Sword Among Us

Chapter 1142: Murder

Chapter 1142 killing people

Chapter 1142

Seeing that some people came from the sky, the happy face changed slightly, and unconsciously turned back and looked at the thousand-faced fox: "You also invited a helper?"

With his eyes, he can naturally perceive the strength of the coming people. The coming people are silent, like being integrated into the heavens and the earth, wrapped in the cool breeze. If the spirituality covers more than 200 meters, it is impossible to find each other. The strength of coming people is definitely not at the level of myth.


Thousands of people foxes were irritated by 'Chu Liuxiang' and they didn’t turn their eyes. I couldn’t wait for someone to come out and spoil the news. I heard that my eyes closed very close, but after I noticed that my happy eyes were removed from my face, I couldn’t help but want to use my eyes. Light goes to the lake.

As the coming people approached silently, the look on the happy face gradually became dignified!

"I don't want to be a young man who once defeated the evil king, this seat, Jianzong, Jianao." Comes from the air, and falls on the opposite side of the happy, unrelenting self-disclosure identity, A pair of soft eyes did not mix with emotions and fell on happy faces.

Good soft eyes.

Not like a person who cultivates kendo.

Even though I was happy to be prepared, I was unconsciously vigilant in my heart for the moment when I was the master of the sword.

Compared with the one emperor and the Ximen Blowing Snow, the eyes of the Swordsman are very peaceful and harmless, just like ordinary people.

however! The change of the air machine quickly caused the change of the world's potential - aware of the changes in the body's momentum, a astounding savage sword from the shackles of the sword lord!

Almost subconscious!

The real gas field emerged from the eyes and gathered to protect the eyes...

A fierce and extreme sword from the eyes of the Swordsman's eyes directly into the eyes of happiness.


The fierce swords seem to be mixed with a group of dizzying mental shocks. When I am happy, I feel like there is a group of things bursting open in my mind! The real gas field was attacked fiercely! The thin warmth could not help but smashed from the eyes.

Happy moments woke up from the raids of the Swordsman, and looked at them with a double eye. They grabbed the golden scale sword and a more powerful momentum drove up from the body.

"A good trick to the sword! Swordsman Sect, really worthy of the name!" Happy words are cold and bones, while the sword is vacated, the air machine locks the sword lord.

The latter did not work, and the eyes flashed a touch of surprise and stunned!

In the face of happy and hostile eyes, the sword lord smiled faintly:

"It’s so easy to pick up the "Swordsmanship" of this sect, the whole rivers and lakes are no more than five, and the little ones are dead in your hands, and it is not awkward."

"The meaning of the sovereign is that your apprentice should die."

Happy, naturally, I don’t believe that the current Swordsman’s Sovereign will admit his strength and give up revenge because of the temptation. He is even more shocked by the strength of the other side – the horrible swordsmanship is released without any sound. It is not under the evil king, single-on-one, one careless, and may be left by the sect of the sword.

As soon as the voice fell, the Swordsman had not yet responded, but the thousand-faced fox was in a big mouth and interjected:

"...The Lord does not get angry, happy, this is to irritate you!"

The dialogue and atmosphere of the two people are in the eyes of the whole process. Although they are outside the body, it is not difficult to hear from the happy and ironic tone. People and happiness should be enemies and friends!

There is a saying that is good: the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

Thousands of people foxes do not want to miss the opportunity to get rid of happiness. They are happy to have the intention of angering the Swordsman, and they are rushing to scream.

However, what makes the thousand-faced fox unexpectedly is that the happy smile is not angry and the smile is ridiculous. It seems that he does not mind the performance of his captive enemy.


The Swordsman’s sergeant slowly glanced at his direction. After frowning, his eyes fell back to his happy body: “Happy Master, this one in your hand, must be in the Tianchi Swords, stealing me. The stealing of Jianzong Tianjing Excalibur..."


Thousands of people are suddenly stunned!

It was not until this moment that he thought that the Swordsman of the Swordsman would appear here, and he also had his own factors. If he had stolen Tianjing, the Swordsman of the Swordsman holding Tianjing had a certain chance of winning...


Hearing the cold words of the Swordsman and the murderous, the thousand-faced fox immediately realized that he had done a stupid thing.

"Yes, he lied to me to tell his Chu Liuxiang, but I don't like this person's thief's eyes. It should be an undiscipled apprentice of Chu Liuxiang."

Happy to try to make your tone very indifferent.

The sect of the Swordsman nodded faintly, looking at the void with no eyes, and said: "My former sect of the swordsman was for the Tianjing Excalibur, and the Tianchi Swordsman sent Wenqing Tianjing, and it was only three years. This person will not only The hope of my swordsman's efforts turned into nothing, and indirectly killed my former patriarch of the swordsman... If the happy door does not mind, I will bring this person's first class back to the swordsman and pay homage to me. Apprentice."

When you hear the words of the Swordsman, the thousand-faced people are suddenly unmanned!

"You can't kill me!"

"Under the heavens, only I know where Tianjing is!" The thousand-faced fox did not say that this sentence was okay, and this statement came out. Suddenly, the eyes of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect.


Thousand-faced fox has a feeling like falling into the ice!

Kill the machine!

If the real murder and fierce fingertips make the whole body unable to move, he seems to be pushed to the ghost gate, and his eyes are horrified, and he can't believe that the sect of the sword is actually killing himself.

Under the sensation, the recent happiness of the two people was aware of the murder of the Swordsman!

Lingbo micro step!

Almost subconsciously moved to the front of the thousand-faced fox, the golden-scale sword was out of the sheath, "Hey!!" in the crisp sound, happy to promptly block the sect of the sword sect, killing thousands of people Fox has a life.


Blocking the direction of the Swordsman, the happy look is becoming weird, and suspiciously looking at the sect of the Swordsman who has never touched: "The Sovereign, what is this?"

"what for?"

The main body of Jianzong Zong glanced at the thousand-faced fox with no expression: "My former patriarch of the Jianzong died because of him. Shouldn't he die?"

This explanation is indeed true.

But I was happy to hear the explanation of the Swordsman, and the doubts in my eyes did not decrease. "Does the lord not want to know where he hid Tianjing?"

Although the thousand-faced fox can't move, but the murder and **** feelings are very clear, it is clear that this is from the direction of the sect of the sword sect. This escapes from the dead, the souls are all gone, and the goose bumps cover the whole body instantly. Finally, I was grateful for the gratitude.

"How can a **** soldier get the life of my apprentice? My unscrupulous child is because he is too attached to the power of the gods. This is what people are jealous. For my swordsman, Tianjing is an unknown thing. Since then, it has been extinct from the rivers and lakes, and it can save a hurricane and blood.

I noticed that the murder of the Swordsman Swordmaster is getting stronger and stronger, and the Thousand Faces are in a hurry:


"You have such a noble sentiment, the Swordsman will be sent to the Tianchi sword for three years... If it is just for revenge, you will be so eager to leave the Jianzongshan Gate... Hey! I am so quick to find my thousand-faced fox The devil's incense on Tianjing is specially left by your swordsman!! "Thousand-faced foxes finally no longer conceal their identity when their lives are threatened. At the same time, they also figured out a lot of things and even confided. come out.


Sword stunned in the eyes of Li Mang: "Drum noise!"

The sword in the middle of the speech was squirted out, and a smashed stunned slashed into the sky from the sheath, and the meteor fell to the thousand-faced fox. This trick was many times more powerful than the previous eye-catching technique...

Happy at this time between the Swordsman and the Thousand-faced fox, I have already noticed a little from the discourse of the two and the look of the thousand-faced fox.

It is no wonder that the Swordsman will leave the mountain gate so urgently;

No wonder he came to the small lake at such a crucial moment;

He is a killer to the thousand-faced fox, but I am afraid that it is because of the phrase "The only thing in the world that I know that Tianjing is falling."

The Swordsman Sovereign obviously has a way to track Tianjing!

As long as you kill the thousand-faced fox, only one of the swords under the sun can find Tianjing! !

What happens next, you can think of it with your toes - killing people!

The sword sect, the sword, is happy, and the thousand-faced fox is shrouded in. As long as you are happy to leave, the thousand-faced fox will die!

If you are happy, you will be more threatened and hurt. Maybe you have the danger of falling into the same place at the same time.

Facing the sword of the Swordsman, I am happy and not busy...

Dragon swing tail!

The full-strength of the master of heaven and humanity is a happy blow to the peak of the counterattack...

When the pupils shrink, Sword AO quickly notices that the situation is not good.

Unfortunately, it’s late!

The first time he played with happiness, he obviously didn't know the true strength of happiness. Although he knew from the rumors of the rivers and lakes that he had good strength, but the time he played against the evil king was the lack of Yu Tiandao.

When the dragon swings out, its own attack falls, and the counterattack of the same strength comes instantly!

Ding! ! !

Sword arrogant reaction is fast.

The long sword is horizontal, and there is not too much embarrassment between the hastees. A happy dragon is in the sword...

The blade is slightly curved.

Sword Ao was kicked by the power of this foot, and his feet slipped out of the ground;

This is not finished!


People are in the air, happy to bend a finger:

A yang finger!

Five stunned winds smashed the sky with a hurricane.

Even if the strength of Swordsman reaches the realm of harmony between man and nature, there is some reaction to the sudden confrontation with a series of accidents and strong counterattacks.

The body was opened, and the "Yangyang Finger" under the wind and the sky was tumbling and the body was slightly trembling.

The main face of the sword sect is more ugly, and the killing in the eyes is even more embarrassing!

But happy faces don't look good.

The strong man of heaven and man is not so easy to deal with.

Although the explosive power of the dragon's tail and the wind and the sky are used to temporarily prevail, it is impossible to keep an unarmed person under the offensive of the strong man.

Once the Swordsman’s lord reacts, it will be the death of the thousand-faced fox, and the Tianjing news will disappear.

Just as the happy thoughts were spinning fast and thinking about the way to break the bureau, the thousand-faced fox screamed: "Happy door! Tianjing is in a cave on this island, there are three stones in the hole..."


The sect of the Swordsman stood up, his eyes glaring at the thousand-faced fox, and he turned without hesitation and flew away;

"Don't run!" Happy at this time, I also refused to lift the predicament for the thousand-faced fox, Lingbo micro-step start, and quickly into the dark.

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