Sword Among Us

Chapter 1105: Happy intentions? (Second, ask for recommendations)

Chapter 1105 Happy meaning? (Second, ask for recommendations)

Chapter 1105

The wolf was ripped off his two arms and was covered with a hidden weapon. The horrible appearance of lying on the ground, so that all the people in the hall of the hall were mad, stepping back, once again looking at the happy eyes not only filled with awe and jealousy, but also A trace of unspeakable fear.



Walking slowly from the wolf's non-adult body around...

The shouting of shouting and screaming is still filled with the surrounding of the Jinxiu Heshan Grand Altar! 400,000 horses were against 120,000 horses, but they were calm and calm, and they did not immediately cut off a master of the hall, or seized the time to disturb the rear of the hall.

"Dream cloud."

In the crowd, happy to stop.

The sound is clearly spread throughout the ears of everyone within a hundred meters. The majestic internal force is pushing the valley, and the hooves and shouts of the surrounding are all pressed down. Everyone follows the happy eyes. They have focused on the body of a dream house. At this time, the latter is quietly retreating under the guards of a group of top players.

I noticed that everyone’s eyes were focused, and Mengyun stopped the withdrawal very cautiously. She straightened up from the horse’s back and responded with uneasiness: “During the two armies, the happy gatekeeper did not sit on the town and defended the river... How to enlighten me." In the words, it seems that I have not received the influence of the evil emperor's fall, and the words are powerful and loud.

Happy sneer:

"The dream house master is more frustrated and more brave, but I have long expected that you will not easily give up the dream of reigning the Central Plains."


There was finally a change in the face of Meng Yun’s lonely and fearless face, and he frowned unconsciously.

Happy, clear words continue to pass into the ear:

"I will accompany you to continue playing and play with the evil spirits. As long as you are in the Central Plains, Jinxiu Heshan will accompany you to the end!"

Dream cloud face sinking, these words are equivalent to a happy declaration! The equivalent of the declaration of Jinxiu Heshan!

However, the situation has developed to this stage. In order to achieve the goal, Mengyun has no way to go, only to do everything, join hands with the wolf organization, thoroughly consume the energy, see who is energy-consuming...

Although the evil emperor has fallen, but the evil emperor responded quickly, saying that he would come over in the shortest possible time, and hold back the happiness - the demon lord promised to contain a person, which is equivalent to lowering his posture.

There is a evil emperor sitting in the town, and then holding down an emperor, the splendid rivers and mountains of this place can not resist the army of Yipintang!

If the Jinxiu River and the Mountain collapse first, there will be an opportunity for Yipintang, and the opportunity will be reduced to zero, and the hundreds of cities in the north will be regained;

If you let the fun stay, then all the cities in the north will not dare to move around, and the people of Bai Xiaosheng in the capital will come here to spoil.

The 400,000-strong army of Yipintang will become a rootless floating duck, annihilated in this Jinxiu Heshan Grand Altar.

The situation is forced!

Dream Cloud stared at the happy figure, squeezing out a word from the mouth: "Then see the sword under the sword."

"Good to say!"

Happy haha ​​smile.

Proudly swaying his face, cold and cold, the last look of the dream cloud, people disappeared from the place, a few seconds later, the voice came from another direction: "The confrontation with the evil emperor has ended, now I am the Jinxiu River The identity of the door master, and the dream of your dreams, with the more than 100,000 people you think, repel the 400,000 elite you are proud of."

The moment of heroic is far from the moment of Meng Yun’s ear. The latter once again stopped thinking about withdrawing to the area that is not noticed. He turned back and stared at the direction of the happy voice. The chest was slightly ups and downs... ...

A nameless anger burns in the heart of Mengyun, and it is getting stronger and stronger!

Being stunned...

Mengyun didn't care.

Because the strength of happiness is here, even the first master of the hall is dead in the hands of happiness, and Meng Yun has no idea of ​​personally fighting with each other;


On the battlefield, the enemy is the first king!

At this time, an iron is!

But now it is easy to be easily discarded, and it is said that it will use the temporary construction of hundreds of thousands of ugly people to defeat the elite army that they have accumulated over the years and give them a safe command environment.

Happy, this is not to put the ability of the dream cloud in the eyes...

It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!

"Go to the front!"

The cold flashes in the eyes, and the dream cloud is cold-eyed.

The guards around did not dare to neglect, quickly escorted the dream cloud, opened a passage, and came to the front of the crowd who had not yet launched the impact, stopping outside the range of the bow of the Jinxiu Heshan disciple.

Looking around in a fierce battlefield, Mengyun quickly spoke, like the generals, flying speed speech:

“Let the people of Wu Temple immediately report the casualties of the various altars!”

"Communicating the first team captain blood coat, let him immediately split four echelons, except for the first echelon where Shi Huawei is responsible for holding an emperor, others gave me a breakthrough from the southeast, the northern breakthrough, and the breakthrough in the northwest offensive!"

Meng Yun’s side has been followed by a group of people, these are responsible for instant contact with the responsible person and communication on the battlefield.

When Meng Yun issued an order, a group of people did not dare to sneak up on the book.

As soon as the voice fell, many of the pigeons were released.

Turning his face, Meng Yun stared at the masters of a group of wild wolves, such as Xiao Tao, who came back from another direction after they left.

"Everyone, since I am happy to see the commanding ability of my dream cloud, I will now let him regret the decision he made! However, I need your help!"

"There is a polite guest. Our head has just passed the book to us and told us that you will listen to your command during this time. Your order is his command."

Little pink eyes are full of ice, of course, this chill is not for the dream cloud, but someone who has just left here.


Meng Yun arbitrarily nodded and said: "Now we have a ready-made breakthrough in front of us, I need you to help me tear a hole from here!"

She knows that nowadays, the two organizations of Yipintang and Wulves face the most dangerous situation. If they are inadvertently, they will be ruined in the Central Plains. Therefore, it is the moment when the two organizations’ tacit cooperation index reaches its peak, even if they are arrogant. The top experts in the wolf organization are also willing to accept any task for the destruction of the Splendid River and Mountain, and perform it meticulously, even if sacrificed.

Following the dream of Meng Yun, Xiao Taohong quickly understood where the ready-made breakthrough in her mouth was!

This is the channel that has been stained with evil blood!

Because happy just in this direction, the arrow rain of Jinxiu Heshan did not cover this direction, it is the only obvious weak surface in the entire circular firepower network...

Although the people nearby can support it immediately, but with the strength of the top players, they can break through the firepower network before they perfect and strengthen the firepower. They directly threaten the archers outside the Jintan River and the general altar, and even tear a hole.

"no problem."

After a glance, Xiao Taohong nodded confidently: "When do you start?"

Meng Yun did not answer immediately, because it just received a bird's biography from a disciple stationed in the nearby city Wu Temple. The above figures made her face slightly blue...

Xiao Tao’s intuition is not too optimistic, so he asks one more question.

Meng Yun was sober from the haze, his eyes condensed:

"Do not delay! Start immediately!"

The data from Wu Temple made her not want to waste even a second...

The crossfire line of Jinxiu Heshan is too long!

As long as even the dream cloud did not meet in just a few minutes, there was such a huge casualty in Yipintang.

80,000! !

According to the record of the death cycle on the Wu Temple, just a few minutes ago, at least 80,000 people in Yipintang were evaporated from the Jintan River.

And Jinxiu Heshan only paid less than two thousand sacrifices!

It was also until this moment that Meng Yun realized that the total altar of the beautiful Jinhe River, which was built outside the city, extended the battle line to what level, and raised the number of contacts in an instant to a terrible height!

This is still the first line of defense on the outskirts of Jinxiu River. Yipintang has not even touched the high wall. It has poured a whole 80,000 horses in a place 100 meters away!

Now she finally understands why she is full of confidence and confidence. With more than 100,000 people, she can make a hundred thousand horses in Yipintang!

When I was surrounded by the altar of the wind building, two or three times as many people were dispatched. Although I have paid a lot of money, it is far from being comparable.

The total square of the Fengfeng Building is not large in the city...

Because the area is very small, tens of thousands of horses are counted, and the number of people facing up to one time is limited, and it will not exceed 500. But now, on the front line of several kilometers, one face is one or two thousand people, and the damage is continued, even if there is no superb The commanding skills, with the unusual front line and sufficient firepower, Jinxiu Heshan can easily take away the number of enemy heads.

Meng Yun’s mood suddenly became tense...

If you can't quickly tear open the line of defense and break the balance of the current Jinxiu River, the sacrifice of Yipintang will soon exceed the number of people in the Jinxiu Heshan Grand Altar.

This is why she can't wait to order Xiao Tao, let her attack immediately!

Little Pink did not make him fail!

The quality of the international mercenary orders is much higher than that of ordinary players, and the division of labor is meticulous, with a tacit understanding, and back to the first three words and two words ready to attack.


Whizzing! !

People who did not wait for the opposite side of Jinxiu River Mountain reacted, and a group of people such as Xiaotaohong had already rushed out for five or sixty meters like black lightning...

When the opposite crowd screamed, and there were sporadic arrows and rains, the hooves thundered, and the long-awaited people of the horses attracted more attention.

The eyes of many Jinxiu Heshan disciples were suddenly attracted by a large number of people in the back of a class, and the firepower covered them...

Xiao Taohong led a group of top players in the wolf organization, quietly greeted a group of ordinary disciples of Jinxiu Heshan, the sword shines bloodthirsty.

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