Sword Among Us

Chapter 1119: Forbidden level task (second, ask for a monthly pass)

Chapter 1119 Forbidden Level Mission (Second, Request for Monthly Pass)

Chapter 1119

boom! ! !

With a loud bang, the largest building roof in the core area of ​​Wanshi Mountain Villa was broken through a large hole from the inside out, the stone splattered, the dust was flying, and a gray-faced figure was shot from the inside.

The ragged, broken outer shirt and the magical equipment inside are covered with fine holes, and the red blood stains the body of the big half. It seems that there are many wolverines.

This person is not happy, who is it?

Suddenly taken off from the dark square, returning to the bright world, happy has a feeling of reincarnation, condescending, deeply breathe a fresh air outside, 'Ha' sighed: "It finally came out Hahahaha..."

Loudly laughing from the Beasts Villa to all directions, many nearby martial arts people who are adventurous and practicing heard the loud laughter from the depths, showing their surprises, looking up, looking at the side, discussing who guessed crazy.

"I don't know which master."

“There is the most central area of ​​the Beast Mountain Villa, and there are only a handful of people who can enter it every month...”

"But this is too exciting, is it a rookie?"


They certainly will not believe that someone has entered the legendary treasure house in the legendary Wanshou Mountain Villa, and will not believe that someone has broken the treasure house that is called no solution, and even took the treasure inside it into the hands... I don't even believe that it took less than ten minutes to get the treasure, but it took a few hours to break the two organs inside and broke the roof and rushed to the sky.

"Damn Hu Shang, what **** trap is designed..."

Happy and cursing the world's first wealthy businessman who built the Beast Mountain Villa, and took out the silver treasure box that was easy to get from the Qiankun bag:

"I hope you don't let me down."

Unexpectedly, the silver treasure box was just taken out, exposed to the sun, and immediately gave off a dazzling silver light, and the six delicate patterns also flowed like mercury.

A beautiful silver pattern quickly gathers together!

Snapped! !


A spring sound rang in a happy hand.

The latter was shocked.

In the treasure house, it has long been stunned by various kinds of mechanical sounds. Now it is close to the sound of the spring, and it is reflexively launching the real gas field and wrapping the silver box.

When the silver pattern is fixed, the ordinary pattern has been formed. It is not clear what it is, but happiness can feel that one of the faces is loose, and it seems that it is no longer tightly sealed as before.

The silver treasure box quickly turned around in the hands of happy hands.

Happy and cautiously squatting down, put the silver treasure box down, gently open to reveal a gap...


The system prompts:

“Get the treasures of the world’s richest merchants to stay in Wan Beast Villa!”

“Complete the secret search mission of Wan Beast Villa!”

"The value of rivers and lakes is increased by 100,000 points!"

"The secret left by Hu Shang was unveiled, the secret of Wan Beast Villa was unveiled, and the legend of the rivers and lakes increased by 1 point!"

Continuous system prompts make you feel a little happy.

Legend of the rivers and lakes?

This strange noun attracts the full attention of happiness, even ignoring a quaint book and a shabby map lying quietly inside the treasure box.

Call out the property page...


Happy: (nothing)

Root bone 512; arm force 487; body method 461; understanding: 419

The internal force is 1307 points.

Jianghu chivalrous value: 100000 points; (Before the slaughter of the capital city caused the chivalrous value to be zero, it has just recovered)

Legend of the rivers and lakes: 1 point.

(Complete the unique legendary mission of the rivers and lakes, recorded by the court, and lively; the legendary degree can enhance the player's own charm, gain higher affinity in the communication with the npc characters; and have a start of the 'forbidden land' level mission opportunity)

Hide attribute:

Will: 3 o'clock.


Seeing the system's explanation of the legendary attributes of the rivers and lakes, happy first is a glimpse, then reveals the color of curiosity:

‘Forbidden’ level mission?

Never heard of...

Frowning for a while, no gains, happy, this attention is transferred from the legend of the rivers and lakes to the treasures harvested this time.

A cheat sheet, a map.

I don’t want to reach out and let my cheats get into my hands.

As a martial arts person, no one can resist the temptation brought by the high-level martial arts cheats, not to mention the cheats that have been obtained after nine deaths, being taken care of by the system, and even creating legendary martial arts cheats. How can we not be happy? Excited?


system hint:

"Get a copy of "Qi Ren Shan Hai Zhi"!"

Seeing the five prominent characters on the front of the cheats in the hands, the happy movements are stiff, and the whole person's mood changes from passion to fire and directly into the cold of the hail.

Don't play me like this?

The first reaction to being happy is that I am being played by the system...


How does the name of this cheats look like martial arts cheats, not to mention the cheats.

Half a minute...

One minute……

three minutes……

ten minutes……

Happy and full of the "Qi Ren Shan Hai Zhi" in the handle on the roof over and over for half an hour, did not find hidden secrets, but did not get a trick and a half of the martial arts, hopes gradually faded, the whole person wilted.

If it is not because this thing is really hard to come by, I can’t wait to throw this broken book directly back from the hole...

"Dead Beard... Don't let Laozi find you in this life!"

Happy to smack the book into a roll, hatefully thrown into the Qiankun bag, he vaguely remembers that the world's first rich businessman Hu Shang seems to be called Hu million.

No wonder...

All the way to kill the Beasts Mountain Villa, and experienced nine deaths, but also swallowed a drop of fire unicorn's blood to kill the birth day. If you pay such a big price, you will find that the secret of Hu Shang stay at the core is actually a description. The tattered stuff of the mainland and the secret history is a mischief. It is estimated that no one can stand it, and he can’t wait to bring the perpetrators to the front.

Fortunately, there is still one thing in the silver treasure box...

A worn map with some vintages.

The system didn't play tricks this time.

The top of the map shows a very famous place!

Western Region!

Longmen Inn!

At the moment of getting the map, the system is not happy and tells a shocking message:


“Discover the map of Longmen Inn Site!”

“The map collected by Hu million on the black market in the Western Region, with the original site of the Longmen Inn, finds the Longmen Inn, and enters the Imperial Palace buried in the desert from the underground passage.”

“Because you have a 1 degree legend, you are allowed to trigger the 'Forbidden Level' mission – Longmen Inn!”

system hint:

“Is it immediately triggered the 'Forbidden Level' mission, Longmen Inn!”

“Once you choose to trigger a forbidden level mission, you consume 1 degree of legend, and the message will be announced by Hu million in two days.”

Happy heart.

The resentment of a dilapidated scrap book in the silver treasure box has been reduced a lot...

A forbidden-level mission that never appeared, can open the legendary level of the forbidden-level mission door, and finally let him calm down the anger and resentment in his heart.


Longmen Inn has one place in the Western Region.

However, from the news of the system prompts, it seems that the Longmen Inn should have been destroyed and drowned in the desert sands, not the same one!


Hu million's message is likely to be a part of the difficulty of the banned level mission. The difficulty of this story mission is probably unprecedented!

When I think of it, I can't help but hesitate.

Receive it immediately?


Forbidden-level missions have never appeared, but it can be speculated that the risk must be outrageously high. Even the world’s richest businessmen are eyeing things, and will definitely attract super-masters from the Western Regions and the masters of the Central Plains.

When I think of it, I have to be vigilant...

Before you can trigger a task, you must prepare yourself! Otherwise, don't let the level-level task fail, and you won't be able to get the benefits. Instead, you will lose yourself.

"Do not!"

Happy to choose very carefully not to trigger this task.

The system prompts again:

"The news that you got the map has been known to the people of Wanshi Mountain Villa. The news will soon be transmitted to Hu’s ear through Hu’s intelligence network. If you don’t act within half a month, Hu million will Take the map back..."

“Is there a time limit for forbidden level missions?”

Happy frowning.

Originally, he planned to use a period of time to cultivate a yang finger. If you can go to the realm of the guru, even if you meet the realm of heaven and man, the evil king Shi Zhixuan can fight hard, and the task of forbidden land is not a problem...

But now it seems.

Half a month.

It is enough to cultivate "Yangyangzhi" to the seventh level, not to mention that he has plans to recruit people to form the 'Yulin Army'. At the same time, the 'Tianjing' in the hands of the Swordsman is also his goal, especially the latter. Happy, I don’t want to let Tianjing out of the scorpion and fall into the hands of others.

"It seems that I have to hurry up."

I was so happy that I sighed with sighs and grabbed the silver treasure box that was already empty. I was prompted by the system. This empty box is a very fine silver artwork that can sell for 100,000 gold. The latter does not. Hesitantly put it in the bag.


At the bottom of my feet, I quickly flew down from the roof, and I left the Beast Mountain Villa as fast as I could.

A ride in a lot of martial arts people rushing and stunned to fly out.

On horseback, happy to hurry, the pigeons passed the book and asked Bai Xiaosheng how he had done his help.

"I don't know what you think. Most of the people here don't ask me if I got the wrong person. I just asked if I was a Bai Xiaosheng. I almost collapsed."


"Well, there are a few that have been convinced at present, the 'medicine stone universal' of the wonderful hand door, the 'small north' of the corpse door, the 'indifferent' of the Huahua Palace, the 'ancient style' of the Huashan faction, the 'rainy wind with the wind', There is also the Lin Biao and the Red Dust of the Yiqi League. They all agreed to come to our splendid rivers and mountains to listen to your suggestions."

"How many?" Hearing these familiar names, there was a kind of awkward sigh in his heart, and he couldn't help but frown. He gave Bai Xiaosheng more than one hundred names.

"Most people are thinking about it. Some people say that they don't have the strength to cooperate with you..." Bai Xiaosheng answered the question.


Seeing the content of Bai Xiaosheng’s reply, I sighed with joy:

"It doesn't matter if there is no strength, I can wait..."


In the middle of the month, ask for ***. .

As soon as 500 tickets, get a bonus red envelope. .

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