Sword Among Us

Chapter 1135: Sword array (Happy Chinese New Year, Xiaohei to everyone to celebrate the New Year)

Chapter 1135 Sword Array (Happy Chinese New Year, Xiao Hei gives everyone a New Year)

happy New Year.

All the best!


Chapter 1135


Hey! !

On the way to the Tianchi Jianpai Mountain Gate, more than a dozen snowflakes suddenly smashed out from both sides of the road, dancing the swordsmanship that was so cold and cold, and stopped the happy road up the mountain.

"Come to stop!"

"The Tianchi Jianpai Mountain Gate is located, and no one can wait for it!"

"I am good at killing, killing innocent!!"

More than a dozen Tianshan Jianpai disciples dressed in snow robes were neatly intertwined, and the cold-hearted Qingfeng swordsman trembled violently, pointing murderously to the man who stopped under the mountain road.


In the face of a group of innocent Tianshan Jianpai disciples, they slowly raised their eyes and faintly glanced at the front: "I don't want to kill..."

"The madman is bold!!"

The words have not been finished, the recent two Tianshan Jianpai disciples have been rushed over.

The ordinary disciples who guarded the gates of the mountain actually reached the peak of the incomprehensible peak. I saw the two men’s swords shaking, and the green fronts shook the boundless cold mans. The sky and the falling snow of the goose suddenly seemed to have a spiritual whistling Get up, whirlpools are brought together, the wind is rushing toward happiness, one left and one right, the momentum is not small.

Seeing this scene, I can't help but sigh:

These ordinary disciples are very good at their skills. There are 16 incompetent peaks on the mountain road. The ordinary mythical powers can't easily break through this level!

It is worthy of the big faction that is locked up in the mountain gates. It is supposed to be a silent Tianchi swordsman on the rivers and lakes. Its strength may not be under the swords!


These are no longer a threat to happiness.

Lingbo micro step!

In the face of dazzling and fierce swordsmanship, even the eyelids have not been shaken, such as the same cloud of smoke, a series of afterimages, from the two groups of snow and light swordsmanship easily shuttled past.


"what happened!"

"Block him!"

"Flock! Don't let him run!!" The two men quickly walked out and realized that the situation was not good. When they turned back, they saw that the brothers behind them had turned the whole mountain road into a sword. The world - the fierce swordsmanship is like a deadly fireworks, filled with every inch of space.


The swordsmanship of the mountain road, but unfortunately did not stop the pace of happiness, and even the clothes corner did not touch.

The two people who took the first shot stood at the bottom, staring at the figure and carrying their hands, fast, slow, left and right, and the time was right, and it was easy to shake through the dangerous swordsmanship. After one brother and one brother, if you enter the uninhabited territory, you will completely break out in a moment and climb to the highest point of the mountain road.


"catch him!"

The mountain road suddenly boiled up.

One by one, the Tianchi Jianpai disciples roared and chased happy.

But the fun but did not stop the meaning, after the break, after the 16th Tianchi Jianpai disciples were ignored, the speed increased!


Soon, the 16 people were happy to throw away.


A group of followers on the mountain road, but the happy mood has not become easy, while maintaining the speed of flying forward, the brow wrinkles, the slight side face reveals the color of listening.

Hey! ! !

In the snow and ice, the sky bursts with a dazzling red fire, and the sharp and harsh bang is accompanied by a signal arrow, which makes the quiet mountain road quickly become lively.



The empty mountainside suddenly emerged from a group of disciples of Tianchi Jianpai wearing a snow robes, and the sword was arrogant and quickly covered the entire mountain road.


Seventy-seven forty-nine Tianchi Jianpai disciples were saved from the Quartet, and the swordsman was splashed, and a neat sword array was laid out in front of the happy way!

A sky-high sword seems to turn the mountain in front of it into a giant sword that is open to the sky, and an unprecedented sense of crisis is coming!


Happy to stop, looking at the front of this group of incompetent disciples who feel the sense of crisis, his face reveals an incredible look.


A group of Tianchi disciples, such as the ones on the mountain road, although they were twice as many as before, actually brought him a sense of crisis and oppression that was not inferior to the mythical peaks.

"A good owner of Zizhulin."

I’m happy to understand it quickly, and it’s definitely related to the law in front of everyone...

Although I don't know the details, the formation of the Tianchi Swordsmanship is not something that is generally high.

"There is actually a group of incompetent disciples, which can create a battle against the mythical powers. But unfortunately, the cuts are broken, the array is broken, and the absolute power is strong. The quantity can't make up for the gap between us. ......"

Looking at the flash, happy long-distance pop-ups refer to the wind!

Although the array of the Tianchi Jianpai disciples is powerful, it is not a true mythical master. Afterwards, in the face of the "Yangyangzhi", which is powerful enough to compete with the masters of heaven and humanity, it is obviously not given enough attention quickly.



"Be careful!"

With the boring of the three Tianchi Jianpai disciples, the three figures were decisively bombed and flew out, and the original big bang suddenly became crippled.

The sword that has just emerged, and even the pressure of the mythical and mythical powers, has weakened many of them...

Seize the opportunity!

Happy to start Lingbo microstep again.

During the period, he repeatedly pointed out and flew several people, and easily shuttled through the swords of a group of Tianchi swordsmen.

When a group of Tianchi Jianpai disciples had suffered such a big loss, they saw the enemy as if they had entered the top of the uninhabited territory and approached the gate. They were all filled with indignation.

"Don't chase!"

At this time, a loud voice was to drink everyone:

"The doorkeeper said that people who can break the swords of the Tianchi outside our mountain gates are not what we can deal with, and catch up with them."

"But the seven divisions are all injured."

There was a disciple, but he was awakened by the subsequent sentence:

"The other party has not been ruthless about us. The other party is too strong. The rest can only be handed over to the doorkeepers and elders..."

"The signal has been sent out, I believe the door owner has already known the role."

A group of people just calmed down in their hearts and looked at the direction of the happy figure disappearing - the gate of the Tianchi Jianpai!


Through the large array of seven or forty-nine Tianchi Jianpai disciples, Happy finally arrived at the highest point of the mountain.

A peak that seems to be flattened by a long sword!

At the beginning of the peak, the wind rushed over, even if it was happy, I felt a hint of chill from the air, as if it was from the ice of the ages, it seemed to be human. The whole body is frozen.

"Yi Jin Jing" speeds up the speed of operation, and a powerful warm blood flow is released from Dantian, and quickly spreads along the meridians to the limbs to dispel the chill.

At this time, happy has found the source of chill!

On the huge peak, the giant ice platform piled up by huge ice cubes is magnificently and magnificently presented in front of the happy, full hundred meters square, ten meters high, like a huge piece of art, shocking people!

However, the range of happy spirits is very broad and condescending. It is still a glance that the ice and snow giants in front of us are not the works of the Tianchi Sword School, but a giant martial art.

In the center of the ring, there are many long swords that have been frozen. There are more than a thousand long swords. Only the empty space of more than ten meters on the edge of the ring is scattered. There are numerous swords and gullies in the middle and the corner, but they are full of strength and weakness. Waiting for the sword...

On the side of the ring, the iron painting silver hook, the left ‘sword’ right ‘pool’, the domineering sweep!

"A good Tianchi sword pie!"

When I saw it here, even if I was happy, I couldn’t help but be shocked by the style of the Tianchi Jianpai. I sighed in my heart and looked at the four figures that jumped out of the red paint wall in the distance...


Hey! Hey! Hey!

The four people are good at the law, and they are coming quickly. They will be on the sword pool, and each of them will choose an ice sword, and the sculpture will stand proudly in the cold wind.


Eight stern and majestic eyes, chillingly rushing toward the happy side.

"The middle of the mythical master."

Under the sensation of happiness, the strength of the master of the mythical world is no longer in front of him, and he will see the visitors in an instant.

Not bad.

The Swordsman’s lord brought four mid-level mythical masters. The strength of the Tianchi Swords is obviously not inferior to the Jianzong. The number of mythical masters in the mountain gates should not be less than four.


Happy can not be as careless as the four masters who deal with Jianzong.

The Tianchi Swordsmen began all the way from the bottom of the mountain, especially the second stage. The forty-nine innocent disciples actually broke out the intensity of the mythical peaks. Everything proved the Tianchi Sword School. I am afraid that the bottom is not only the sword, but also the array.

Nowadays, the four middle-aged masters of the mythical world also seem to form a formation on the sword pool!

If you are happy, even if you are an idiot, you will not rush into the line without any preparation.

The four people join hands, at least not inferior to the realm of mythology.

It is not as easy to break the swords of the four great mythical masters!

Thinking of this, Happy suddenly dispelled the idea of ​​a strong break, and walked slowly along the stone steps to the sword pool...

Holding fists in both hands, air transport Dan Tian:

"The Shaolin disciples are happy! Something to ask the Tianchi sword to send the door to the door, but also hope to pass!"

The tongue is spring thunder, and the clear voice is rolling and spreading under the support of the thick internal force...

this moment!

It seems that the wind above the peak is suppressed by the sound of happiness.

The sky above the Tianchi Jianpai echoed the happy voice!

"Tianchi Jianpai is the place where you let go! Look at the part of you who have not hurt my doorman, don't care about it for the time being, retreat!" Above the sword pool, a master of the Tianchi swordsman spoke up, saying like Jianfeng. Looking like electricity, a faint wave of power swept through.


This is already a very good sword in the rivers and lakes, but it is just a happy corner of the clothes, the latter is not moving!

The arrogant gesture, the powerful atmosphere, suddenly caused the vigilance of the four masters of the Tianchi sword.

The second person has a high degree of warfare, saying:

"I want to see my Tianchi swordsman, but you have to smash the swords of my four pools... I will come out and meet."

When the voice fell, I was happy to answer the person directly with my own actions.

Without hesitation, stepping over and plundering, people are already flying over the sword pool, hunting under the strong swords of four simultaneous eruptions, condensing their eyes, looking around:

The mutation of the Tianjing mission is crucial, he can have no extra time to entangle with them!

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