Sword Among Us

Chapter 1116: "One Yang Finger", the agency (first)

Chapter 1116 "One Yang Finger", Organ (first)

Chapter 1116

"Good job."

When the Emperor Flying Pigeon passed the book to tell the Vietnamese Grand Rapids, Happy is preparing to enter the Beast Mountain Villa again, and the stationery in his hand is swept away, with a slight smile on his face.

The information and intelligence obtained from the world three years ago is very useful. With the help of the local gangs, the emperor not only beat Yipintang, but even the biggest gang in Vietnam who cooperated with the wolf organization ended in a desolate ending - the helper and a group of masters were One emperor easily killed, and all the altars together with the altar, the small and medium gangs that were unveiled within one day were completely overthrown.

The biggest force in this small country has come to an end, and the influence of the wolf organization in Vietnam has dropped directly to the freezing point;

Yipintang also lost its local gang's asylum and the deterrence of the wolf organization. In Vietnam, it was like a street mouse. Everyone shouted and was quickly fleeing to the border, intending to sneak into Thailand.

In the letter, the emperor informed the situation at the same time, and at the same time indicated that he was ready to go to Thailand, and did not give Yipintang a chance to breathe in Thailand!

“On the Thai side, some local gangs have already contacted me. I tell you their names, you let people contact them... but you have to be careful, the raids on the Thai side will definitely not be Chen Gong, the wolf organization and too The biggest local forces that have passed will be vigilant, and tomorrow you will face a hard battle!” Happy in the past few days, the world has not only learned about Vietnam’s general information, but also Thailand’s information.

"You can rest assured that the big and big gangs on the Vietnamese side are afraid that the people of Yipintang who brought the wolf organization will come back from Thailand and take the initiative to transfer a group of people to follow us... and have the power to fight with the biggest power gangs in Thailand!"

"That's good."

Happy and relieved.

The legend of the flying pigeons of an emperor:

"You, I have been away for a few days, what is the situation there?"

I heard that I am happy to understand immediately that the present emperor has already had a faint a sense of enlightenment and responsibility as the deputy head of Jinxiu Heshan. I am very pleased.

"The system drafted by Ji Feng is good. I have ordered it to be promulgated. At present, we are on the right track, and the start is good. Up to one month, Jinxiu Heshan will become the first big gang in the Central Plains."

If he is happy and does not have the intention to deal with the wolf organization in the Central Plains, an emperor may also worry that the splendid assembly of the Jinxiu River and the mountains will slowly rub against the wind building, but now he is not worried.

The Fengfeng Building and the Splendid River Mountain still have a long-term common enemy! Or the relationship of his comrades, he naturally will not worry about those things.

“How many days are you still missing?”

"Small monk, you, on the second day of your departure from Beijing, I have already entered the realm of inaction, but unfortunately I can't find the evil king Shi Zhixuan, otherwise I have to make a good match with him."

Happy smile.

The emperor wrote back soon:

"Is it already innocent? It's so good! It is estimated that the evil spirits of the evil kings will be deeper. In a short time, they will not hit the idea of ​​our Central Plains..." There is a question attached: "Listen to what you said before, every improvement The realm will automatically comprehend a trick "Zhen Long Shi Shi", I don't know what the inaction trick is."

Ever since I discovered the mysterious part of the happy ‘Dragon’s tail,’ the emperor has been very curious, curious to enter the new moves that are happy after entering the world.

"It’s useless to tell you now, you can’t see it, let alone, I’m just learning the superficial fur. The deep mystery needs to be understood... I will tell you personally when you come back.”

"A word is fixed!"

The iron on the letter of the emperor's letter is drawn with silver hooks.

Ending the communication with the Emperor, I was so happy that I looked up and put my eyes on the treasure house in front of me.

The treasure houses of the Wan Beast Villa are filled with dangerous traps and deadly organs, and even the top players are generally not easy to touch.

Happy to enter the treasure house for the first time, I harvested two pieces of magical instruments and a precious picture, and exchanged them into the pictures of "Lingbo Weibu" and "Yangyangzhi".

Needless to say, the use of "Lingbo Microstep";

"Yangyangzhi" is an inexhaustible school. Now it finally meets the conditions of cultivation. It takes three days to rush to the fifth level. The power has surpassed the "Participation", and it is overbearing, even more than the master of the realm. "I have to force a few points...

("The Devil's Destruction of the World" is only a secret of the martial arts of the liberation of the martial arts. "Yangyangzhi" is a martial art without a world. The gap is not one or two points.)

"So far, the only people who have entered the innermost part of the Wanshi Mountain Villa are the phantom and the emperor... I don't know what good things can be found in the innermost treasure house."

I am happy because the progress of the cultivation of "Yangyangzhi" is too slow. I left the ghosts and went to the Wanshi Mountain Villa after I was bored. I suddenly wanted to rush to the Wanshi Mountain Villa. Anyway, it has been a month since the imperial court’s wanted order. Obsolete.


Because the most powerful of the cascading levels in the Beast Mountain Villa is just the tamemaster in the late mythical world, it can't stop the happy footsteps. It is very easy to come to the core area of ​​the Wanshi Mountain Villa – a circular statue. The majestic architecture of the Temple of Heaven.

On the open space outside the rotunda, there are more than a dozen beasts of dead animals and the body of a beastmaster...



The happy look came calmly to the door, and the door of the treasure house opened with an invisible palm ‘嘎’...


Calm and calm.

Unexpectedly, the general office blows of squally showers did not appear.

What makes you more happy is that the inner hall is very large, very wide and empty, like a huge indoor square...

At the end of the inner hall, a huge Buddha statue sits solemnly on the lotus platform, and there seems to be a burst of Sanskrit between the air.

Hesitating for a moment, happy to hold on to the curiosity of the heart, the spirit of the eternal and solemnly spread out, surrounded by a circle in the hall, did not find any suspicious furnishings and objects.

The inner hall is very empty, the ground is flat and washable, at a glance, there is nothing more than a huge Buddha statue... it doesn't look like a place to hide baby.


Since I have come here, I am naturally happy not to be discouraged by the unpredictable situation.

At the foot of the foot, people are like the breeze, floating into the hall!

Despite the daring art, when I plunged into the hall, I was happy to open the "Indestructible Body", and the spirits were diverging around, and each of the lines in all directions became clear and clear, and I was very careful and cautious.


Hey! !

Only then plunged into the hall, the sudden change suddenly!

A heavy steel wall descends from the sky like a mountain collapses, and the entrance is sealed against the entrance, and it is tight and not revealing a gap;

The huge steel walls fell one after another, like the organs in the Great Hall of the Jinxiu Heshan gang. The sound of the moment was loud and loud. The blink of an eye blocked the whole surrounding and became a huge chamber where even flies could not fly.


Happy and unhurriedly settled down, but never even looked back, alone, proudly standing in the center of the inner hall.

The air inside the hall seemed to stop flowing, and the light suddenly became incomparably dark. If it was not spiritual, I couldn’t even see my fingers.

However, apart from the ***, there is no trigger for other organs, but this is to let the happiness come to mind - at least not a deadly organ trap.


There is a secret atmosphere in the current treasure house.

The doors and windows are tightly sealed, the light is impervious, and the happiness is completely shrouded in the dark environment. Although it has not received the threat of organ traps, the calm and deadness around it makes the happiness slightly uneasy.

No organ traps were found, which is more dangerous than the traps of the organs in the eyes!


I was happy to walk in the dark lobby for a while, but there was no danger in the expectation, and my brow was wrinkled, and I re-examined the huge hall where I was.

In the huge building with a diameter of 100 meters, in addition to the strict steel walls, the hard and flat cold floor is the solemn giant Buddha statue.

No Exit!

No agency!

The only clue in the lobby is the huge Buddha statue painted.

Convergence, happy and approaching the Buddha statue, carefully look at it!

The dark environment can't stop the observation of the Buddha statue from the mind...

Every inch is happily swept over and looking for parts of the institution that may exist...


A few minutes passed!

Happy to see the Buddha statue spread flat on the huge palm between the chest and abdomen, steady standing...

The Buddha statue is indifferent!

"Not yet responding?"

The sword Buddha statue and the lobby are not moving at all, still silent, afraid of people, happy finally revealed the impatient color!

This time, the Beast Mountain Villa is purely on the rise. After all, it’s the best weight to save the life. It’s not difficult to get some surprises from here.

But if you know that you will encounter such a weird situation, happy will not come in to waste time...

Unbearable, happy and brave on the surface of the Buddha's face by hand.

Ping Ping...

Pong pong...

Get it!

Happy to beat the brother of the Buddha statue carefully, the Buddha image still did not respond, still keep the hands of the happy and annoyed, the index finger pointing to the heavenly gesture.

"and many more!"

The mind is flashing, and the happy eyes fall on the gestures of the Buddha’s image forever...

In the Thousand Buddhas of the Big Buddha Temple, the Buddha statues of Buddha are different, but this gesture of using the index finger is still the first time to see it. It seems that some are not very natural.

After gazing for a while, I was standing on the palm of the Buddha, following the Buddha’s image, looking up at the sky...


Do not say anything, the spirit is divergent!

Before, because attention has been on the ground and around, the spirit has not extended into the air...

Now that I am unfolding, I am happy to discover the secrets in the lobby! The face finally showed a relaxed and relaxed expression!

found it!


The treasure house was originally above his head.

Just above the top of his head, above the height of four or fifty meters, a large chain of iron and steel is connected to each other in the opposite wall, like a criss-cross chain.

In such a dark chamber, even if it is to ignite a fire, the illumination range of the fire cannot be extended to the high-altitude roof, and it is impossible to shine the chain to the sky.

"The original secret is here..."

Happy and secretly expressed the ingenuity of the people in this institution, and turned his attention to a box attached to the center of the chain giant network.

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