Sword Among Us

Chapter 1125: The breakthrough of the knives (seeking the monthly ticket ~~)

Chapter 1125 Breakthrough of the Knife (seeking a monthly ticket~~)

Chapter 1125

boom! !

The messy reef group still bears the slamming slaps, the three masters, and happy, showing an irregular square shape standing.

Ning Daoqi, Song lack, happy, three at the same time locked the evil king...

In the eyes of the evil king, the strength of the first young master in the world is no longer under the two famous masters of his left and right - this has been confirmed in the First World War.


As soon as the gaze turned, the evil king’s sight fell to the point where the sword was tall and straight, and Song, which gradually dissolved in the heavens and the earth, lacked a look. At this moment, the latter has become more and more like a knives running through the heavens and the earth! The edge is hard to stop! The momentum is still rising! The eyes are getting condensed.

At this time, Ning Daoqi apparently also noticed the abnormality of the main body of the Song valve. The brow was picked and immediately revealed a happy color: "Congratulations to Song brother, I have to pay for it!"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The heroic laughter is like a thunder, and the invisible air waves in a circle bring the pressure of the front and the back of the waves to smash and crush the surrounding waves. It seems that countless blades are cutting in the air, and the sound is amazing!

"Thanks to the fulfillment of evil kings and happy little brothers!"

Tiandao Song lacks a long smile, free and easy to sway the long knife, and his eyes are on the happy body...

"Predecessors praised, this battle, happy also benefited a lot."

Hearing words, happy and smiling back.

Just after World War I, Song was not only under the high pressure of the evil king Shi Zhixuan in the realm of harmony between man and nature. Not only did he have the artistic gains, but he finally broke through the realm of harmony between man and nature and stepped into the ranks of heaven.

Nowadays, breathing is driving the power of the heavens and the earth, and the sword is strong and powerful. It is impossible for the evil king to win easily.

the third!

At this time, I am happy to see the third master of heaven and earth in the rivers and lakes!

of course……

Happy in this battle also won a lot of gains.

With the real master of heaven and earth, the speed of the confrontation and the tension of the spirit far exceed the usual cultivation.

"One Yang Finger" has accelerated a lot. From the fifth level to the middle of the sixth level, the proficiency has increased greatly, and the lethality and speed have also increased. Now it is truly overwhelming in the "Devil's Destruction" Above.

In addition to...

The roots and body are also improved by 5 points.

Just a short 20-minute fight, happy improvement is visible to the naked eye, how can I not let him up?

Ning Dodge looked at him again and smiled. He smiled and smiled and turned his eyes back to Shi Zhixuan:

"The evil king, now Song brother breaks through the heavens, is a happy event in the land of the Central Plains, Ningmou is not embarrassed with you, the person who brought you the magic door to retreat, today's business, we will count again."

Although the current three-to-one situation, but Ning Dodge can see that Song deficiency has just entered the heavens, the strength has not been consolidated, and there are injuries, relying on the strength of him and happy to win the evil of heaven and man The king is impossible, and this is the birth of a plan to stop.


The evil king faintly glanced at the latter, his eyes swept over the happy body, deeply inhaled, and finally fell to the Song lack:

"Today, your life should not be a must, and come back to ask for another day."

"After waiting!"

Tiandao Song lacks a long knife and points to the ground.

The evil king did not stop again, and he did not return to the head.

Above the cliff, a group of people looked at the evil king's ease and shuttled the waves toward the distant sunset. Many people are obsessed with it:

"Heaven and Man are together..."


As soon as the evil king left, the task of saving the Song valve crisis ended, and the players involved in the mission were somewhat rewarded.

But everyone present knows that this battle, the biggest gain must be happy!

With no-minded cultivation, fighting with the mythical peak masters to fight off the evil king to complete the core task does not say that the lack of Song can break through to the realm of heaven and man is not a small credit, nowadays, several great masters have a good feeling, get Song valve The goodwill, the value inside, is immeasurable.

"Little brother, follow me to the city!"

"Where the martial arts fellows today help Song Valve, Song is grateful! Thanks to the whole Song Dynasty, thank you for your kindness, Shidao, Yuzhi, and ordered the banquet in the house immediately, I want to treat you..."


Song Shidao saw the evil king retreat, and his father broke through the heavens and made his wish, and he took it with joy.

Song Yuzhi, Yu Zhong, Xu Ziling, a group of Song valve masters hold fists, and warmly invite you to visit Song Valve...




"Little brother, Ning Dao! Please!"

Song lacked the temperament of a beard and sent an invitation to Happy and Ning Douqi.

"The invitation of the predecessors, the respect of the younger generation is better than death!"

Happy return.

"Haha, the light of happy and young man, Ning, someone also came to a banquet." Ning Daoqi sprinkled a sleeve on his feet, leaving his feet on the reef, and the emptiness swept toward the cliff;


Song Valve escaped from this death and placed hundreds of tables in the inner city to feast on all the martial arts in the city.

This kind of banquet after the rescue mission is very common on the rivers and lakes!

However, those players who have not participated in the core tasks, after receiving the rewards, know that it is not good to continue to stay, and will not hesitate to choose to leave, hurry to practice, or to perform new tasks.

But this time different...

Because of the emergence of two masters of heaven and earth, they appeared in a Ning Douqi who was not seen at the end of the dragon. Now they are all happy!

More than 90% of the martial arts people who came to help the Song Dynasty stayed in the city. The city was like a New Year, and many people rushed to the battle of the cliffs and reefs. They danced one by one, spitting water and spitting, like seeing. .


The banquet of the Song Valve House is located in the lobby. It is more exquisite. Only one hundred and ten people who can enter here are happy to see the phantom and Lin Biao, as well as the silver fox and thunder war that are not the top strength. Faces... These are the masters who have participated in the mission of guarding Song Shidao and Song Yuzhi.

When the happy and the Song lacked back to the palace, all the sights came together!

The phantom and the martial arts are old acquaintances, and they are ushered in:

"Happy door master."

Many people present at the scene have come up to meet each other, regardless of whether they know or not, they are holding fists.

"Brothers, happy and courteous."

Even if there are some small characters who are not well-known in the government, I am happy to watch the past with a fist and smile.


Finally, I went to the Phantom of the Opera and Wu Zuo: "Sorry, sorry, scornful, I still hope that the two landlords Haihan."

The phantom, the martial arts and the happy are old acquaintances, naturally it will not be awkward with this happy, but it is incredible that Wu Kui took a few minutes to see the fun and the people in the house one by one.

If you are happy to take a gesture in front of them, you should not give these people so much courtesy. After all, these people are not very famous on the rivers and lakes, and the sorry for their separate voices is also very telling the problem. The tone and atmosphere of a friend, but it can be seen that I am very happy to pay attention to these people in the river.


After the phantom was seated, he looked curiously and talked with people who were obviously unfamiliar on the adjacent table. The color of surprise on his face was even stronger.

"This brother looks good, but he is called Silver Fox..."

The neighboring table was originally happy again, silently watching the happy, suddenly heard the happy question, Lei Zi, knife, and sliver all looked at it with horror, looked happy, and saw Look at the same eccentric color of the silver fox.

"It’s really called Silver Fox..."

Turning around, looking at the face and smiling, happy, silver fox heart strange but strange, his mind is a bit stiff, he has always been unhappy with his words, he suddenly did not know what to say, a bit of a mouthful.

Many people in the house have also paid attention to it!

"Sure enough, you!"

Happy tone with a good expectation and joy, in the eyes of everyone surprised to hold the fist: "Be happy, a few years ago saw the silver fox brother's fighting rep, has been remembered, I believe that the silver fox brother will certainly fame It has become a rare master in the rivers and lakes, but I am curious and regretted why the silver fox brother left after nearly two years."

"Not two years, three years."

The knife is inserted to correct.

Happy face and nodded to the knife, thank you:

"It turned out to be a pity..."

Feel the eyes of sincere regret in the happy eyes, the knife does not consciously nod back to the ceremony, even he himself feels inexplicable.

Leizi, sliver, together with the table and others, feel very strange, face to face:

This is the owner of the Splendid River Mountain?

Very approachable, not like the gang bosses, a pair of people who refused to be thousands of miles away!

"I just saw the silver fox brother's side face and I felt familiar, but because I didn't wear a silver mask, I was not sure. I didn't expect it to be a silver fox brother... Although I don't know what happened in the past three years, the silver fox brother can return. Going to the rivers and lakes, I think the future Central Plains will definitely be more exciting!"

Happy and sincere.


Silver Fox was still wondering why he would talk to himself, but after listening to it, he was so moved that he was so moved that he could be happy to remember the name for so long. It was very surprising, and he was still happy. I don’t have a masked side face, and I can see that the other person really cares about myself.

"Over the prize."

I am very happy to know the temper of Yinhu. I know that he doesn’t want to say anything like this. It’s estimated that it will take some time to digest. I don’t say much more now. I nodded with a fist and nodded to the knife. This turned to myself. Another goal:

"Linyi, the leader of the Red League, and the happiness of the Lord of the Red Dust, I have been admiring for a long time two years ago. Unfortunately, I have never met each other. It is also a fate to meet in the Song Dynasty today. I am happy and bold, and I am willing to pay for the Buddha and respect the two lords." Pick up the glass and bring everyone's attention again.

Lin Biao and Dust are different from Silver Fox. After all, they are both heroes. Others respect themselves. He respects others and sees that he is so solemn, his face is clean, and he gets up at the same time: "Happy door, you are polite! You The deeds of let me admire, compared with you, our two achievements are not worth mentioning." These words are from Lin Biaozhen heart.

Red dust nodded: "Respect the Lord!"

"No!" Happy face, a suspense, said: "With a Yitang, a wolf, I am barefoot, not afraid to wear shoes, take their own lives in the fight ... but the two are different, in the high position, have everything However, it can be turned back and forth, for the righteousness, for the Central Plains, to fight out the loyalty of hundreds of thousands of brothers, no complaints... This, happy and respectful, this cup ... on behalf of all the brothers of the beautiful rivers and mountains, respect the two lords! All brothers!!"

When the voice fell, the audience was silent.

Everyone held their breath, and watched the joy of the impassioned words to drink the wine in the cup!

Lin Biao and Red Dust are like wooden stakes. They hold cups in their hands and stare at their faces with sincerity and happiness. They haven't moved for a long time...

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