Sword Among Us

Chapter 1118: Griffin, killing the silk (first more)

Chapter 1118 Griffin, killing the silk (first)

Chapter 1118

In the dark lobby, I slowly turned and faced the two ghosts of the darkness.

The horror of the Buddha image made him have to temporarily stop the plan to continue to explore the silver treasure box. His eyes gazed for a while, and carefully looked at the Buddha image several times.

Compared with the solemn traits of the previous treasures, the Buddha image after the change is simply a monster that exudes a violent and violent atmosphere. The eyes are tightly locked and give a condescending oppression.


The change is nothing more than this. Although the Buddha image has brought an inexplicable sense of crisis to happiness, it has not made any further moves. It is only coldly locked in the middle of the lobby, such as the same crouching and ready to prey. Beast.

I don’t dare to be sloppy about the Buddha statue.

Inside the treasure house, the fourth layer of the giant chain has become so dangerous that it can easily kill a master of mythology. This statue does not look like ordinary things.



Before I walked slowly to the Buddha statue, the strange result was that as the distance got closer, the sense of crisis weakened a lot.

The wildfire is just two huge rubies in the eyes of the Buddha. It is only surrounded by special materials in the eyes. It is terrible in the dark environment, because the distance and the atmosphere of the scene become more awkward.

But the fierce breath never weakened...

Happy and careful look, I found that this huge Buddha statue with a height of more than ten meters is like steel casting. Even with the black iron epee, it is difficult to cause obvious scars from above, which makes him very speechless.

I always feel that the Buddha statue is covered with a layer of disturbing mystery and crisis.

But it takes at least half a day to destroy this big guy, or you can smash a small part outside.

Happy to know that I don't have so much time to waste!

Turning around, happy can only temporarily suppress the uneasiness and doubts in the heart, and re-focus on the silver treasure box in the sky.

The difficulty is raised again...

Happy to be more certain that the things in the silver treasure box are not the same, and more curious about the silver treasure box, there is a strong impulse to uncover this secret.

"Not counting what you are... treasure box, I am sure, Buddha is blocking, destroying Buddha."

Happy with a glimpse of the Buddha statue, a foot squat, violent darkness shattered off a slate, the two pieces of slate that flew up and automatically fell into the palm of your hand.

There is no pause!



Two slightly larger slabs were happily thrown into the air at lightning speed, and the swords swept away and the body rose.

The whole movement is done in one go, the speed is faster and more crisp than before.

If someone sees this scene at this time and sees the look on his face at this time, he will feel very familiar, because the expression on the happy face is like the second time when he encounters the evil emperor. The old well has no waves, but it looks cold and confident.

tread! tread! !

While flying in the air, the happy people are still in the air, still do not neglect the changes of the Buddha statue, use one heart and two minds, and at the same time lock the Buddha's every move, while stepping on the slate to climb to the height of forty meters, quickly approaching the chain giant network and silver Quality treasure box.

When I was close to less than five meters, I quickly glanced at the silver treasure box...

Four small and delicate chains have been broken, but the other three directions of the chain still firmly hold the silver treasure box, without any slight shift.


The wind is full of sky!

A yang finger.

Since there is no change in the Buddha image, happiness will not miss the opportunity. The strongest shot is quickly shot, and the milky white finger is formed in the air.

The four-level realm is full of wind and sky, and all the power is erupting. It is no worse than the unconventional realm of heaven and man...

The powerful heaven and earth reiki poured in the wind and broke the second chain on the spot.


Roar! ! !

However, just as the happy rushing into the fourth layer of hands-on, the Buddha statue that had never been moved suddenly opened its mouth, and the screaming lion roared with a tornado.

Buddha lion! !

However, it seems that there is more than a lion's stunt skill cast by Shi Huasheng. If a real wave of air blows a round of shock waves in the air, the shells will rush to the happy door.

boom! !

The man is in the air, the powerful lion's sound waves are like a cannonball on the happy body. The latter snorted, the real power field can't resist the Buddha's lion's lion, and the body trembles and slams into the body. On the wall, it fell from a height of tens of meters.

boom! !

Under the turbulent blood, I can't control my balance well. The whole person fell to the ground and the floor directly smashed into pieces.

The protective ability of the real gas field and the powerful body of the "Yi Jin Jing" after Dacheng finally made a happy return.

Happy and happy:

A very overbearing Buddha lion!

If you have already made a retreat from the time of the shot, and quickly get out of the fourth floor, this Buddha lion will probably leave him on the fourth floor forever, waiting for the 10,000 needle to pass through. fate!

Falling down from the air, the organs at the top of the head automatically stop the radiation, and the Buddha statues shut up and resume the posture that was ready to go.

Seeing this scene, I am faintly aware:

Unless the organ is touched, the hidden weapon of the giant chain will not attack...

But once on the fourth floor, the Buddha image will immediately launch an attack.

The power of the Buddha's lion is so great that it can ignore the defense of the real gas field. If it is a little slower, it is probably the end of the body.

Thinking of this, I was afraid after a while, and sat down to restore the guilt of being injured by the Lions, and at the same time recovering the internal force.

Now the silver treasure box has been shaken by two chains, and the last two hits will be available!

Even in the face of the dual threats of Buddha statues and institutions, happiness does not intend to retreat.

A few minutes passed...

The Buddha statue did not move.

Happy to grow up from the ground.

"You can't stop me."


Hey! !

As the happiness fell from the sky, the ground pulled out a huge pothole, and the happy again was shocked by the Buddha's Buddha lion.

But happy, but with a little injury at the cost, successfully exchanged for the third chain break of the silver treasure box.

Losing the support of the three chains, the silver treasure box is out of balance, and one end is involved in the thick chain of the fist, hanging high and constantly shaking.

I don’t have much time to watch...

Continue to take the opportunity to resume internal strength and body injuries.

Although the power of the double-organ trap is not small, it is already difficult to get into the air for ordinary people, let alone destroy the tough trait chain under the attack of countless hidden weapons and under the lion's lion.

"I hope that the things in the treasure box don't let me down."

Happy to know that only the last door to the door, recover, and immediately!

The last step is to be more cautious.

Point out.


The chain broke on the spot and lost the last tie. The silver treasure box was happy and a dragon hand was decisively caught in the hand.

But what surprised me was that the sound of the fourth layer of the spring did not ring, and the lions of the Buddha did not arrive as scheduled.

However, there was an unexpected change in the bottom. There seemed to be something ejected from the sound of the spring. In the lobby, the walls in all directions kept ringing like a mosquito.

what happened?

Although the happy one did not transfer from the Buddha image and the chain giant online for a time, but from the sound position, it was quickly identified that this is the voice of the third organ, located directly below his feet.

If it falls, it falls into the trap.

I almost didn’t want to, I’m happy, I’m a silver treasure box, I’m a lucky bag, and I’m holding a dragon’s backhand to pull down the tiny chains that fall down.

The whole person hangs in the air.

Oh! !

In the happy kick, the small iron chain was suddenly pulled, and the heavy and stable chain giant net was once again touched, and the familiar spring sounded...

"not good!!"

I was shocked and saddened.

At this moment, happiness has been investigated from the moment of pauses to the situation that happened below...

Numerous fine metal wires are criss-crossed throughout the lobby, like a web of cascades that converge.

But the difference is.

The effect of the cobweb is to capture the prey, which spreads the entire three levels of the lobby but is a myriad of things that can be broken.

A small piece of life-threatening wire that is worth a thousand dollars, can compete with artifacts...

In this lobby, it is full of space, there is no gap to hide, and it is dense.

I am happy to have no doubt that I will let go of my hand. When I land, I will be broken down into thousands of pieces of minced meat. I am more willing than the life-threatening wire below.

Roar! ! !

House seemingly endless rain!

Happy to pull the chain to the top of the fourth floor, the body sticks to the round roof, and another organ that he neglected came at the most terrible time.

Buddha lion!

Triple threats add...

Here is the death trap.

In front of it is a flying needle, and there is still a small part of the flying needle attack. Now the lion is here again!

For those who have changed, they are all dead and dead.

But at this moment, happy to enter the realm of no-wave, no sorrow and disappointment, the black iron epee is inserted between the back and the roof cover, while calming, toward the direction of the lion's sound waves, Zhangkou Send a dragon-like roar:


If the essence of the dragon's voice is exported, the countless flying needles flying in front of us are suddenly smashed by an unrivaled force, and they are gathered into a huge faucet shape, hitting the shock wave from the Buddha image.

boom! ! !

expensive! ! !

Roar! ! !

Griffin Dragonfly!

Amazing waves of air erupted in the air, and numerous fine needles rushed out in all directions with the turbulent waves.

Happy still ate a big dark loss, although the black iron epee blocked a lot of flying needles, but the back was also subjected to continuous puncture of many flying needles, the real gas field was reduced to less than one-third of the strength.

However, this blow smashed the already very compact fourth-stage flying needle mechanism. The messy flying caused many holes to be destroyed, and the threat of the fourth layer was much reduced.

There is a dawn in the deadly organ trap!

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