Sword Among Us

: Target, revenge (first more)

Chapter 1104, Revenge (first)

Chapter 1104

Seeing that the evil emperor is completely in the hands of happiness, he has no ability to resist and struggle. Meng Yun knows that this war has once again appeared the scene she least wants to see, and this resolutely decided to start, to transfer happy eyes for the evil emperor. At the same time, first to start with a strong, early attack.

Have to say, Meng Yun's idea is not wrong!

Once the happiness is moved by the momentum of all directions, the evil emperor is likely to break free from the happy hands and regain the opportunity to breathe and recover. The victory or defeat of this battle has become an unknown number, and even a good opportunity has a chance. With a huge lineup of top players.


She apparently misjudged her happiness in grasping the situation and overestimating the current state of the evil king!

The continuous dark explosion has long ruined the blood of the evil emperor, and the body has been broken. Even the blood of the fire unicorn has no way to immediately recover such a serious internal injury, not to mention the poor meridians and the medicinal properties. The effect is not very obvious.

Realizing that Meng Yun is in the foot, happy to act decisively!

The golden scale sword brings a golden sword dizzy circle from the neck of the evil king...


Yin Hong’s blood rises to the sky.

In the eyes of the public, the thunderous hoofs of the horses and the screams of the rushing rush seemed to be silent...

The evil king is fallen!

Countless Yipintang disciples saw the evil king's head flying to the sky.


Countless people have lost their voice at this moment! His eyes followed the head of the evil emperor, and he even forgot his breath;

Dream clouds, wolves and other people are even more unbearable.

When the former was killed by the evil emperor, the pupil suddenly tightened! Unconsciously staring at the direction of happiness and evil spirits, tightly tightening the reins in his hands, I don’t know when the whole body was tight and the horses stopped.

Although a group of wolves have experienced the fall of a evil emperor, it is the first time that they have seen the evil emperor being single-handedly killed.

Suddenly inhale, there is something in my heart that suddenly collapses and is uneasy!


In the twinkling of an eye, a group of people drowned in the tide of people.

Although the fall of the evil emperor caused a lot of mental impact on some of the people here, it did not stop the pace of the charge.


Hula! !

Even if the 400,000 horses launched the assault at the same time, the evil spirits were killed, the morale of the Jinxiu River was strong, and the pigeons rose to the sky. Ji Feng shouted:

"The evil king is dead!"

"Brothers! Fight!!" The shouting excitement under the excitement was exciting.

Jinxiu Heshan did not make waves of mountains and tsunami, but only tightened the bows and arrows in the hands, waiting for the orders of the arrows.

Tens of thousands of strong bows, with at least four arrows on the bowstrings, smothering the atmosphere, if the high walls block the line of sight, the disciples of Yipintang outside will see this scene unbeaten!

Outside the altar, a circle of people first shot!

"One team!"

"Two teams put! Three teams put!"

"One team came forward!"

The sound of the bowstring is endless, but it is very weak in the roaring hooves, like a slap in the waves.

But when this tail smashed into a heavy rain, even the sea had to move!

Under the dark night sky, the fire is ruined!

It is a pity that people can't see the shadow of the arrow flying through the air, until the dense and empty sound and the creepy frequency and posture, without a gap from the sky, the first disciple who broke into the attack range has changed!


The effect of the body protection against the block did not work.


The sound of the body being pierced is one after another!

boom! !

Even the man took the horse and was directly tied into a hedgehog. The dust fell under the strong inertia...

thump! thump! !

The endless arrow rain is like a thunderstorm, and in front of countless disciples in a hall, there is a dead zone that needs life as a cost of passing.

Except for a few people...


The total altar area of ​​Jinxiu River Mountain is very large, and the range of arrow rain coverage is very wide. The fire resistance points of various places cannot be maintained at all times, and it is impossible to ensure that the intensity of each area is completely consistent. The strong and weak attack is The fire zone is too weak.

Roar! ! !

Although Yipintang lost a lot of people in the first round of continuous blows, but there are a few people who are carrying shields on the horse's body to break through the intensive firepower ***!

Escape from the dead, enough for everyone to run wild! Race against time!

tread! tread! Step on! !

Less than a hundred meters away, several breaths will be close to zero.

"Keep firepower ***!"

Ji Feng ordered to stabilize the overall situation while sending a signal of confrontation...

The lineup of Jinxiu Heshan archers suddenly divided a lot of people, and gaze rushing to the fish of the net!

boom! ! !

The two sides smashed and smashed together, despite the numerous arrows flying overhead, the distant fires and screams, but they could not stop their fierce eyes.


I am happy to stand in front of the body of the evil emperor, close my eyes and inhale, enjoying the sharpness and imposingness brought by the endless stream of arrows flying from the top of my head, while slowly looking up and staring straight ahead, a group of hesitations The former one of the people in the hall.

In all directions, the people of Yipintang all launched the charge, but on the side he was right, the people of Yipintang did not dare to go half a step.

Although the offensive command was issued for a short period of time, no one dared to approach.

I am not surprised to be happy about this...

In the face of ordinary arrow rain, these people may be able to make some articles with the shield and the body of the horse. Fortunately, they are close to the Jintan River and the altar, but this road has been sprinkled with the blood of the evil emperor, sprinkled with the world. The blood and head of a master, and then stand the first master of today, and any brain that is afraid of it will be marked with the words 'this road is different'.

"Bai Xiaosheng, you should have already controlled the capital..."

Happy while putting away the golden scale sword in my hand, while muttering in the mouth: "The evil king is dead, not the capital, if the dream cloud knows, I am afraid I will not continue to entangle with me here, I have to hurry and take this opportunity. In one fell swoop, this evil has been destroyed."

Between the words, the black iron epee fell into the hands again!

The eyes are flashing!

"Happy to be gone!"

The people on the opposite side of the hall have been quietly standing near the body of the evil emperor. They are still calm, but the **** shouts from all directions continue to attract their attention. When they hear someone exclaimed , countless sights are simultaneously focused.

Happy place to stand, except for the body of the evil emperor, empty...


In the crowd, the wolf and other people first realized that the situation was not good. They turned to be ready to inform the partners of the wolf organization to increase their vigilance.

At this time.

A familiar voice screams from behind the wolf:


The tone of the spirit of ecstasy and sorrow makes the tight-skinned wolf's body goose squat up, and the reflective sword sweeps out.


An innocent Yipintang disciple held his chest and fell down on the horse from his mount. He was dying. His eyes were filled with mistakes and shocks. Those who could not believe the wolves would do it themselves.

When the wolf looks at the injured person, he immediately knows that his reaction is too intense, and the happiness should be used to stimulate himself.

But in the next second, a force that could not be countered was raised from the side.

Dragon hand!

At the moment when the body was stagnant, the wolf turned his head and his shoulders were happy to hold it. The latter looked at himself with a smile.


At the same time, people in the hall of Tang Dynasty found that happiness appeared, and the exclamation sound had not yet sounded. They saw two cold light fluttering from their hands.

boom! !

Two arms broke up...

After being scolded by a sword, the wolf was not even screaming. The tenacity and calmness of the mercenary came out at this time. After the retreat, he stood still in the crowd, staring at the happy eyes and the mouth. Drink:


"kill him!!"

He knew that the first time he found himself was because he had taken special care of him outside the main hall of the Fengfeng Building. Now the Feng Shui turns and turns to be happy to take care of him.

Four weeks, the reaction of the disciple of the Tangtang made the wolf extremely angry...

Including the dozens of top masters and wolf organizations who guarded the dream cloud, seeing his wretched look at the moment, the first time to do is not to save people, but to avoid.

"Hula!", the intensive crowd suddenly vacated an open space.

Happy, the wolf is highlighted.

Seeing this scene, the wolf, who was still eager to see it, was pale and looked up in disbelief:

"A group of things that are not planted."

This sentence seems to finally spur a person who wakes up a hall...



The darkness of the crowd is loud.

Those who have no confidence and happiness and are facing the enemy have chosen long-range attacks, blindfolded their faces and put a hidden weapon.

When many hidden weapons hit the front of the happy, the latter suddenly accelerated, leaving a string of broken shadows in place, Lingbo microsteps came to the wolf.

Handed the other party with a contemptuous look.

"Do not!!"

The wolf quickly read the meaning of the happy eyes, and screamed.

Happy did not pay attention to his protest.

There was no time to stop the hidden weapon.

puff! puff! !

Happy and easy to grab the wolf's body, surrounded by a shield like a shield.

The sound of the flesh being hit is continuous.

Most of the hidden weapons are all collected by the wolf's body...

The wolf was beaten into a horse's nest under a series of not very serious injuries. Like a broken sieve, it was thrown at the crowd by happy hands.

The hidden weapon around has stopped...

Countless pairs of eyes focused on the face, limbs, body covered with hidden weapons, smashed wolves that did not die immediately, and they took a breath of air.

At this moment, they finally knew that they were happy to rush into the crowd but did not immediately start killing them.

This is a targeted revenge.

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