Sword Among Us

Chapter 1106: Second line of defense (first)

Chapter 1106, the second line of defense (first)

Chapter 1106

The people of the wolf organization did not let the dream cloud disappoint!

Dozens of top masters, like a sharp knife, cut deeply into the outer area of ​​the Splendid River Mountain. The people who greeted them were dumped on the ground in one face, and hundreds of people were killed and killed. A group of people did not dare to neglect. Before the excitement and reaction of the Jinxiu River, the forcible impact, the defense line outside the altar was suddenly rushed out of a **** road.

Although the casualties are not very large, the perfect iron barrel defense front of Jinxiu Heshan was cut off by a knife, and the archer was not killed or the attention was transferred;

There is a gap in the coverage of the arrow rain!

Bang! !

The iron hoof roared, and a large number of Yimaotang horses and horses bowed under the cover of the wolf...


Countless arrows rained out of the crowd, and the arrows rained on both sides of the Jinxiu River defense line, causing no small confusion and death.

The disadvantages of the team that were temporarily patched together suddenly showed up...

With the strong insertion and counterattack of Yipintang, the domino effect on the periphery of Jinxiu Heshan quickly appeared, and the gap opened from the opening of the wolf organization, the gap continued to expand, and the left and right extended.

On the contrary, the people of Yipintang began to vigorously expand the invading area from the direction of Mengyun’s command. The counterattack of Yipintang is a foregone conclusion!

Because the front line is too long, and most of them are lone rangers, in the face of sudden and fierce counterattacks, many people are beaten in an instant!

But the commander is not chaotic.

Ji Feng looked at the chaos and defeated at the heights and spread to the side. The brows were wrinkled, but the look did not panic.

"Ji, the deputy, please?"

More than 80,000 people in the altar still hold their bows and keep their momentum ready to go. So far, the people in the altar have not made an arrow.

All of them were eager to fight, including several old brothers standing next to Ji Feng, and they couldn’t help but ask: "A Pintang has hit our walls."

"Can't mess!"

After glanced at the old brothers, Ji Feng said calmly: "Be happy before you have explained it. If you don't, you can't lose it because of it!"


When I heard that the boss was moving out, a group of people suddenly stopped talking, and a pair of hot eyes stared at the enemies slowly approaching the wall.


Jinxiu Heshan Grand Altar, East Side

Here, the last one of the Jinxiu Heshan disciples who were stubbornly resisted in the field of vision was slashed to the ground, and a group of scattered wolves organized the top masters to rejoin the little peaches.

The latter looked around in a circle.

Forty-seven people, a lot.

In the crowd, Jin Luochao and others smiled: "It's beautiful."

"Sure enough, it is a group of ugly people, and some top players can't see it. With this strength, we simply go in directly!"

As soon as the voice fell, the words of Xiaotaohongbing condensed were heard from the ear:

"A top-level defense has not touched a top expert. Happy and an emperor have not appeared in the interception. You are not surprised?"

There are also some people in the wolf organization that feel faintly abnormal.

It’s just a matter of making a mistake in happiness, and it’s too bad to show weakness in the continuous enemy!

"You have a lot of heart, the battlefield is so big, we start fast, and we can't even collect the pigeons. We can't detect the situation here. Maybe we can go to other places to fight the fire." Jin Luochao Very normal tone: "Again, it's not better to be happy, not to be in the head, and to wait for him to come, we may not be so easy..."

"The Rakshasa is right, we don't want to think too much, the soldiers are very fast, I am not happy, and then break the second line of the Jinxiu River. Otherwise, I am happy, and it is a hard fight!" go along.

Although Xiaotao is not doing the right thing, but now the two sides are in full swing, it is really not appropriate to delay... Moreover, the commander is Mengyun, and she is also taking care of the overall situation.

The heart must be, the little pink eyes turn to the high wall in front of you!

A group of people came under the wall and slowly looked up!


“It’s easy to jump up, but the time from the air to the landing can be dangerous...”

A group of people are international mercenaries, and it is very clear that even a stay of zero in the air is very fatal.

What's more, there is no one in the arrow, nor has it actively supported the people on the perimeter line. It is the second line of defense. The explosive power of the moment can be imagined how terrible it is.

“Let the people of Yipintang attract firepower and help us bottom out.”

This suggestion of Little Pink is silently endorsed by all members of the Wolf Organization.

Ten seconds later, the people of Yipintang launched a fierce attack on Jinxiu Heshan.

A group of people attacked the surface of the wall under the high wall, and more people borrowed from the wall and climbed to the highest point with their hands and feet.

of course.

These people do not have idiots to appear directly on the wall, but one hand is caught on the wall, and the body is close to the wall...

A group of people on the wall looked at each other and took out some dark spherical things from the Qiankun bag.

This scene made the people of the wolf organization slightly scared.

At this point, I finally got some understanding of the means of Mengyun.


There are still quite a few.

When a group of people looked at each other, the master of Yipintang had already raised his hand at the same time, and he quickly shot the thunderbolt in his hand with the hidden weapon to the general altar of Jinxiu River.


Hey! !

Almost at the same time they shot, the intensive sound of the air broke through their heads;


boom! boom! ! !

The people of Yipintang quickly noticed that the frequency of the arrow rain in the Jintan River and the altar was suddenly weakened, and he did not hesitate. Hundreds of people turned over at the same time, followed by the latter.

The masters of several wolves are also motivated by the arrangement and means of Yipintang, and they are mixed into the crowd under the indication of Xiaotaohong.

However, several wolf organization masters have just turned into the inner wall, and they are quickly shocked by the lineup inside!

The thunderbolt bomb did not explode in the crowd.

It seems that the thunderbolt bomb was hit in the air when it was shot. The blazing flame and the smoke became a line of defense against the splendid rivers and mountains.

The thunderbolt bombs did not affect the Jinxiu River and the mountains. A group of people suddenly became the snacks that were delivered to the door. They were shot directly into the air by the dense arrows and rain.

what! !

puff! puff!

The screams, the sound of the body being pierced into a sorrowful sorrow, is endless.

The people of Yipintang are completely paralyzed!

The man was stabbed into a hedgehog in the air, and the body was broken, and he was so angry that he could not even master the balance. He used to fall on the wall behind him and fell from the sky.

There is no life!

The master of the wolf turned over the high wall and regretted it...

But they knew that they couldn't go back alive. When they gritted their teeth, they rushed into the madness of the lineup of Jinxiu River.

Drink! !

Several people used the body of a disciple around him to make a shield, and they struggled after landing.

Hey! !

Several Yipintang disciples didn't even know what was going on, they were concealed to death by their own people in the air, and even people took arrows. The body rolled up the violent wind and flew to the defense line of Jinxiuheshan.


Jinxiu Heshan General Altar

In the forefront of the crowd, several temperamental Tangmen disciples have been coldly watching the enemies tumbling from the wall. The left arm is across the chest, and the delicate chain of cymbals mounted on the right arm is densely packed with two rows of cold arrows. arrow.

The thunderbolts that had been shot into the altar before were easily crushed in the air by them.

They are Ji Feng arranged here, is worried that there are top players mixed in the crowd to cause unnecessary casualties, strong defense.

call! !

The sound of the wild wolf master rolling over is very light and ingenious, completely different from the speed of the corpse, and several people have tightened their pupils:

"There are experts!"

The brows were tight, and several Tangmen masters gave up the arrow attack with great decisiveness, and their hands were recycled to the waist...

Left hand!

Right hand!

Left hand! Right hand!

The Jinxiu Heshan disciple only saw the constant rotation of the Tangmen disciples, staggered the left hand and the right hand, and flew for four or five times in an instant. The speed was so fast that there was a lot of things that should not have existed in the air in front.

A variety of hidden weapons dance like a butterfly!

The wolf organization masters have successfully kicked the body, but the continuous sound of the arrow rain has weakened their ability to listen to the wind;

The bodies in front of them also limited their vision.

With one foot flying out, the pupil suddenly spread!

puff! puff! puff……

Several people did not have time to go up a few steps, and were quickly nailed with all kinds of hidden weapons, flying needles, sleeve arrows, flying knives, spiral nails, butterfly darts and the like.

The accompanying smashing effect, the toxic effect, each is very deadly!

Poor couples of the top wolves have not had time to show their extraordinary skills, and they have been beaten by the Tangmen masters for a long time. The whole body is full of various metal objects and fell to the ground.


"Well done!"

Many disciples of Jinxiu River saw it really, and saw that the disciples of Tangmen resolved a wave of not a small crisis, and they did not praise the words.



Little pink has been paying close attention to the movement inside the wall.

There is no sound of the swordsman, and there is no signal that has been agreed in advance. As time goes by, the face of Xiaotaohong is much more dignified.

The fierce attack not only annihilated the tentative attack here, but also the other directions.

"Enable the second set of programs!" Xiaotaohong closed his eyes and meditation for a few seconds. The group of wild wolf organizers rolled up their sleeves to reveal the bright and sleek flying knives hidden inside.

In the hands of Xiao Taohong, there are a few more big fists.

Look at each other!


A group of people plucked up at the same time! Snapped!


The flying body was attached to the wall, and one hand gently buckled the edge, and the right hand slammed, and the metal friction of ‘呛呛’ continued.

The flying knives in the hands of the wild wolf have popped up a dozen sharp blades!

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