Sword Among Us

Chapter 1094: The evil king breaks through, heaven and man are one! (Second more)

Chapter 1094, The Evil King breaks through, Heaven and Man are one! (Second more)

Chapter 1094

In the huge natural mountain belly, there are two paths of blazing fire, but the range of illumination is very limited, and most of them are in the dark shadow.

The devil-like seductive figure stepped out of the shadows, and a pair of seemingly resentful sorrows fell into the happy body.

The joy of a long gown, carrying a mysterious iron epee, a tall and beautiful face with an exaggerated giant sword, mixed with a soft temperament and a wild and wild atmosphere.

"But let the teacher send you the corresponding?"

"You can rest assured that I will not tell the master, that you killed the younger brother who saw us in the haze." The bright and light lotus steps of the 眸明眸, the body under the tulle is more attractive and exciting. God moves.

Happy to laugh and take a step forward:

"So, I have to thank the girl."


绾绾 Immediately swept a few feet like a frightened deer: "This girl can not afford to lose weight, you are now the famous demon statue, even the capital of the city to commit the **** case can come and go freely, we are a common Can disciples still block your footsteps? Let's talk, what is your purpose when you come to our haze?"

"Devil statue?"

I heard the title spit out from my mouth and I was happy.


It seems that my gas field was suppressed by the younger generation of disciples for the first time. I am very reluctant to give a cute nasal sound: "The evil king and my master said, although you are a Shaolin disciple, this time it was made in Beijing. Killing, it’s already a magical way! Thousands of people have died in your hands, blood has flowed into the river, but you can escape from the siege of the four masters of the capital, and get rid of it once and for all, the nearby cities are in the uninhabited territory, and a skill has entered the country. It is worthy of the word 'Devil'... It means that even people in our magical way must look at you a bit."

"You are the magic door, I just want to fight for you to fight for yourself, go back and tell the evil king, the title of the demon, I can't afford it." Hearing the explanation of the embarrassment, he said with pleasure: "And, I have not been with you." meaning."

"Since it is not a passer-by, why are you coming to our glory? If you go down today, you will be chased by the court masters wherever you go. You are not here, you are not here. You are not coming to us for shelter. Is it to find out what is wrong with us?"

The tone of the sigh was a bit of a turn, and the eyes showed a bit of vigilance.

"I came to the evil king and told him to come out!"

Since it is already a devilish style, happiness is not afraid to continue to publicize in front of evil kings - the evil emperor is out of the air, he does not have much time to continue to waste here.

When I heard the happy words, I changed my face and became more dignified:

"You come to us to find evil kings?"

"You just didn't say that the evil king gave me the evaluation of the demon. I have only left the capital for a few days. You won't tell me that the evil king is not here?"

"Looking back, I have to take a look. Who dares to openly trace the whereabouts of the evil king? It is really a leopard gallbladder!" The mask was cold and frosty.

Happy, a little shocked, knowing that after this statement is affirmative, people will start to investigate who has investigated the location of the evil king. At that time, Bai Xiaosheng will face threats, but he will soon relieve it, even if it is done, deal with it. A Zhouyi teacher, at most, is a master of this level, and the strength of the wind chimes can cope with the past, not to mention the many visitors of Bai Xiaosheng in Beijing.

"Do not talk nonsense, call out the evil king, otherwise it will call you the yin pies to flow into the river today!" The cold drink that is not without killing is finally letting face.

Not yet answered.

Suddenly frowning, turning his face, his eyes cast into the depths of the torch trail:

"The original evil king has arrived, then it will appear, and the head is exposed, unlike the style of the flower lord, it does not meet the identity of the first person of the magic."

"This king is very curious, what is the purpose of your visit to this king this time." In the empty mountain belly, the voice of the evil king stunned from all directions.

"The evil king is really a noble person to forget things..."

Happy and ridiculous:

"So soon, I forgot the Battle of the Big Buddha Temple. Are you two stone tablets taken from the Luohan?"

"Does this have anything to do with you, or you have become a running dog of Cihang Jingzhai, no... Cihang Jingzhai has always been in close contact with the royal family. It is impossible for you to find a killing little devil to find me. Are you trying to get this stone from my hand?"


When you are happy, you will change to:

"If the evil king is willing to give it to the next, it will be better."

Although there are some odds in dealing with evil kings, but after all, it is the yin pie, the old nest behind the yin, and the two players at the same time. Even if there are a lot of fire unicorns, there is no full grasp that can be taken from the evil king. Stone monument.

"The stone tablet of the Great Buddha Temple, it doesn't matter to you."

The evil king’s answer made him happy, but the words that followed made him converge with a smile: “But you have to promise me and do something for me.”

"That depends on what it is."

Happy is not very hopeful, because he knows that the mission of the magic door has always been harsh, and it is directed at the right door.

Although it is now wanted by the imperial court, the value of chivalry is negative, and even the right martial art can not be close, but still do not want to completely break into the magic road!

"It's very simple."

The evil king of the speech finally appeared.

After a few days, the evil king's momentum was solidified a few more points. Shi Shiran chose a high-altitude stone and scorned it. Then he looked happy:

"The stone monument is a god-like thing, but since it has entered my hand, it is the thing of my holy door. How can the baby of my holy gate be handed over to the hand of a decent Shaolin disciple?"


Happy to hear a tight eyebrow.

At this time, the evil king's tone changed: "Of course, you are under the command of Shaolin, and there is a great relationship with Shaolin. I also have a connection with the doorkeeper of the door of the Holy Gate of Heaven. I naturally will not let you defect Shaolin. That is the act of bullying the ancestors."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"I want to make sure that after you get the stone tablet, you are not enemies with my magic road, not against my holy door, but the mouth says nothing, I want you to do something, not to be embarrassed, just take a right-hand sect. When the head comes, I will give you the stone tablet."

As soon as this statement came out, even the cockroaches that had been silently standing next to them couldn’t help but feel the shock.

Assassinate a master of the right way!

Happy is even more black.

This is even worse than the rebellion of Shaolin.

The sect of the righteous sect of the sect of the evil king refers to the sect of the sect, that is, the abbot of Shaolin, the spiritual leader of the martial art of Wu Dang Zhang Sanfeng.

Assassination of any one person is completely enemies with the righteous martial art, and it is necessary to be hunted all over the right path! Even eternal life and a sect are deadly enemies.



The system prompts suddenly:

"Is it necessary to accept the task of the evil king, killing one of the non-magic sects of the sect of the sect of the sect, and spurning it for the right way!"

"Accept the task, and the success of the execution, you will gain the trust of the evil king, get a stone monument of the Great Buddha Temple god; if the mission fails, it will still be cast aside by the right way, and will be chased by the righteous sect for a week!"

"please choose!"


"Replaced as a demon sect, I will be able to shoot now."

In my heart, I have decided that my eyes will sink. When I open my mouth, I will slowly explore the back of my hand and take the black iron epee into the palm of my hand and keep an eye on the evil king.

"It seems that you are not willing to accept."

The evil king sighs with regret: "Why is it wrong to enter my magic road, why must I keep the rules and regulations of the right way, but unfortunately... If you can completely enter the magic road, it will become a magic master who surpasses my stone sacred time, not only the magic road. One person, even the best in the world!"

The blueprint drawn by the evil king is really good, but I know that I am in the game, the right way can not restrain myself, and promised the task of the evil king, it is really bound, and walking in the future is always careful, immediately speaking:

"Going to your life and taking the stone from your hands is the same for me."

The evil king heard the words angry:


A violent spiritual pressure accompanied by the momentum of the sky fell from the sky, and the entire mountain suddenly seemed to be exhausted by an invisible force, and the space became stagnant.

Happy in the same situation, facing the evil king's silent and uninteresting palm, his eyes are slightly condensed...

Small dragon shape!

The body translates one meter.

On the mountain wall of the original position, a deep and clear palm print was printed on the mountain wall, and it was shocking.

Understated to avoid a palm, happy to smile at the foot of the ground, the ghost-like shifting position appeared on a stone 20 meters away, facing the evil king face, but each other is 20 meters away:

"The big Buddha is like a battle. You and I have different situations. I just don't know if the evil king has successfully realized the secret in the stone monument..."

Happy to say, while quietly throwing into the air, condescending, a sword is drawn!

Hey! !

Feel the mystery contained in the sword of happiness, the face of the evil king sinks, the face becomes extraordinarily solemn and dignified. For a time, a thick golden flame suddenly emerges from the body, and the hands are empty and continuous, and several moments are shocked. Roaring black palm print.

Although he has already upgraded to the middle level of mythology, he is far from the side and does not participate in the war...

However, as soon as I saw the evil king facing the happy time, I started the bodyguard, and I couldn’t help but feel the incredible shock.

But soon!

绾绾 is attracted to the more shocking and incredible scene!

Dark mountain belly air.

With the joy of driving the thunder and the force of the sword, the back of the void actually brought out a ripple that is hard to see with the naked eye.



Three! !

The three ripples overlapped miraculously at the moment of the attack, and all belonged to the mysterious epee...

boom! ! ! !

The several palm prints that the evil king took in a moment just touched the sword of the Xuan iron epee, and they were cut off from the epee as if they were tofu.

The sword smashed like a broken bamboo to the evil king...

Although the power has been weakened a lot, but the boring and screaming of the tearing air is still very heart-rending, not to be underestimated.

On the occasion of a thousand miles, the evil king angered and rushed to the crown, and an amazing breath swelled out from the latter's body. Under the stunned and happy eyes, one hand greeted and grabbed the black iron epee!

pressing! !

The effect of suppressing in the happy expectation did not appear.

On the contrary, the evil king, under the sword of the most threatening head, the whole body is violently soaring, and it has directly broken through the shackles of the mythical peaks, and the top of the head has surged, and the gas machine has risen to another level.

Seeing the evil king with one hand grasping the black iron epee, as if the devil came, the happy heart is speechless or speechless!

Breaking through...

The evil king actually broke through to the heaven and man in this **** time! !

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