Sword Among Us

Chapter 1134: Sovereign! (Happy Chinese New Year, Xiaohei will give you a New Year’s greeting)

Chapter 1134 Master! (Happy Chinese New Year, Xiaohei will give you a New Year’s greeting)

Chapter 1134

boom! ! ! !

A loud noise!

The sudden burst of ice in the Tianchi Lake!

The sky and the white snow and ice that popped up over the lake, the roar of the slaps, the splash of ice and the debris of the ice, like a waterfall in a fairyland, slap in the thick ice lake On the ice, it looks spectacular and beautiful.

Silver fox and slivers stopped quickly!

Although the incident was sudden, they clearly saw that there was a black shadow in the icefall that flew out. It seemed that the Swordsman who had been seriously injured and escaped had several shocking blood holes. There is blood and water seeping, it looks very embarrassing.


After the appearance of the sect of the Swordsman, he was stunned: "This is the Lord of the Swords, you are a Shaolin sect, you are not asking the elders to take the world heroes and ask for sins!"

Leading the world's heroes to ask for sin in the mountains! !

Such a crime was deducted, and the silver fox and the sliver that was ready to be shot suddenly shocked.

Although the two heard that the Swordsman was already at the end of the battle, it was at stake, but after all, he was removed from the three swords masters. If you really leave the Swordsman here, what will happen is hard to say - just like the sword It is not impossible for the sovereign to say.

Step on! !

The Swordsman’s lord flew out of the icefall and stepped on a few ice holes from the lake ice layer after a powerful force inertia.

boom! ! !

Just standing still, suddenly bursting under the ice, a stronger impact force stunned the sword sect.


The black shadow flashed, and the happiness followed closely from the ice hole, and the silver fox and the slender eyes smashed the neck of the sword lord:

"Give me another run!"

At this time, the sect of the Swordsman was pale and could not see a trace of blood...

Before being happy and seriously injured, he lost a lot of vitality. The bottom of the lake was politely poked out of the body with a few blood holes, wounded and wounded, crumbling, and now being held by the dragon's hand, a strong dark energy rushed into In the body, I couldn't help it anymore. The blood of the mouth was squeezed out of my throat, and the long sword in my hand was nailed to the ice and struggled.

"...you, you are not afraid...the world is a hero..."

The Swordsman’s lord struggled to vomit blood and blood while trying to make the final self-help.

I am happy to have no more nonsense to the Swordsman.

Because at this moment, the system sounded a series of tips:

"The sword master has escaped from the Tianchi Jianpai. Soon the sword will get the news, and the news of the Tianjing Excalibur will be spread throughout the martial arts!"

"Please find the Tianchi Swordsman as soon as possible to find the whereabouts and clues of Tianjing!"

"The news of killing Jianzong master and reinventing the sect of the sword sect is about to be spread. The value of the righteous man is reduced by 10,000 points, and the reputation is raised by 10,000 points! It is listed as a hostile target by the sword sect! Enter the ranks of the sect of the sword sect!"

"When you are killed by a disciple under the sword, you will be more than 50% of the items!"

"Trigger the counterattack mission, kill all the disciples under the sword when you are wanted by the sword, and get more than 50% of the items on the other side!"

"The Swordsman Sovereign enters the state of serious injury, triggers the recognition task of the evil king... Does it kill the Swordsman?"

"Accept the task, kill the Swordsman, and immediately get the approval of the evil king, you can find the evil king to get a stone monument of the big Buddha temple, get the clothes on the top."

"You can refuse this task and spare the life of the Swordsman, but you will not get the forgiveness of the sword. The night is still valid! The Swordsman may also summon the heroes of the world and condemn you."

The system prompts continuous sounding in the ear!

Happy, so that the neck of the Swordsman’s neck is in his hands for half a minute, only to digest all the tasks...

A total of three tasks!

The system urges to enter the Tianjing series of tasks to find the whereabouts of the lost Tianjing;

The second is to trigger the revenge mission of Jianzong. The disciples of the whole Jianzong entered the stage of wrestling and were hostile to each other, but this task does not need to be too concerned, because Jinxiu Heshan also has the existence of Jianzong disciples, currently the Central Plains I am afraid that no player will find himself because of this division task.

Happy to think so...

What makes you most happy is the last system prompt.

Finally triggered the task recognized by the evil king!


The five fingers forced, the sound of the broken bones completely ended the last consciousness of the Swordsman, and the voice was annihilated.


boom! !


At the moment when the main body of the sword was killed, the heavy system was declared as a Thunder, and it spread throughout the world:

"The Lord of the Swordsmen, squatting at the Tianchi Swords, the hands of Shaolin disciples!"

"Zong Shi, full of sorrow!!"

"Since this moment, all the disciples under the swordsmen are happy and uninterrupted! The task of killing happy teachers is ranked first!"

"Happy to kill the sword lord in the Tianchi sword faction, angered the sacred elders of the sword, the ancestor of the last generation ‘Ye Wuxin’ returned to the position of the lord!”

A series of system prompts not only made all the players in the Central Plains martial arts boil, but they didn’t have time to let go of the corpse of the Swordsman’s body.

Do you want to be so high-key?

Only by killing the Swordsman of the Swordsman, the system’s big mouth is incarnate into a big horn to announce the world and publicize its crimes.

Too much.

Happy for a while.

He is not worried about the pursuit of all the disciples under the sword. He is now concerned that the first master of the Central Plains fell into his own hands and fell into the hands of the players. Will it bring about some different changes...


The ancestor of the ancestors of Jianzong appeared in the position, and did not know the strength of the sect of the sect of the sect.

Helpless smile smiled, happy and fruitful search for a spoil on the body of the Swordsman!

It’s not the sword lord...

It is worthwhile to let the happy offense of the entire sect of the npc, the body of the spoils finally did not chill to make happy despair.

In addition to a ragged devil-level ‘cloud in the shirt’, the swordsman’s top magical equipment, the sword that is nailed to the ice is also very dazzling.

Top quality soldiers!

A top-notch magician, a top-class warrior.

Finally, let the happiness balance a little bit...

However, the last thing I touched from the arms of the Swordsman gave me a very familiar and affectionate feeling. It was a surprise, a martial arts cheat:

"Dong Zong Jian"

When the eyes are bright, I am happy to think of the ‘Three Dragons’ swords that I copied in the other world with “Jiuyang Shengong”. That is probably one of the moves in this set of swordsmanship...

The martial arts cheats of the strong men in the late stage of mythology!

Happy quickly noticed the hot gaze of the silver fox and the bet on the cheats.

I almost couldn't help but want to throw the martial arts cheats into the hands of the silver fox!

But when I think about it, maybe it will leave a flaw in the heart of the silver fox, for no reason, and for no reason. What will the silver fox think?

Happy, I don’t want Silver Fox to rely on myself from now on, or because this is a suspicion with myself...


According to the heart of the silver fox, the biggest wish to join the Jinxiu River Mountain is to hope that he treats everyone fairly and fairly, giving everyone the opportunity to give him a chance to stand out from the Jinxiu River.


Happy to not hesitate to put three things in the bag: "It seems that after two months of martial arts disciples competing, you can add a few rewards."


The silver fox and the sliver listened to each other after being happy, and the look of excitement and excitement appeared in the eyes.

Before I was happy, I only took out the shackles of the knives and songs, and I have already attracted countless masters of the Song dynasty. Now I have added a martial arts cheat of the sectarians, and the attraction is not too inferior!

Although the happy words seem to be unintentional, but the silver fox knows that happiness is to express their attitude to them, a kind of support for the outstanding newcomers of Jinxiu Heshan.

The plaque of the former knives and songs may be just a gesture, a show for the expansion of the beautiful mountains and rivers and the promotion of their own image.

They are also worried that happiness is just to take advantage of the knives to enhance their position in the minds of the Central Plains martial arts.

but now……

It is the real place to put the development of Jinxiu River Mountain first.

The plaque of the knives and songs can be a kind of gimmick, but adding a sect of the sect of the sect is equal to giving them more hope;

And they believe that even if they are happy to continue to show, they are happy to see happy and continue to show, I hope to continue to continue.

Such a beautiful river, they are happy to see!

"The doorkeeper, the sect of the sect of the sword, will definitely attract a lot of trouble." Seeing the joy of killing a large door but not flustered, the silver fox quickly recovered: "What are we going to do now?" Do you want to continue to pursue Tianjing?"

"...not in a hurry." Wen Yan, happy to get up slowly, turn around, look at the silver fox: "The first time with the mythical masters?"

"The first time I played against the masters of the mythical mid-term." Silver Fox answered it truthfully.

"how do you feel?"

"In the past, we practiced too conservatively." Silver Fox said the feelings of the two people.

"But you are still struggling to deal with it now. It is still too early to take the mid-term cultivation of your mythical environment. You have good skills and strength. You can go to the sneaky, try the demon baby insects..."

"The meaning of the door owner is that we don't have to continue to pursue the mission of Tianjing." Silver Fox blinked.

The note is slightly moving.

He quickly felt that the silver fox had something wrong with this.

After all, it was fun to bring them over to trigger the Tianjing mission. According to the reason, the silver fox should not show the slightest thoughts on Tianjing.

What surprised the note was that there was no anger at the fun:

"The demon baby poison is the key to my quick escape from the situation of disengagement. This information is only known to the brethren's brothers. After reaching the point of no cause, you can take the masters of the lower stage of mythology without any scruples... As for Tianjing mission, Tianchi sword faction is very dangerous, you can't help me, go."


The silver fox stared at the happy and free-spirited figure, and took a deep breath: "Yes, the owner."

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