Sword Among Us

Chapter 1093: Haze faction nest (first more)

Chapter 1093, Haze and Nest (first)

Chapter 1093


I got news from the South China Central Plains drinking the Yangtze River. Meng Yun’s first did not know how many chairs were finally broken by her.

Seeing that the brothers under the hall were not afraid to breathe in front of themselves, Meng Yun realized that his reaction was too radical, and took a deep breath to drink and retreat, suddenly turned around, and the face facing the wall quickly became gray. Black, ugly.

In just one day, the situation in the Central Plains and the Yangtze River region has become worse and worse. There have been cases of people being attacked by the door. Since the news has arrived yesterday, this is already heard today and I don’t know how much bad news! And the situation is still worsening, the frequency of the news is not decreasing!


The footsteps sounded from the rear.

Meng Yun took a deep breath and did not return to the road:

"If you are attacked again, you don't have to report it. Immediately notify the blood-shirting lord and let him come here, and say that I am looking for him to have something to discuss."

When the people came to a stagnation, the familiar voice rang from the hall: "I already know that the situation on our blood alliance is not better than yours."

Hearing the words, Meng Yun suddenly turned around, the person is the blood coat, the latter also has a heavy face, straight to the position of sitting:

"I have to admit that we are ignoring again, and this happy move is too embarrassing!"

"I don't know which idiot was proposed yesterday, saying that I am happy and have no experience and ability to control the gang. I propose to use financial income to separate the beautiful mountains and rivers, and to give fun and dirty water... Now it is better! People take Wu Yiyi to our heads in one breath. On the first day, I was killed in a class of people, and it was not the people who splendidly rivers and mountains, but the lone rangers who didn’t even have gangs!” The more you talk about the back, the more excited the dream cloud looks. Five fingers and Zhang grip, I can't wait to grab something to vent.

"Loss so many people?"

The blood-stained hearing of Meng Yun’s report was also a surprise. I couldn’t help but breathe in: “I thought I had lost three or four thousand people in the blood league. I came to you and look at your situation... I didn't expect... I think, the situation of the 12 Beijing City Gangs is probably more serious than ours."

Meng Yun slowly nodded.

Compared with the twelve capital city gangs, Yipintang and Blood League are far above the former in terms of strength and deterrence.

Nowadays, all the people, such as the one-piece hall, the blood league, and so on, are dare to move, let alone the 12 big gangs of the capital that are slightly better than the ordinary large gangs.


The two talents are here, and several of them are in a hurry and come together!

"The Lord! The Blood Lord is also here?"

"Great! You are all right, big things!!" Two of them just couldn't help but squat in the hall:

"In one day, you don't know how many people we lost... When the people gave the statistics, I thought he gave me the list of the deaths of the Beijing World War I..."

"13,000 people!"

"I rub!"

"Reverse them all!!"

"I have also lost 12,000 people here, and also included a sub-altar..." Yuan Tianxiong filled his anger and stood in the hall with his hips, a look of anger.

"Yuan Bangzhu, sit down and say slowly." The blood coat looked at Yuan Tianxiong and pressed his contempt in his heart. He said: "Not only you, but our blood alliance and Yipintang also have no small loss."


Yuan Tianxiong and a few of the helpers from the United States are all shocking: "Which is the band? Let's just gather together and send troops to smash these dog days!!"

"How come?"

The blood coat was very speechless and turned a blind eye:

"These lone rangers are all well-calculated, and they have chosen a place that is suitable for starting. It is not in the edge of the southern part of the Yangtze River, or near the edge of the area along the Jinxiu River. Hide, or simply hide in the shelter of the Splendid River and the Wind Building! Unless you follow the Wind Building and the Splendid River."

After hearing this, several of the gangs calmed down.

They are very clear that Yipintang is not suitable for hard work at present, and there is no capital hard to fight...

But my heart is very unwilling!

"But we don't do anything. We don't encourage the momentum of Jinxiu Heshan and Fengfenglou, and we have cut our own prestige. More people will follow the trend."

"That will constrain your people, let them be vigilant during this time, don't drop the order, wait for the evil emperor to come out, this hatred, we will report!" The dream position in the first position is gloomy after listening to their sly Finally, the words are strict and concise.

Yuan Tianxiong and others noticed that Meng Yun’s face was not very good-looking and looked at each other:


"There are still two days in the end, and the most two days of the contraction."

During the speech, Yuan Tianxiong noticed that Meng Yun’s face was filled with a layer of dark clouds, and he was shocked. “Hey... let’s go.” I realized that I was wrong and used the wrong words, and I quickly pulled a few helpers. Leave together.

Staring at the door where Yuan Tianxiong and others left and disappeared, Meng Yun recovered for a while:

"At least you can know at least that there is at least one person in Jinxiuheshan who knows how to govern the gang, and he still has a very good deal. The strength is still above Jifeng. Later, we can't take a break from the splendid rivers and mountains... After the evil emperor came out, I swept away. It, lest you have fun pulling up the second wind building!"


The blood coat nodded silently.

After a long while, the blood coat seemed to think of something, looked up: "Right, happy from yesterday, I did not personally lead the team to raid, but the emperor appeared more frequently, I think, need to pay attention, may be happy and ready to engage in something ""

"The evil emperor still has two days to come out... Happy will not know the status quo and the biggest defects of Jinxiu Heshan. It will certainly not be indifferent. Maybe it will break into the capital before the evil emperor comes out. This is very likely to happen. "The dream cloud nodded in a dignified manner, and the tone became serious: "Let our people closely monitor the players who have recently entered and exited the capital. Before the evil emperor comes out, they must not be blind."

Just in the emergency negotiations of Mengyun and Xueyi, and coordinated to strengthen the defense of the capital and the scope of the surrounding surveillance, the evil emperor of the prison department also got news inside the wolf organization.

Within a day!

The forty-eight top players of the wolf organization were attacked by the mysterious Central Plains people and the lone masters. Although this is not a slap in the face of the wolf organization, the masters who have been mobilized from various countries have suffered a lot of death and injury. It’s happening when you kill a sap.

Cooperating with the recent changes in the situation in the Central Plains, as well as the splendid rivers and mountains that have been built up, the evil spirits of the prison department have an unprecedented urgency and anxiety. I can’t wait to leave this dark place.

"Let everyone be vigilant, not allowed to place orders! Wait for me to come out!"

The evil king flying pigeons passed a letter to ask Kason:

“What are you doing now?”

"I don't know, this guy is very embarrassed. Every time I use the human skin mask to avoid my tracking. Unless he shows up, he is basically unable to determine his position."

"This guy..." The evil emperor's face was dignified: "Although there is still more time to leave, but I don't know why, I have never seen a happy time after I have been missing for a long time. I always have a very unclear feeling."

"I also think he must be secretly arranging something, ready to deal with us." Kesen wrote back.

The evil emperor did not write a letter again, but he muttered to himself:

"If it is against me, I am not afraid, but I am looking forward to it. After all, this death has brought me a lot of opportunities and strengths. It is not a problem to overcome him... But this guy has never been a person who is sitting still... ..."

He always felt that this happy and bizarre disappeared automatically from people's vision, I am afraid it will not be that simple.


The evil king's guess is not wrong.

Since returning from the world three years ago, in addition to bringing Xu Xin’s advice to myself, I also brought a lot of information.

After the establishment of the Revenge Fund, I was happy to hand over the fund to the lonely three wolves, the tea lover, the phoenix dance color clothing and other people to manage together, and then the light-handed road to the hands of the treasurer, once again disappeared from the people's vision.

However, I am happy to leave this time to find the hiding place of the evil king - a shadowy nest built in the depths of a natural mountain in the capital!

This is actually a message that I am happy to get from another world.

After being seriously injured, the evil king took the stone tablet and left. He went to the nest of the Yinyan faction for a time. With the power of Zhu Yuyan, he closed the wound and learned the secret on the stone tablet.

From here, Shi Zhixuan obtained the stone monument until now, only less than half a month later, the evil king can not understand the secret inside the stone tablet is not happy, but the distance is not far away, happy does not mind going this way.


Only after entering the natural mountain belly where the Yinjiao nest is located, a bright Jianguang light emerges from the dim hillside, taking the happy throat of the small intestine on the small intestines.

"It's a devil's style."

The happy situation is the same, with one hand, the weapon in the latter is easy for the Lord.

"who are you!"

The disciple was shocked.

He naturally didn't know. In fact, before he launched the attack, he was happy to see the guard post hidden in the crack of the stone. However, he was a paranoid disciple. He was not happy when he faced the evil spirits. ?

"The person you can't afford." In the face of the question of the disciple of the demon, the happy manners of the other side's long sword, one catch and one buckle, one twist, '咔嚓', the neck of the demon disciple will break. The body dies and the stone next to it is sewed inside.

Resolving the sentry post, happy but did not continue to move forward, but stopped, looking up to the left side of a cluster of dark stone piles: "The girl is not willing to show up now, is not waiting What is your master behind?"

The happy voice quickly reverberated in this spacious mountain, and it looked very empty.

When the third sound came back, a sigh of resentment finally sounded from the shadow: "The master said that at the Big Buddha Temple, you almost died under her sword. You know how bad the heart of the slave family was at the time..."

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