Sword Among Us

Chapter 1115: The first battle is successful (second, ask for recommendation)

Chapter 1115, the first battle is successful (second, for recommendation)

Chapter 1115

The news that the wolf organization was completely repelled by the local forces in the Central Plains caused quite a stir in the official website forum. In particular, the alliance of forces revealed by Mengyun almost gathered most of the upper-level forces in the northern part of the Central Plains, but did not expect the wolves. The organization will lose so quickly and lose so thoroughly.

The rep of the evil emperor and the happy two have smashed into the top ten of the paid rep channel, in the first and second positions.

Jinxiu Heshan also has a view to countless players around the world...

This temporarily established gang completed the expansion of a million-person scale in a month; at the same time, it absorbed the top master who once contends with the evil emperor, and also absorbed the most famous Zhouyi master in the Central Plains. Bai Xiaosheng.

In an instant, the new iron triangle of the Central Plains was established!

Numerous people in the Central Plains know that Jinxiu Heshan will soon replace Yipintang as the largest gang in the Central Plains, and will become the most powerful gang in the Central Plains!

And one of these people has been quietly watching the beautiful mountains and rivers slowly growing...

Dream cloud! !

After being trapped in a city near the capital, Mengyun rarely appeared in public, including the core high-level who was trapped with her. After going online every day, they collected information on the parties in the restaurant. The range of activities is small.

"The owner."

"...There are a lot of altars established in the South in Jinxiu Heshan, but there is no meaning of referring to nearby resources. Except for cultivation, it is a normal task... I heard that I am happy to make a death order, anyone dares Unauthorized borrowing of the resources of the city near the city, the newly established Presbyterian Church immediately removed the people from the splendid rivers and mountains... As it looks, Happy is really ready to give all the resources south of the Yangtze River to the Phantom. ”

Sitting opposite the dream cloud is a few elders who once had a hall, and the core members of the Yipintang trade union. Nowadays, all of them have lost the glory of the past, and the eyebrows have always shrouded a layer of yin and sorrow.

At the beginning, Yipintang was defeated in the vicinity of the Jinxiu Heshan General Altar. After Mengyun issued the command to break through, the top master of the affiliated Yipintang walked by one-third. The rest of the people were ordered to leave the Yipintang, and they acted as low-key as the ordinary martial arts people, waiting for the storm. Calm, waiting for the tide of the Central Plains martial arts to the trial of Yipintang.

All resources are all abandoned...

All the altars give up...

The Central Plains did not move around the Yipintang disciple, there is no blood league disciple, there are no Beijing gang gangs.

The reason why Mengyun did this is that the Presbyterians are clear. First, in order to let this catastrophe pass as soon as possible, this morning, the bad memory of Yipintang in people’s minds will be played down, and people will return to the original order this morning, practicing, and training. Door mission, adventure.

Only when everyone has crossed this page, Meng Yun can make a secret contribution...

of course!

This time, a complete admit defeat, Meng Yun is actually preparing to watch the lively.

Jinxiu River and Mountain Development is developing rapidly, and the altar is spread all over the Central Plains;

The Fengfeng Building used to be the largest gang in the Central Plains. At that time, it only occupied a few places in the south, and it was also taking the opportunity to recover and sit tall;

If the two have friction and confrontation for the sake of interest, it may not be a good opportunity for Yipintang...

Mengyun is very clear about the looseness and loopholes in the powerful shell of Jinxiu Heshan, all of which are united by the premise of Happy Revenge Fund and Dayi.

After losing the enemy, what is naturally thought of is the interest...

But what makes her angry is!

More than 20 days later, Jinxiu Heshan did not move to the resources of the South, and the benefits of tens of billions of calculations were ignored. All of them were thrown to the wind building that was steadily expanding and recovering!

Such a large face was sold, even if it was once the largest gang in the Central Plains, it was decided to stop the expansion of the altar in the south of the Yangtze River.

The two Central Plains forces have a very tacit understanding of peace and harmony...

A time to settle the firm strength!

One uses time to reply and grow up, quite a bit of a sensation.

Today, the pattern of the Yipintang disappeared and died. The pattern of the Central Plains has undergone earth-shaking changes that are taken for granted...


Dream Cloud leaned against the back chair and looked at the lake that wrinkled from the window.

Originally, a set of plans was calculated. Once the two sides had friction, they immediately activated some extraordinary means to enlarge things, and destroyed the relationship between the two forces to a more incompetent position, creating opportunities for the re-emergence of Yipintang.

Only one other solution can be used now...


Only waiting for the martial arts in the Central Plains to fade the Yipintang.


It takes a long time!


At this moment, suddenly a pigeon flew in from the window, fluttering two wings and falling to the table, humming the contents of the small dish.

"The pigeons of the blood deputy masters pass the book." Seeing that the dream cloud is indifferent, the opposite person will come over and take it down.


Meng Yun finally put forward a bit of spirit.

Since the **** clothing breaks out, he has received the support of the wolf organization and entered Vietnam and Thailand in batches. From the local gangs, he got a few good resources and established a branch. He finally saved the name and the last one of Yipintang. The bottom of the class.

Nowadays, because of the complete collapse of the blood league, the **** clothing is no longer the blood ally lord, but the identity of the deputy head of the Yipintang, and the murder each led a group of people to take root in the two neighboring countries.

The man respectfully removed the letterhead and opened it. He only glanced at him, his face suddenly became a bit ugly...

The eyes of the two people next to them were also swept over the paper, and they were stunned and their breathing became short.

"what happened?"

Meng Yun quickly noticed that some elders in front of him had different faces, and their brows were tight, and the voice increased a bit.

"The blood deputy said."

One of them gave the letterhead to Mengyun with a hard scalp, and said in the mouth: "Yesterday, I was suddenly harassed by a small gang in Vietnam. I lost a group of people and said that just one emperor brought a wind tower and a beautiful mountain. The people crossed the border into Vietnam..."


Meng Yun’s extended hand stopped in the air for a second, his face quickly became gloomy, and he took the letter paper.

"They have already withdrawn from the Central Plains, and an emperor is still unwilling to let go..."

The content on the letterhead is shocking:

In the case of Yipintang, because of the provocation of the local small gangs in Vietnam, it was very high-profile to make a big move. He wanted to come to Vietnam in the next place. As a result, a group of black-faced masked people led by an emperor at night were killed and killed by tens of thousands of people. Finally, some people recognized it. The identity of an emperor, thinking that the Central Plains army killed, scared the emperor to escape, lost the courage to resist, even the altar did not want to.

Vietnam’s Yipintang has nearly half of the damage, including more than a dozen top players including blood coats!

"The lord, what do we do now? Happy, phantom seems to have no intention to stop..." Several elders are as earthy, and their tone has become more anxious.

Nowadays, the two groups of people who are in the blood and the murder rate are their last team. If even these people are killed and collapsed, it will be difficult to return to the Central Plains in the future...


Meng Yun quickly calmed down after the anger, his eyes flashed fiercely fiercely: "Nothing... Before the emperor's raid, it happened to encounter the nuisance of the Vietnamese local gang... This is too clever..."

“Is it true that our people have taken up the share of those gangs? It’s just the revenge that these people have been planning for a long time.”

Several elders did not think deeper.

Mengyun shook his head and smashed the railroad:

“Vietnamese resources are not many. The gangs that cooperate with the wolf organizations occupy all the resources in Vietnam. The small gangs are not qualified to get involved... These people take the initiative to give us a shot and are impatient... Just knowing where we are, the timing of the shot is just right... What does this mean?"


Several elders took a sigh of coldness and said: "Do we have spies inside?"

"The possibility is not ruled out, but the problem is that there are few people in the Central Plains who have always entered other countries. How can an emperor seem to have seen all the situation in Vietnam in such a short period of time... even if it is the Phantom of the Opera and Bai Xiaosheng, May do it."

Meng Yun directly excludes happiness...

Because a guy who has been lying in a hospital bed for a year and a half, the level of wisdom is terrible, it should not be possible to have leisure time to take care of the country outside the Central Plains.

She directly pointed her suspicion to Bai Xiaosheng and the phantom!

"I told the blood coat to leave Vietnam. Since it was the emperor who led the team personally, there was no way for the wild wolf to go. The evil emperor is now returning to the Americas. In a short time, he may go to Vietnam. The Vietnamese altar can only Give up." When Meng Yun made up his mind, his heart seemed to be twisted.

The farther away from the Central Plains, the more people will leave Yipintang!

This time, an empire killed 20,000 horses. I am afraid that more people will be more worried about the future of Yipintang. After today, I don’t know how much more will be left.

"I am afraid that there will be danger in the past."

Meng Yun quickly drafted a letter and released it.

After a quarter of an hour, the pigeons flew back, bringing the evil emperor's reply: "The situation is worse than we think. Not only are you attacked in the Vietnamese altar, even the local gangs in Vietnam, cooperate with us. The gangs were also attacked by an emperor, and many local gangs in Vietnam are now being instigated. Vietnam is now in a mess."


Seeing the evil emperor's unrelenting reply, Meng Yun's brow was tight, and he took a sigh of cold air, and his eyebrows were deeper.

After a long while, I did not bother to say something that made the elders in front of me horrified:

"Well... happy, phantom, this time is not only to kill me in a hall, I am afraid that I am ready to fight against the wolf organization!"

"He is crazy!"

"Just rely on them?"

“The beautiful Jinhe Mountain that has just been established, with a wind-smashing building that was destroyed by us?”

"As far as they think of the Central Plains and the wolf organization, they are not afraid of evil kings copying their old nest!?"

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