Sword Among Us

Chapter 1096: The recognition of the evil king (first)

Chapter 1096, the recognition of the evil king (first)

Chapter 1096

In the belly of the mountain, with the happy rise again, once again into an unspeakable silence.

The evil king looked at the happy eyes a little more dignified and incomprehensible, and also a little more vigilance...

His eyes are even more weird.

Until this moment, she finally saw that the evil king's attack, although suffocating, made people unable to breathe, but it did not seem to pose a great threat to happiness. The latter did not even plan to use the sword to block, and it was hard to take a hand and be safe. .


There is a strong sense of loss.

In the younger generation, her achievements have been very good, even the Cihang Jingzhai masters have only reached the middle of the mythology;

However, a common disciple from the Shaolin school actually competed with the first person of the Magic Road.

The loss and gap in this made her difficult to balance!

But when I saw the calm and calm temperament and look of the other side, I looked at it, I don’t know why, and my feelings quickly calmed down and calmed down:

In the face of evil kings, they are still not arrogant, and they are not humble or humble. Perhaps this is the reason why he can quickly rise to fame in the rivers and lakes - ordinary people run into evil kings, and if they encounter this situation, I am afraid they will be shocked. Bold, or already excited, do not know who his name is.

In the meantime, happy and evil kings once again started to collide and collide together...

This time, the evil king actually suffered again.

绾绾 绾绾 绾绾 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 睁 邪 邪 邪

It’s a silent, fast, amazing speed! !

Do not!

This time is faster!

The moment when the evil king was kicked, happy and empty, and the five fingers became claws!

Dragon hand!

I immediately recognized that this is one of the happy killers. It has extremely wonderful control ability. If the evil king is pulled back, I am afraid it will be a blow, and the situation will be even worse.

However, after all, the evil king is already a master of the realm of heaven and man. The dragon hand grabbed it but did not hand it to pull the evil king back, as if he had caught it in the air, and returned without success.

I was happy, but I didn’t show much surprise and surprise.

A solution to the world!

A world of harmony between man and nature!

There are three internal powers that are different from each other.

It has been very difficult to deal with the mythical environment, and the effect is very small. It is normal for the masters of the realm of heaven and humanity to fully exert their effects.

Happy is just a little bit sorry...

If the dragon's hand can exert a slight slowdown, he can release the power of the wind and the sky to the evil king in the shortest time.


The moves did not come out and did not cause more damage.


This time, the evil king was even more vigilant, and the next contact became more cautious, even the whole body was opened.

Hey! Hey! !

In the belly of the mountain, the sounds of happy and evil kings come and go...

The two seem to have entered a weird pair of consumption.

The evil king is responsible for the offensive, but every time he takes a shot, he is happy to either make the most fierce and fierce counterattack and kick him out; or even the action of the parry is too lazy to be made, like the unsuccessful Xiaoqiang.


Bang! !

I watched the two people in the battle seat, and you came to me to make the mountain terrain become pitted, very helpless...

The two seem to have endless energy, fighting for a long time, a real Yuan is abundant, one is still full of momentum, and the respirence uses the aura between heaven and earth to restore physical strength.

"Stop it."

With a slamming sound, the evil king plucked dozens of meters away, and opened his eyes far away from the happy eyes. He said: "It’s been a long time, you should see it, no matter how long we play, there will be no result. "When it came to a pause here, I took a look at it and continued to say: "Breakthrough to the realm of harmony between man and nature, I can now control the flow of the heavens and the earth outside the body, and the recovery rate of the heart is doubled. No, no matter how hard you try, it will not pose a threat to me! But I must also admit that the recovery speed and defense ability of Yi Jin Jing are equally outrageous... and every time you knock back my attack gap I have the opportunity to supplement my recovery. I can't break your defense until I thoroughly understand and master the power of the universe."

Silence suddenly.

The evil king’s words are equal to the height of being equal to him! !

One is the young man who is free from the situation, and the other is the first person who breaks through the realm of heaven and man!


I heard the evil king’s words, but I was very depressed.

To be honest, he didn't expect things to become like this.

I thought that with my own strength, even a hard day and night, it is enough to take a stone tablet from the evil king...

What I never imagined is that the evil king actually broke through the cultivation at this critical moment and upgraded to the realm of harmony between man and nature. The gap between the inner and the realm is too great. It is not enough that many schools can make up for it and overtake it.

The dragon's tail can threaten the evil king, but it can't be used continuously!

Although the dragon plate has already discovered some magical effects, it has no effect on the enemy with too high a state. It is equal to the dragon hand.

The evil king is right...

There is no point in continuing to fight, and it is impossible to win the game in a short time!

"I will come back to you again."

Staring at the eyes of the evil king, I was so happy that after a long silence, I threw a word in the cold, turned and flew, and planned to leave the nest of the Hades.

When the foot moves, the evil king suddenly opens again:

"I am still the same sentence!"

"As long as you like, bring the head of a master of the right way, I will give you a stone monument when I arrive..."


Happy next time, look back at the evil king: "No, we are not all the way."

"not necessarily!"

In the direction of happy departure, the evil king chuckled: "The young people don't say too much, in short, you remember, then I have already said it, you can change your mind at any time."

"..." Going far away from the mountain belly, get the system prompt at the right time:

Ding! !

"Your strength is recognized by the evil king!"

"The evil king appreciates your strength and heart. Kill any master of the right-hand sect, and bring the head to the evil king. You can exchange the stone of the ancient gods for a record..."


I did not accept it, the system automatically let myself accept this task? Or is it a task for oneself?

Not far from the mountain belly, happy to summon the task page to see the details!

Sure enough, I saw the remarks at the end of the mission:

There is no time limit for this task, and it is unique in nature - because you are the first person who is personally recognized by the singular king of heaven and earth.

"..." Seeing here, I can't help but frown.

Sure enough! !

This is the only task that is triggered for him.

Although I am happy, I don’t know why there are such strange and special tasks, and there is no time limit, but he is at least relieved.

Since the evil king promised to leave a stone tablet for himself, other players may not have the qualification to trigger this story mission again! It is even less likely to be exposed to the tasks associated with the stone monument.

Even if you are happy not to accept and perform this task, others will not want to replace this task.

Coincidentally, the most worrying thing about happiness now is that it is triggered by the evil emperor and gets this stone monument. Now it seems that you can put your heart back in your stomach.


Leaving the haze of the nest, happy for a long time can not be calm.

This time, the plan to find the stone tablet by the yin dynasty has completely failed. Not only that, but also the evil king is stimulated to break through into the realm of harmony between man and nature, and I am afraid that it will not be able to overcome for a long time.

With the failure of the plan, the stone tablet did not reach it. After the appearance of the evil emperor, he quickly found another chance to kill him once. The purpose of completely smashing the wolf organization to control the Central Plains also went bankrupt.

"Fortunately, the wind full of sky" has reached the third level after continuous use of these days, compared with the time when the evil emperor was detained, with the new mystery and strength realized from the dragon tail and the dragon plate. It’s got a lot of improvement... In the last day, there’s no way to raise the internal force to 1280...” (currently 1229 points)

Happy to fly in the direction of the Jinxiu Heshan Grand Altar, while trying to think about other ways to make your strength more effective in one day.

Body care……

Light work.

These require long hours of practice to produce results.

Even if it is a sneaky scorpion, it is difficult to continue to use the demon baby poison to practice light work.

At present, the only thing that has not been cultivated is the remote martial arts cheats of liberation, such as the hidden weapon and bow and arrow technique, which are very important for the compensation of strength defects.

Unfortunately... still an old problem... time!

When I think of the evil emperor, I will soon come out from the prison, and Bai Xiaosheng clearly reminded the latter that the "Daoxin Devil's Law" has been refined, and happiness is inevitably worried about the Jinxiu River.

Although Jinxiu Heshan has a good development momentum, and with the operation of the Revenge Fund, Jinxiu Heshan has approached 500,000 ***, Yipintang has completely disappeared, but once the wolf organization and Yipintang jointly counter-produce, Jinxiu Heshan is still very Danger.

"I have to think of a way."

Happy all the way to speed, racking your brains to think about breakthrough methods.


Happy and involuntarily recalled the words of the evil king, and the only sexual task that has been accepted into himself...


Thinking of this, happy and quickly dispelled the thoughts that had just emerged from the bottom of my heart.

Although he is sure that he can kill a lot of Zhengdao sect masters and get the stone tablet easily, but when he thinks about the situation he has to face, he can't help but have a headache!

If the Shaolin abbot is killed, I am afraid that Shaolin’s divisional task will immediately add a task of the highest specification – and it will not end.

After a while, this task has passed through the happy mind:

"Maybe, you can choose the kind of gang that will not come and go..."

Half an hour passed!


Beijing Baixiaosheng Mansion

"Master, happy letter from the big brother? What did he say in the letter?" The wind chime took the help of the master and sneaked the contents of the letter.

Since she was happy to bring her out of the ruins of the ruins of the Grand Canal, and she also set up a splendid Jinxiu River in a short time, she did not want a day to hope that Jinxiu Heshan would enter the capital as soon as possible, so that she would end this dark day. The days of grievances.

Bai Xiaosheng did not pay attention to the expression of the wind chime, frowning his letterhead and muttering his mouth, muttering in his mouth: "It turned out that he was going to do the plot task... but the position of this crystal, even if it was me, it could not be calculated..."

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