Sword Among Us

Chapter 1131: Swordsman (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 1131, Swordsman (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 1131

"Where are we going?"

I thought I was happy to go to the Jinxiu Heshan Grand Altar. I didn’t expect to go straight to the northwest after landing. The knives, thunders, and slivers were all crazy on the boat, and the silver fox was still cold. In the half sentence, I don’t want to say more. I finally couldn’t hold my doubts in my heart and asked in the back.



Including the silver fox, the body of the four people was shocked.

"What mission is there on Tianshan?"

A few people's eyes lit up, the first time I thought of the harvest to the Song valve.


The happy answer made the four people slightly lost.

Immediately, the silver fox frowned: "There are not many cultivation sites in the north, and there are not many sites. Tianshan, there seems to be only one Tianchi sword pie. Should we not kill ordinary spirits?"

"You are not looking for a quick way to improve your training? You will know when you get there..." Happy did not intend to disclose any information about Tianjing.

After all, the relationship between Silver Fox and himself is still very general, but Tianjing is of great importance and cannot be sloppy!

The silver foxes looked at each other and calmed down.


After spending half a day, five people quickly came to the foot of the Tianshan Mountains!


At this moment, Tianchi seems to be the world of ice crystals. The trunk and the ground all form thick ice, which looks like the world in the painting.

In the snow, the five people met the master of the Tianchi Sword School in the vicinity of Tianchi...

"Who is here!"

The Tianchi Jianpai disciple is wrapped in a white animal cloak and his eyes are sharp.

"The Shaolin disciples are happy, please see the Tianchi swordsman!"

"The door is closed, no one is waiting, no invitation, no one is near the Tianchi half step! Please, please come back." The Tianchi Jianpai disciple who spoke was smashing the iron, and did not put the happy people in his eyes.


The silver foxes frowned and looked at them with incomprehension.

I am happy to know that my current fame is not enough to lead the Tianchi swordsman, let alone shock the martial art disciples, and that I will go to the Tianshan for the first time in this world, and immediately change my tone: "If you do, you will not take the liberty." Excuse me, but I want to talk to two friends about one thing... I don’t know if the Swordsman is a guest!"

Swordsman? !

A silver fox.

Happy to go to the Tianchi sword to find the sword lord?

The face just showed an incomprehensible color, but the silver fox was keenly capturing the two Tianchi Jianpai disciples.

Both men were swept back at the same time.

choke! choke!

The long sword was squirted, and the two silver-colored cold swords pointed straight to the heart. The two became murderous: "It turned out to be the old thief of Jianzong! Who are you guys!"


This time it’s a happy time to be inexplicable.

When did the Swordmaster become an old thief? The tone of the Tianchi Jianpai is really big...

"The two brothers are angry."

Happy Dew made a mistake and quickly explained: "Below is a Shaolin disciple. We have nothing to do with the Swordsman. I just want to ask him to ask something. There is no other intention."

"Shaolin disciple?"

The faces of the two men were slightly relaxed, but the tone was still cold and blunt: "How do you know that the old thief of Jianzong is in our Tianshan? You have a purpose in going to Tianshan?!"

At this time, although the silver fox couldn’t figure it out, the reaction from the happy and Tianchi Swords disciples can be seen. The Swordsman should be a key figure.

"I have a way to take them away."

Seeing that the two Tianchi Jianpai disciples were aggressive, the silver fox eyes turned and they were happy.

The latter is also a headache now.

Originally in another world, the owner of the Tianjing and Zizhu master tokens can smoothly enter Tianchi and see the Tianchi swordsman.

But at the moment, there is no relationship with the Tianchi Swordsman. It is not so easy to forcefully contact the Tianjing series of tasks.

For a time, happy brows are also thinking about how to start.

After the silver fox was introduced into the ear, he quickly nodded and agreed to it!

After all, Silver Fox is a real power control person in Mufu, and his mind and strength are very good. It is estimated that there is a good way.

"How to do?"

"Let's go back..."

Silver Fox Road.

The group returned to the silver fox's direction and retired more than a hundred meters, avoiding a small cave in Daoshan Road.

"Can you let Bai Xiaosheng determine the current position of the Swordsman?"

Hearing words, happy without hesitation:

"I know the position of the Swordsman."

"That's easy." Silver Fox turned to the knife: "Knife, Leizi, you two to take the Tianchi Jianpai disciple away... It is impossible to lead the grid to kill." Looking back, I was happy. Expression, shrug: "At most, the task is to be wanted by Tianchi Jianmen. No problem, what they have done has nothing to do with us. We will hurry to help you find the Swordsman..."


I am happy to think that the relationship between Tianchi Jianpai is unfamiliar, and there is no better way to enter Tianchi. I immediately nod and agree.

"Be careful."


The knife and the thunder are obviously not the first time to do this kind of business, and the sword is rushing out.

Half a minute later, the sound of the knife attack and the roar of the disciple of the Tianchi Jianpai stunned in the snow, and the voice gradually went away...

"Let's go!"

The silver fox, happy, and slapped three people rushed out of the cave and rushed through the level set by the Tianchi Jianpai disciples at the fastest speed. They went all the way to the depths of the Tianchi.


The scope of Tianchi is very large. It is not easy to find a person in this snow and ice. However, I have been happy to go to the place where the Tianchi Jianpai master took the place to wash the Tianjing, which is consistent with the location of the place that Bai Xiaosheng guessed. I found a simple log cabin near Tianchi.

In the waters near the cabin, he found a robed robes and sat on a savage pier covered in thin ice.

Although the latter made a deep look like a river fishing, but happy to recognize the face of the sword lord...


It was not until within five meters of the main body of the Swordsman, he was happy to stop and hold his fists:

"This predecessor..."

When the words were not finished, I saw a hand raised behind my back and made a slight and squeaking gesture. The grace and temperament revealed in the invisible made the line happy.

The silver fox and the sliver's eyes suddenly became hot!

The temperament and inscrutable posture of the other side seem to be very popular, and I am afraid that I am happy to find the Swordsman.

Late masters of mythology!

In such a place, encountering the Swordsman Sect is definitely an unusual task.

The two did not speak, standing on the side of the dock, watching how happy to trigger the task.


Happy did not seem to see the gesture of the sword lord raising his hand and continued to call.

The silver fox and the sliver were slightly surprised.

According to the normal task triggering process, when encountering the sectarians, do they should be quietly waiting by them? Until you use the sincerity to touch each other, let the other party take the initiative to open?


In the horror of Silver Fox, happy and called once.

The sect of the Swordsman who sat in the dock and sat in the dock finally could not continue to be calm and indifferent, and the majestic voice made the environment of this blizzard more cold:

"When people are fishing, don't they know that they are quiet... so don't know the rules, which door is taught?"

Sword Zongzong took the initiative to anger!

The silver fox and the sliver exchanged an anxious worried look.

But the happy but indifferent step forward, the tone is as plain as ever: "Predecessors are really humorous, the fishing line is sealed by the ice, how to fish? The younger generation is the wisher."


The silver fox and the sliver glimpsed a little, and it was noticed that the sword sect was sitting still in the snow and ice, not only the ice layer was sealed, it was even washed, and even the fishing line was frozen because the temperature was too low. When it comes to fishing, it’s impossible to catch a fish.

"……good eyesight."

The Swordsman did not turn around, but this sentence is a positive insight, so that there is a faint atmosphere between the two.

"Which disciple are you from?"

"The Shaolin disciples are happy."

Happy and not humble answer.

"It turned out to be a disciple of the Shaolin school. No wonder..." The sword lord nodded and still didn't look back. The voice continued to come: "This is the heavy place of the Tianchi Sword School. You come here, there is a Tianchi sword pie. The permission of the door owner?"


“No?” The tone of the Swordsman’s lord finally showed a faint horror: “As far as I know, those who are not allowed to be active in the Tianchi area will be hostile to all disciples of the Tianchi Sword School.”


"You are not afraid?"

The happy answer makes the Swordsman Lord a glimpse.

Happy is not ridiculous: "The sect of the sect of the sect of the Tang dynasty, did not get the permission of the Tianchi Sword School, the lord is not afraid of causing the hostility of the two martial art, but the Shaolin ordinary folk disciples are all alone, and there is nothing to be afraid of."

"..." Swordsman's main body was shocked, and finally couldn't help but move his face. A pair of hot and cold eyes stared at the happy face: "How do you know that I am the Swordsman?" The power of the pressure has shrugged in the past.


The Swordsman Sovereign has some missteps this time.

In the face of the oppression of the heavenly man and the evil king, the happiness is safe and sound, and it is calm, not to mention the sword lord who has not reached the peak of the peak? Uncertainly confronting the latter's eyes, he answered calmly:

"When I went down the mountain road, the Tianchi Jianpai disciple said, the old thief of Jianzong is here, I guess, it should be the sovereign."

During the speech, I was happy to take my eyes and smashed the fishing rods that the Swordmasters refused to let go: "I don’t want to be the sect of the swordsmen, the family is big, even the fishing rods are made of purple gold, and the fishing line is the silk that does not invade the water...not I know what the lord is going to come to the Tianchi... Oh, the fishing rod and the fishing line are so good, I don’t know what the precious bait is under!”

Happy to say this, the sword lord is eclipsed!

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