Sword Among Us

Chapter 1126: Yiqi League

Chapter 1126

Chapter 1126

With the fierce battle of the wolf organization and Yipintang, most of the eyes of the Central Plains martial arts are focused on the gains and losses of Jinxiu Heshan and Fengfenglou!

Few people pay attention to the same loyalty in the battle, but they are disfigured. Even if it is a phantom, they have to admit that they have temporarily neglected the existence of the loyalty alliance, and they are determined to restore the wind building as their primary goal.

But nowadays, I am happy to be in the presence of many heroes. The seriousness and sincerity that comes from the heart makes everyone one.

The phantom smile is replaced by a solemn color:

"Happy brothers are right, Lin brother, red dust brother, phantom shadow today also borrow flowers to buddha, representing the brothers and sisters of the wind building, respect all the brothers of the loyalty alliance!"

this moment.

Lin Biao and Dust have recovered from the impact of happiness.

"Respect the happy owner."

"Respect the happy owner!"

The two looked at each other and threw their voices! Gazing at the eyes with enthusiasm, while holding up the wine glass in his hand, simply sip his neck and drink it...

The phantom and the people around him can hear that the two lords of the loyalty alliance are obviously moved by the words of happiness, and the words are faintly stalked.

The following people are sighing...

Some of them also know the situation of the Yiqi League.

The third major force of the Central Plains in the past, because of that war, has damaged hundreds of thousands of horses, and now has become a large-scale gang, has lost its past glory and shine.

However, when the Yiqi League lost many things, it still had no complaints. It was only a silent development. It silently faced the two giants of Zhongyuan, happy and phantom...

Until this moment, it seems that I was happy to bring out the real feelings in my heart.

Nowadays, from the reaction of the two lords of Lin Biao and Red Dust, it is not difficult to see from the expression of the ambitions of the loyal brothers of the Yiyi League. The Yiqi League did not suffer much during this time and suffered a lot of crimes. .

call! !

A group of people at the same time of the thunder battle got up at the same time, and they toasted in the same breath:

"The two lords of the loyalty and the loyalty, the brothers of the loyalty!!"

This scene seems to have infected many people present...

Under the calm eyes of Song deficiency, Ning Daoqi, Yu Zhong, Xu Ziling and others, a martial arts person at the table in the government rose up and confronted the brothers of Yiqi League, toasting:

"Brothers of the righteousness!!"

The loud snoring sounded out the Song valve neatly and clearly, and was introduced into the ears of many martial arts people outside the city...

Originally a song of the Song Dynasty, this moment seems to become a group of brothers of the Yiqi League is the protagonist of this celebration, because of happy words.


Lin Biao, the Red Dust, and the disciples of the Allegiance League have tears in their eyes, looking around every face in the house!

"The Yiqi League brothers have!"


A group of Yiqi League disciples responded with a voice.


Lin Biao is full of wine for himself and red dust.

Oh! ! !

Under the leadership of Lin Biao and Dust, a group of masters of the Yiqi League have toasted, and after a round of invitations, they are happy to face: "Respond to all the brothers!!"

At this time, some people outside the house gathered at the door because of the strange sounds in the house, or went to the wall to look inside.

From this point of view, it was discovered that the celebration party, which was originally quite lacking, seemed to have changed its taste at this moment. Everyone stood solemnly in the lobby, and a **** atmosphere flowed among the crowds.

"what happened?"

Some people on the wall were puzzled. The development of the banquet in the house was obviously beyond their expectations. One instinctively seemed to have missed something.


"This is a happy, really amazing."

"Well, Jinxiu Heshan only came to him this time, but actually pressed down the limelight of the wind building, and in a few words, it ignited everyone and gave the Yiqi League a big face."

Silver foxes and knives were toasting while secretly talking:

"No, look at Lin Biao, Dust, what they are now, should be happy as a confidant... Although the phantom is equally divided with the world, but in order to obtain the resources of the South, it has never taken into account the loyalty alliance, and it has already lost a lot in terms of tolerance. ""

"Silver Fox Big Brother, but this happy suddenly mentioned this matter now, what is the purpose? Just to win the Lin Biao and the red dust?" asked the knife.

The silver fox shook his head slightly: "If that is the case, I will look down on him. Lin Biao and the red dust will leave a sigh in the heart... Let's watch it change. This time, let Bai Xiaosheng gather us to the Song valve, definitely have his Intended, this is why we all did not leave immediately."


Compared with the savage and unbelievable temper of Silver Fox, the Thunder War and other groups are much more heroic.

As Song Shidao came out to play the round field, everyone re-settled and turned the solemn atmosphere into celebrations. Some people still toasted with Lin Yi and other people from the Yiqi League.

Lin Biao, Red Dust, etc., seems to be happy because of the words, the sorrow and grievances of this time are all released, the visitors are not rejected! Let go of your drink!

"Oh, young people, really, they are full of vigor..."

Song deficiency and Ning Douqi sit together, looking at this side with a smile, quite a sense of loneliness.


In the corner, followed by three black hooded mysterious young men who have been staring at the table where they are happy after sitting down. They watched the people at other tables in the house take turns to toast the people of the Yiqi League. But when I think of myself being alone, I always hesitate.

For a long time, I finally overcome the obstacles in my heart...

"The Lord of the Forest, the Red Dust Lord."

Lin Biao and Dust have not refused, but the situation of being alone and welcoming them is only happy. Now they suddenly see an unnamed little guy running over without being dumb.

Other people in the house have also laughed:

"Where the little guys, the number of rivers and lakes does not understand." Silver fox, knife and other people, together with the phantom shadow of the wind-street people are strangely looking at this strange face of the kid, vaguely remember that the other side has been controlled A few mysterious black-collar people came together in the dead, and they had a few tricks with Xu Ziling.

On the surface...

The whispering conversation with the phantom also noticed this scene. First, a glimpse, and immediately smiled:


It is Xiaobei who is in a tough situation.

This brother is as good as ever.

At this time, blushing, holding a glass of wine, looking at Lin Biao and the red dust under the eyes of everyone, it seems that I did not write ‘I am a rookie’ on my face.

The two lords of the People’s Liberation League are also the ones who have the face and the face. Just a toast, the crowds are coming together in groups of three or five, and respecting the two lords, or separating them, this is still respectful.

Like Xiaobei, who is alone to toast, you can toast, and Lin Biao and Dust will not refuse, but your kid is also a master of two big-level masters, and does not report his name. This is somewhat rude...

And from the sight of Xiaobei frequently looking here, I am happy to guess that this kid may be looking for himself, so I have neglected something.

Thinking of this, happy and phantom voices apologize, pick up the wine glasses on the table, walk towards Xiaobei...

The happy getting up quickly caused the attention of some people at the place.

Lin Biao and Dust are still considering whether to accept the toast of this little guy who makes himself jealous. Then he hears happy walking:

"Little brother, you reminded me."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the house showed their gloom.

Especially when I saw that I was happy to take the shoulder of the little guy who couldn’t name it, a group of people almost didn’t drop their eyes.

Only Xiaobei’s face suddenly rose red, and he was surprised to look at his happiness, and looked at his unstable cup. He was sincere and fearful.


The silver fox and the people in the phantom are also curious and pay attention.

Their focus is naturally not on Xiaobei, because they can see that the latter should not know anything about happiness.

"There was a glass of wine that respected the two great lords. I had no idea what I was going to do. I didn't expect your kid to be the same person."

In a word, Xiaobei didn’t let Xiaobei knock over the glass in his hand, only to realize that he was reckless.

"Brother, what is the name."

Xiaobei looked up stunned...

Look around.


Facing the happiness and the envy of countless envy around, Xiaobei stupidly pointed at his nose, and his eyes finally flashed a glimmer of energy:

"Small... Xiaobei."

"Well, let me join us, we will punish the wine together, first of all, the lord of the forest!"

"Ha ha……"

Lin Biao’s hesitation in the face of Xiaobei was normal, but now he is happy with Xiaobei in the name of the penalty wine, and he hastened to drink the contents of the cup.

Then there is red dust...

Although this move was abrupt, the move to resolve Xiaobei’s actions was not only affected by the hearts of people such as the Thunder War and Silver Fox.

Silver Fox looked calmly and looked at himself very naturally. For Xiaobei Liquor, he bumped into the cup in Xiaobeicheng’s sturdy and stiff action, and his eyes gradually became very weird.

Not only silver fox...

The phantom is also strange.

This kind of ordinary master who throws a pile of people and can't even find a shadow in the Central Plains has a lot of fun. There is absolutely no need to take care of it!

But this move of happiness is very consistent with the appetite of Lin Biao and Dust.


Although I didn't understand why I was so happy before, I could sit back and think carefully to be able to see the purpose of happiness, and my face would smile slightly.

I exchanged my eyes with the red dust: at least I am more happy than the gangs who like to take the shelf.

Picking up the wine glasses, the two brought a group of brothers of the Yiqi League to go back and forth between the tables in the house.

For a time, I was staggered and lively.

The nerves of Xiaobei Dazhang slowly recovered to the point where they could withstand such huge stimulation, and found opportunities to talk with happy:

"Happy boss! I... I want to join you in the beautiful river!"

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