Sword Among Us

Chapter 1097: Lord of the Crystals (second more)

Chapter 1097 The Lord of Heavenly Crystals (Second)

Chapter 1097

"Sure enough, I can't guess it..."

Bai Xiaosheng’s reply is not surprising. After all, it is an item involving direct interests. It is impossible for Zhou Yi to be able to get involved. Immediately smashing the stationery in his hand, he sighs with a slight sigh and sighs. And wrote a letter, the pigeons came out to Bai Xiaosheng:

"Tianjing can't guess, it doesn't matter, help me determine the position of the three npcs..." Behind the letterhead, they are the names of a sectarian sect, and the patriarchs of two famous families.

It doesn't take long, I am happy to get a reply from Bai Xiaosheng!

Three years ago, the world’s three masters who had the first intersection with Tianjing, one retreat in the backyard of the Nangong family, one in the Tianlie Fort of the Northern Lie family, but the Swordsman was not in his own gate. Instead, I went to the Tianshan Mountains thousands of miles away.

"You are the one."

The pupil shrinks, happy and quickly smashes the letter in his hand, and the heart determines that the sect of the sect is the true holder of the celestial crystal - this is exactly the same as the world three years ago, when the sect of the sect of the sect attached a layer on the celestial crystal. What can be traced, if it was not in the plot task at the time, it happened to disrupt the arrangement of the Swordsman, and the winner of Tianjing should be the Swordmaster.


The task trigger of this world is obviously not so careful, even let Tianjing fall into the hands of the Swordsman, otherwise it will not appear in the Tianshan!

"I haven't left Tianshan for so long, I want to come to the Tianchi Swordsman, and the owner of the Zizhulin has given the lord a big problem." Happy heart has gradually calculated a lot of things, while my heart is slightly safe, while my heart is moving. :

"If it is a positive challenge to kill the Swordsman, I don't know what the ending will be... No, even if it is the Tianchi Swordmaster, it will not allow me to kill a sovereign in the land of the Tianchi Sword School, let alone, I am with Zizhulin. The master has never had an intersection in this world... There is not much time. At this time, it is not appropriate to get more troubles. The matter of Tianjing needs to be considered."

For a moment, I thought about a lot of things, but I finally decided not to immediately look for the Swordsman. Once, the round-trip time was more than two days, and I might not be able to take the next lord; and even if I took Tianjing, I needed to pass the Tianchi Sword. The lord triggered the task, and after a while, he could really get a chance to use Tianjing once. In the end, he really didn't intend to pin the hope of defeating the evil emperor on a one-time Tianjing.

Hey! ! !

The horse squatted for a while, accelerating the grand altar of the splendid rivers and mountains that glimpse into the horizon.


When you come to the Jintan River Mountain General Altar, you can already see the hustle and bustle of people around you. The laughter is full of official words.

Seeing this, Happy suddenly thought of another world of Baokang County, and every time I went back there, there was always a feeling of going back home.

But here...

Although prosperous, but happy, I know that everyone is only a temporary resistance group, although the purpose is the same, but far from the feeling when the original Mufu was created.

The creation of Mufu, although people are not in the government, there is a sense of fullness that is closely connected with everyone...

It is precisely because of this kind of enrichment and closeness that countless brothers and sisters organized a grand wedding for him in the rivers and lakes. During this period, he did not even give much advice, but Silver Fox and everyone gave him more than expected satisfaction and pride.

Thinking of this, a faint warmth filled the heart...

The underarm mount seems to feel the guilt of the owner's heart, slowly slow down and stop, one person and one horse, falling on the high slope, overlooking the picture of a building in the distance.


The grand altar of the Splendid River Mountain is built on an open flat that is not far from the ghosts.

I remember that when I first established it, it was only the size of an ordinary mansion that was not too big. But as more than 70 altars began to rise around the capital, the mansion has slowly expanded into a small town. The size of the scale has increased by more than ten times, and the walls are very tall. It looks like a small town and is exceptionally grand – this is the special treatment of the grand altar built outside the city.

The altar built outside the city is not only stronger than the defense of the city's altar, it is difficult to destroy, and the cornerstone of the gang is not the general resistance.

But the most satisfying thing about happiness is that in the vicinity of the ghosts, the general altar that others can't build is established. The most convenient way is to fight guerrillas with Yipintang.

Relying on ghosts as a barrier, you can hide more people in the sneaky practice, and there is any large-scale movement in Yipintang, and you can respond in time!

A practice place is still a good shelter...

As long as the altar is not destroyed, you can counterattack at any time!

This is the biggest rely on Jinxiu River!


"Tomorrow is the key moment to win and lose, not knowing what the outcome is."

I noticed that the mount was infected by myself, snoring and snoring, moving around and walking, happy and unconsciously laughing at myself:

"Oh... when did I become so sentimental?"

"Emotions are played out, life and death have passed together, that is, brothers..." The tone turned, happy to the grand altar in the distance, suddenly sighed with anger and sighed out: "Although it does not necessarily make you like Mufu, However, I will not let you regret that you have joined the Splendid River."

Finished, hand back a shot on the horse stocks!


The horse opened the four hooves and slid from the high slopes like the arrow of the string, and slammed into the distant altar.


Over time.

A lot of things happened in the Central Plains in just two days!

The promotion and expansion of Jinxiu Heshan has extended from the vicinity of the capital to the Yangtze River basin. The number of altars has increased from 70 in the beginning of the Revenge Fund to 137.

The people of Jinxiu Heshan also broke through from 400,000 to 670,000, and most of them are very densely gathered in the vicinity of the capital, north of the Yangtze River!

The affiliated gang of Yipintang has been very difficult this time, and it can even be called a pocket.

Wu Yiyi’s revenge fund evaporated more than 20 billion on the first day. Although the next day was sharply reduced to more than 13 billion, many of the Lone Rangers in the Central Plains were aroused by blood. Yipintang and its affiliated gangs But it has paid more than 300,000 lives...

With the continuous expansion of Jinxiu Heshan's sphere of influence, the Revenge Fund has soared to 100 billion. The amount of abundant funds is like the tiger's head hanging over the top of a restaurant. Not only is the strength of all the Yitangtang in the north of the Yangtze River forced to hide in the city. Even in the area south of the Yangtze River, there have been frequent attacks on the people of Yipintang, including the people of the wolf organization, and there have been people who have been attacked and suffered casualties.

The situation in the north is good!

The Southern Phantom has also breathed a sigh of relief - have to admit that the Revenge Fund has stimulated many people, and more effectively ignited the bonfire against the wolf and Yipintang, and the pressure on the wind building has been reduced.


At noon on the seventh day of the evil emperor's imprisonment, the atmosphere of the capital finally showed subtle changes!

Walking on the streets of Beijing, many players can be aware that the one-town hall of the capital that has been shrinking for a week, and the affiliated gangs of Yipintang, are often set in the streets, or they are in a hurry, or gather together to whisper, big Some people's faces have a long-lasting excitement and fierceness.

Compared with the previous period, it was not in the restaurant to shun the public opinion, or the boring strolling market, the change was great, and because of their changes, there was a surge of undercurrents in the Jingjing Street of Beijing.

Anyone who perceives this change knows:

The evil king is about to be released from prison!

The Yipintang and many affiliated gangs, which had been suppressed for a whole week, began to prepare for the counterattack.


For others, the evil emperor's release from prison will determine the future pattern of the Central Plains, and determine the continued growth of the wolf organization against the Central Plains - despite a pause.

But for a certain group of people, this is not too important!

For Ji Feng, he has just been freed from the gang's destruction and the most embarrassing moments, and jumped into the most glorious moment since the rivers and lakes.

Although it is no longer a helper level, the creation of the Splendid River Mountain has allowed him to see the rise of a thriving, endless potential and possible organization!

Rise from his hands!

In order to splendid rivers and mountains, he is more spirited and harder than any time. Twenty-four hours a day, there are twenty hours online, for the site selection of the altar; collect the list and strength of the Yipintang forces in major cities; Try to identify good people to join the application of Jinxiu Heshan; even for the splendid rivers and mountains, the command of their own brothers is like a rolling gyro, there is almost no stopping moment.

The rapid rise of Jinxiu Heshan has made the 20,000-odd people who have been dead ended with a sense of happiness and security around the world.

They have always resisted Yipintang by the strength of the attached wind tower!

But since the establishment of the Revenge Fund!

The Jinxiu River Mountain, which they participated in, has already had the strength and qualification to counter the behemoth of Yipintang! At the same time, it also has the strongest appeal of the Central Plains!

It's not easy to get everything, let them cherish and hate to do everything to protect it!

"Jimen Lord."

"The news that has just arrived from the capital side, Yipintang, Blood League, the 12 major capital gangs, including the wolf organization, have begun to come out from the capital."

"I already knew it."

Ji Feng nodded very sighingly, although Jinxiu Heshan has never moved to the power of Yipintang in the capital, but it is because the mythical masters of many institutions are at the foot of the capital of the capital, and they are happy to go back, but this does not mean Jinxiu. Heshan has no eyeliner in Beijing.

in contrast!

At least 50,000 disciples of Jinxiu Heshan in the capital city are scattered all over the streets and lanes. The capital here has a little movement and passed back to the altar.

"how to spell?"

The person was very **** and shook his fist: "There is no one in the day who can't find a person to vent, and now I can finally fight a big fight!"

But responding to him is Ji Feng’s unusually calm words:

"The fight is not for me."


"The doorman's happy command, told me yesterday, I am not suitable for planning the offensive, let me stay here and stick to it..."

Ji Feng understates: "He will be responsible for the arrangement of the offense."

"What about our altars?" Some people don't give up.

"There is nothing important in the altar. One million and two silvers can be built. What's more, there is basically nothing in our gang's warehouse. The gangs are not open to these special buildings, so there is no need to defend them. The altar owner has been instructed, and Yipintang has started to let him come. See how he shot this time."


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