Sword Among Us

Chapter 896: The strength of foreign masters

Chapter 896 The strength of foreign masters

The true strength of the flower language is beyond the imagination of Meng Yun, but the dialogue between the two people makes the dream cloud slightly frown. The two men are now in the trial stage, and they will say it in a round, and tout each other, obviously Do it for a class.


Yipintang really did not have the ability to shake the flower language, the real master, but it is the second largest gang in the Central Plains, and you can't let the players of a small country so arrogant.

But as soon as I thought of asking for help, Meng Yun’s face quickly returned to normal and continued to look down.

Huayu and Daozhen are touting each other, but the strength is here. It really has the strength of the list of global masters.

A sword sword is unparalleled, and the master of the sword is mastered!

A knife-sword that can be calm and unrestrained in the sword and powerful sword.


The temptations of the two have come to an end.

Gradually, I began to come up with real strength.

The temperature of the whole theater was reduced a lot.


Hey! Hey!

The construction on the martial arts hall is getting more and more dense, and it is getting faster and faster. It is really roaring with the words: "Flower language, hurry up and pull the knife! Don't pull out the sword and die under my sword!!"

"You don't have to worry about it."

The flower language is not to be outdone: "I have the ability to force me to get out."

He still sees it, and the Tao really avoids the knife in his sheath, so he has been a little bit of strength.

At this level, each other can see through the enemy's dependence and weakness.

The true weakness of the Tao is that it is afraid of death and death. Like the flower language, it does not give any flaws and it is very difficult to kill.

The weakness of the flower language is clear to himself and himself.

The long knife is the biggest threat...

However, if you can't hit the enemy, it will not be a real opponent of the sword, so if you are easily sheathed, it will be the time of defeat.

Both of them are thoughtful.

But actually let the people of Yipintang see a wonderful show!

Yanwutang has completely become a stage for Daozhen to show his swordsmanship. In the endless swordsmanship, the latter’s body is elegant, the swordsmanship is light and spirity, and the sword on the granite floor is deepened to four inches, like a swimming snake. The crazy spread pursues the figure of the flower language.

Taking note of this detail, the evil wolf is madly pumping, and finally knows the gap between himself and the top international players:

If it is cut to the ordinary master, even the person with the armor can open a face!

"I don't know how happy it is compared with this one. Who is strong and who is weak?"

The performance of the martial arts swords and swords.

The dream cloud is full of joy, and the thoughts are flying up:

Axis on the global list, A Xiuluo was hired by him. The snake king had some intersections because of the murder, and he came to help the boxing. Together with the master of the Longmen, it is not a problem to compete against Mufu.

But the flower language is true, but it is an unexpected gain.


The stronger the strength of the two, the better for her.

Maybe because of the existence of two super strong players, in the battle with Mufu to gain a huge advantage - now in his view, Daozhen, Huayu absolutely have the strength to compete with happiness, shoulder to shoulder.

Although happy to steal a lot of amazing stunts and martial arts from many mythical powers, the prophet has revealed her a secret in advance.

Jiuyang Shengong’s ability to steal school is good, but it takes a while to steal the martial arts to get the most out of it...

The more martial arts you learn from stealing, the more time you need to try to figure out and understand the move. The most terrible thing is that the more powerful the move, the need to consume amazing internal forces, and stealing martial arts will not increase the internal force.

As a result, it is a waste of time to practice too much martial arts. It can be said that learning is nothing, but it wastes a lot of time.

There are flower words, Daozhen join, and the days when Mufu is invincible in the Central Plains are completely over.

As for the flower language and the truth, it will not matter for her.

She even hopes that the two will end in peace and not make an unpleasant surprise.

at this time!

"The owner!"

On the left side of the theater, there was a rush of footsteps, and the dream cloud was slightly stunned. It had not yet had time to let the people scream, and the thick-browed monk got into the ears with a bit of nervous and anxious voice.

Many people turned around and saw that the thick-browed monk hurriedly took a group of people into the crowd and burned their eyebrows!

"what happened?"

Although Mengyun is worried that the two eyebrows will make the two people in the field unhappy, but on the other hand, it is clear that under her management, unless there is a very big thing, the thick eyebrow monk cannot be so light and heavy. Hey.

"The altar of Aru has an accident!"

The thick eyebrows and the monks rushed out, not only gave a disciple to the disciples, but also dreamed of "squeaky" in the heart, and his face changed suddenly, and he quickly asked:

"I didn't receive an emergency pigeon."

The altar was attacked, and the dream cloud, as the owner, could not receive the black pigeon that was in a hurry, but she soon thought of another possibility.

The enemy only kills in the altar area, and if it is blocked outside the city, it will not touch the black pigeon alarm - and it will also have the effect of anti-***.

"Mufu did?!"

Mengyun no longer asks for extra words.

The thick-browed monk walked quickly to Mengyun’s side and nodded in a hurry. He replied: “Except for the brothers of Alu City, all of them were attacked by the Mufu people. More than two hundred people were killed, and Kuizhen, Tuoma Town, and Yucheng were attack……"

“Tuo Ma Xiaocheng, Yucheng?”

The dream cloud changed.

"Is it the same as Aru?"

"Yes! The loss of Kuizhen's altar is the worst, more than 400 people, no one ran away, all killed, and dozens of idiots in the city and the people of Mufu hands, the whole grabbed the cell! But The biggest casualty of the brothers is the Tuoma town."


Dream cloud is close to her eyes, her eyes flashing, and she thinks fast.

Mufu attacked Kuizhen, she thought it would be easy, because Kui Town is the only way to the coast. To break through, the sea is the fastest and safest, but he has already laid a triple line in the back of Kui Town. , throwing away a Kui town does not matter;

Needless to say, the city of Aru, the altar that is closest to the grassland, is also the eyes of Yipintang, it is normal to be pulled out;

However, Yucheng is different. It is not only in the area close to the capital, but also rich in resources. It is completely out of bounds with a line near the coast. It is also far from the city of Aru. How can it be attacked?

What puzzled her most was that Tuoma Town was located in the south of the capital, almost the core area of ​​the Yipintang Force, with the least number of garrisons. There are seven or eight mines nearby, which is completely the money bag of Yipintang.


At the same time, four hands are extended.

Obviously there are premeditated actions.

But what Meng Yun is confused is...

The four cities are in different four orientations, and she can't judge the purpose of happiness at once.

At this time...

The flower language and Taoism in the test have already stopped, and I have noticed the situation here.

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