Sword Among Us

Chapter 1120: Song valve, mine war (first more)

Chapter 1120 Song Valve, Lei War (first)

Chapter 1120

On the rivers and lakes, in addition to the news of Jinxiu Heshan and Yipintang, the aftermath remains, involving the attention of countless martial arts people. In fact, there have been several major events during this time!

Among them, the follow-up plot of Datang Ssangyong seems to have undergone new changes...

The magic door that once disappeared disappeared from the rivers and lakes. Not only did the yin and sects appear frequently on the rivers and lakes, but even the retired Yin Yuzhu reappeared in the rivers and lakes, creating many killings, and casualties in the martial arts. heavy.

Because of the resurgence of the magic door, the Zhengdao sects have been tasked by the division, and they have searched the traces of the disciples on the rivers and lakes, even the yin and evil kings!

At this moment...

A news that was inadvertently circulated from the capital, but attracted a group of heroes who were in the north and the south to attract Song.

Once the devil's door was afraid of three-pointed knives and Songs, the place where the town was sitting!

This time, the disciple's disciples appeared frequently in the vicinity of Song's valve. Some people even said that the two great masters of the magic gate, the evil king, and the sinister, would visit the Song valve to retaliate against the chasing and killing of the disciple. And the grievance between the evil king and the Song deficiency.

At the moment, Song Valve, who got the news, has stepped up his alert. Even Xu Ziling and Yu Zhong and other masters have rushed to the Song valve to help boxing.

For a time, Song Valve became a place where the wind and clouds would meet and the undercurrents flow.


The Song Valve itself is located on a huge island, and the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses are hoarded in the sturdy walls!

The island is heavily guarded, five steps and one post, ten steps and one whistle. The sons of Song's valve are even more elite, and the island is built like a wall of iron.

When you board the island...

A group of martial arts people from all corners of the country looked at the river surface of the sea, and quickly noticed the atmosphere of the island.

There are no fewer than a thousand people in the woods on the shore, strong hands, cold, every place is murderous.

When a group of people came down from the Song Valve ship that had just arrived at the dock, their expressions were very pale and ugly, and even revealed the anxiety and tension of the silk...


"Come on, we enter the castle."

After a group of people disembarked, they rushed toward the inner city on the island in a non-stop manner, as if someone was chasing after.

This scene caught the attention of a group of martial arts people who were entrenched near the pier.

In the team, a man in a khaki bow reached out and stopped the last man who looked very young: "This brother."


The man was also eager to leave, and was stopped by someone. Where can he have a good face and squat on the spot to the man in front of him.

"Sorry, I asked the brothers about you, you ran so urgently...but the one who touched the magic door?" The man who spoke was still polite, and the young man who was stopped glanced at him more than ten behind him. The men and women who seem to be good at repairing can only swallow their stomachs when they come to the mouth. They snorted and screamed in the air. "The ship of the magic door has already been opened, and soon it will go to the Song valve..."


The yellow-shirted man and the brother behind him looked at each other and saw the enthusiasm and excitement in each other's eyes. Then the former smiled and continued to ask the young man: "On these, shouldn't you let the fire run your ass?"

This is a bit of a radical meaning in it.


The young man was stunned by the yellow shirt, and the young man immediately opened his eyes with blood in his head:

"Less nonsense! Do you know which comet we just met?!"

"After the yin!"

"The mythical level peak master!"

"Apart from the yin, there are shackles, and a few magical masters of mythology, do you think we are willing to run? You have the ability to stay here and don't go!"

The young man was provoked by the yellow-shirted man, and he poured out the sight of the encounter on the way. He saw a group of people in the yellow-shirted man suddenly change his face. This was a satisfactory look, and he was ready to open the yellow-shirted man’s hand and left. .

A group of people in the yellow-shirted man suddenly heard the news, all of which were ups and downs, but they were not completely relieved:

"Brother, don't be angry, just delay a little time... You said that you met the yin and the cockroach, and there are a lot of masters of the magic door, how can they let you off this boat?"

The yellow-shirted man glanced at the big ship they were riding on, and the deck of the ship just came out of the pedestrian.

Three men and two women, standing out among a group of Song valve disciples, are outstanding.

The Song valve disciples greeted on the docks clasped their fists:

"Da Gongzi!"

"Miss Yu."

"These are our guests, Xiao Shaoshuai! Xu Gongzi! Stone everyone!" Song Shidao is introducing two men and one woman with temperament and temperament to those who greet themselves on the dock: "This time, it is not a few people who help each other. And Yu Zhi is probably a prisoner under the magic door."

"I have seen Shaoshuai, I have seen Xu Gongzi, I have seen everyone in the stone." The crowd on the pier was more and more respectful and courteous.

"Don't you have a big son?"


"Nothing, thanks to the two of them, we escaped the danger, of course, there are stone everyone..." Song Yu, who is striking in the shape of the curve, was very eye-catching, and an opening attracted everyone's attention.

Even a group of players were attracted by Song Yu’s style, but because of the presence of Yu Zhong, one did not dare to have a half-point.

"Song Xiong, Miss Yu Zhi, the news brought by Qing Bian is very important. It is related to the survival of Song Valve. In some words, we still have to wait until we see the valve owner."

"Yes, it is not too late."

Song Shidao’s face was awkward, and he quickly told the son of Song’s valve to lead the way.

The group left the dock under the eyes of a group of people in the yellow shirt and went to the base camp of Song Valve.

"Do you know now?"

The young man slammed the hand of the man in the yellow shirt and gave a loud nasal voice to keep up with a group of people who were far away.

The yellow-shirted man and others regained their gaze, and all of them showed a dignified color:

"Zi Zhong and Xu Ziling are now rushing into the middle of the mythical world. They can barely resist the yin and the shackles. Together with the warships of the Song valve and the masters of the Song valve, it is not impossible to escape from the magic gate. ”

"It seems that the news is true!"


A group of people nodded:

"Bai Xiaosheng did not lie to us, but this time the gaffe seems to be a bit serious. After the Yin with a large number of magic door masters invading the Song valve, there must be a ghost king behind it. This mission is more dangerous than we expected!" Several people are not uncomfortable, and immediately look to the yellow shirt man:

"Lei Ge, Song valve has only one knives and songs, the mythical peaks, but you just heard Xu Ziling's words... He said that this battle is related to the life and death of Song's valve, it is very likely that Bai Xiaosheng told us that The news is also true..."


A group of people flashed a horror in the eyes.

The news of Bai Xiaosheng was told by the thunder war, saying that the evil king has broken through to the unity of heaven and man, and the strength is far above the myth.

This is the first real appearance of heaven and man in the world!

Hearing a group of brothers’ scared words, the yellow-shirted man knew that they were afraid, his eyes were condensed, and his teeth were gnashing:

"Crap, Bai Xiaosheng can lie to us? It is because the Song valve is dangerous, so we will appear here!"

The yellow-shirt man is a thunder.

It’s just like another world three years ago. The thunder of the world is not the one who is under the 10,000 people. The man who is in charge of the size of the government and the operation of the government is now The mine war is just an ordinary incompetent master who is still fighting for strength.


In the face of the firm tone of the war, a group of people appeared male.


The thunder and the tone of the war are smashing, and the eyes are slightly reddish: "Think about the achievements of the present, and how do you come to this step?"


A group of people suddenly lost their voices, leaving only the impassioned words of the thunder and resounding on the dock:

"The bed lay for a year and a half, starting from life and death, starting from nothing, which day is not living in danger... Wudumen, Blood League, Yipintang, wolf organization, which door is not free to knead his behemoth ...but he is still not killing a **** way, going to the present step?!"


"We used to be too conservative and conservative. Most of the time was wasted on calm training and difficult tasks..." Thunder clenched his right hand and looked around at a group of brothers: "But from this moment, I don't Will not be able to live again and again, will not live as before... It is better to die in the hands of peerless masters than to do nothing when it comes to the wolf organization!"

"..." A group of people have felt the determination and momentum of the thunder, and their faces have changed slightly and seem to be infected.

"I have thought about it. In any case, we must participate in the plot task. Even if we fight this old life, Laozi will take a risk and be a **** one!"

"But Ray Ge, you have to fight yourself, and the future income is affected. What should I do?"


Lei war tiger eyes: "You think that I am you, all the money for so many years is spent on women, I have inventory, enough to save for a few years, and then, Laozi is not without work outside..."

After a pause, the thunder war is not without emotion: "As for the brothers, you are willing to fight with me, let's continue, if you have concerns, you can watch it and leave the line when there is danger..."

"What do you say about Lei Ge? You have a wife and children who dare to fight. We are still afraid of a ball. To be honest, I also want to see how powerful the masters of heaven and man are."

A group of *** called all the choices to stay.


Just when a group of people decided to go down, suddenly the disciples of Song Wei under the pier changed. One of them put down the cylindrical telescope and yelled and rushed:


"The ship of the magic door is coming!"

"Express Valve Master!!"

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