Sword Among Us

Chapter 1132: Tianchi fishing (recommended)

Chapter 1132 Tianchi Fishing (Recommended)

Chapter 1132

For the ordinary players to encounter such a temperament, the powerful mysterious npc line fishing, said that the other side must be the same as the Laozi, but happy but know that their time is not much, instead of wasting time to trigger the task It's better to grab it directly from the Swordsman's hand!

What's more, happy is not sure, will the sword-stricken lord who is obsessed with Tianjing will be willing to hand over the ancient sword that is easy to count.

and so……

In the face of the inscrutable posture of the sect of the Swordsman, I was too lazy to pay attention to it. I came up with a sarcasm:

"It is not the sect of the sect of the sword, the family is big, and even the fishing rods are made of purple gold. The fishing line is the silk that does not invade the water and fire... I don’t know what the lord is going to fly in Tianchi... Oh, the fishing rod and the fishing line are not so Vulgar, don't know what the precious bait is under!"

When the word 'bait' came out, the sword lord could no longer remain calm.

The fierce color of the eyes flashed, and the word was in the mouth:

"This sect is fishing here, idlers evade! Give you three days to get out of this line of sight, otherwise, the consequences are conceited!" The words are already murderous, adding a bit of bone to the ice-filled Tianchi. Cold.

After that, the Swordsman re-entered the body and turned back to the three.

Although the silver fox and the sliver did not know why the fun was not triggered according to the task process, they did not hesitate to provoke the sword lord to sin and anger, but did not open the inquiry and felt the powerful murderousness rising from the main body of the sword. The moving hand grips the sword handle, and the eyes are fixed on the sword lord, ready to open all the realms at any time, open the body.

"It won't be happy to do this every time you do the task? Look for masters at the master level..."

Striped silver fox.

The pressure to solve the problem of the mythical realm is not too small, not to mention the admiration of the status of the other party, the pressure brought by the invisible is even greater!

However, after standing in the heart of the sword, the silver fox and the sliver did not make a move.


The three looks slightly moving.

system hint:

"Infuriating the Swordsman!"

"The relationship with the sword is reduced from unfamiliar to unfriendly! Speed ​​is evacuated, or a war can be avoided."

"Continue to stay, after the three interest, will be identified as a hostile target by the sword, and in the following week, all the disciples under the sword of the Central Plains attacked!"

"Get a temporary mission!"

"Leaves may reveal the secret of the Swordsman's lord staying in the Tianchi Swords! After the three interest, he still stays in the same place... Accept, then the relationship with Jianzong has never changed into a hostile! Rejected, it is chased by the disciples of the Tianchi Swordsmen. kill!"

The system prompts to continually sound in the ears of three people.

Happy, silver fox, sliver, motionless!


The three interest time soon passed...

The Swordsman did not say anything.

The clothes were broken, followed by the slight steps of the thin ice. The silver fox and the slivers were sideways, and the look changed. They were nervous and swayed out of the snow and trees. Good four middle-aged swordsmen.

The four people are calm and steady, and they have a very good atmosphere of the sword master!

A white robes, with a cold sword, are hard to find in this snowy environment. Just now these four people may have been hiding in the area not far behind to observe this side, and the sect of the sword lord came over to deal with trouble.

As the four men walked slowly, the long swords were successively unsheathed, and the three eyes were locked.

"It seems that you are determined to be an enemy of Jianzong!"

The sect of the Swordsman has a word, and the murderousness has become a real thing in the air. The power of the lord of the faction has been mixed, and the silver fox and the slender face have changed slightly. They all feel the boundless pressure, the realm is fully open, and the body is also involuntarily The startup runs.

The only people who are not affected are only happy...

In the face of the pressure of the Swordsman's lord, and the encirclement of the four mythical realm behind him, the happy face did not turn around, and seemed indifferent.

"This time, the lord still has a leisurely and elegant fishing, and the strength of the sword sect is so reassuring?"

As soon as this statement came out, the four swordsmen who stood still not far away were angry.

Mania! !

It was the first time I met such a madman.


The Swordsman's reaction was even more crisp, and the cold command was made in the mouth.


Four sword masters shot at the same time!

Although it is only the middle of the four mythical masters, but the silver fox, the sliver is still too much pressure, the face is tight, the two quickly made plans to separate.

But happy shots are faster...

I didn't wait for the silver fox and the sliver to get there!


The two only felt the shadows in front of them, and the happiness was already in front of the masters of the four major mythical worlds. They invested in the fierce thousands of swords and stunned the silver foxes.

Although I have long known that happiness has the strength to compete with the mythical peaks, but now the four major mythological mid-level masters besieged, the threat is even above the mythical peak masters, hands are difficult to attack four punches, this is the rivers and lakes.


The scene that shocked them appeared.

The moment when the happy sword rushed into the encirclement, it disappeared from the siege of the four people in a secret moment.

The attacks of four people fell to the void.

"Be careful!"

"Behind you!"

The four people are worthy of being a master of mythology. After a moment of mistakes, they quickly noticed that the sharp whistling of the torn air appeared in the vicinity of one of the companions.

But obviously it is too late.

Dragon swing tail!

Happy to squat on the left side of a mythical sword master, the speed of the sound is not enough to make himself satisfied, but to deal with a mid-time master of the myth, still reached the unprepared effect......

At the same time, the Golden Scales sword shook slightly.

Hey! !

At that time, the man was kicked out with a happy kick, and a long-handed sword smashed out the shocking Changhong from his chest!

This sword in the back is definitely not a hit with the peak of mythology.

Although the body has not collapsed, but the lethality contained in it, the master of the sword smashed blood, and turned upside down faster.

Hey! ! !

From the smooth ice surface, he dragged out more than 20 meters and broke many big trees before stopping.

This is a ghostly one-footed sword that looks like a silver fox, and the sliver is stunned, but there is no such thing as a shocking heart!

In the face of the three Jian Jian masters who are rushing to help, happy people are in the air, turning around is a finger, and the void is out!

Hey! !

The wind is full of sky!

A yang finger! !

Today's happy winds have been able to increase the attack by four times.

The lethality of "Yangyangzhi" is very impressive. It is only weaker than "Devil's Destruction". After the war with the evil king, there is a slight increase. The poor swordsman who is the first to bear the brunt is like the five mythical peaks. Master besieged...

Hey! !

Come fast, go faster! !

The chest was shocked, the external body mask directly collapsed, and the chest broke open four **** finger holes. The whole person vomited a **** sorrow and fell to the ground and never climbed up!

scare! ! !

The silver fox and the sliver were also oppressed by the masters of the four great mythical worlds. Now they saw a happy face and killed a mythical master, and created a power of a mythical master. The whole person stupidly stood in the same place and looked at the two with a stunned look. The attack of the famous sword master fell on the happy body, and the battle became a mess, and the thoughts were completely confused...


When did the mythical master become more crisp than paper?

Although these mythical masters are not well-known masters, but good people are also the myth of the myth...

Even if the mind is tough as a silver fox, at this moment, seeing the power of the happy show, it is not difficult to get cold air, and some brains are deprived of oxygen.

"Why are you standing there, don't want to know how to cultivate the fastest, come over and take these two guys away."

The sound of happiness broke into the ear and awakened two people!

The silver fox and the sliver will return to the soul.

Once again, I was happy to be in the unmanned situation under the sorrow and anger of the two great swordsmen.

The idiot now knows that happiness and entanglement with the two masters is to leave the two great mythical masters with their sharpening stones.

The two did not hesitate and rushed up with the sword...

One to one.

The strength of the silver fox and the sliver is still very trustworthy. Although there is no accumulation of resources and resources in the world there, it is not a problem to deal with this level of mythology. At least for a period of time without any risk.

At this time...

With the death of the mythical sword master, the sword lord has got up and turned, hand pressed on the hilt, a powerful sword to spur the wind, with a chill of the face directly hits happy!

"Killing my swordsman, you will give me blood debts today!!"

Between the words, the mysterious yellow sword smashed the face!

Late in mythology.

Happy did not care, started Lingbo microsteps to leave the ruined and ruined pier, eyes swept away, saw the purple gold fishing rods of the sword sects on the dock...


Happy to be a little loose:

Under the ice line, under the ice layer, the sealed should be the temperament of the Tianjing Excalibur. As long as this sword is still there, killing the Swordsman of the Swords today is a beautiful thing.


Make up your mind, and you will not be merciless.

However, there are masters of the late mythology who are willing to train, happy not to start the wind full of sky and true dragon ten style, only use Lingbo microstep as the body of the move, with a yang finger and the sword lord battle.

Both sides come to me...

Oh la la! !

puff! Hey! !

A large piece of ice and snow forest was suddenly swayed by the savage and swaying of the wind and the wind, and it was like a typhoon.

The situation of silver fox and sliver is slightly better. As time goes by, it gradually adapts to the attack of the mythical masters, knowing that the victory is impossible, so most of them are mainly avoiding and parrying, and their faces slowly show their smiles:

"Silver Fox Big Brother, the progress of martial arts cultivation has improved very quickly, more than three times faster than the usual search for the best."

The article quickly found that the benefits of fighting against the master, although the support is very hard, but the level of martial arts is indeed improved much faster than the ordinary cultivation state!

"The middle of the mythical master has such a big effect, the mythical peak? The master of heaven?" Silver fox's eyes suddenly heated up.

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