Sword Among Us

Chapter 1095: Hard to be a combination of heaven and man (third, ask for recommendations)

Chapter 1095, Hard and Heaven, Unity (third, ask for recommendations)

Chapter 1095

The strength of the armor suppression of the Xuan Tie Epee is indeed good, but the gap in the strength of the three major realms, the happiness is still not able to play the suppression attribute.

The heavy Xuan Tie epee, together with Yu Wei, who broke out in the sky, was easily caught in the hands by the evil king. The two consecutive darknesses easily broke the remnant of the wind and the sky, and lifted the heavy iron sword to the sword. In the air, while enjoying the power of the realm of heaven and man.

But happiness is not always a person who likes to sit still!

Quickly wake up from the initial shock.

Happy to think that at the peak of the penalty is not the strength of the master of heaven and earth, the eyes are cold, resolutely abandon the sword.

One shot!

Leverage the tumbling, lightning-fast fall to the stone 20 meters away...

The evil king has now come to the unity of heaven and man, and he feels very sensitive to everything around him. His mind is moving, "Looking for death!" The palm of the hand is a palm print with a thunder.

this time!

The attack power of the palm print has completely surpassed the peak of the mythical peak. When it passes, the gravel flies, and instantly forms a roaring giant face, and it is voluptuously happy.

Lose your arms, be happy and not busy...

Dragon plate!

Really angry!

Does not destroy the body!

As soon as the triple-practice method was opened, a green-green dragon's body descended, and the real element around the body was suddenly condensed.

boom! ! !

The roaring giant face slammed into the happy body...

Uh! !

Although the defense has been strengthened to the peak of history, but still feels the power of a huge peak to shake himself off the ground.

Rumble! ! !

Happy feeling that I was crushed by the huge force in the gravel pile, dragging all the way, the burning feeling and pain spread all over the corners of the limbs.

I was so shocked that I couldn’t speak out!

"Congratulations to the evil king, the strength breakthrough!"

While kneeling on one knee, a pair of wonderful eyes turned to a happy direction!

The evil king just touched the storm, and the power that broke out came out of the ground and pulled out a gully more than 100 meters long. The chaotic stones buried it completely, and I didn’t know it.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Breaking through the embarrassment for many years, the evil king is in a good mood. If he abandons his position and throws away the black iron epee, a pair of more sharp eyes fall in the direction of happiness, and the smile is more prosperous: "Speak up, the king is at the Big Buddha Temple. I am concentrating on suppressing the devil, but I don’t want to accumulate more power. Now I am inspired by you, and I have to regain my long-term wish... You can be fortunate enough to be the first soul of the king, but you can also look at it."

The voice just fell...


The sound of the falling stone echoed in the mountainside, very harsh! Shi Zhixuan's brow was picked, and it was just a happy look at the figure that suddenly stood up in the shadow of the distance.

"I don't want to be a person who cultivated the "Yi Jin Jing" Dacheng. The bones and muscles are very human. The one who killed you in the palm of the hand does not exist in the world, but..." When it comes to this, suddenly the tone is cold: "Let’s pick this The dignity of the king, you **** it!"


Happy at this time, the state is very strange. When I got up from the stone pile, my eyes were slightly stunned for a while, as if I was thinking about the things that I was worried about, the look of trying to look back and trying to think back, standing still, not at all. The evil king will swallow the momentum of the world.

"court death!"

Being neglected is the most serious provocation and insult that the evil king has ever suffered, especially now that he has broken through to the realm of harmony between man and nature, and he screams with anger and laughs. People suddenly fly up and come to the top of their hearts. Above.

The speed of the evil king was not even able to keep up with the shackles. Turning his face and seeing the emptiness of the evil kings and the celestial world stopped in the sky above the happy, slightly frowning, looking at the happy eyes more inexplicable complexity.

But at the same time, it’s even more strange to be happy at this time!

In the face of a strong evil king, happiness is still motionless, and there is no idea of ​​avoiding and parrying...

How could this be?

Did the palm of the previous hand make him stupid?

A flash of time, the evil king suddenly shot...

Hey! !

The air trembled fiercely, and the whole space seemed to collapse. A huge black palm print, accompanied by an amazing momentum, shrouded downwards!

When the attack came, I was finally happy.


Look up!

I am afraid that only the evil king can see it clearly.

I was in a state of confusion and recollection, and suddenly there was a powerful earthquake in my eyes. In the face of the ghost of the evil king who descended from the sky, the body suddenly disappeared from the place.

As the face changed, there was a moment of misunderstanding and shock in the eyes of the evil king.

Hey! !

Not yet able to react, one foot suddenly broke into the field of vision from the incredible footsteps, followed by a very small burst of sound.

It’s incredible in the spectator’s face...

Happy even hit the evil king with an incredible speed and momentum.


Looking at the figure of the evil king who was kicked out by the kick in the air, I couldn’t believe my own eyes. A younger generation who has not yet entered the innocent situation will actually break through the evil king who entered the realm of harmony between man and nature. Retreat.

The evil king slammed into a huge stone and stopped. The cracked spider web spread quickly and expanded to every inch of the boulder...

"……how did you do it?"

Even the evil king himself has a strong heart at the moment he is kicked! Now my face is still full of incredible, staring at the happiness that has swept away from afar, the moment I was kicked, I don’t know why, the happy attack and speed seem to reach the realm of harmony between man and nature, he does not believe That is an illusion!

Responding to him is a happy and unrelenting sword! !

"you do not need to know."

Hey! !

The wind is full of sky!

Happy to fly to the front of the evil king, slammed the ground from the ground and smashed the gravel...

The evil king is innocent.

Compared with the previous one, the damage of this blow is very impressive, but the speed is obviously not as good as the one just now, so it is very easy to avoid it.

But until this moment.

The evil king who jumped into the air and saw it, only recently took a palm of his heart and there was no scar on his body.

The full blow of the Heaven and Man combined master did not bring substantial harm to happiness!



The two happy to turn the sword and turn around, just right on the stable king! The wind blew over the torches around, and the mountain's belly became dark and dark for a moment, but the two could still see the coldness in each other's eyes, and the eyes intertwined with the spark of ‘噼啪’ in the air.

The atmosphere in the mountain's belly has once again become tense, making people want to suffocate.


The face of the evil king is not very good.

I thought that it was a breeze to break through the "Yi Jin Jing" Dacheng's mad monk's disciple after breaking through the heavens and the man, but it is obvious that he not only looked down on the degree of happy skin, but also looked down on it. Counterattack ability.

At least the unpredictable foot just now, the power is not under him!

The two strong confrontation, he no longer thinks that the other party will tell him the reason, the heart sinks, knowing that this war may not be so easy to end.

As for happy...

In the previous attack, I was dragged by the evil king's palm print for 100 meters, which was uncomfortable.

But very strange,

After I got up, I only remembered that I was rubbed a bit hot, and I didn’t get a little damage from the whole body, and the effect of the weakening of the real gas field was very small.

Heaven and man are in one realm!

The evil king can only be regarded as the first realm of heaven and man, and the strength is increased by 10%. It is not enough to compare with the crazy monk. His full blow is at least six or seven thousand points stronger than before.

Although the threat is improved, but for the real gas field, weakening the damage effect by 20%, but using the dragon disk to enhance the defensive ability, one increase and one decrease, the evil king does not actually take up much cheap.

The only difference is that I lost the mysterious iron epee and lost a lot of support from the roots. This time I was shocked out by the evil king.

I figured this out...

Happy to the evil king, the evil king who first entered the realm of heaven and man is not so jealous.


At the moment of using the dragon disk, I was keenly aware of some things in the dragon disk...

The helpless dragon plate came fast, disappeared quickly, and some of them could not be figured out for a moment.

It is for this reason that the evil king mistakenly thought of ignoring and insulting him.

And the display of the dragon's tail is also because there is no jealousy of the evil king under the peace of mind, there is the "Yi Jin Jing" as a backing, not afraid of the evil king to hurt himself in a short time, this is the temporary thought of using the evil king There was a dragon's tail on the body.

The effect is good!

The dragon's tail has absorbed the enemy's attacking ability, and instantly transformed into the actual attack intensity of the dragon's tail, giving the evil king a 'surprise'! !

Surprise surprises...

Happy is still trying to remember the aura of the dragon plate. He always feels that the feeling of that moment may help him discover the true mystery of the real tenth style.

"What the **** is going?"

While keeping a close eye on the evil king, I was happy and running my thoughts, trying to remember the situation at that time...


The more you rush to think about something, the more likely you can't remember it.

Happy and frowning, his head smoked, but there is still no way to immediately think of something that should be important, until the evil king again shot.

The brow is tight!

Happy to bite your teeth, heart:

If I can't remember it, I will come again, I don't believe it...

boom! ! ! !

This time, in the face of the evil king's attack, happy is just to start the dragon disk, the real yuan gas field, "indestructible body", and sure enough, it was pushed out by an unrivalled force, from the chaotic stone pile It took dozens of meters to stop.


A series of accidents have long made you unable to speak.

Seeing happiness once again weakened by strength, I don’t know what to say.

The evil king stared at the pile of happy stones in a strange and complex color, and his eyes were dignified.

Oh! ! !

In the sound of the falling of the stone, happy once again stood up from the stone pile safely, and covered in gray, and the wolf was abnormal.

Although the image is very embarrassing, but no one heard the self-talking when he was happy to stand up: "There is still such use..."


begging***. . .

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