Sword Among Us

Chapter 1129: Departure (monthly ticket)

Chapter 1129 Departure (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 1129

In fact, the original intention of happy is not to recruit everyone to their own door, but in the name of '御林军', to lift the banner of the slaughter of the wolf, to unite all the brothers they know, to accumulate through the time together. Slowly familiarize yourself, and then look for opportunities to get together under the Jinxiu River.

But what he didn't think of was that the accident of the mission reward mutation made the whole process smoother...

The lack of clothes in the knives and songs provoked the fighting spirit of the first master of the Jinxiu River in the place!

Although I am happy, I don’t understand what these people’s fighting spirit is. After all, Jinxiu Heshan itself has a total of more than forty top players.

However, Silver Fox and others can join the Jinxiu River in advance to make their happiness very exciting. Then, under the second congress of the two major gangs of the Fengfeng Building and the Yiqi League, the topic was naturally transferred to the formation of the Yulin Army.

"The wolf is not rushed for a while, but it can't be dragged for too long."

The first sentence of happy opening caused the phantom to resonate. The latter looked grim and nodded. "Yes, this time the evil emperor lost, but the main reason is that he overestimated the card in the hands of Meng Yun. Xiao Xiao was happy, ignoring the fighting power of Jinxiu Heshan. If the wolf organization was launched from the beginning, the Central Plains now has no attack on Fengfenglou and Jinxiuheshan."


Lin Biao and the red dust slowly nodded and looked very dignified.

A group of people, such as the silver fox, put down the cups in their hands and circled them from the outside. They watched the happy, the phantom, and listened very seriously...

"Now the wolf organization has lost the best internal response, but if he gives him time, the wolf will definitely pull up a small gang to take the Central Plains in a more dangerous way. At that time, for our Central Plains, It will be a disaster... The happy door proposes to form the Yulin Army to leave the Central Plains, and fight with the wolf organization in order to build a layer of defense outside our Central Plains... I will cooperate with the wind building!"

After a pause, the phantom eyes turned:

"But the Central Plains must guarantee a certain number of masters and vigilance inside, and prevent the resurgence of Yipintang! At present, this must be taken into consideration."

"It’s right after the film."

After receiving the phantom eyes, I silently nodded and suddenly turned a tone: "But this is not a good place to talk about it. I think, I will wait until later. Of course, if someone changes his mind to join the Yulin Army, I welcome it, including the courtyard wall. Friends of you."

"I join!"

"I want to enter the beautiful river and mountains!"

"There is no welfare in joining the Yulin Army."

Suddenly there was a wave of noise outside.

Happy just smiled and got up to raise a toast:

"King knives and seniors, I wish the knives of the knives to enter the heavens!"

Jinxiu Heshan disciples have risen:

"Congratulations to the seniors of the knives..."

After a round, this banquet finally returned to the original theme.


In fact, at this time, happiness has basically laid out the outline of a Guardian Army...

Silver Fox and other people all returned to Jinxiu River!

The staff of the Yulin Army was basically all the members of the team, and only the medicine stone, the ancient style, the desert and other people did not appear.

Because the built Yulin Army does not need to be too large for the time being, so even if there is no wind building, Jinxiu Heshan can completely establish the Yulin Army!

What I am happy about now is how to further enhance the strength of everyone in the shortest time...

An emperor has now sent to Thailand, calculating the time, the reinforcements of the wolf organization should have arrived near, the friction between the wolf and the Central Plains will be renewed.

Yu Linjun does not have much time!


With the departure of the Yiqi League brothers led by Lin Biao and the masters of the Fengfeng Building led by the Phantom of the Opera, this place became a group of Jinxiu Heshan disciples and happy.

There are many acquaintances here...

Most of them are very good management of the former Mufu!

Needless to say, Lei Bei, Silver Fox, Xiaobei is still a corpse, but because he did not touch himself, luck is not very good, although he entered nowhere, but the strength is not up, the knife, thunder, and sliver have strength. However, the time of entry is too short, and there is a lack of opportunities and opportunities for the time being.

But I have to say that these people have already missed the best jumping cultivation period. After entering the inaction, the cultivation speed can't be faster, unless their chances are strong enough to be like a happy one.

After a while, I am happy:

"Everyone! There are less than half a month to be the day of Jinxiu Heshan's battle. At that time, there will be several masters from all walks of life to the top of the altar. I hope that you will have a good result when you arrive." ”

"Happy boss, I want to ask, we are both members of Jinxiu Heshan. If you join the Yulin Army at the same time, and you leave the Central Plains expedition, can you get better preferential treatment?"

The inquiry is about Xiaobei.

Sitting for a long time in the happy side, for a long time, I have slowly felt that the first person in the Central Plains is not as close as the legend.

"Entering the Yulin Army and going out of the Central Plains will be very hard. Naturally, you will get some preferential treatment, but you must meet the conditions... The conditions for choosing the Yulin Army will be very harsh... although many of you have received the invitation of Bai Xiaosheng. But the person who really decides whether you are suitable for entering the Yulin Army is me." Happy to remind everyone.

A group of people suddenly realized that they nodded.

"But this competition was decided a long time ago. It is to stabilize the beautiful rivers and mountains. Therefore, I will not give any preferential treatment to the members of the Guards, but I can guarantee that there will be similar opportunities in the future. Members will give priority."

Happy finally gave a reply that satisfied everyone and looked forward to Yu Linjun.

"The door owner."

"Call me happy." Happy to turn to smile at the silver fox.

"Okay, happy."

Silver Fox nodded and asked: "I want to know what is the condition for joining the Yulin Army?"

To tell the truth, in addition to the lack of knives and sorrows, the privilege of the Guardian Army guaranteed by his happiness made him suddenly look forward to it.

Although he has always had no confidence in the establishment of the Yulin Army to counter the wolf organization, but from the performance of today's happy, it seems that Jinxiu Heshan has a good master, and there is a guy with a broad mind.

This made the silver fox's thoughts have some subtle changes, and suddenly I looked forward to it.

When I heard the question of the silver fox, a group of people around them shook their breath...

"I remember that you once refused the invitation of Bai Xiaosheng and said that you would not join the Yulin Army. It seems that you seem to change your mind?"

Happy smile, do not answer.

A silver fox, a short smile:

"I believe completely now that you are really concerned about me. I am very grateful for your appreciation. However, I did not have confidence in the Yulin Army before. No, it should be completely unconfident..." Silver Fox is very natural, it seems to be all Not worried about happiness will be angry.

Lei Zhan and others were also surprised to find that happiness seems to be really not angry at all, but a pair of expressions that have been expected for a long time, naturally spread the spreader:

"now what?"


The silver fox stared at the happy eyes: "Now I feel that if you are, you will be able to form the Yulin Army with all your strength. Maybe there will be hopes... a hope to counter the wolf organization."

“Just contend?”

Happy smile makes a group of people in the thunder war secretly scared!

The silver fox did not retract the meaning of the words, nodded, and the tone affirmed: "It is my best expectation to be able to compete against the wolf organization."

"Well, keep your opinion, but one day I will let you know that the establishment of the Royal Forest Army is not just to counter the wolf organization..."

Happy to talk in the room:

"The conditions of the Royal Forest Army can tell you, that is full-time! With the passing! In addition, you must have at least the strength, vision and means of super-class masters. Indispensable members of the Yulin Army need to slowly screen, one month later, I will tell you who is suitable to join the Royal Forest."

"Well, you still have half a month to practice and prepare for the competition. I hope that you will see you in the altar at the time."

After that, the happy figure appeared on the wall above the tens of meters...

Lingbo microsteps, a few of the ups and downs quickly disappeared in the eyes of people!

As soon as the protagonist leaves, the rest of the banquet will not be necessary!

In succession, these people who have just become gang brothers greet each other and say goodbye...

Silver Fox four brothers go the fastest;

The last thing left was a group of people in the thunder, and Xiaobei, who had only a few zombies, with a single shadow.


At the moment of leaving the Song valve, the Thunder suddenly turned around and stared at Xiaobei, who was silently taking out the zombies, showing a very weird expression and saying hello:

"Do you want to be together?"

He knows that many of the martial arts people in the rivers and lakes have never liked to walk with these evil-handed players who control the zombies.

But before I thought about my happiness, I was free to calmly solve the problem of Xiaobeihua. I also took the initiative to leave Xiaobei with my drink.


Upon hearing this unexpected greeting, Xiaobei looked up and slammed his head and said, "Okay."

"My name is mine, it's their temporary captain..."

"Lee Big Brother! Brothers, call me Xiaobei."

"Of course I know you. When you were in the forest and the red dust, it really shocked us... haha..."

"Big brother, don't laugh at me. At that time, I was stupid and thought about how to be close to the happy boss..."

"Haha! You are still true, but you are lucky. Actually, the happy owner will help you round the field. Hey, we can envy us at the time."


Xiaobei, who was very clever in nature, quickly got the team's approval as a younger brother. The group went out of the city and headed for the pier.


On the ship of the Song valve that just left the dock, happy eyes stood calmly on the pier, looking at the magnificent river surface, letting Jiang Feng hit the face, the hero scarf fluttered in the brain.

The silver fox and the knife stood behind and looked at the happy back.

No one ever thought that the silver fox, which had been rushing to catch up, came up at the moment before the ship was launched, and offered to propose it with pleasure. The tentative hope and happiness were improved as soon as possible.

Happy to agree!

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