Sword Among Us

Chapter 1082: Radical, confrontation (third, ask for recommendation)

Chapter 1082, the will, the match (the third, ask for recommendations)

Chapter 1082

Ji Feng’s words have already made the happy birth a moment of touch!

Although there is only one head of the Beijing gang who once had the title of Chivalry, but he is able to control nearly 200,000 gangs of disciples, and occupy a share of one or two in the capital city where the dragons and snakes are mixed in the capital. Ji Feng’s strength is actually not as good as he said. That's so bad.

Happy at Xu Xin’s suggestion, I have already wondered how to open up the situation. How to kill a piece of heaven and earth from the raging Central Plains martial arts mastered by Yipintang, I did not expect Ji Feng to take the initiative to send it to the door...

Ji Feng’s personal strength is not so good, but the ability to sit on the side of the town will not be inferior to anyone in the Mu government he created in the world three years ago.

What makes you happy is that the tens of thousands of people in the entire wilderness let the happiness suddenly feel the inner blood is burning, and it will burn in a flash!

The screams of the tens of thousands of people calling for the tsunami made the heart of a happy heart hesitant and firm.

Perhaps Ji Feng's breakout made the Phantom of the Opera and Bai Xiaosheng very disappointed, but these people are eager to kill the starting point of the birth day is not wrong!

These people still have the will to fight with Yipintang! !

The light is the latter, happiness is already heart...

What is left now is the most **** elite of the two gangs. If it is really able to condense this power into the hands, although it is not enough to compete with Yipintang, it is more than enough to create some trouble for Yipintang.

"... happy?"

Seeing that happiness suddenly stopped continuing to pursue, and his eyes turned strangely, Ji Feng was not surprised and expected:

"You... agree?"


Happy minds are full of thoughts.

In fact, the main purpose of this time is not to help Ji Feng's people break through, but to attract the eyes of the evil emperor, and to contain part of the attention of Meng Yun.

after all.

Ji Feng chose to break through in advance to cut the power of the city's breakout by one-third, and it became even more unstable. Only let Ji Feng take people to drag the people here and drag the eyes of the evil emperor to ensure that there are more. Opportunity and space break out.

As for Ji Feng and others...

The original plan of Happy was completely annihilated after the arrival of the evil emperor. At most, I was lucky enough to miss some of the nets, but Ji Feng and another gang will certainly be devastated and completely annihilated in the rivers and lakes.

of course!

This is not a happy wish - even without him, Ji Feng and others waiting for the opportunity to escape will not escape this ending, and may be even more tragic.

but now!

Since Ji Feng shouted this sentence in front of him, this is equivalent to a man's promise!

Happy believe that Ji Feng will not be in the face of the world, especially in the face of his brother's face...

Since it is a person, happy naturally has to pay more attention.

I didn’t pay attention to Ji Feng’s expression of looking out and looking forward to his eyes. He said: “In fact, there is only one way to get out of here, you should have thought of it for a long time.”


Ji Feng stunned, but could not help but ask: "What you said is..."


Happy thought immediately, the other party only saw the situation here, it was impossible to get everything in such a short time - he was not alone, he was troubled.

However, after a happy call, Ji Feng’s eyes lit up and quickly understood the meaning of happiness.

The sneaky scorpion is the largest place of cultivation in the Central Plains. It has a lot of teams from all sides. There are also teams of players who have no power to belong. Now the names of the two gangs have been destroyed. Once they enter the sneaky, Yipintang wants to be sneaky. It’s hard to beat more than 10,000 people inside!

"Ghosts are in the South, we are turning now, thank you!"

Seeing that Ji Feng’s eyes are shining and preparing for the order, I can’t help but remind you:

"If I were you, I would leave a group of people to continue to chase and kill with me, to confuse a class, to fight for the time for the big forces to break out... As for the big forces, they can’t be together... they must be turned into zero, so as not to be evil. The emperor stared..."

"This is simple, I bring a hundred brothers to stay with you, the other..."

Ji Feng’s decisive decision finally made happiness reveal a color of appreciation, and his heart nodded secretly:

I can afford it, let it go, it’s what the husband is!

At this moment, an overwhelming pressure suddenly appeared out of the rear.

Happy face changed.

Then, the unique singer of the evil emperor came from the rear:

"Happy! Come out and see me!!"

The last ‘I’ word valley thunder, rolling back and forth between heaven and earth! Vibrate and screaming, endless...

"Evil King!"

Ji Feng's face was white, and apparently did not expect the evil emperor to come so fast - there was still a part of the large army behind that did not receive the news, they have not yet prepared to change direction.

Compared with the panicked Ji Feng, happy to the arrival of the evil emperor has a lot of calm - just stopped for a while, the people of the 12 major gangs in Beijing have long since ran without a shadow, the chance of hearing the evil emperor's voice is very small, Seeing that Ji Feng’s group of people continued to rush, who can be sure that he is not in the crowd?

"Don't worry, as I said, I will go to meet him."


At the foot of the foot, the whole person vacated, and the ghosts swept to meet the evil emperor.

The evil emperor thought of revenge for his own men, and he had no interest in those who had no gang emblem on these chests. He had not started to kill.

When a happy voice appeared in the air, the attention of the evil emperor fell to the latter's body, and the spiritual pressure was gathered from all sides, gathered to the happy body, and the tone sank:


"Why, how many people have you brought this time?" Happy and sneer at the evil emperor, while delaying the time for the people around.

Because the people of Yipintang did not have a shadow, the latter did not think of the identity of the people in front of them. They fell into a happy face and calmly burned: "Good... this time, we are fighting!"

"it is good!"

Out of the expectations of the evil emperor, I was happy to promise.

When the brow wrinkled, the evil emperor noticed that there were quite a few people around him who were far away from the air. They just wanted to say something, but they were unhappy with a word that made him angry:

"I have long wanted to win the game with you, but unfortunately every time you have a lot of bodyguards around you, this time there is no helper, one-on-one, see who will die first."

In the face of the irony and provocation of happiness, the evil king regained his gaze:

"One to one is OK, but I don't want to fight with you. When you are still a man, we swear, from this moment, don't take any medicine, until you One side fell to the ground!"


"The horse is hard to chase!"

In this way, the two men agreed to set up a gentleman's agreement, not allowed to take any medicinal herbs, and kill one of them by their own strength.

However, after the fast-mouthed promised, the evil emperor suddenly realized that the situation was not good!

When the cousin was happy, the latter took a leopard Yuan Dan!

In the past, it has been less than forty minutes, and at least one more hour of happiness will be in a state of increasing combat power by 20%.

Thinking of this, the face of the evil emperor became incomparably ugly.


Happy naturally knows the reason for the sudden change of the evil emperor's face. Hehe smiled: "If you regret it, you still have time. Anyway, no one knows our bet, I will not be so boring to put rep on the Internet to cut your face. I am happy that I have never done it."


Not to mention okay, mentioning the word "nothing", the evil emperor's eyes twitched a little, and a **** rushed into his heart: "Even if you take the leopard Yuan Dan is useless, I still smash you!"

"Well, don't say I bully you, allow you to take a leopard Yuan Dan to play with me, how?"

"Do not talk nonsense! Hands!!"

The evil emperor will not be happy. Naturally, he has already made a covenant's covenant. Countless people have seen it. Now he is alone in the eyes of so many people. Even if he is happy, he will not be afraid of the world. Can the chaotic Central Plains let go of such a rare opportunity to strike him?

Gritted teeth, the evil emperor can only eat this loss, intends to rely on the powerful resilience of the "Dao Xin Devil" to overcome the efficacy of Leopard Yuan Dan, and later will be happy to uniform!




The evil emperor moved, but he was happy with the first-come, ghost-like appearance of him, and he was unceremoniously taking a look at the dragon's hand.


The evil emperor’s pupils shrank. I didn’t expect the latter to prepare for the fight at the beginning. When I thought about the other’s dragon’s hand and the almost inexhaustible real power field, I was surrounded by a spirit, a spiritual storm, and a momentary display. Get out of the storm!

"This is not good, come back when you come up?"

At this time, I can't take care of the righteousness of the rivers and lakes. I happily laughed and ironically, and forced the evil spirits to be stagnate. After a little hesitation, I was held by my hands and my hands were stunned. I almost didn't vomit blood on the spot.


The Xuan Tiejian was swept away, and the evil emperor had to start the ‘Daoxin’. He smacked his scalp and gave him a shock. The mouth gnashed his teeth and smashed two words of ice and cold.

"Just let you take medicine, you don't eat, now I am shameless, okay, how do I let you do a trick?" Happy sword hit the evil emperor and did not continue to attack, a very helpless and speechless Looks like standing in the ground, shrugging his hands.

The gesture of the victorious wind and the light of the victors made the evil emperor almost burst into the chest, feeling that he was angered by the three swords.

I was already prepared to sacrifice some of the internal forces, and I was happy to pursue the counter-attack. I didn’t expect the other party to stop, but also let the water let you stand.

The extremely high-spirited evil emperor retired two steps and stood firm. One pair of eyes had become red, and the gods stared at the happy, and the airflow around them began to slowly accelerate as the breathing began.


The evil king was finally irritated by happiness!

Being happy to say something, if he continues to shun and avoid it, not only the people in the Central Plains should think that they are happy to press him, I am afraid that even the people of the wolf organization will think that he is happy.

"Let you see what the real "Dream of the Heart"..."

As soon as the voice fell, I suddenly felt that the spiritual pressure that surrounded the surrounding area suddenly disappeared. Then, the figure of the evil emperor suddenly disappeared from the original position.

A black shadow appeared silently near the happy, five fingers like a front, to insert a happy chest with lightning speed.

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