Sword Among Us

Chapter 1124: Ning Dodge (recommended)

Chapter 1124 Ning Dodge (recommended)

Chapter 1124

The evil king slowly bowed his head and silently glanced at the five holes left on the sleeves. The brows were slightly wrinkled and the sound became dull:

""Yangyangzhi", I did not expect that you have such a creation..."

"The evil king is really good."

Happy smile.

He knows that one of his own fingers did not cause much harm to the evil king. However, the explosive power of a yang-finger with the wind and the sky is not inferior to the strength of the master of heaven and earth. In addition, there is a mythical peak of the mythical peak, and finally it is to let the evil king give birth to a trace of jealousy.

"The little brother is really not ordinary." Song lacks a knife and smiles, and in a brief confrontation with an emperor, happiness is better than him:

"Evil King! It seems that the purpose of destroying my Song Valve today is difficult to achieve..."

As soon as the voice fell, the evil king’s face showed a mocking smile:

"not necessarily!"


"The weak are united, and they are still weak." The evil king who arrived at the realm of heaven and man is now arrogant and self-confident, forgetting, sneer, and the figure is immersed in the world.

Happy, Song lacks a face to change.

The target of this attack is the lack of Song!

Listening to the wind, the three people present are masters...

When the evil king moved, he quickly judged that the evil king’s goal was not his own. The latter must have been a headache because he did not weaken the real gas field under the single blow. This made Song deficiency a breakthrough.

Evil king!


The two appeared near the Song Dynasty at almost the same time.

call! ! !

Song’s lack of response was not slow. At the foot of the foot, he plunged into the air at this dangerous juncture. From top to bottom, three cascading knives broke out with three slashes of snow, and the powerful sword would almost volatility. The river and the waves were suppressed.

"It’s a knives..."

Although happy is also shrouded in the lack of Song, but it is clearly felt that Song lacks this knife to cover both the enemy and the evil king, and the evil king is more cared for - he is clear because of his own Instead, there will be many threats.


The moment the knife fell from the sky, the evil king was finally forced to break free from the void, his face sinking, and the palm of his hand would tear the knives of the sky into pieces, and the strength and domineering of the heavens and the human realm were vividly displayed!

However, he is facing more than one person in Song...

At the same time as the evil king violently swayed, a fierce sword was attacked from the side.

The dark black iron epee just slammed from the side to the single hand of the evil king in a hurry.

Although the magical dying world is the only martial art to solve the problem, but the damage caused by the heavy iron sword can not be underestimated, still the evil king will shake his arm.

boom! !

The darkness of the two men smashed into the happy body from the black iron epee...

The latter snorted, but pointed out before the plunge:

"go with!"

Even if you are injured, you will never let your enemy be better. This is his consistent aim.

A yang finger followed the shoulder of the evil king!

Instantly confronted three times, once tied, once won the face, and finally ate a small loss.

The evil king's body shape shook a little.

Although the body has suffered all the damage, but happy has won valuable time and opportunity for the lack of Song.

It’s too late to continue to shoot, and the overwhelming slashing of the knife has been cascading down from the sky – the knife-knife of the knives and songs has been thoroughly displayed.

With the moment of entanglement with happiness, Song lacked the opportunity to grasp the opportunity, the momentum climbed to the peak, the sword and the eight methods were fully exerted, and the evil king was locked. The entire reef group was smashed into pieces by the chaos.

The river is in the air!

The reef group is falling apart!

The evil king was completely submerged in the knife by the all-power explosion that broke out in the Song...

boom! ! !

The water waves and the fierce swords of the sky quickly covered the 100-meter radius!

The evil king and the missing figure are both annihilated.

But happy, but I don’t plan to stay out of it!

Seeing that the two were covered by water waves, the latter was beautifully back flipped, and it was very precise to gently glimpse on the reef, and rushed into the curtain of the rainstorm.

The moment when the evil king breaks free from the state of integrating the world, he is firmly locked by the happy spirit, and naturally there is no way to tell the target.


Hey! laugh……

Milky white refers to the sound of tearing air in the air, constantly moving between the water curtain and the broken pieces of reef.

From time to time, there is a milky white finger that leaks out of the net and crashes into a piece of intact or defective reef, making the entire battlefield more chaotic and dangerous.


"Haha... happy!!"

The snoring of the evil king and the lack of Song continued to sound.

The sound of the air screamed, and the reef group quickly jumped from the jump to the next with the movement of the blasting...

Layers of knives are bursting on the river!

The curtain of water has just fallen, and immediately the waves of the sea have once again swept the battlefield, and the entire river surface is in ruins;

Even the cliffs in all directions have been shaken frequently and there have been boulder rolling down, or the mountains have collapsed.

This battle is ten minutes!

Evil king! Tiandao! Happy!

The figure of the three people has been shrouded in dangerous water curtains, knives and fingers, and occasionally black shadows are shot out from inside and will return to the water curtain at a faster speed.

The earth-shattering movement here quickly caught the attention of many players on the island...

Many people ran after the end of the battle at the head of the city!

When a group of people saw a group of reefs and a cliff that had almost changed their appearance, the people present were all air-conditioned.

In particular, the strong atmosphere that constantly erupted in the constantly moving battlefield and the knives of letting the cold and cold sweats make them feel the true strength of the two great heavenly powerhouses...

"What is the milky white finger?"


Someone in the calm and calming player has something strange.

"The person who uses the knife is a lack of Song. This is beyond doubt, but I have never heard of the evil king Shi Zhixuan using fingering..."

"Weird! There are people who use swords. They have never seen evil kings with swords, but also winds and swords. It seems to be more than evil kings and knives."

There are more and more players on the cliff, but I really know that there are not many people in the cliff. Even those who guess that happiness may appear are not sure that they can survive in such a fierce environment.

too terrifying!

The chaos of the realm of heaven and man and the mythical masters of the myths are not chaotic. The slashing swords that Song lacks are so dazzling that they seem to be indistinguishable from each other. The attack of the broken knives is even more terrible. The trick can collapse their bodyguards, so who can survive the chaotic and disorderly battlefield?

Even some of the top-ranking masters came here, and they saw the situation under the cliffs stop, and did not dare to take another step forward.


Song valve

As time passed, the three magical mythical masters were killed on the spot;

After the yin, seeing the evil king has not appeared for a long time, the pressure here is getting bigger and bigger, knowing that it is not good to have a good fruit after dragging it down today.

"Hey! Devil! God!"

After the yin and yin,

"The evil king is still in the future, I am afraid that it is a strong enemy, the plan has changed, we withdraw!"

After that, the power of a huge gas field shrouded...

At the same time, 绾绾 shot!

"Everyone is careful!"

Yu Zhong and Xu Ziling both jumped out of the battlefield.

Without the restraint of these two people, the double-day magical field spread out, and there is a feeling that some actions are strongly hindered at the place.


Devil Shuai, Tianjun and other masters of the magic gates took the opportunity to open the enemy in front of them and plucked the battle circle.

The phantom, Lin Biao and other people look at the yin and wait for the magic door master to run away. The first time I think of it is not chasing, but I turn around without looking at the evil king, the whereabouts of the knives, and see each other in the same direction. Shocked.


The evil king and the knives fight, the strength is disparity, can drag the evil king for so long, certainly someone else!

"Happy to come."

"Go and see?"

Just when the two of them wanted to go, the people of Yu Zhong, Xu Ziling and Song Jing thought of this...

"After the yin, the devil, and so on, the danger of the Song valve will collapse."

"The valve master has not come back!"

"Song Big Brother, Ling Shao, come back to prevent the konjac, you will stay in the Song valve for the time being, I will bring the jade to look at the situation of the valve owner."

At this time, Yu Zhong took up the responsibility of the son-in-law, and took the jade to go outside the house.

The phantom, Lin Biao and others were shocked, no longer hesitate, and decisively keep up.


When I came to the cliff, the phantom, Lin Biao and other people stood in a very high position! However, the group of reefs below was seen in a row, and many places in the vicinity had collapsed and the surrounding waves did not completely disappear.

Tiandao closed his eyes on a reef, his hair was scattered, but his eyes were still sharp and firm, his body was tall and straight, and his swords and scented together gave off a heart-warming momentum.

On the opposite side of the knives, the situation of the evil king is slightly better, but a set of outer shirts has been completely torn, revealing a tough inner armor;

There are two people who are at the corner with the slashing sword!

An old swordsman, a young swordsman!

The old swordsman has a long gown, the long sword is hung around the waist, the style is graceful, the refined temperament is full, the free and easy smile is even more unbearable and there is a feeling of willingness to be close.

Young swordsman knows everyone, although his clothes are a little embarrassed, a little embarrassed, but in front of the two peerless masters, they are not humble, temperament, savvy...

Jinxiu River Hill Gate Lord, happy!

Seeing the scene of the four masters standing up, a group of later people such as the phantom and Lin Biao were stunned.

However, Yu Zhong and Song Yuzhi are both exclaimed with joy:

"Ning Master!"

"Ning master is also here!" In a word, the identity of the old swordsman of Confucianism is broken...

The first kendo master of the Central Plains, Ning Dodge!

A group of people such as the Phantom of the Opera and Lin Biao have already understood what is going on according to the situation on the spot and the situation of the four people...

The mind is in vain.

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