Sword Among Us

Chapter 1128: Introduction to Silver Fox (recommended)

Chapter 1128 Introduction to Silver Fox (recommended)

Chapter 1128

"The meaning of the happy door, such a valuable thing, you intend to come out as the color head of the Jinxiu Heshan disciple competition? Free reward?"

In a word, countless people present were shocked, even though the phantom, Lin Biao and others stopped their movements, staring intently at the smile.

The lack of clothes in the knives and songs is a deadly attraction for the people of the rivers and lakes! Stepping into the sky, even more shocking than the outside world's billion-dollar award! More precious! This hand is no worse than the 100 billion revenge fund created before the fun.

"Since there is no way to inherit the guise of the knives, I am not short of money for the time being. It is not appropriate to keep this thing on hold. Why not take it out..." Faced with the eagerly awaited eyes from all directions, I smiled happily. As if to say that it is not the plaque of the knives, but the Chinese New Year to issue thousands of red envelopes.


A group of people breathed in again.

Sitting in the happy side of Xiaobei, I don’t know how to face the door with a reverent look.

“The temperament of the happy door makes the phantom admiration!”

The phantom is toasting and sincere.

Until now, she knew that she had lost in front of her happiness.

The phantom thought of high-priced acquisitions, and strive to inherit the shackles of the knives and songs, but happy but not very concerned about the clothes, on the spot to hand over the excellent disciples in the door...

This is the cloak of the master of heaven and earth! ! !

"Polite after the film."

Happy and lightly toasted.

"Lin Yan admire."

"Red Dust is happy to be the master..." The two lords of the Yiqi League started at the same time: Since happiness is revealed in public, this is naturally a matter of ironclad.

"..." Happy and a smile, but see Xiaobei take the initiative to rush to fill a full glass of wine.


"Happy door owner, there is a question underneath."

At this time, suddenly a table not far away was asked to get up and ask: "You just said that you want to compete for the first master of the Splendid River Gate School. Does it include several door owners?"

When the voice fell, everyone was stunned, and they looked at the face-changing man, the man with a firm eye, even Lin Biao, the phantom and other people were slightly stunned, and immediately looked at them with great interest...

"Yes, happy door, Jinxiu Heshan, after all, have fun, two masters of the world, you said the disciple, does the package not include an emperor?"

"One Emperor is fascinated by swordsmanship. Naturally, he will not inherit the clothes of the predecessors of the slashing swords. The competition of Jinxiu Heshan will naturally not include an emperor. Not to mention the next one. I am a person who is rejected outside the door wall. Wouldn't it be a thick face with the brothers under the door?"

Happy and laughing at the thunder, I did not expect to ask this question first is actually this buddy.

"Thank you for your reply."

In fact, when the thunder battle stood up, it was also after a lot of people’s battles. After getting a happy reply, I suddenly let out a sigh of relief: "I don’t know if you can join the Jinxiu River Mountain now, can you qualify for the competition..."

When this statement came out, everyone was lost again!

Everyone's gaze once again focused on the face of the mine.

Happy is also a glimpse.

"Lei also knows that this is very abrupt, and it is very important to go to the slashing of the sword. Lei does not deny that he has an idea. So I just want to ask if anyone who joins the Jinxiu River Mountain is not qualified. "The war is not humiliating and opening again."

Although straightforward, I have to say that his words are to express doubts and expectations in the hearts of many people present.

Because most of the players outside the Fuchu House are non-gang people, they are all non-gang background personnel who have found potential and strength from Zhongyuan Wulin.

These people can join the Jinxiu River!

To say that they have no idea about the shackles of the slashing swords, it must be false - as long as there is a chance, they will also want to fight for it.

Everyone’s eyes refocused on the happy face...

Nervous, expecting eyes, hot eyes, intertwined in the air.

Xiaobei also tightened his clothes and stared at the doorkeeper who slowly turned the glass--after all, he was just a disciple who joined Jinxiuheshan.

There are more and more people watching the outside of the government. The lively banquet outside the city seems to have become quiet many times. Many people have come here and wait for the happy announcement.

But what surprised them was that the first sentence of happy opening did not answer the question of the thunder.

"The plaque of the knives and songs is privately owned by me. It is also the reward that I decided to join the competition. Who owns it, naturally it is up to me. This has nothing to do with the current system of Jinxiu Heshan, and it will be private to me later. It’s up to me to decide on similar rewards for gangs..."

Everyone raised their ears from the moment they opened their mouths.

Although I didn't get the unexpected answer immediately, everyone in the room heard it. Happy revealed some messages, which is purely his personal will, and will continue in the future...

"Jinxiu Heshan has more than one outstanding disciple. There is only one copy of the knives. For the Jinxiu River, which has more than one million people, the competition is very cruel. Therefore, I don’t want the knives of the knives to fall into the hands of the enemy. Especially the people of Yipintang, who have helped Mengyun, these people can never be included, so those who qualify must be reviewed by me and Bai Xiaosheng!"

When I heard the front, including the Silver Lake and the Thunder War, I thought that I was just trying to defend myself. Some of my faint feelings were lost. But after a sudden turn, I turned to happy and Bai Xiaosheng’s review. Everyone is an eye. One bright.


The phantom, Lin Biao, and Dust noticed that the eyes of people around them became more hot and excited. They seemed to realize what they were doing and took a sigh of relief.

"So no matter who I joined the Jinxiu Heshan brothers before, or join in later, I am happy to welcome them. However, to get my private assets, I need to pass the relationship with me and Bai Xiaosheng... Of course, many people here are here. It is qualified."



"Hah, happy doorkeeper, you see that we are now joining Jinxiuheshan, okay?"

Hundreds of martial arts people in the government have been excited, and even some people outside the house have tried to rush in if they can't help but if there are not many big-level masters staring at them.

The atmosphere in the house has become warm...

Lin Biao and Red Dust saw this scene and they took in the air!

"Good means."

"These people present are not very famous on the rivers and lakes, but each one has the superb skill or strength of the top masters. It is also a very elite force... With this group of people, it is a great pull. The big gang is not a problem, happy to make a profit this time."

"It is said that all of Bai Xiaosheng has screened in advance... The roots are blue and white, happy. This is a confidant who intends to cultivate a group of backbones... Take the knives that are lacking in the sword... It’s amazing."

When the two people sighed, the phantom and the martial arts on the opposite side were deeply infected and shaken by the atmosphere inside the house.

"Several good seedlings we have seen before have been added to the Splendid River." Wu Kui smiled and gave a voice to the Phantom: "It seems that the silver fox and his three brothers are also tempted."

The phantom is slightly bitter in the chaos:

"It’s more than a silver fox..."

Suddenly, my heart is full of emotions:

The blame of the knives and songs is so amazing, once the news is spread out, the masters of the entire rivers and lakes will compete to join the Jinxiu River and compete for the knives of the knives. You must know that those who have this qualification are at least super-class masters! With the infusion of these people, Jinxiu Heshan is the first big gang in the Central Plains, and no one can shake it.


It is not difficult to help a person through more than one hundred people. Especially for a group of people who are familiar with themselves, they are very happy to bring all the non-gang people including Lei War, Silver Fox and Knife into the Jinxiu River.

The four silver foxes were finally determined to come over...

When it was his turn, he slowly got up and smiled inadvertently. "Do you know? Silver Fox... I’m glad you can join in. I have been waiting for a long time this day."

"..." The silver fox four showed a strange expression.

Other people in the house did not show too much surprise.

Because I mentioned it before I was happy, Silver Fox impressed him very much...

But only Silver Fox feels strange.

Happy to solemnly rise up a word, seems to have sincere heart and sincerity and pleasure, somehow, the silver fox's cold face appeared a thawing.

After hesitating for a few seconds, nod:

"me too."

"..." The knife, the thunder, the sliver three looked at the opposite scene of the happy and silver fox face, and exchanged an excited look.

“Congratulations to the happy brothers who have been recruited to a group of elite players!”

"Oh, TOEFL!"

"But these people outside the government, what are you going to do, they seem to want to join the Jinxiu River..." Lin Biao shook his head helplessly - since the beginning of happiness, the movement outside is getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, the people in the house have returned to their homes, and the news has also noticed that the flow of the outsiders of Song’s palace is increasing, and it is obviously attracted by the news of the knives and the decision of happiness.

Looking around, the happy eyes gradually calmed down:

"I think everyone wants to know, I will let Bai Xiaosheng reveal the clues of the Song valve task and gather everyone to come here."

"There is something to hear, you have to form an organization against the wolf." Lin Biao, the phantom have calmed down, and the tone is clear.

Happy nodded, spit out three words in the mouth:

"The Royal Army."

"As long as it is against the wolf, I am fully supportive!" Lin Biao gave a reply with a voice.

The phantom is not to be outdone, and his eyes are getting sharper and sharper: "With the happy brothers leading, I believe that the Royal Forest will become a barrier to the Central Plains. There is a need to attack the wind building to contribute money. The phantom is indispensable."

The two gangs are the most direct victims of the wolves. The two sides have expressed their views. Where else will there be any unreasonable truth?

With the shift of the topic, the atmosphere in Song’s palace suddenly dignified a lot, and the look on the faces of the people also changed...

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