Sword Among Us

Chapter 1130: Sharpening stone (recommended)

Chapter 1130 Whetstone (recommended)

Chapter 1130

Following the happy side, Silver Fox has three purposes:

One is to see how the first master of the Central Plains who claimed to be influenced by himself is a kind of person.

Secondly, Silver Fox wants to know how happy is from the rookie of life and death, and the first master of the Central Plains in a short time, and the evil emperor.

Finally, it is also one of his original intentions, with the help of a happy cultivation journey, trying to speed up the strength of the three brothers of himself and the knife.

A group of people flowed into the sea and went north to land near the capital!

It took more than a day on the boat!

Fortunately, the valve prepared by Song Valve for the happy is still in place, in addition to the internal wide, which is equipped with the strength of the mythical environment, there are also some dealers, specializing in selling some basic martial arts cheats on the rivers and lakes.

The silver fox and other four people did not waste this time in vain, except for occasional out of the wind, most of the time stay in the cabin to practice.

But happy but never entered the cultivation.

After reaching a state of incompetence, at present, only the incompetent martial arts "One Yang Finger" has been cultivated. After the Song and the evil kings fought in the battlefield, the power became even more terrible, even if it was real. Masters of mythology are also very difficult to bear the finger of a happy, not to mention these junior institutions.

I spend most of my time on the bow deck, and I am sleepy under the care of the Song valve master...

The silver fox came over a few times and wanted to talk to him happily, but I didn’t know what to do when I saw that I was happy. I didn’t know why I dismissed my thoughts.


In the boring time on the boat, happy naturally did not waste!

The mind shifted to another world three years ago.

This time, it has been practiced for a long time, and the internal force has already broken through to the inaction. All the masters who have just stepped into the era of disengagement are left behind their ass.

As the first player to enter the realm of inaction, happiness has been called the forerunner of the realm by many people, and it has also become the touchstone of many people's martial arts cheats.

After all, it is the first to step into nowhere...

At present, there are not a few martial arts cheats in the rivers and lakes, but no one knows the difference between good and bad. Everyone is waiting for happiness to practice martial arts.

Only through continuous cultivation and substantial cultivation can we judge the pros and cons of each martial art.

In the eyes of many people, happy at least three months to half a year to retreat to choose a good martial arts.

But happy but unexpected to everyone, in one breath, directly chose a set of light work, a set of body, a set of swords.

No more choices, just a single practice!

The people in the rivers and lakes naturally do not know that the world with three years of happiness as a backing for data can clearly understand the various attributes, advantages and disadvantages of various martial arts cheats of various factions, and there is no obvious test. No time was wasted on the selection of martial arts, and the best martial arts cheats were selected directly from the gang warehouse.

Light work is the "Turning the ladder" of the Wudang faction;

Shuramen's "Shu Luojin Destiny"

The Swordsmanship is an inexhaustible martial art of the martial arts.

As for the mind, "Yi Jin Jing" and "Jiuyang Shengong" are enough to go against the sky!


When the world was sailing, I was happy to hurry and came to the hillside where the Yin’s nest was located. This was already one month after the Great Buddha Temple repelled the evil king.

Unsurprisingly, in the mountain belly, ‘again’ encountered 绾绾, but at this time, the strength is only at the beginning of the myth, and the strength is not enough to counter the happiness that has reached the realm of inaction.

"Gusu blue shirt..."

绾绾 绾绾 tens of meters away, not afraid to watch the happy end of the stop: "You come to my yin pie, what are you doing!"

"It turned out to be a girl, but I haven't seen it for a long time. It is better than ever."

Happy to raise a smiling face, eyes stunned in the devil-like body and looked around: "Call the evil king out!"

"Here is the haze!"

The tone was very tough, but the blinking eyes sold everything.

"I know that this is the old nest of the Haze School. I will give you three time to call out the evil king Shi Zhixuan. Otherwise, today, the Yin School will be flattened."

The voice did not fall, and the sounds and pressures of the sky suddenly surged in the darkness of the mountain's belly.

"Great tone!"

The majestic voice came out of the darkness with a soothing sound wave of the eardrum, which made people feel trembled.

However, happiness is just a matter of infuriating, promptly driving out all the bad reactions, looking calmly and looking at the graceful figure that emerged from the sky between himself and himself.

After the Yin, Zhu Yuyan!

A pair of phoenix eyes stare at the happy face, and the pure demon law makes the whole mountain belly more dark and dark.

A dangerous atmosphere flows between the two!

The masters of the mythical peaks are indeed invincible on the rivers and lakes today, but for the happy, the mythical peaks are not so insurmountable, and they have a sneak peek at the gloomy, happy and not lazy:

"After the yin, you want to stop me?"

"In my yin pie, I still can't take you to let go!" The dignity of the masters of the mythical world is so high. After the yin, he has been completely irritated by the contemptuous gesture of being happy and unspoken. The gas field swept out in an instant, and a huge giant hand condensed silently from the top of his head with a dark mist.

Devil's hand! !


After the yin, he went all out to use the strength of the mythical peak, and the big hit would be happy to kill the momentum in front of him.


I noticed the hot hand behind the Yin, and I was happy in the cold.

Dragon swing tail!


After the yin, it is clear that for the first time, I was exposed to the mystery of the happy 'Dragon's tail'. The attack of the strength of the Devil's hand was completely collected by the yin and the speed was fast. After the yin, I was caught off guard by myself. Received a threat from happiness.

The sword light crossed, the demon body floated out, and the clothes were actually cut out of three scratches...

Look at the most carefully from the side!

The demon hand fell to the moment of happy body, the latter secretly disappeared from the back of the yin, and appeared at the stunned speed on the side of the yin, the foot is in the middle of the yin, the powerful sword is coming, the moment The power that broke out between them is no less inferior to a mythical master...

of course!

Although the latter trick is fast and mysterious, the lethality is not as good as that of the god, and it has not caused too much physical damage and threat to the underworld.

This is so, after the yin is still shocked and angry by the thunderous counterattack:

"court death!"

Although he was happy from the evil king's mouth, he also learned the strength of happiness, but once he saw the strength of the happy sword, he immediately had a judgment:

The latter is not only afraid of the mysterious moves and the powerful physical and resilience of the body. The true strength still stays in the early days of the myth, not enough fear.

My heart must be, and I will fight with my heart!

For a time, the wind and the sword in the mountain belly, the air trembled, roaring constantly.

Hey, he couldn’t get into the hands at all, he could only watch the happy and the overcast, and his eyes flashed with faint surprises and doubts.

The authorities are fascinated!

This sentence is not false.

After a hundred strokes, I quickly realized that although the swordsmanship used by the happy is deep, but the understanding is not enough, the realm is not high, and the traces of the moves are too obvious;

Although each time with some clever means to oppress the underworld, and to avoid most of the attacks after the yin, but happy seems to be more fascinated by the improvement of the sword.

I was immersed in the swordsmanship, and there was no domineering when I first entered the mountain belly. I didn’t mention the evil king half a word...

Happy seems to be practicing swords after taking the Yin!

This strange thought rises in my heart.

His eyes flashed for a while, but he did not interrupt the two people's discussions. Instead, he slowly tried to learn from the intense confrontation between the master and the master.

Time, a little hooligan...

Two hundred strokes... five hundred strokes... eight hundred tricks... thousand tricks...

The speed of the two people is extremely fast!

faster and faster!

The "Smashing the Swordsmanship" has been upgraded very quickly under the correction of the mythical masters of the peaks. It has been upgraded to the third level in an hour, and the speed and power have been significantly improved;

Even now, even if you are embarrassed, you have to go all out and do your best, otherwise you can't see the essence of the two.

Two thousand strokes have passed!

The happy "Broken Swordsmanship" has been slightly comparable to the mid-term masters of the mythology. With the wind and the sky, the devil's body is gradually becoming obvious.

The face behind the yin is no longer as calm as before...

Even now, even if the yin is slow, I know that I have become a happy whetstone. I am tempted by the happy and tender swordsmanship to the point where I can enter the room. From the initial threatlessness, I am able to threaten myself.


But when you get to this step, you will not be weak in any case.


A black light shot from the sleeve, the fierce swordsman will instantly collapse the happy move, and forced back more than ten meters.

Happy to stand up, the face is now a touch of joy:

"Is it finally going to be serious?"

The stunned side of the scene was shocked:

The master was forced to use weapons, it seems that he is ready to go all out!

The two men entangled again, the swordsmanship, the fierce swords are intertwined, the temperature of the entire mountain belly is much lower, and it becomes more dangerous.

Two hours passed...

Retreat after the yin!

"I wish the predecessors, give you three time, call out the evil king Shi Zhixuan, otherwise, in the next day, you will enter the Yin School, and destroy your Yin School!"

The clear voice echoed far away in the mountainside.

From the yin body, the "Smashing Swordsmanship" was promoted to the fifth level, happy and hopeful to usher in the evil king - the second whetstone!

When the boat is landing here, happy will force the evil king to leave, return to the world three years later, and leave the ship, and quickly ride to Tianshan!

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