Sword Among Us

Chapter 1140: Chu Liuxiang? (Recommended)

Chapter 1140 Chu Liuxiang? (Recommended)

Chapter 1140

"Who is that!"

"So fast!"

"Someone is coming... Lingbo Weibu! It's Lingbo Weibu!"

"It's him?!"

One after the other, two lightning-fast figures traversed the streets of Beijing. Although they only rolled up the corners of a few people, they were inaudible, but they still caught the attention of many masters.

Many people even swiftly swept over the roof after they recognized the people who used the micro-steps of Lingbo, and they locked in the ghostly figure from the crowd.


"That person is happy!"

"Who is he chasing?"

People are talking about it;

Some people who are attentive and even quietly follow the direction of happy disappearance.

Many people have not forgotten the major martial arts mutations caused by the day before, the fall of a sectarian master, the appearance of two heavenly masters, and the unearthing of the ancient gods Tianjing, none of which involved the hearts of many martial arts people.

"The Swordsman Sergeant was smuggled in the Tianchi Swordsmen’s Wenyang Tianjing. The people who are happy today are not the ones who stole Tianjing?" Many people wake up and instead sigh the missed opportunity, but they are not afraid: "Day, so Good opportunity, I was wasted..."

"what chance?"

Someone in the street cast a cold expression.

Those who sighed suddenly stopped talking...

a person who is beautiful in the mountains;

Today, there are more than 200,000 Jinxiu Heshan disciples in Beijing, and it is fearful that they will continue to pay for Tianjing.

"Boss, we quietly keep up to see."

In the dark, many people convey their eyes and talk in secret language: "Tianjing, maybe there is a chance to leak."

"Look at you, don't daydream." These people also have a lot of people who are sober-minded, and they are unceremoniously dismissing their thoughts: "From the happy hands, do you think too much..."

"Of course, I am not letting the boss do the right thing against him. We are watching it next to us, maybe we are happy and lost..."

"Tear you! Happy and have a hundred Xiaosheng, throw your mother, take yours, don't think about some pitfalls, practice!"

A group of people walked out from the corner of the alley, followed by a young man whose head was slightly red and swollen.


boom! !

With the sudden bang, the walls of a restaurant were forcibly smashed into a hole, and a black shadow spurted out from the inside like a string of arrows. The crowd rushed to the street, before the reaction, the ghost Drill into the crowd.

"what happened?"

“Who dares to be in the capital?” People face each other.

But soon someone raised his face and saw a quicker afterimage flying over the street, and there was no shadow.

Hundreds of players flew to the roof one after another.

Far away, they saw that there was a black smoke of tens of meters in the sky over the distant streets, and there was a riot in the vicinity, accompanied by the sound of tables and chairs broken and the walls collapsed, and quickly went away.


"This is a trouble."


Similar events have occurred in Beijing.

For a time, the Beijing chicken flying dog jump!

It lasted for about ten minutes, and the imperial power was about to intervene. The two talents finally rushed out of the city gate and left the capital.

The capital gradually returned to calm.


The two black shadows ran wildly in the dark wilderness, one after the other, like two meteors flying on the horizon.



The happy face is more dignified and war-torn.

For the first time, he encountered such a powerful enemy. "Lingbo Weibu" started more than an hour and pursued for more than an hour. The other party did not give a chance.

After entering the innocent situation, I was already confident that I would not lose any sectarians in terms of speed of the body, but today I actually encountered a strong enemy.

too fast!

Even if you take Leopard Yuan Dan, the speed can only maintain the current distance, and you can guarantee that you don't lose your target. Moreover, if the other party is constantly trying to evade oneself with various tricks, the speed of the opponent's light work should be far away. Far away from yourself.

It is no wonder that in the Tianchi Sword School, the other party stole Tianjing and could still be so quiet, even a trace did not leave.

"I want to see where you are sacred." When encountering such an enemy, I feel a headache, but I want to know more about how difficult this Tianjing series of tasks is.

For two hours, happy all the way to the end of the flow in the body, always maintaining the speed at the peak, chasing the traces of the **** stealing thief, from the capital to the vicinity of an unknown lake.

Blue Waves!

Within the scope of the spiritual sense, the thief did not hesitate, and flew directly to the blue lake.

Step on!

Under the night, the thief stepped on the water very fast, the sparkling calm lake was suddenly broken, the splash of water splashed, and soon went far.

When I was happy to come to the lake, my brow was not consciously close.

But when the thief is about to disappear from his own spiritual range, he finally chose to continue tracking from the waterway.

Step on...

The surface of the water again pulls a cone of scorpion, extending like an arrow towards the center of the lake.


The speed of the thief on the water is obviously faster than the happy. After a few minutes, the person has completely disappeared from the range of happy spirit.

But I don’t care if I am happy...

Continue to step on the water to fly forward!

In the night, Happy has found a small island not far from the front.

Maybe this is the base camp for thieves!

But when you are happy to be close to the island, the change is sudden! !

Hey! ! !

The water surface in front suddenly broke open.

Dozens of sharp and extremely swordsmanship did not just cut open the lake, bursting out from the bottom of the lake, like a sudden blooming lotus, twisting into the happiness in all directions.



The incident really happened suddenly. The attackers used the lake and the night to conceal their own possession and murderousness, and were not captured by the spiritual sense. The clever design and the sultry means made it happy to be in a crisis.

Reflective, the real gas field instantly spread all over the body, happy to drink aloud, the whole person subconsciously separated from the lake, flying up.

Needless to say, the strength of the real gas field, after the instant buffer, happy has been aware that the person who has been killed from the bottom of the lake is the thief who has been chasing after more than two hours. Lu Xiaofeng’s mouth is temporarily ignorant of the identity.


The real gas field was only cut by less than one-tenth of the thief, and the attack began to fall.

expensive! ! !

A dragon slammed, the calmness of the lake was suddenly smashed.

The attacker was not guarded, his body was stagnation, and he suddenly fell into a happy grasp. The dragon hand immediately buckled it and broke the defense with one finger.

Hey! !

The coming man is already suffering in his heart.

Although all the time and place were calculated, the night and the cover of the small lake were used to hide themselves. Even the timing of the ambush was just right, but what he did not expect was that there was no sign of internal exhaustion.

What is even more frightening is that in the face of his long-term ambush, facing the special environment above the lake, happiness not only does not panic, but also shows unimaginable protection.

The attack power of the instant burst not only did not work, but instead put yourself in a desperate situation - a dragon, a dragon hand, easily completed the close and control!

The advantages of internal power can not be fully exerted;

At the moment when the two were close, he even felt a sense of crisis and irresistible pressure!

He now understands that it is no accident that the other party can defeat the evil king in the Song Dynasty and kill the Swordsman.

But now I realize that these are obviously a bit late!

A pain in the chest and the defense was broken;

I didn't understand what was going on. I had to point the hole twice in a row. The whole body was suddenly stiff and could not move.

Then, the back is tight.

The wind is blowing...

The small island in the distance quickly zoomed in.


At this moment, thousands of people shed tears in their hearts and they were defamed.

He has been riding the rivers and lakes for many years, and he has always been able to see the abilities of the dragons and the incomprehensible abilities of the foxes. He has so easily landed in the hands of a little guy - if it is spread to the rivers and lakes, it must not fall. People have big teeth.

Thousands of people foxes remorse.

But in the current situation, the meat is on the chopping board, and others want to cut it, he has no room for resistance...

Even if it is trying to mobilize the residual infuriating acupuncture points, it is impossible. Since the other party can catch up from the capital all the way, the vigilance and insight can not be underestimated, and it is too fake under the eyes of the human eye.

that's it.

The thousand-faced fox was honest until it was thrown on the beach of the island.


Thousands of people foxes have the opportunity to see in detail the true appearance of the guy who has been chasing him for a long time...

A very ordinary young man.

The eyes flashed.

When the thousand-faced fox observes happiness, he is also observing this sinister thief. He is surprised to find that this guy actually has a popular face that is difficult to remember.

The brow wrinkled, and I reached out and touched the face of the thousand-faced fox...

Suddenly force!


With the movement of the faceless fox, a thin, delicate human skin mask peeled off from the latter's face...

"Get the magic weapon - the human skin mask!"

"good stuff."

Happy and happy, ignoring the mysterious thief's uneasy expression, first put the human skin mask into the bag.

Although he also has this thing, the human skin mask has always been priceless in the market, because the practical value is too high, it is the most expensive and not sold in the magic.

Especially after Bai Xiaosheng revealed that the owner's leather mask can get rid of the lock of the prophet, the top masters of the Central Plains all hope to have a human skin mask!

Unexpected gains make your heart more exciting and your eyes turn:

"first name."

"..." The mysterious thief stared at the happy, without saying anything.

“Do you like to distort the bones? Or do you like the ants?”

Happy to throw a word.

The latter trembled and his eyes shot out of anger:

"I don't think it is the first young Junjie who even defeated the evil kings. The happy doorkeeper is really worthy of the name. I don't change my name. I don't change my name... Chu Liuxiang!"

I was almost happy, and my eyes were awkward:

"Small thief, you have a little bit of temperament in addition to the light, and there is no other fragrant look in other places... Well, I don't want to know what you are, tell me... Where is Tianjing!"

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