Sword Among Us

Chapter 1110: World War I, the world is shocked (first more)

Chapter 1110, World War I, the world is shocked (first)

Chapter 1110

The Jinxiu Heshan Grand Altar was a battle, and the ending was unexpected!

The original revenge of the evil emperor, the Yipintang, the blood alliance, and the 12 major capital gangs shocked the Central Plains. All of them were even prepared to accept the splendid myth of Jinxiu Heshan.

But this battle is constantly happening...

First of all, the world’s heroes and Yipintang rendered the invincible evil emperor in the second battle and died in the hands of the happy, the title of the world’s first master changed to the door;

After that, 400,000 elites have put together more than 100,000 Jinxiu rivers and horses, and nearly 300 top experts are happy, one emperor...

The disparity in the strength gap, Yipintang almost crushed the advantages, repeatedly frustrated outside the high wall of Jinxiu Heshan.

For the first line of defense, sacrifice 100,000 people!

Then most of the firepower was delayed to the second line of defense in the east, leading to the Jinxiu Heshan reinforcements, and the west collapsed completely;

The two accidents reduced the advantage of Mengyun to the invisible balance of the naked eye...


Soon this balance was completely broken by the third accident.

The singularity of the singularity of the yin dynasty was on the battlefield. A melody of the melody led tens of thousands of splendid rivers and rivers and many gang gang masters. The road was ruined by the ruthlessness of the 20,000-meter hall, and the dream cloud was attacked from the rear.

The three major accidents not only completely subverted the advantages of Yipintang, but also caused a product hall to suffer from internal and external attacks and fall into desperation!

It lasted less than ten minutes...

More than 100,000 horses from Yipintang, Blood League and the 12 major capital gangs withdrew from the Jinxiu River and broke out on all sides.

This war.

Dream cloud body...

The blood coat and the murder led tens of thousands of people to successfully break into the nearby cities and go out to the sea under the cover of the great altars along the way.

At the same time, the evil spirits disappeared...

This master who has joined the world to enter the realm of the pseudo-Heaven and Man unity has witnessed that the trend of Yipintang has gone, and he has not continued to stay on the battlefield waiting for happiness, and the emperor has joined forces to decisively withdraw.


World War I, the world is shocked!


The evil king is far away!

Dream cloud is dead!

Yipintang was defeated, and the capital of the capital was uprooted. Most of the cities in the north were also uprooted in this day.

Although there are still many Yipintang and affiliated powers in the Central Plains, they have lost a lot of circles compared with the peak period.

During the day, many people have left the 12 major gangs and blood leagues in Beijing...

Yipintang has a lot of helpers on the day.

There is no reason for it:

Today, including the dream cloud, more than 200,000 people are trapped in several cities in the north, wherever they go, they will be pointed and pointed out by countless local gangs and even lone players. Yipintang lost the players in the Central Plains. The shock, then all the Central Plains players will be the public enemy of Yipintang.

Outside the city is basically a delusion for them!

Ordinary players are still the same, and those who are very famous in the sects and affiliated gangs are now unable to move around at will - their names have been linked to the wolf organization, and they will be discovered and identifiable wherever they go, even if they are separated from the gang.

Because of the tragic fate of Yipintang, the city restaurant is full! Business is hot!


In this battle, the name of Jinxiu Heshan is a group of hustle and bustle. The name of the group is completely forgotten...

If it is just a simple rabble, how can you defeat the most powerful gang of the Central Plains - Yi Pintang?

The preservation of the total altar of Jinxiu Heshan not only makes the four words of Jinxiu Heshan more loud! At the same time, there is also a faint tendency to replace Yipintang as the largest gang in the Central Plains.

All over the north...

Add hundreds of altars overnight!

Originally, I was worried that the Jinxiu River and the Mountain would be defeated, the resources would be redistributed, and the resources used for the use of the resources would be taxed by many gangs. At this moment, they were actively seeking the person in charge of Jinxiu Heshan, hoping to pay the cooperation fee...


At this time, Jinxiu Heshan has completely established its foothold. A group of professional players have taken the initiative to join, and personal control and excavation is obviously more suitable for long-term and stable development. Now it is necessary to cooperate, and the cost can be higher than the previous preferential policies.

This has made many gangs who are originally **** and helpful, proud and proud of their wisdom.

It took less than three days!

Hundreds of altars in Jinxiu River and Mountain are laid down, and the whole north is completely stable...

Almost all cities, including the capital, are included in the masterpiece of Jinxiu River!


at the same time!

The situation in the South has also improved.

Although the tens of thousands of horses that led the break-up in the **** and murderous lands have all landed in several altars in the south, the defeat of the Northern Warfare has caused a group of people, blood leagues, and the 12 major capitals of the gang to be greatly hurt. Concerned about the whole process of this war, morale is low.

For several days in a row, there was no large-scale move in the South, and even some of the actions originally planned for the attack on the wind building were suspended!

The war in the north directly affected the south...

In the subtle changes in the atmosphere, local gangs from all over the world have chosen to isolate the one-piece hall, and even secretly contact the wind-fighting building;

The evil emperor did not reappear;

The masters of the wolf organization mobilized from various countries have also left the Central Plains. It seems that all signs are that the evil emperor intends to give up the Central Plains, or that this time the plan to conquer the Central Plains has failed.


"Is the evil king really leaving the Central Plains?"

In Beijing, an emperor heard this news in Bai Xiaosheng's house. Although he was prepared, he still couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and unconsciously revealed his serious expression.

Bai Xiaosheng smiled:

"I had already gone out to sea yesterday, but I have never believed that he would admit defeat so much. I was worried that he was only a means of paralyzing us... so I have not informed you... I am sure now! Oh... Congratulations!"

"Congratulations, you are right. After the war in Beijing, now the martial arts heroes of the entire Central Plains know that the original incarnation of Confucian masters is so terrible!"

Thinking of the performance of the wind chime that night, a rare smile of the emperor, also caught a trace of embarrassment from the eyes of Bai Xiaosheng.

"Don't open the topic, I say congratulations, you understand what it means." Bai Xiaosheng coughed, and used the action of drinking to cover up the shackles on his face.


A emperor is stupid.

"In the past, you have always been alone. During this time, I worked as a deputy head of Jinxiu Heshan. How do you feel?"

"The thing of Jinxiu Heshan, happy tube, I just name it." One emperor moved away from sight.


Bai Xiaosheng couldn't help but roll his eyes:

"You are such a master, originally used to be a thug, can not squeeze the labor force and squeeze your brain, happy not so capitalist." Speaking here, paused, the tone has a subtle turn: "Yesterday The person who saw the beautiful Jinshan River called your deputy doorkeeper. You received it very naturally. It seems that you have been in contact with people for a while. You enjoy your current identity and are not as cold as before. See your change... I very happy."

"...What did I like before?"

The emperor shook his head helplessly.

"How to say it." Bai Xiaosheng indulged in making memories: "Cold cold, when I first met you, I thought you were a killer... until you, me, the phantom three because of the wolf The organization is familiar, you only have a little bit of humanity."

"thank you for your comment."

"You're welcome." Bai Xiaosheng smiled very bluntly: "But now you are more human, I am the first time to drink with you, I am very happy to say."


An emperor heard the sound of a string outside the words of Bai Xiaosheng.

"We have known each other for so long, neither of them has been able to make you so human, how long does it take to be happy? Just contact you a few times, you are now the deputy head of Jinxiu Heshan..."


One of the emperors did not choose to raise their eyebrows, a faint road:

"He is the first person I have come to admire since I entered the rivers and lakes. It is also the only one who has been recognized by my strength and compared me... He was only interested in me two years ago, but now it is I want to challenge the opponent."


Bai Xiaosheng nodded silently.

I have to admit that the strength of happiness is already terrible. Such an opponent has a fatal appeal to an emperor who has been proud for several years.

"It’s incredible to say... happy years have been described by legends, from climbing to peak heights, to the bottom, and now re-emergence, standing in a higher position, the course and hardships are not ordinary people. I can understand it!"


One emperor slowly nodded.

"Now the wolf organization is withdrawing completely. I am afraid that it is intended to completely abandon Yipintang. I believe that it will not take long for the Jinxiu Heshan altar to fill the entire Central Plains and become the biggest gang in the Central Plains!" Bai Xiaosheng said faintly. :

"The phantom is a bit unfortunate!"


An emperor frowns unconsciously, and picks up in the mouth:

"In less than a month, the Fengfeng Building changed from the first gang of the Central Plains to a degree that is only slightly stronger than the ordinary gangs, but it is very emotional."

"This time completely calms down the disasters of Yipintang and the wolf organization. Happy is the hero of our Central Plains! It is only natural to have everything in the present."

Hearing the seemingly unintentional words of Bai Xiaosheng, an emperor turned his face and looked at him, then shook his head and smiled:

"I know what you mean. In fact, I have also worried about this issue. I am worried that the phantom will be unbalanced. I am happy to talk to me."

"Oh?" Bai Xiaosheng reveals the wrong color:

"He knows you are interested?"

"Although I am very strange, he seems to know everything..." The emperor glanced at him deeply and said: "He said that since the area south of the Yangtze River, Jinxiu Heshan is only responsible for assisting in eliminating the remnants of Yipintang and establishing points. Altar, but not involved in resources..."

"...I think this guy is getting more and more terrible. When Yipintang has just been suppressed, he thinks of so many things." Bai Xiaosheng stunned!

An emperor's hand, a look of helplessness:

"I asked him about this sentence. He replied that since he became a vegetative person, he seems to think a lot more things. He also said that after returning to the mountains, one day he will regret it..."

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