Sword Among Us

Chapter 1111: The owner, the owner (second, the monthly ticket)

Chapter 1111, the owner, the gatekeeper (the second, the monthly ticket)

Chapter 1111

"The battle of the Central Plains is far from over!"

After all the old parts of the color-clothing door were added to the Splendid River Mountain, the words of the high-level members of the Splendid Rivers and Mountains were so happy that a group of people were right.

"The door owner."

"In the past two months, we have not done much. The division of Yipintang in the south has been smashed by us and the wind building. The number of people has dropped from one million to less than 100,000. The blood alliance has now collapsed into dozens of small gangs. There is only a lingering part of the dynasty; not to mention the 12 gangs of the capital, the tyrants will certainly not let go of these traitors, and those famous masters can’t even get out of town. I heard that some people have chosen to come back again... now the entire Central Plains It’s already the situation where our Jinxiu River and the Fengfeng Building are equally divided. The wild wolves still want to start, and no one cooperates with them.”


There are sounds in the crowd of the temple:

"There are Bai Xiaosheng, Meng Yun and Blood Clothes are no longer able to pick up any waves. The boss of the wolf organization has twice lost in your hands, and no capital continues to arrogate in our Central Plains, unless the evil emperor does not want to be good. And continue to be embarrassed with us."

These words have been endorsed by many people in Jinxiu Heshan. At one time, there are many different opinions. They are saying that Jinxiu Heshan has already established a firm foothold, and that Yipintang and other forces are only embers. It is only a matter of time to eliminate. The most important thing is to establish the system. The system of revenge funds can be abolished and a long-term and stable gang system must be established.

The voice of establishing a system is the highest!

The other is about personnel appointment and dismissal...

During the war, the rush of personnel appointment and dismissal was almost all of Ji Feng’s old department, and Ji Feng mastered it. The temporary personnel should be more formalized.

The hall is as noisy as the market...

Among the crowd, only Ji Feng and the emperor did not speak.

The former looked at a strange face around him, his brows were tight, and he seemed to be hesitant and wanted to say something, but another expression that he did not know where to open;

The emperor sat in the position of the head of the door. The five fingers on the tea table were smashed back and forth. It seemed that they did not listen to everyone’s speech in the hall. It seems that everything around him has nothing to do with him.

Seeing that everyone is a world of peace, you can enjoy the posture and tone of the world, happy and unconsciously frowning, my heart secretly: Many people here are masters, but there are few farsighted, no wonder Mengyun will The Jinxiu River Mountain was rated as a group of people.

Although the combat power is ok, but if you say that you have the ambition and chest in the world, Jinxiu Heshan still lacks a lot...


Happy and unconsciously think of the world three years ago.


The giants of all the members of this organization, in addition to having fun, but also have silver foxes, thunder wars and other people with good mental power are all fully supported, Xiaobei, wind chimes from the side, in addition to indifference , ancient style, Ren Jie, tyrannosaurus, phoenix dance, clothing, tea, Bai Xiaosheng, black rose, red coral.

Mufu, no matter the top players in the front line, or the reserve team in the second line are very abundant...

These people are slowly accumulating one step at a time. Many people have the ability to be independent, and more importantly, each one is trustworthy and closely related to oneself.

Therefore, Mufu can be as stable as a meteorite!


But on the other hand, Jinxiu River...

Happy self-recognition, except for Ji Feng, a little decent, the strength of an emperor is undoubted, the tea-teachers can not find a few people who can provide him with obvious help because of the relationship between the headhunting organization and the most accurate and detailed information for Jinxiu Heshan. .

A loose sand!

Although Jinxiu Heshan has now exceeded one million people, although the number of altars north of the Yangtze River exceeds 400, even though this huge structure is already magnificent!

However, as long as you compare the Jinxiu River and the Mufu, you can clearly see the deficiency and fatality of the Jinxiu River.

Most of the members of Jinxiu Heshan are Lone Rangers, or from other gangs of the gangs – such as the exit from the Fengfeng Building, Ji Feng’s old department, and some gang masters...

Although these people have shown good strength in the battle, they are also very cohesive, but the potential crisis is also very obvious - mixed with fish and dragons.

These people may be able to do everything in the face of intruders, all forces go to one place, but now?


On the first seat, I was happy and quietly sweeping through the faces that looked familiar but strange, and the vigilance and uneasiness in my heart were stronger.

This point, in fact, he was already clear before the battle, but now it is more clear and strong.

In the fight with the dream cloud, he used some means.

Through the grand altar outside the city, the force value of all people is fixed, using a very simple method, showing only their powerful offensive side, ignoring the details.

Then through a few clever arrangements to expand the advantage - which is led by himself and the emperor personally because he is worried that these people can not complete the task well to achieve the desired results.

If you are not happy and painstakingly arranged, you really have to fight again in the wilderness. This scattered sand may not be what it will be.

This is also why the happy will quickly curb the speed of the swell of the Jinxiu River, and forcefully curb the real reason north of the Yangtze River!


The heart of the strong, happy!

The success of Mufu is even more difficult to prevent happiness from completely grasping the idea of ​​the Central Plains. Of course, it is different from Dream Cloud.

and so.

I don’t mind if I am happy, I will drop more altars in the Central Plains while killing Yipintang, occupying more resources and even laying down the entire country!


The rapid development of Jinxiu River and the strong foundation without the foundation make the happiness have a kind of anxiety.

In order to avoid some things outside the control range, happy to set a dead rule - even if the development of the altar in the South, do not control even half of the resource points!

In the eyes of outsiders...

This is a promise of happiness and the Iron Triangle, taking care of the wind building.

But only happy to know that if you do not stabilize the Jinxiu River in the expansion as soon as possible, let it continue to expand, it is likely that the next enemy of Jinxiu Heshan is the wind building! Even yourself!


"The doorkeeper, it is better to declare the abolition of the temporary revenge fund system... or to target the revenge fund system within our Jinxiu River?"

Let's discuss the summary of Ji Feng after a while.

The latter's mind and overall situation are much clearer than others in the temple. Under the recommendation of everyone, they did not immediately put forward their own gestures of heroes. Instead, they were careful: "If the doorkeeper thinks you can, we will refer to it." The system of Yipintang and Fengfenglou has formulated a set of regulations that suit our splendid rivers and mountains."

After a moment of sighing, the happy heart finally returned, and his eyes gradually condensed into Ji Feng’s face.


In the action of Ji Feng’s slightly uneasy bow, he waved his hand and announced:

"The Revenge Fund can be banned. You are going to draft a list of the main members of Yipintang, and re-establish a list of revenge funds. Their reward price is set at 2 million, and the audience is still everyone. ......"

Although it agrees with the opinions of a group of people, the following words also reveal the means of being happy and the commands that are not to be questioned.

A group of people in the temple nodded.

"The doorkeeper, as well as the personnel arrangements in the various branches..."

Solved a big problem, Ji Feng quickly reported the second question.

These are the Jinxiu Heshan are currently eager to solve!

Happy did not wait for Ji Feng to finish, waved his words:

"The personnel position is not urgent."

"We are beautiful, and we are all heroes who join in the emergency. Everyone is very good, but because they don't know each other for a long time, it is inevitable that they are rough, so I need to establish a Presbyterian before the appointment. Responsible for overseeing and reviewing all of our internal staff and picking the most appropriate ones."

"Do you mean the establishment of the Presbyterian Church?" Ji Feng’s eyes lit up: "But the Presbyterian Church’s list."

"Because of the appointment and selection of Bai Xiaosheng, we must ensure that these people treat all members of our Fairview Rivers equally, fair and upright."

“Bai Xiaosheng?” Everyone was shocked by this heavy news: “The doorkeeper, Bai Xiaosheng will join us in Jinxiuheshan?”


Happy looking around: "I believe everyone knows that Master Bai Xiaosheng is upright and will not be vague in this respect. I believe that we can pick the person who is best suited to serve as an elder."

No one is against it below!

Not to mention that happiness has been finalized, Bai Xiaosheng's reputation and prestige in the rivers and lakes is indeed beyond doubt.

Some people who would have liked to compete, but also put their dissatisfaction and all kinds of thoughts back into their stomachs.

Seeing that there is no objection, I am happy to know that my previous preparations were not in vain, my eyes turned and I settled on Ji Feng:

"However, before the appointment and dismissal of personnel, we have to formulate the system. This is handed over to the deputy head of the house. Within three days, give me a draft of the system."


Ji Feng responded.

"At that time, the personnel of the altars and the deputy altars will be screened according to the system. One month later, according to your performance and comprehensive strength, select the most suitable group of people."

After a pause, I was happy and said: "The deputy master, I heard that many of the altars in the south of the Yangtze River have not yet assigned the altar. I have a group of people here. You can help me announce it and arrange for them to take over as the altar. In the post, other people are still maintaining their original appointments, and they will be re-resolved in a month."


Ji Feng responded again.

Many of His Highness were happily led by the words of the audience, and many people did not realize it until this moment.

Strong and happy, it seems that there is also a lot of gang management. Not only do the system personnel not relax, but even list the Bai Xiaosheng and the Presbyterian, and everyone must follow his instructions and progress, and they The initial guess was completely different.

The happy practice is not leaking, it seems that I am ready to be a gang!

"Is there any problem? The deputy head? There is no meeting, one emperor left, others left..."


Yesterday, a brother married and moved together, another pair. .

Xiaohe is so busy that he has no time to make a fuss room. He secretly went home to write things at night, hoping that he was not found.

Brothers, reward Zhang ***. .

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