Sword Among Us

Chapter 1141: Bibo Yukong (monthly ticket)

Chapter 1141 Bibo Yukong (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 1141

"Small thief, you have a little bit of temperament in addition to the light, and there is no other fragrant look in other places... Well, I don't want to know what you are, tell me... Where is Tianjing!"

A happy sentence thoroughly angered the gods who had concealed their identity in front of them, and their faces turned green and white and changed continuously. The anger of binoculars ignited a trend that would ignite people:

Little thief? improvise?

Not as good as fragrance?


Happy and careless and contemptuously stabbed the self-respect of the sacred fox, the chest was undulating, and the face was angrily beaten on the former: "You dare to look down on me! Laozi mixes his reputation on the rivers and lakes." At that time, I don't know where you are wearing open trousers!" When it comes to the back, the eyes are almost protruding, and a pair must be happy for his proper name.

"Less nonsense, where is the crystal?" Happy, in fact, has inferred from the other's words that this guy in front of him is one of the four thieves on the rivers and lakes, the most fascinating thousand-faced fox, the sword and the airpower. They are very good, and a handsome face is not even inferior to Xiang Shuai Chu.

If I was not happy, I learned a few other secret information from Lu Xiaofeng, and I learned the location of the other three people from Bai Xiaosheng. Maybe I would really believe in the ghosts of thousands of people.

Thousand-faced foxes are notoriously treacherous, even if the master of the god-hunting level meets him, he will be deceived.

If the thousand-faced fox does not say who he is, happy may still suspect that stealing Tianjing is not another person, not one of the four thieves, but the other party is smart to report the name of Xiang Shuu Chu Liuxiang...

Happy to remember.

On the same day, Lu Xiaofeng spoke to himself and specifically described the temperament and habits of the four great thieves.

Thousand-faced fox is a kind of thief who is very easy to grasp the human heart and is very patience and strength. This is very similar to Chu Liuxiang, but it is more embarrassing and unscrupulous, and does not like to leave traces. It is called by many martial arts people to open. The magical thief of the legislature.

However, the thousand-faced fox has a disadvantage...

I just like to compete with Chu Liuxiang!

Compare anywhere! He is not willing to go hand in hand with Chu Liuxiang, but hopes to become the unique thief of the martial arts!

Lu Xiaofeng even laughed and speculated that if the thousand-faced fox was caught, this might say that he is Chu Liuxiang...

It is precisely because Lu Xiaofeng's words have grasped the temperament of the thousand-faced human fox, and happy will quickly pretend to be a careless expression after determining the identity of the thousand-faced human fox.

Facts have proved that the thousand-faced fox is really unsightly, and it is not irritating at the moment. It is a bit of a word: "Bad boy, even if you are the abbot of Shaolin Temple, you don't dare to use such a tone in front of Laozi... ..."

"You also fell in the hands of my abbot of Shaolin?"

Happy to look at the thousand-faced fox with a condescending tone. The latter’s chest is directly blocked by the gas to the white eye:

"..." A breath of blood almost did not spurt out.

Just ready to distinguish, happy and open, still a scornful tone that makes him vomit blood:

"A person who doesn't even dare to reveal his name, a liar who doesn't change his name and doesn't change his name? Do you want me to believe in you? Bragging about how powerful you are? Or think of a more powerful name to scare me. ?"


Thousands of people fox did not go to the extreme.

The story of the wind and the mouth was happy, and I felt that it was not suitable for export.

After all, I was only happy to dismantle the lie. At this time, I said how powerful I have been. The Shaolin, Wudang and other big sects have their own treasures in their hands.

Seeing the anxious appearance of the thousand-faced human fox's chest and ups and downs, the eyes are turning around, and the happy ones don't pity the people and give him a powerful medicine:

"Are you a disciple of the singer Chu Liuxiang?"


Thousands of people fox reflexively refuted.

"What do you do with such a big reaction? I was told?" The smug expression of a happy grin, looks even more abominable in the eyes of the thousand-faced fox.

Throughout his life, he wanted to step on Chu Liuxiang to his feet. At this moment, he was said to be a disciple of the thief. This huge sense of disparity made him feel a disgrace.

"I felt strange when you said that you were Chu Liuxiang... You must want to take advantage of your master's reputation. I am right."

"... Hu! Say! Eight! Road!" Thousand-faced people screamed with happy eyes: "The thief of Laozi is stronger than Chu Liuxiang!"

The words are not lost, but they are happy with a quirky look ‘that’s how you are here’ to dispel some of the arrogance that has just been vacated.


"I can steal Tianjing from the sword lord and my eyelids, and also go down the heavy treasure of the Tianchi Sword School. Your strength is not bad. It seems that you have got a few Chu Chuxiang's true biography."


Happy to deliberately not look at the angry expression of the thousands of foxes almost collapsed, self-concerned: "Tell me where the crystal is, I can see you on the face of Chu Liuxiang."

Thousand-faced foxes were originally happy to be stunned to the Buddha's Ascension, but when they heard the words of Tianjing, they changed and became more and more proud:

"I knew that you really came to Tianjing." The corner of the mouth was slightly tilted: "It’s for Tianjing in Tianjing."


Happy and cold, watching the thousand-faced fox became arrogant and did not speak.

"Tell you, for the Jingjing who was captured by the Swordsman from the Fortress, I have been tracking for three years, spending countless money and energy, you want to take it in one sentence?"

"Do you want money?"

Happy and plain asked.

The face of the thousand-faced fox is more proud: "Money is not attractive to me. As long as I need it, the richest people in the world are my private money houses. I am only interested in things that are not easy to get. This is our stealing. hobby."

"So how do you want to give me Tianjing?"

"Why should I give you, can annihilate with the secret of Tianjing, and it is also a decent death." The thousand-faced fox moved slightly and flicked the dust on the corner of the clothes.


"what are you doing!"

Thousand-faced fox angered his head and glared at him, not convinced that the latter dared to do it himself.

In his expectation, happy to hear what he said should be very nervous...

Ignore the expression of the horror and anger of the thousand-faced fox, happy to shake the instinct of the thousand-faced people quietly rushing through the acupuncture points, and re-continuing the two large points in front of his chest.

The latter body shocked, including the neck, don't want to move again, staring straight at the heart, swallowing and anger:

"you you……"

"You are a man, dare to threaten me, are you broken?"


Happy and give a thousand people a fox burst, very disdain: "Since it is the apprentice of the thief Chu Liuxiang, I will worry that I can not find Tianjing? Waiting for me to bring you to the front of Chu Liuxiang, when faced with quality, I see Chu Liuxiang Will you be willing to give up your apprentice!"


The sharp screams shattered the night of the island, and countless forested birds were frightened and flew.

Thousand-faced foxes seem to be stimulated, with a sharp tone:

"You want to catch me to see Chu Liuxiang?! You don't want Tianjing?!!"

I naturally know that the thousand-faced fox is scared by myself, but the face has not revealed a half point, a faint road:

"Chu Liuxiang, this person has always been a bodhisattva, you are his apprentice, inheriting all his clothes, he will not give up for you."

"You bastard! I said that I am not a disciple of Chu Liuxiang!!"

Thousands of people rushed up, but the whole body couldn't move, and there was no chance to express their anger. To be honest, he had the courage to be buried with Tianjing, but he was absolutely not happy with his courage to lick his neck to see Chu Liuxiang. See your biggest opponent.

Jianghu people, which is not good face?

Although the thousand-faced fox is treacherous, it can be used for its own sake.

But the only thing he is obsessed with is that he wants to surpass Chu Liuxiang in stealing...

For a thief, it is not shameful to be caught after stealing something, but it is caught in front of his peers, and this face is completely lost!

In front of Chu Liuxiang, the thousand-faced fox is very skeptical that his reputation for many years of business will not be destroyed!

But happy for this moment has been designed for a long time, how can this time give the opportunity to get rid of thousands of people? Pick up the thousand-faced fox and leave, talking to himself:

"Chu Liuxiang is currently in the Western Region. It takes at least seven days to dare to go. You are stealing children, all of them are deceitful. Before I find Chu Liuxiang, I have to borrow Lu Xiaofeng to lock up the internal forces and the body... In addition, you have to get some 'sweet soft gluten'."

Thousands of people listened to the sweat.

This is to understand that this guy in front of him is not a good person, his own eyes and tricks do not work in front of the other party.

"Happy door master."


"Happy door master, I am really not a disciple of Chu Liuxiang. You let me go. As a thank you, I can give you the treasures of the seven sects, even the heavy treasures of the Tianchi Swords and the rivers and lakes."

"I am an idiot, don't treat others as idiots."

Happy and disdain for a thousand face foxes:

"What are the special treasures of the major sects? I have let you go. When you get the news out, let the masters of the sects of the rivers and lakes come to me for trouble? How did Chu Liuxiang teach you such a sinister thing? ""


The thousand-faced fox vomited three liters in his heart.

At this time, happy and open:

"You always say that you are not a disciple of Chu Liuxiang. Unless you give me Tianjing, I will believe you, and let you leave, never give up."

"Speaking of it, you just want Tianjing." The thousand-faced fox reveals the color of vigilance.

Happy and cold: "When you say it, you still have a chance to leave. If you want to leave without paying a little price... I tell you, when you see Chu Liuxiang, all the natural truths are white, I have to look at it, then you still have time. What can be said!"

"..." The expression of the thousand-faced fox suddenly collapsed!

at this time……

Happy, but my face turned and looked at the direction of the lake.

The moonlight quietly sprinkled, the sparkling lake, a magnificent figure like a heavenly person, not a wave, the sky comes.

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