Sword Among Us

Chapter 1117: Silver treasure box (second more)

Chapter 1117 Silver Treasure Box (Second)

Chapter 1117

The altar-style treasure house is divided into four floors!

The top floor of the lobby, with a diameter of 100 meters, goes up one level and the area is reduced to less than 80 meters.

The third floor, fifty meters!

The fourth layer, which is the layer of the iron chain giant net, is less than thirty meters wide. The entire metal structure pulls out more than twenty criss-crossed chains with a chain of crooked fists from all sides of the hole, holding up a silver Material box.

The power of spirituality is reflected in this moment.

Although the field of vision is not visible, but through the sense of sensation, happy but can clearly see a square silver box, including six beautiful patterns are clear.

Treasure box!

At first glance, happy to know that this is what you are looking for when you enter the treasure house...


This treasure is designed to be a headache.

Too high!

At a height of more than 40 meters, it is surrounded by steel walls that are not smooth.

I am happy to remember that Zhang Wuji was once locked in a trapping mechanism surrounded by steel walls, but the organ trap designed by Zhao Min is a very narrow space. The environment can be used. There is nothing left in the air. It seems that in addition to flying with its own skills. Going up, there is no other way.

But even if it is top-notch, it will be difficult to get too high in an environment where there is no point to borrow. Seven or eight feet is the limit, and then it is difficult.

In the dark lobby, I walked slowly and carefully, and after carefully looking at it, I decided that I had no choice but to use anything else.

Take out the golden scale sword, raise your hand and enter the ground with a sword!

A flat brick was easily split into two, and then it was shocked by the darkness contained in it. The powerful force could only shake the stone into the air, but it could not be crushed. Hardness.


call! !

Put away the golden scale sword, happy to shoot two slate in your hand to the heights...

One after the other.

The slate that was first shot out with a thunder sound instantly rushed into the darkness, rushing straight into the brocade box in the sky, while the next piece was happy in the air and then followed by a sword.

tread! !

When the slate was crushed in the air, it was fun to climb up, and the lightly fluttering of the ground, stepping on the slate pieces that filled the sky in front, step by step, easily reached the height of a dozen meters...

When you see that there is no time to borrow the pieces, this is a deep breath, and the void is a little bit from the last piece of the slightly larger piece!

Drink! ! !

A sip, happy people in the air, the speed suddenly increased in vain, the spine pulled up more than ten meters, and instantly entered the third layer from the second floor...

Seeing a sigh of relief, the air is swaying with a sway of chains.

The slate hit the silver treasure box, and the slate was hit back under the turbulence of the chain, just to welcome the happy...

However, it is a pity that the angle seems to have a problem. I am happy to have a sigh of relief. When the slate is about to fall, it seems that there are still two or three meters of distance between the hands.


Happy to take a deep breath and reduce the speed of falling.

Waiting for the slate to enter within two meters, do not hesitate to grab the palm...

Dragon hand.

The slate was sucked into the hand and changed to capture.


With a palm, the slate is like a cannonball and is accelerated to the ground below.

Happy but borrowed from the air, beautifully pulled up the willow, turned over, and the infuriating recovery did not say, like a cannon, directly pulled out of the height of more than ten meters from the gap, from the gap of the giant chain Come out.


Finally went to the fourth floor.

Happy and open-minded:

Silver treasure box, close at hand.

However, the happy eyes fell on the treasure box, and the face changed suddenly.

The target 'treasure box' on the chain giant network was firmly fixed in the center of the giant net by four small iron chains of special materials, which were not even discovered by his spiritual consciousness.

I don’t want to think about it, I am happy to wave out the tiny chain.

The sword gas was turned into four sword flowers in the air, and they were attacked in four directions.

Just then, the change suddenly occurred!

Sword gas just hit the chain on the treasure box. Suddenly, the walls of the wall suddenly heard the sound of the spring, and numerous holes filled all over the head and the fourth floor.

Whizzing! !

Numerous dense black needles are continually ejected from the inside...

The entire four-story space is completely enveloped in the attack, no gaps!

This scene made the happy ones feel a cold sweat on the spot. Apart from anything else, the dragon hand grabbed the iron chain and risked the first wave of firepower. In the first half, they dared not to stop falling from the sky.


despite this……

The corners of the clothes were still pierced with countless tiny holes and broken into pieces.

"Good guy."

When I fell to the ground, I remembered the dark wind and weakened the wind. I was happy to look up at the sky, and I couldn’t help but express my feelings: "A good organ... If it’s not a spiritual sense, it’s probably a master of the realm of heaven and man. Can't hold on to such a fierce blow."

"It's not the first Hu merchant in the world. It's useless to get in the light. It's useless to come in." After a few tens of meters, happiness can only be sighed.

Just a sword that cut into the chain not only did not break the chain, and did not even cause any harm. Even if it was attacked from below, it would not be possible to destroy the chain and take the treasure box.

Thinking of the delicate pattern of the six directions of the silver treasure box, I can't help but make it difficult: "Is this ability to unlock it?"

The voice echoed slightly in the hall, but no one responded to the happy question.


"Try me again!"

Although the thrilling firepower just gave him a strong sense of crisis in the face of the evil king's broken void, such a terrible institutional trap and ingenious precious metal design is only to protect a silver treasure box, but also proves the importance of this treasure box. Nothing more than the ordinary treasure house outside.


Another slate broke and he was in a happy hand.

According to the method just now, I was happy and sneaked into the sky, and I came to the high-altitude chain...

At this time, the triggered organ has been completely silent, but the four sides of the iron wall are still densely open with countless holes.

This time, I didn’t directly attack the silver treasure box, and I grabbed it on the iron chain like a fist...

The iron chain is shaking slightly.

Did not give any chance of happiness, but also a round of flying needles.

The face changed! Happy to work hard to display the pounds, from the moment the sound of the spring sounded from the sky, and fell off the trap one step ahead.

“A touch of the chain will trigger the agency.”

Falling back to the ground again, happy brows close: "This is tricky."

It was very difficult to rise to the sky, but the silver treasure box was fixed on the top by a tough iron chain. Even a small touch would cause the chain giant network to oscillate and cause a deadly organ.

Listening to the rustling sound echoing in the sky, happy and frowning.

After half a minute.

Happy to make up my mind to start the third temptation:

This organ trap is set to be completely different from the treasure house he has experienced...

Although the treasure house that I encountered in the past is dangerous, but there is a certain nature of gambling, but this building obviously needs absolute strength and wisdom.

Without strength, no wisdom, no one can take the silver treasure box...

Happy to re-evaluate the silver treasure box, decided to use the wind to try to see if you can forcibly break the chain with the silver treasure box.

If you can't do it with the most powerful moves in the sky, then you can prove that you have no points, and there is no need to continue to waste time here.

He will immediately leave the line and give up the treasure box.

Two slabs were shot into the air...

The slate remote impact cannot trigger the mechanism.

Happy to pluck into the air for the third time, raising your hand is a finger!

Hey! ! !

The aura of the heavens and the air in the air was quickly gathered, swirling into the fingers of the happy, dark air, a milky white finger quickly formed.

A yang finger!

At the moment when the tricks of heaven and earth aura are displayed, a powerful momentum that suffocates the air, with the slow introduction of a finger, moves to the iron chain of the silver treasure box smoothly...

In the void...

Immediately appeared the second ... the third, fourth, and fifth imposing milky white fingers.

Snapped! !

When the first one of the yang fingers hit the silver treasure box chain, I didn’t even have a look at it. I reversed it, head down, and my feet smashed the chain, at a faster speed in the organs. Ejecting towards the ground...

The general sound of the top of the head is once again played.

boom! !

When you were close to the ground, a palm of the hand came out, and the powerful air waves pushed back, and the speed suddenly slowed down, and the body turned smoothly and stepped on the ground.

It was not until this moment that I had time to re-observe the silver treasure box and inspect the effect of my own full blow.

Did not wait for the spirit to spread.

Suddenly there was a slight burst of sound in the air, and something fell from the sky.

The happy sensation instantly catches up with the sound that is locked in the dark air, and can't help but swear in the mouth, catching the void and holding the things that fall to the side.

Spread your palms and see...

A small chain of broken chains.

Take a deep breath and be happy to recognize it. This is the tiny iron chain with the silver treasure box. The gap is broken by the students.

Seeing this, I can’t help but be happy and look up at the sky...

success! !

Although the tiny iron chain of the silver treasure box is firm, the high attack power of a yang finger with the wind and the sky is enough to destroy it.

"After three more times, you can take the silver treasure box."

When I think of the silver treasure box, I will be unveiled. I am happy and happy. I will break the broken metal chain into the Qiankun bag, sit down on the site, resume the internal force, and wait for the wind to cool down in the sky...

But at this time, not far from the treasure of the solemn Buddha statue, under the happy eyelids, open the closed eyelids, binocular bursts of fierce light!

In the dark lobby, there were two brightly lit fires, and even the happy ones couldn’t help but scream!

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