside the city, the brows are close, and the eyes are flashing.

For Mengyun, in this great turmoil and pattern change of the Central Plains, she has won a total victory and is the only winner of the Central Plains!

Not enough, she is not satisfied with the status quo. Although Yipintang has controlled the entire Central Plains with the help of the wolf organization and destroyed all the opposition forces, it is still possible to reorganize the Fengfeng Building. The Phantom of the Opera, the Emperor and Bai Xiaosheng are in different fields. Have the influence that can't be underestimated!

Especially after the help of happy help to save the wind chimes back to Bai Xiaosheng Mansion, Meng Yun realized that these four people still seem to have a small threat to Yipintang.

and so!

This time, the wind building broke out of Beijing, and Mengyun immediately attached great importance!

she knows!

Only by completely killing the breakout plan that disintegrates the phantom organization can we give Yipintang a long-term control in the true sense;

Once the phantom and the emperor succeeded in breaking through, the future of the Central Plains will still have some turbulence and twists and turns - even to send a signal to the entire rivers and lakes, a signal against the forces of Yipintang, this is the dream cloud does not want to see of.

"The owner, the wind building has already spoken out, just wait for the last three minutes to start a full break, now there are two minutes..."

"I know." Meng Yun said to look at a woman beside him - Xiao Taohong.

"Did you still reply to your head?"

"I was originally prepared to come over, but I heard that I was happy to appear in the place of twenty miles away from the east of the city." Xiaotao’s answer made Mengyun tighten his brow again and unconsciously blurted out: "Noisy."

"Dream Master, you have to know that our wolves have already done a good job in advance, not only helping you to destroy all those who oppose you, but also the Central Plains has fallen into mastery. Now our wolf organization continues to stay in the Central Plains. It is free. One kind of assistance, I believe that our heads never want to hear what you just said about him."


Mengyun ignored the words of Xiaotaohong and the semi-threat, and he was cold and self-sufficient:

"Happy to go alone to the east of the city is obviously trying to lead the evil emperor. There is an emperor and many top masters sitting here. Even if I take everyone up, it may not be cheap. You don’t know what it is. Prioritize..."

"Without our wolves, you can't do anything in a good hall?"

Xiao Taohong is not a fuel-efficient lamp. In a word, Meng Yun is forced to be dumb, and he is half-irritated and orders his men: "Command to go on, and wait until they are all open."


Far away dozens of miles away

With the two gangs led by Ji Feng all on the line, nearly 20,000 people have gathered a force that cannot be underestimated.

Although there are many people staying here in the 12 major gangs of Beijing, they are too distracted, and they are too daring to cohesively after being rushed out of the front. For fear of causing happy attention, a group of people retreat far away. Said that I am happy, even the people here Ji Feng are afraid to approach.

This scene undoubtedly gave Ji Feng and others the best opportunity to rectify!


"Brothers! Be happy! Let's go out!!"

Ji Feng knows that the evil emperor is likely to find the door, seeing the people and horses are almost the same, and soon waited, directly calling the people to signal the direction of the breakout.

boom! ! !

Nearly 20,000 horses start the realm of the guardian body, and the sound waves are shouting toward the enemy in the distance...

On the one hand, it is a person who is happy to be able to cohesively;

On the one hand, it is the sorrowful soldier of the Jedi, and the momentum is like a rainbow!

In less than five minutes, the 12 gang members of the Beijing City lost their helmets and turned around and ran away. There was no such thing as a battle.

In less than five minutes, Ji Feng’s group of people was like a tiger, and they chased a few miles!

Countless people have tried their best to pursue the people of the 12 major capital gangs on the way, venting the grievances and anger of this day.

"Oh shit!"

"Let you kill the old man!"


"One by one is running faster than a dog..."

"Put the arrow! Put the arrow! You can leave one is one!" Especially the high-level clerk of Ji Feng's gang, when I thought of dissolving almost, my heart was smashed out of the old high, and I was chasing after the drum.

The only one in the crowd who still keeps calm and not crazy is Ji Feng.

The latter is very clear that the evil emperor may appear at any time. After handing over the responsibility of the commander to others, the horse is rushing in front and pulling closer to the distance.


"Happy brothers!"

It took nearly ten minutes to finally catch up.


"It turned out to be the famous Xia Xia, Ji Da Bangzhu, what advice?" Happy do not want to miss the time of killing Mengyun dog legs one minute and a second, aware of the arrival of Ji Feng, while continuing non-stop killing, harvesting life, Passing on one side.


Ji Feng quickly fell from the horse back: "Happy brothers laughed, the title of Zhixia let me ruin more than a year ago, as for the helper, but also exist in name only, or call me Ji Feng, advice can not be dare ""

"It doesn't matter what you call, are you looking for me?"

Happy did not do more nonsense with him.

Wen Yan, Ji Feng looked awkward: "Happy brothers, although these people are not the people in my help, but after all, there are two years of feelings, love and brother, I hope happy brothers can help me, give them a point Keep alive."

Ji Feng’s tone is very sincere and his posture is very low.

Happy is a slight smile, not answering: "I am not helping you break through now? Or, Ji Feng, do you think I am not doing well enough?"


Ji Feng smiles:

"Happy brothers have helped us, but you have only recently cleaned up a group of top-level masters of the wolves. The evil emperor is now afraid to catch up from behind. The 12 gangs are now reluctant to fight, I am afraid It is also waiting for the right opportunity to counterattack. At that time, our people are still unable to escape."

When I heard half of it, I knew that Ji Feng had not completely insulted the title of ‘Chivalrous Man’.

So fast analysis to the end of the evil emperor chase and kill, at least Ji Feng is not completely incorrigible.

"The evil king chased him up, what do you ask me for?"

Happy to laugh and pass.

"Happy brothers, I know that this is my fault. I have not listened to Bai Xiaosheng and the phantom. I privately brought people out of Beijing. It is selfish, but my gang is not as thick as the wind! When the sky comes down, people have already dispersed more than half, and then support it... There is no even the cost of breaking through!"

"There is at least one name in the style of the wind, there are 100,000 horses in the capital... I don't have it, we don't have two gangs... so I beg you, my brothers haven't had a good time with me for two years, now I only ask them to Peaceful departure from the capital, leaving the magic claws of Meng Yun..."

"I beg you, happy! As long as you can protect my brothers from breaking through, this life, I will sell it to you!"

Ji Feng’s last words were very fast, and it’s a bit of a tear from the heart.

When I heard the last sentence, I couldn’t help but be moved.

"And me!" "My life is also sold to you!!" The people who catch up can not only Ji Feng, but a group of people who originally belonged to Ji Feng’s majesty heard the help of the land and pleading, and the heart was hot and unanimous! Similar roars come one after another and quickly extend to the entire wilderness!

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