Sword Among Us

Chapter 1123: Teaming up with the knives (second more)

Chapter 1123 and the Knife join hands (second more)

Chapter 1123

The phantom words can be described as awakening dreamers!

Many of the players of Song Valve quickly understood that this time, Bai Xiaosheng passed the news that the magic door attacked the Song valve, and attracted countless players to go. I am afraid that there is a happy meaning in it.

The phantom, Lin Biao and Silver Fox will be able to see clearly after a round of laps...

This plot task is divided into three categories:

The biggest part is actually to help the Song valve to resist the magic door master attack Song valve, kill the ordinary master of the magic door, save the Song valve;

This kind of ordinary way of earning points through the accumulation of human heads, in order to exchange for the trophy and rewards of the Song valve, is not the first time in the rivers and lakes.

However, this ordinary task is not important to the top players such as Phantom and Lin Biao. They are interested in a more important part of the plot task - including a group of magical myths including the underworld. By.

The points brought by the mythical masters are more abundant, and at the same time they can be added to the task of protecting Song Shidao and Song Yuzhi. The chances are self-evident.


To deal with the eleventh mythical powerhouse of the Magic Gate, it is not only the vision, but also the strength to match - the intervention without strength is to die.

This is why Phantom, Lin Biao and others clearly know that this task has a vital and more core task, but they are very sensible not to touch.

Evil king! Tiandao!

The fight between the two masters who touch the heavens is actually the key to the success of the Song Valve and the Magic Gate.

If it can help Song deficiency to reverse the situation of this task, keep the Song valve, is the real winner! The biggest harvester in this mission.


The strength of the evil king has now been confirmed to enter the realm of harmony between man and nature!

Phantom, Lin Biao and others know that they are not qualified to touch the core task - the entire Central Plains, only those two are eligible to challenge.


At this moment, the evil king and the knives have reached the reef group in the northernmost part of the island. The squally sea continually slaps the reef group like the sharp edge, and makes a roaring roar.

The two face each other on opposite reefs separated by tens of meters, letting the raging waves beat and indifferent.

The main valve is lacking...

Like a knives between the heavens and the earth, the power of the world is trembled with huge waves, and the waves are rushing. Not yet close, they are cut open by huge pressure and omnipresent swords. To both sides;

Shi Zhixuan.

A Confucian shirt, hunting in the wind and waves, but not wet clothes.

When the waves rushed into the five-meter range, they would be quickly calmed down, and the peace would be like a smooth flow. Even a high-profile wave would not be stirred up.


Across the distance of tens of meters, the evil king stares calmly at Song's lack of double shackles: "Submission to this seat, the foundation you have built can continue to carry forward the vast majority, otherwise, today, it is the day of Song Valve's nameless rivers and lakes Here, it will also be your place to fight."

"To Song people to give in, this day, this place is still not, you Shi Zhixuan He De He can?" Song lacks the wind, and both of them slap the love knife.

"Well, today you will see the power of real heaven!"

On top of the independent reef, the evil king single-handedly held the hand, and the surrounding space suddenly became violent, and countless waves ‘Hula’ slammed up.

In front of the evil king, there seems to be an invisible giant hand. With the dragon's water-absorbing posture, the waves of the surrounding rivers are sucked into the air!

boom! ! !

The huge wave of ten meters high instantly formed in the face of Song deficiency!

The evil king is integrated into the heavens and the earth at this moment, as if it has turned into a huge wave, with the violent pressure of nature, the huge waves screaming like a city wall to the Song.

"Give me broken!!"

Song lacked a sudden change in his face.

However, in the face of overwhelming waves, a rush of momentum has risen from the body, ‘呛’, and the knife trembles fiercely.

A snowy knife with a smashing sound and breaking the waves...

boom! ! ! !

The moment when the huge waves and the knives touched each other, a loud noise, the huge waves completely exploded! The entire river surface seems to be affected! !

The waves were sprayed, and the knives were splashed.

Although the overwhelming waves were shaken, the waves of the sky blurred the vision of the Song, and the 100-meter radius was involved in the boundless waves.


A few minutes above the cliff high, a slight sound suddenly sounded, and then the black shadow slammed out from the woods, like lightning.

When people are in the air, they will be happy to ‘see’ to the evil king, and they will easily approach the Song deficiency by means of the convergence of heaven and man...

boom! !

Under the huge waves of the sky, the Tiandao Song lacked two strokes and was defeated by the evil king. The shells flew out and smashed several pieces of reef before stopping.


The waves of the sky slammed down, and the sound of contempt was heard in the rain curtains of the rainstorm. The figure of the evil king was looming.

"You are also an enemy of this seat?"

As soon as the figure swayed, the evil king plucked out from the mist of the water curtain in the sky, and stopped at the tip of the reef opposite the happy. It was still so calm and light, as if everything was under control.

I noticed the change of the evil king's momentum, and frowned and frowned. From the latter, I felt a strong sense of oppression and a faint murder.



The system prompts to sound in the happy ear:

"Tiandao Song lacks the evil king Shi Zhixuan, is seriously injured, out of martial arts morality, protects the lack of Song, until the emergence of the master of Cihangjingzhai! Is it acceptable?"

"Accept the task, if successful, you can get the good feelings of Song Valve, get the good feelings of Cihang Jingzhai, and at the same time get the knife-breaking inheritance of the Tiandao Song... If the mission fails, there is no punishment!"

"If you give up the task, you are not shameful by the Song valve, and the chivalrous value is cleared!"

In the face of the master of heaven and humanity, the system did not give too harsh conditions, and there was no punishment for the failure of the mission.


I didn’t have to look at Song’s lack of gratitude. I chose to take over the most dangerous story mission in the history of this river and lake. It is against the enemy of heaven and man, the evil king Shi Zhixuan.


Seeing that after a happy appearance, I stopped the Song deficiency behind me without saying a word. Where would the evil king know the decision of this kid?

"I thought that your kid is a plastic talent, but since you insist on being an enemy of this seat, this seat will not allow you to provoke your seat again and again!"

"Evil king!"

At this moment, with a slamming sound, a figure plunged from behind the happy, and the white water with the white flowers fell on the reef near the happy.

The blood rolled from the injured arm of Song, mixed with water, spread over the white knife, and dyed the red rock under the foot.

Song lacks!

The man standing on the top of the mountain, with his eyes full of unwillingness and fanaticism, once again appeared in front of the evil king, and screamed:

"Song has not lost! Fight again!!"

In the face of this man who has been trying to touch the heavens and roads for many years, in the name of a knife, with a knife and a new year, he is admired or admired in his heart.

he knows.

Song’s lack of war is not only to sharpen his own sword, to maintain the reputation of the sword, to gain time for the Song valve, but also to feel and touch the heavens under the pressure of strong enemies...

There are many reasons for Song's lack of persistence.

"Today, I am fortunate to join forces with the Song valve masters to resist the masters of heaven. It is the blessing of the younger generation!" Happy did not force the Song to leave, but expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of Song.

As soon as the voice fell, the evil king suddenly converges before the wind is light and dark, becoming cautious and dignified.

A knives, in itself, is infinitely close to the realm of heaven and man, a rival that cannot be underestimated;

This little boy who came here has brought him endless pressure in the nest of the haze, and even forced him to rely on the power of breakthrough to win the young Junjie, now the first young master of the rivers and lakes!

The two men joined forces and it is really possible to bring him a threat.

"it is good!"

Although the lack of Song is proud, but it is not pedantic, the previous confrontation already knows that he is far from the evil king's opponent, and he has a happy request. After a smile, he readily agrees.

"Even the little brothers, you have the courage to fight with the evil king. It is this discouragement. It is worthy of Song's admiration. It is not a shame to join hands with you."

"The luck of the younger generation!"

Happy smile, his eyes quickly moved to the face of the evil king: "Shi Zongzhu, please also shot."


The evil king is very decisive, with one hand!

boom! ! !

The river surface is blowing! !

The cold and boundless power appeared out of thin air, and instantly rolled up a huge wave of more than ten meters high, and struck in the direction of happiness and lack of Song.

"It's good."

Before the Song was lacking, he had suffered a lot of losses in the evil king's trick. When he saw the evil king, he did not hesitate to draw a slash of Changhong.

Eight-knife eight!

Because of the previous understanding of the evil king, this Song lack of hand is the most proud of the famous knife.

The majestic knife instantly pierced the huge waves in the distance, cut open from the epee, and Yu Wei defeated the giant waves in the air.

However, because of the two amazing momentums colliding in the air, there is still a wave of water in the sky, and the evil king once again disappeared from the perspective of the two.

"Little brother, be careful!"

After all, Song lacked a loss in the hands of the evil king, and soon realized that the sound of the rapid break in the spray was almost in the direction of happiness, and hurriedly opened the police.

Although the evil king who entered the realm of heaven and man is difficult to lock with the spirit, but happy at this time, he is not afraid of the evil king close, standing still in the motion, the rich real yuan radiates from the body limbs, instantly Form the gas field.

From the happy body suddenly swelled the rich atmosphere and even the lack of Song is a surprise, this understands that this seemingly not very eye-catching kid seems to have some strength against the evil king.

A moment of flashing, a sudden change!


The waves of the sky have just swallowed up, and the latter was ascended out like a cannonball.

However, there was a faint white light in the spray, and the breath of the knives was not inferior.


The happy body slammed into the reef, but did not cause any harm, a backflip, and settled firmly in the vicinity of Song.

Hey! !

The rain and fog settled.

The figure of the evil king appeared from the reef on the opposite side of the tens of meters. His face was as ugly as the wind blew, and before the ruthlessness and calmness, the left arm shackles hunted in the wind, and you could see a few tattered. The holes are hidden in the wind.

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