Sword Among Us

Chapter 1108: Subtle changes (first more)

Chapter 1108 Subtle Changes (First)

Chapter 1108

Unexpectedly, the battle of the Jintan Heshan Grand Altar has entered an unusually fierce cycle from the very beginning.

In the case of Yipintang, hundreds of thousands of horses, almost madly offensive and many top masters, tore a hole in the east side of the total altar, the two sides quickly launched a close-knit battle, the sound of smashing and slashing soldiers is dim! More and more people in Yipintang are pouring in, and they are quickly gaining a foothold, and gradually gain an advantage and expand their record!

But the west is a different scene at the moment...

Happy, an emperor creates an environment!

Tens of thousands of beautiful embroidered rivers and mountains in advance sneaked in the sneaky people, quietly smothered from the rear, and killed a person in the hall of a stallion, people turned over.

The huge encirclement, the entire west is a blink of an eye, and was completely dispersed by tens of thousands of horses!

Under the leadership of happy and one emperor, tens of thousands of people split their troops and burned the war to the north and south...

There is absolutely no meaning to help the Jinxiu Heshan Grand Altar!

Kill to kill! !



Happy and proud, the ghosts rushed to the most densely populated areas, the black iron epee danced, people within a radius of more than 20 meters are not surviving.


The *** part that followed the happy ones were the old gangs of the two gangs and the disciples who had originally withdrawn from the wind building. Although they were inferior to the disciples in some respects, they are now morale and chasing in the face. Behind the taste of the one-class disciple, the faint still has an advantage.

There is a similarity between the emperor and the happy, and there are also differences.

The same thing is that the swordsmanship of both of them is very deadly, and the lethality is the ultimate!

But the difference is that the emperor's sword attack power is very cohesive, very targeted, like a subtle edge, people can not resist, the attack surface is small, so the person who kills once is very limited; but he wins at speed Fast enough.

When the happy Xuan Tie epee waved a circle, the emperor had already produced a lot of swords. In the middle of the army, only the people on the road continued to fall out from both sides!

The black sword in the dark night sky is like a black lightning. Every time you cross it, you will let a person in the hall can not help but give birth to a chill from the bottom of my heart, because the crowd has fallen down and I don’t know how many people.

Happy, although the attack speed is slow, but a sword is shocked!

A sword-killer is more powerful than an emperor and more swords. It is also more deterrent and mentally impactful, giving a feeling of enemies.

There are also many top players in Yipintang, but the scene of seeing happiness and the slain of an emperor is also unbearable, and I dare not go up to the front.

When Mengyun got the news from the west, the happy tens of thousands of horses led by the emperor had already entered the field of vision of a group of people from both sides.


Meng Yun palely stopped the report of the person behind him, going up two steps.

Looking at the chaos that spreads in this direction on both sides of the north and south, a strong chill rises from the body of Meng Yun.

Ten minutes ago.

She is not sure that she is happy to leave her own purpose, and she does not know what is the anxiety in her heart...

Now she is clear! !

Although he killed the evil emperor, he still used a very conservative and steady method to cope with this war, instead of thinking that he was invincible after defeating the evil emperor.

For a moment.

Mengyun seems to understand everything.

Happy words...

It is to stabilize her, to stabilize the 400,000 horses in Yipintang, and stay in the Jintan Heshan Grand Altar.

Happy at first, I knew that the defense line of the Jinxiu Heshan Grand Altar could not block the full-scale attack of Yipintang and the wolf organization. Therefore, I did not intend to use the Jinxiu Heshan Grand Altar as a battlefield for the dead battle at the beginning...

Before the battle, I was happy to create and wait for the opportunity, waiting for her to relax, waiting for a product hall to reveal its own flaws, while waiting for a chance to kill a lot of people in the battle hall!

This war.

Although it seems that the Jinxiu Heshan Grand Altar has been compromised, the situation is critical, but as expected, the 70, 80,000 people sit in the town's altar, and there are high walls and top experts' embellishment protection. Even if it is fierce, it will not be possible in a short time. All inside is destroyed.

But happy, but the use of the evil emperor's fallen land, leaving a flaw, and then deliberately left her life deliberately, exposing the second flaw.

In order to keep the masters of the dream cloud and the wolf organization to the east of the total altar, focus the attention of Meng Yun on the breakthrough of the east, and happily take all the people in the Jintan Heshan as a bait...

Happy just created an opportunity!

A chance for a massive kill!

Tens of thousands of elites suddenly smothered from the rear to kill tens of thousands of disciples...

Now Mengyun faces a dilemma!

One is to continue to attack the splendid rivers and mountains.

In this way, no one can stop the happiness, the emperor and the tens of thousands of horses threatening a large number of people outside the altar.

The loss of Yipintang will increase.

There is a total altar as a beautiful embroidered river, the loss rate will obviously be less than the fierce confrontation in the wilderness...

The second option is to withdraw the offensive players and deal with the tens of thousands of horses that are happy and one.


At least now more than 20,000 elites have rushed into the Jintan River Mountain General Altar...

Don't say if the order can be conveyed to the front line!

Even if they reach their hands under the order, these people will definitely lose their lives on the way to retreat - tens of thousands of horses in Jinxiuheshan are not furnishings! Will not allow the enemy to escape from their own hands so easily.

Regardless of the outcome, the situation in Yipintang is very serious and dangerous!

What makes Yunyun and others worry is that a group of 20,000 people were ordered to leave, and on the way to Beijing, they intercepted the rabble from Beijing.

Today, there are fewer than 200,000 people left in the wilderness...

No matter what Mengyun chooses, this battle will not leave much for the 400,000 horses in Yipintang.


Although Meng Yun tried his best to control his own mind, he did not let himself show too much expression of disappointment, but the hands clasped repeatedly in the sleeves still trembled.


Under the dark night sky, many players came to the news and stood on the heights. They looked far and wide, and they dared not easily approach the most confrontation of the Central Plains.

But in the face of such a strange situation, many people are still puzzled for a long time:

"How do you fight this?"

"There is a fire in the altar of the Jinxiu River. How can there be a group of people outside the Yipintang? I haven't seen them break out."

"Ghosts know that my consciousness is blurred."

In the voice of the discussion, no one found a black shadow that broke into the battlefield.

Evil king!

After the reincarnation, the former master of the world, who was wrapped in a cold chill, reappeared on the battlefield.

But seeing this scene in front of you is also a slight stun...

Meng Yun’s briefing to him was still very optimistic, saying that the total altar of Jinxiu Heshan had already been scored, and there were nearly 300,000 horses left in 400,000.

but now!

The 400,000 horses in the majestic atmosphere seem to have only half of them...

And the fire in the rear has already appeared to be crushed;

However, there is also a smoky smoke in the Jintan River Mountain General Altar, shouting killing sounds and swords.

The situation is already very bad!

With a gaze sweeping, the evil emperor, who was frowning, found the figure that made him look cloudy from the battlefield...

Almost at the same moment, happy in the heart, subconsciously turned his face, their eyes met under the dark night sky.


There seems to be nothing else in the world that can hinder the sight of the two, and the fierce sparks shine in the eyes of the two.

Happy to stop...

The evil emperor also stopped.

"second round?"

After the body shape, happy to leave the battlefield, came to the evil emperor 20 meters away, cold and cold.

The evil emperor did not answer, and his hands were turned back, his body gradually blurred, and he was integrated into the heavens and the earth - he answered the happiness directly with the action.

Happy brow wrinkles:

Looking at the evil emperor, I am afraid that it has already restored calmness and rationality. I intend to slowly kill myself with the realm of heaven and man...

The evil king who entered that state is indeed invincible.

At least I am happy to know that I can't beat the evil emperor in terms of speed. I am afraid that no one can do this now.

Looking at the condensed eyes, I will be happy to take the mysterious iron epee into the Qiankun bag, and take out the golden scale sword in the eyes of the evil lord...

"second round!"

The voice of the evil emperor just sounded, and the figure disappeared from the face of happiness.


"The evil king is here."

Seeing that the riots in the south suddenly became blocked, Meng Yun took a deep breath without consciously, and the trembling hand firmly gripped the sword in his hand and ordered it with a firm tone:


"I don't need to protect me, Lingyun, Huasheng, take people to the north, and lead an emperor. Others strive to clear the people outside the beautiful mountains and rivers in the shortest time!"

The timely appearance of the evil emperor finally gave Mengyun a new hope.

As long as the people who have lost the splendid rivers and mountains are still somewhat hopeful, at least the situation is not so bad. If you lose the capital, you can rely on the top altars of the wild wolf organizations to firmly occupy the Central Plains. of.

Dream cloud said this in my heart.


The Wu Temple in the nearby city has already been overcrowded.

In addition to being occupied by the people of Yipintang, nearly 100,000 people were filled with martial arts temples, and there were signs of bleakness. Up to now, the two sides have begun to die in half, and the people of Jinxiuheshan frequently come out from the Wu Temple.

The western cake is the name of a person. At the age of twenty-six, Yipintang is a famous spy. Because of the ability of one eye and ten lines, it is arranged by the dream cloud to observe the data in the Wu Temple.

In the past, Mengyun used this method to judge the pros and cons of the situation and judge the seriousness of the current situation.

The western cake has its own set of methods to quickly count the gangs of the reincarnation list in the Wu Temple.

Ten minutes of duty, the cake almost wants to be a suicide!

The death rate of 100,000 horses is the most terrible time since he entered the rivers and lakes.


A few minutes ago, the situation finally slowly pulled back.

Although there was a more mad death jump in the middle of the road, the horror of Yipintang surged more than 40,000 dead people, but finally did not break the string - 200,000...

The number of people killed has not exceeded 200,000!

The number of people killed in Jinxiu River has exceeded 70,000!

In other words, Yipintang still has an overwhelming advantage in terms of people.

But at this moment, a group of people suddenly came out of the Wu Temple, and then the entire Wu Temple rioted...

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