Sword Among Us

Chapter 1092: Revenge Fund (third, ask for recommendations)

Chapter 1092 Revenge Fund (third, request for recommendation)

Thank you brothers who have surplus food.

New Year. .

Xiao Hei now has a dull feeling for various festivals, and the speed has not fallen. I hope that the ticket can be more. If you don't turn on the air conditioner, you can only feel the north wind screaming on your face.


Seek double ***. . Double encouragement. .


Chapter 1092

Just as I was happy when the world was swaying in the world three years ago, when the dogs and the dogs were restless, there were some crises in the world three years later.

On the fifth day after the evil emperor's death, the subsidiary strength of the North Yipintang was all huddled. Under the shock of the happy and the emperor, he dared not take it easy to die!

But the situation in the South is not so smooth...

Although the phantom has already laid a solid foundation in the South, he has established a firm foothold.

But the wolf organization slowly revealed its power at this time!

A batch of foreign experts from ***, Fuso, Thailand, Vietnam, and Persia have landed in the southern region, and cooperated with the affiliated forces of the surrounding Yipintang. At the same time, they launched a powerful offensive against many cities where the phantom has just established itself.

There are very few top masters from the Central Plains, most of them are the wolves of exotic wolves, or the top gangs of foreign gangs already controlled by the wolves, the number is more than three hundred.

Under the power of Yipintang and the wolf organization, the situation of the wind building suddenly became extremely difficult.

Within a day, even three tribes were lost, and more than ten altars on the edge were in jeopardy. The rest were also caught in a crisis.

"damn it!"

"So many masters come from where!"

"On our side, a few batches of brothers went out to practice in the morning, and they didn't have to pack dumplings at an hour... no matter where they went, there were exotic foreign masters. Now all the brethren are arrogant, and they dare not go out of town..."

"Don't say it, we are even worse. The professional players in the life of the resources are all killed. We want to learn the beauty of the rivers and mountains, and distribute the resources to other gangs. Those gangs are afraid to pick up."



"The landlord! This is not a way to go on. It won't last long. I have to fight back to the original shape. I don't think it is better to pass the book to an emperor. Please ask him to help him down. If he is in town, at least one person in the hall and the wolf organization would not like it. Now it’s so unscrupulous...or simply ask for help from Jinxiu Heshan. I heard that the number of people in Jinxiuheshan has exceeded 400,000!”

The proposal of a group of elders made the phantom brows, which had been piled up with a lot of troubles, a tight brow: "What are the bad ideas!"

After a pause, the phantom tone turned and screamed:

"There is no emperor and happiness. Can we not be in the Central Plains when we attack the wind building?"

"More! If you are not happy, Jinxiu Heshan will help us to contain most of the people in the city. Can we have such a relaxed environment now? Let's take over the emperor. When we are in a safe situation, the beautiful mountains and rivers may even support It’s impossible to go to the evil king to leave the prison..."

Having said that, the phantom snorted heavily.

Although the scale and voice of Jinxiu River and Mountain are becoming more and more famous in the rivers and lakes, the phantom is clear. These temporary piles of people are just a bunch of more objective sands. If there is no happiness, one emperor and two gods sit on the town, if not It is impossible for the two major gangs in Beijing to reach this stage.


For the phantom, Jinxiu Heshan is a barrier to stop the northern tiger.

One emperor and happy, neither of them can move.

Once the barrier of Jinxiu River and Mountain collapses, the wind building will soon fall into a more dangerous and harsh environment!

At least dozens of altars have been preserved, and some of the wild altars are intensively planned for construction. By then, with these altars that are easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is always possible to make the Fengfeng Building in the Central Plains. It will last longer.

"The landlord, there is news in the north."

At this moment, Wu Kui walked in from the outside, rushing, quickly caught the attention of the phantom and a group of elders.

The phantom brow is tight:

“Is there a movement in Yipintang?” What she is most worried about right now is the problem of the shock of Yipintang in the North Jinxiu River.

"No, there are happy and one emperor, there are hundreds of thousands of horses, Yipintang and those affiliated gangs are still the same, the door is not two doors..."

After hearing the answer from Wu Kui, a group of people quietly sighed.

"What happened to that? See you running so urgently?" The phantom did not dare to loosen the heart hanging.

"good news!"

Wu Kui came to the phantom and showed a smile on his face:

"The landlord also knows that the beautiful Jinshan River is only a temporary gang, and no one knows how long it will last."

"Hmm..." The phantom nodded.

This point is not only clear to her, but many people familiar with the situation know that the catastrophe of the Central Plains has not yet passed. Before the removal of the wild wolf organization from the Central Plains, before the evil emperor did not withdraw, the Central Plains may be re-controlled by Yipintang Iron Hand at any time!

Jinxiu Heshan, a gang that was born and pulled up to resist the Yipintang and the wolf organization, was the power that Mengyun had to clear at the first time.

“Jinxiu Heshan is a temporary gang, but because it owns and controls all the resources of the hundreds of miles of the capital, the power is also extraordinary! And... Now the finance of Jinxiu Heshan is controlled by happy people, it is said that the resources around it Point, got a very substantial wealth... Mengyun also focused on the online release of the total amount of happiness to get wealth... Initially, I am happy to collect more than 50 billion yuan from many gangs."

"Five billions..."

Many people in the scene were stunned and obviously surprised.

"Yes! Five billion." Wu Kui nodded affirmatively: "Because I know that the enemy of Jinxiu Heshan is Yipintang and the wolf organization, the gang around the capital is very generous, and most people give it one-off for half a month. Protection fees."

"It’s not a small number."

The people present were reacting, and some even worried directly:

"If all the money is mastered by a person, you don't have to be practical. It may not only help Jinxiuheshan, but also become the source of Jinxiu River and Mountain. Instead, it may become the source of the collapse of Jinxiu River and Mountain..."


“Do you want to remind you to be happy?” There is an elder proposal.

The phantom shakes his head:

"No... happy identity is different. He is the master of Jinxiu Heshan. After all, we have no position to interfere with his financial freedom. We are not a subordinate relationship. You must be clear about this... In case of improper wording, it is easy to misunderstand. Let us attack the wind building to teach him to do things."


A group of people suddenly became more worried: "But we can't always look at Mengyun to screw up the beautiful mountains and rivers? This is obviously the dream of the dream cloud!"

At this time, Wu Shu looked at the elders and looked at the phantom: "You think more, in fact, I want to say, happy just let Ji Feng announce the gang system of Jinxiu Heshan, I think, we can refer to it."

"The gang system?"

A group of people were shocked by the amazing words:

"The evil emperor will soon be released from the prison, and he is not happy. How can he still dare to set up a gang system? Don't know what will happen?"

The people who attacked the wind building have a lot of experience in this area.

They know very well that a gang with many branches must rely on the system to maintain fairness and maintain the normal operation of a large gang.

Gang warehouses and contributions are indispensable...

But the major altars that are at any time under the crisis of overturning are clearly not suitable for determining a detailed system.

Is it!

Happy is forced by the dream cloud's divorce plan to come up with a system to resolve the crisis?

Although it is handled in a timely manner, it is easier to be emptied.

In the hall, a group of elders again quarreled into a group!


The lobby is like a vegetable market.

Wu Zuo can not see the past:

"Don't guess... the happy gang system is different from ours. It's not so much a gang system, it's a revenge fund!"


A group of people looked at each other.

This is the third time that a group of phantoms have been worried.

"You can't finish it in one breath?" The phantom was very vocal in his eyes, and the latter's face was awkward, which made the news that he had just gotten out.

Very little content!

The system is simple!

A group of people quickly understood what the system of Wu Kui said was all about.

That's right.

Revenge Fund.

Happy announced that starting from today, Jinxiu Heshan established a fund collection system! The bottom fund is the current 50 billion yuan of silver!

Every member of the Splendid River Mountain, but who killed a member of the Yipintang free of the realm, or the blood league disciple, the killer, the 12 Jingcheng gang disciples, the members of the wolf organization ... successfully killed, then told their lives, save Kill rep and upload it to a designated website to get a certain amount of money from the fund.

A disciplinary disciple of an ordinary hostile gang has only one valid place in a month;

Accumulate up to two places to get the fund, at least 200,000 yuan!

If the kill is an incompetent master, killing one person can get one million two silver, killing the altar master, the elder master, one million and two silver;

Kill the top masters, two million and two silver one person! (There are countless effective kills in a month, and each time the effective kill is restored to the other side)

Other than that!

Players outside the Splendid River Mountain can also get the Revenge Fund with their own kill rep - but only have to have more than five effective kills each time in exchange for the qualification to receive the fund, of course, also eligible to join the Jinxiu River.

Happy even said!

Yipintang and its affiliates have more than two million people. If they are all killed within one month, Jinxiu Heshan will enter the fiscal deficit...

But if the Central Plains hero can really do this, he is willing to personally come up with the proceeds of his paid channel and make cash payments!

When the news came out, the North suddenly made a sensation!

Not only did Mengyun's divisive plan completely dissipate in the network and rivers and lakes, but even caused the entire Central Plains to vigorously strangle the Yipintang and affiliated gang disciples.

Everyone seems to have become a mobile cash machine!

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