Sword Among Us

Chapter 1107: Break through! Surprise! (Second, ask for recommendations)

Chapter 1107 breaks! Surprise! (Second, ask for recommendations)

Chapter 1107


puff! puff! ! !

With three slight sounds, three black-painted fist-sized things were shot down by the Tangmen masters in the air, but countless people were shocked by the fact that the scattered objects were bursting with strong black smoke. Instantly filled the range of tens of meters.

The three groups of black smoke not only shrouded the Tangmen masters, but also many people have the specific situation in front of the horizon! Lose the *** on the high wall!

"smoke bomb!"

"not good!"

"Archers continue firepower!! Don't stop!!" Even if a lot of Jinxiu Heshan disciples reacted to exclaiming warnings, but followed by the violent flying knives inserted from the smoke inside, the front row was inserted. Brother's throat and body.


Under the circumstance, one of the splendid Heshan disciples was kicked off the ground by sudden attacks, and they plunged backwards.

"Thank you!" Tangmen disciples have a strong ability to distinguish between hidden weapons and listening to the wind, but under such a chaotic situation, it is impossible to accurately judge what is happening in the opposite direction. In a flash, one death and two injuries, and the speed of the anger Use the hidden weapon to fight back and drink.


Dozens of figure wrapped in black smoke that has not dissipated, the devil usually rushes out without feelings. The whole body of the four pieces of magical equipment exudes a deep and cold cold light, in the eyes of countless Jinxiu disciple disciples as an incarnation of death.

"It’s a wolf!!"

"Be careful!"

"Quickly inform Ji deputy master!!" From the number of wild wolf organizers who rushed out of the smoke, Tangmen disciple instantly determined that the brothers here could not resist, and quickly screamed: "This side needs support!! ”


People are not there, the sound is first!

Two cold and cold-like mans shot from the smoke, one of them left and right. One of the Tangmen disciples didn't even have a chance to block. They were directly interspersed with two bodies in a moment, and the blood in the throat flashed. The man flew up and fell to the ground.


Xiaotaohong and Xianer successively came out of the smoke, and they sang coldly. Two Guanghua rushed into the crowds of Jinxiu River and the mountains, and the blood was splashing.

More than forty wolf organizations are top-level masters like the mountain tigers, and they are thrown into the crowd!

The original line of defense was suddenly shocked and broken...

Faced with the top players in the wolf organization that rushed into the crowd, the bow and arrow completely lost the shock effect;

Behind the wolf organization masters, a larger number of Yipintang masters have come to the wall incessantly, and like the group, they are overwhelmed.

The Jintan River Mountain General Altar quickly changed from an iron bucket barrier to a battlefield where short soldiers meet!

The fierce killing and the knives were fierce and fierce!


A hundred meters away from the Jinxiu River, a group of people in Mengyun are still standing still in the same place.

Since the endless stream of people and horses poured into the Jintan River Mountain General Altar, a group of guards guarding the dream cloud suddenly became a breeze dance:

"Great, great!!"

"The wolf man has scored in!"

A group of people couldn't help but scream, and their faces were covered with ecstasy.

On Thursday, the people in the hall were also full of morale, and more people moved closer to this side, trying to get into the altar from the gap here.

Although Mengyun was pleasantly surprised for a while, he quickly converges his smile and calms down. He can't help but frown and look into the distance.

"Happy, there is no news yet?"

Up to now, the calmness of her heart has made her slightly uneasy - it has been a few minutes since she left the heart, but the other party has not made a dazzling move. This is not a happy style.

Although the evil emperor can return to the battlefield in a few minutes, but at the moment she does not grasp the happy position and what the other party is doing, she always has a faint uneasiness, and gradually becomes stronger with the passage of time. She has already made people in charge of the pigeons, and the position of monitoring is happy to report immediately. At this point... there should be a response.


The person responsible for receiving the message behind him answers with a respectful tone:

"The owner, the people are on the west side of the altar!"


A dream cloud, the line of sight also fell to the Jintan River Mountain General Altar.

The location she is standing now is the east side of Jinxiu River Mountain! Happy to go to the west, the distance between the two is just across the altar of Jinxiu River.

Even if I am happy to get the news that the east has been broken, I am afraid I can't get there in a short time - this is the disadvantage of the big square.

The mood of Mengyun has finally recovered a little...

As long as the east can be taken down, the invading front is extended, and the power of a happy person cannot be controlled to such a huge battlefield.

"The owner!"

"Beijing is coming to report!"

When I heard the reminder from the people behind me, Meng Yun’s brow was tight: “Say!”

Now, in addition to the 100,000 rush of the Jinxiu Heshan Grand Altar, Mengyun is most worried about the situation in Beijing. Although the real battlefield has been transferred to the Jinxiu Heshan General Altar, but the situation of the Beijing city deteriorates too fast, it will bring her It’s a big trouble, and that’s why she didn’t dare to slack off until this moment.

The person behind held a note and hesitated before opening:

"Bai Xiaosheng and Jinxiu Heshan people have smashed millions of players in the capital to attack our grand altar, and at the same time monitor the city gate. Now they have gathered a lot of people out of the city and come over here..."


When I heard the reward, Meng Yun’s reaction was very calm. It seems that I have long expected that Bai Xiaosheng will not be lonely.

“When is it expected to arrive?”

"About twenty minutes later." The person behind him replied.

After a few seconds, Meng Yun said: "A group of people in the rabble, a group of people meet to intercept, kill innocents... When there are many people, try to drag people to me!"


Someone immediately left behind.

When Meng Yun’s eyes turned, his mind returned to the Jintan River Mountain General Altar.

"Give me an hour, as long as one hour, I will be able to completely capture the Jinxiu River and control the whole situation! By the time, no matter how many people I come, I am useless... I am not happy!"

The voice did not fall, and suddenly there was a fierce battle from the opposite side of the mountain to the tsunami. Far away, even the Jinxiu River Shandong side was alarmed, and countless people looked into the distance.

"What happened?"

The dream cloud and the people around can hear the far-reaching killing and shouting suddenly, and jumped over the Jintan River and the altar, and faintly passed here.

Many people are eagerly awaiting!

But soon...

They found that this turmoil and fierce shouting was spreading from both sides!

Dream cloud brows close!

The eyes suddenly became very dignified.

"Quickly ask, what happened?"

The big *** is the west, the direction of happy.


After throwing away the dream cloud, happy has been killed from the east side of Jinxiu Heshan to the west, during the period of destruction, the blood everywhere paved!

I don’t know how many people I killed.

In the later period, people who did not have a place in the past dared to approach, and heard the sound to avoid far.

When I came to the west, I remembered that the impact on this side was still quite serious. There was a big gap in one line of defense...

But with a happy rush.

A vacuum belt appears.

The blood road paved with countless Yipintang and the 12th Jingcheng gang's life was quickly re-covered by the arrow rain. The people who rushed into the line of defense suddenly became a lonely army, and quickly annihilated the rehearsal of the Jinxiu River defense line.

When I came to the west, I was happy to turn around and started to rush to the outside. The sword was more powerful...

Have fun sitting in the town, the west is completely stable and not to mention, the people in Yipintang have nothing at all, as long as they are happy to go to the place, they must be corpse across the wild; people, one by one to avoid a hundred meters away and feel very unsafe.

But happiness does not care about these, continue to swim in the West!


The Xuan Iron Epee waved, and countless people flew out.

Happy became a killing **** on the battlefield!

In just a few minutes, the hard-working one cut out a passage with one person. When an emperor came over here, he had already smashed the encirclement of Yipintang to a blank area of ​​100 meters wide.


"A happy one is no problem, and an emperor also ran over..."

"I am going to change direction to the head office."

On Thursday, people in the hall of the hall felt that the danger was too high, and the future was bleak.


"... happy!"

When an emperor and a happy person passed by, the secret language was heard: "The preparations of the ghosts have all arrived!" The exchange of information on the battlefield is fast, and the speech is simple and powerful.

Happy lips corner:

It’s finally time!

Slightly smile, happy to raise your hand is a red rocket raised and hit the air.

Although the rocket was inconspicuous under the fire of the original, the people who were too far away could not notice it, but the people in the west were scarce and looked very dazzling.

A circle of gorgeous fire 啪 啪 绽放 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在

At the time of the mistake, everyone was stunned and looked at the direction of the Jinxiu Heshan Grand Altar. He thought that it was a signal that the breakout was launched.

But soon...

In the dark wilderness of the west, behind them, a large number of dense black shadows appeared quietly.

These people are extremely fast.

All the black tight-fitting equipment, like a night walker, armed with swords, emerged from the darkness, and the chaotic and awkward battlefield, few people noticed their existence.

Breaking into the range of fire, to approach the nearest one-class disciple, the whole process is just a blink of an eye...

The person who first approached was steadfast!

When the other side noticed that the rear of the wind was moving and turning around, it was a storm from the rear!

The hand is falling! !



"Be careful behind!!"

"The ambush of the beautiful river and mountains!"

The screams of anger and anger are spreading like plague...

However, when the people who entered the range of the torches were densely packed, when the disciples of Yipintang reacted, tens of thousands of people rushed into the crowd from the rear!

Under the circumstance, the people in Yipintang had no time to set up defense lines and the swords had been cut from their necks.

Happy, one of the emperor's temperament, each led a man to kill, igniting the fire of the original wilderness!

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