Sword Among Us

Chapter 1122: Song Valve Wars (first)

Chapter 1122 Song Wars (first)

Chapter 1122

Song valve!

Thousands of martial arts people and hundreds of demon gate fleets are in a stalemate with each other. The lobby of the Song Dynasty’s inner hall is filled with hundreds of songs and sisters, and the swords are arrogantly facing the uninvited 12 in the middle of the lobby. The magical men and women, the atmosphere is stagnation to the extreme!

"Do you want to be a hospitality?"

More than a dozen masters of magic roads standing on the open space of the lobby, facing the elite children of hundreds of Song dynasty, not only did not have the slightest tension in the road, but rather as easy to go to their own yard, or look around, or smile Staring at the master of the Song valve from the lobby.

The person who opens is the first person of the magical temperament of the Confucianism, the evil king Shi Zhixuan!

The woman standing side by side is graceful and luxurious, wrapped in a layer of enchanting skirt, and her eyes are constantly transmitting a sharp light, giving people a mysterious and dangerous temperament.

"Who is my way, sneaky, sneaky to come to my Song valve, it turned out to be the sect of the lord of the flower... and the yin of the yin."

The heroic and loud voice is like a blue sky, falling from the sky. As the sound of the sound rises, the wind is raging, and one person walks in a dazzling manner.

The moment that came out...

The powerful gas field created by many masters of the magic gate seems to be cut off by a blade that descends from the sky!

A devastating momentum rushed to the front of the master of the magic door. Even the yin, scorpion, magician Zhao Deyan, Tianjun Xiying and others all had a sense of powerlessness that could not stop their sharpness. They have stepped back two steps.

However, there is still one person in the crowd who has not been forced to retreat.

Evil king!

The elegant style of the wind has not moved.

In the wind, the clothes are hunting, but they are not moving.

Tidy shirt, eyes calmly watching the two white spots on the steps, but the sword is not old, the face is hanging a faint smile: "I don't want to be the biggest enemy of my stone, the soul of Song brother... than before When I arrived, I refined a point... Well, I’m already infinitely close to Heaven and touch the threshold of the realm of heaven and man.”

"The rivers and lakes have heard of evil kings. You have entered the realm of harmony between man and nature."

Seeing that the evil king faced his own knife, his face was light and faint. The face of Song’s lack of appearance was slightly changed. The brow wrinkled and his voice sighed with sigh: "Now it seems that Song is already behind you... ..."

As soon as this statement came out, the sorrows and Xu Zilings that followed the lack of Song were discolored at the same time.

"Heaven and Man!"

"The evil king has touched the heavens?!"


The evil king has already noticed the existence of this double dragon, and the smile is not reduced: "This time I came to the Song valve, I wanted to use the hand of Song brother to prove the heaven."

"Improve the heavens?" Song lacked a complex face, cold and ironic: "With so many people come to my Song valve, just to find a war for someone in Song? Do you think there will be several people in the rivers and lakes believe?"

"These people have nothing to do with me."

The evil king Shi Zhixuan stepped forward and waved his hand in an understatement.

In the meantime, the intervening interjection comes in:

"It is the idea of ​​this seat. I heard that the evil king wants to compete with the Song master. This is to find some people to help. Of course, if the valve owner is willing to enter my magic door, this battle can naturally Avoid." In a word, the atmosphere in the entire lobby suddenly became more tense, and the smell of gunpowder was unprecedented.

If the evil king and the Song deficiency have not yet started, I am afraid that Song Valve has been unable to help but leave the magic door to the ground.

There was no room for swaying after the yin and completely angered Yu Zhong and Xu Ziling.

Yu Zhong took the first two steps from the crowd, Shen Sheng:

"The father-in-law is relieved, and the yin can be handed over to Xiaoyan!"


Song lacked a slow nod.

The strength of Yu Zhong today is barely able to fight against the yin, although it is not necessarily able to win, but it is not a problem after dragging the yin.

"Zi Ling, I will give it to you."

Yu Zhong exchanged a look with Xu Ziling, and the latter nodded.

However, the remaining nine major masters of the Song Dynasty, but no one can resist, the strength of Song Shidao and Song Yuzhi is far from enough to attract the magical powerhouses of these mythical realms.

At this time!

Song lacks sky and shouts, must be angry Zhang:

"Song valve up and down orders!!"

The mythical peaks are like the thunder, and the rolling throughout the inner city, the people on the whole island are clearly audible:

"Today has come to Song Valve to live and die for a moment, where the son of the Song valve, **** killing the enemy!!"

"...While martial arts fellows, there is a person who is not dead today, and everyone's help and kindness, keep in mind, come to Japan to report!"


The system prompts to spread the ears of martial arts on all the islands at this moment.

Everyone has received the task of missing the sword!

"Protection Song Valve!"

"Joint Song valve children, resisting the powerful invasion of the disciple!"

"Kill a demon disciple... get points..."

From the moment the inner city head players got the system prompts, they suddenly became excited. Many people refused to continue to defend the city, swept down from the city, and greeted the magic disciples who flocked from the fleet. .

However, some people quickly turned around after hearing the snoring of Song, and quickly rushed toward Songfu in the same place!

"The evil king is here!"

"It is estimated that it has already broken hands with Tiandao Song!"

"The task here doesn't matter, see if there is any chance to get the main storyline mission..." The silver foxes were on the side of the voice while flying quietly toward Song.

On the way, they saw some familiar faces and saw some strange faces...

"Those people are loyal, Lin Biao, and the red dust are coming. It seems that they also realize that the evil king is the real plot task."

Lin Biao, Hong Chen and others also noticed that the ruthless silver foxes and other teams here did not say anything, and continued to rush to the Song Dynasty without any loss.



A black shadow battery is between the roof and the street.

quickly! The Song Dynasty is looking forward to it.

boom! ! ! !

A snowy blue sky descends from the sky, the knives of the world, and the power of the ruin, like the heavenly soldiers.

Lin Biao, Yin Hu and others have been affected by this powerful knife. They have gone to the forefront and have looked up and painted their faces.

The mythical power of the peaks of the strong, the distance between them so that they have a feeling of being knives, it can be seen that this level of fighting has far exceeded their imagination.

At this time, the loud laughter played from the Song Dynasty:

"Good! Hahaha..."

The evil king is not flustered and has a shock.

boom! !

The knives and swords that ran through the sky in the air instantly collapsed into pieces of debris...

The strong knives and swords are mixed with the evil king's palms and sweeping in all directions!

Oh la la! !

The roofs of the surrounding buildings have been smashed by the violent winds. Like the tornado crossing, the rubble flies together, and even the disciples of Song Valve are scraped out like grass bags.

"I can't open it here, come with me!"

Song lacked a knife to be broken but did not reduce sharpness. He screamed and screamed from the house and plunged into the distance.

The evil king looked around in a circle of the Song Dynasty and the son of Song Quan, who was mediocre in strength. He laughed and sang the air, chasing the missing figure.

The Song Dynasty masters angered:

"Get the magic scorpion!"

The house suddenly became a melee!

However, the advantage of the magic door is revealed at this moment.

Although Yu Zhong and Xu Ziling are holding back the Yin and the hustle and bustle, there are nine masters of the mythology, and none of them are easy-going.

Seeing that the Song valve master has been defeated by the nine great mythical powerhouses, he suddenly burst out of the lobby for more than a dozen figures.

"Wu Chou, you bring people around the magic handsome! Others with me to restrain the Tianjun seats should be!"

A group of people, such as Silver Fox and Lin Biao, just rushed to the door of Songfu. They saw that the phantoms brought a group of top experts in the wind building to appear in the lobby. They decisively took the two threats to the Song Dynasty. Late strong.

There are still seven mythical powerhouses left!

"I bring one."

The silver fox exchanged a look with the knife and others. When he was on the scene, he pushed one of the mythical powers to the corner of the yard.

The four people joined hands, very tacit understanding, the movements were crisp and neat, and even Lin Biao and the phantom saw all the bright eyes.

"Lin Meng master! Red dust lord!"

The phantom eyed Lin Biao and the red dust. After a slight sigh, he called out: "Come on help! Protect Song Gongzi and Miss Song."

Lin Biao and Red Dust had hesitated when they saw the phantom, but when Song Shidao and Song Yuzhi were under the protection of a group of Song valve masters, they struggled against the attack of the master of the magic door. They knew that it was not awkward.


A group of high-ranking experts of the Yiqi League quickly pinned two of the mythical powers, and the pressure of the Song valve master suddenly decreased.

At this time...

A few people appeared outside the Song valve.

Among them, there are traces of people in the thunder.

"Good guy, I really got the task of protecting Song Gongzi and Miss Song. Big Brother, our strength is not calculated, find a weaker master."

"it is good!"

During the time, the nine masters of the magic gate were cleaned up, and the dangerous situation of the Song valve was also controlled.

"Why are the magic gates moving out, but they are not seeing the players of the magic door?"


Although the strength of the Lei Zhan team is slightly inferior, but the heads of the two sects of the Fengfeng Building and the Yiqi League are here, many later people are also embarrassed to snatch, and they turn their eyes to the Yin and the two haze masters. A group of people have a chance to talk.

"Now the biggest Demon gang ‘Blood League’ has been beaten by the Splendid River Mountain... No one is relying on the mountain, who dares to show his face in front of the boss of the Fenglou and Yiqi League?”

Someone is laughing around.

"It turned out to be."

Lei war secretly nodded: "If there is no magic player involved, this mission is basically no suspense..."

"not necessarily!"

The phantom is on the side of the seat, and opens: "I don't want to say that the magic door has sent a large number of disciples this time. There may be a mythical master in the fleet. It is hard to win the battle on the city... Now we have one of the biggest enemies. - Entering the evil kings of the realm of harmony between man and nature, once Song is defeated, we are not tied to one of them..."

"What should I do?"

"Just look at the people who invited you to come over!" The phantom said a word that made someone in the place scared.

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