Sword Among Us

Chapter 897: Help boxing

Chapter 897 assists boxing

"Dream Lord, it seems to be in trouble."

It’s obvious that Daozhen hasn’t played enough, and the tone is a bit sloppy, but after all, it’s a place where I’m in the hall. It’s hard to see the owner. It’s hard to say that the two guests are fighting at the side.

Followed by the words behind the Tao, the face is a bit ugly.

"How, true friends, you will not want to save the United States from the heroes, come forward, although the Central Plains has this spirit since ancient times, but don't forget, in the land of the Central Plains, there is only one person who can embarrass the dream house... ..."

The flower language is like a grievance that has not vented the grievances of a stomach. The face is very gloomy, and the strangeness of the speech is different from the calm performance of the martial arts hall.

"Oh, what about that? I am looking for him to compete and see if the strength of the No. 1 master in the Central Plains is as real as the outside rumors... But you, are you planning to be a tortoise?"

The performance of Daozhen at this time is also very speechless.

The two are on the battlefield, and the character in the weekdays is completely different from the two extremes.

Daozhen, the surface looks arrogant, like a young man who is bombing at a time; but when it comes to fighting, the innate intuition and calmness of the child is revealed.

In the first battle, Daozhen used "Yi Jian Shu" to tell everyone that the martial arts to the highest level of cultivation, the mind is not comparable to the average person - from the beginning of the use of the heart, the introduction of flowers to the knife; the strategy is unsuccessful, one step at a time The trick of the step is to force another stunt of the flower language - Tian Ying Shuo.

Even in the end, they did not exert their full strength, and they have been guarding against the thunder of the flower language.

Until the end of the flower language, there was no one-click performance to defeat the true confidence, shrinking his head, and always being beaten and defended.

Although the war did not separate the results, but the Tao was full of momentum, and the limelight was out; the flower language was solid enough to taste the blow.

However, the resentment of the flower language is soaring, and the temperament that seems to have nothing to shake on the battlefield is completely different and astounding.


The flower language sends out a disdainful coldness from the nostrils:

"Happy is the goal of the deaf person's trip to the Central Plains. Even if you don't say it, I will challenge him sooner or later."

"Would you not wait until there are no ones?"

"Since you want to lose face, I will watch!" The flower is cold and looks to Mengyun: "If the dream house owner has a happy fall, let us know..."

The dream was still confusing at the moment, but when I heard the dispute between the two people, I was happy to come from it: "The two deceased, the dream cloud is grateful, the matter came suddenly, Mufu suddenly fell down and attacked me. More than the altar, but now I have not found a happy whereabouts, it takes a little time..."

"Time I have is."

Dao really did not give the opportunity to repent and screamed: "In any case, I haven't found anyone in the Central Plains for a few days. Today, I just met the dream master and saw the first master of the Central Plains! I wonder if the flower brother will not retreat at this time?"


Seeing that the two left, Meng Yun was overjoyed:

"The two are waiting in the room, I will call the line."


Daozhen and Huayu looked at each other strangely, but they saw that the shadow of Mengyun had disappeared from the place.


Both of them showed a thoughtful color.


Aru City

Hundreds of Yipintang masters were fully armed and arrogantly gathered in the altar. Looking at the dying brothers with a pale face, they came in from outside the gate, and the anger in their eyes was burning.

"what's the situation!"

Just then, the altar hall plucked one person.

"The altar!"

"You can count the altar master... The people in Mufu are hitting the bottom of the eyelids!" The people on the open space outside the hall shouted.

The person who came here is the altar of the altar in Aru City. A core disciple, just went to rest, and after receiving the call, he came up without saying anything.

"Let's shut up! You said, what's the situation outside!!"

The stride of the stride goes down the steps and makes a person reply.

That person is also smart:

"The brothers who practiced at the level of training outside the city were all blocked, and they died. The two resource points outside the city have not been let go. How many people are unclear for the time being, it is estimated that there are several hundred."


When the altar listened to the numbers, the face suddenly became blue:

"How many people have come to Mufu."

When he was off the assembly line, he clearly listened to the spies on the grassland saying that everything was as usual. The four gangs of Mufu gathered 100,000 iron rides to go to the Mongolian camp.

It takes a lot of people to kill hundreds of people in a short time.

"I don't know, the brother who came back to death said that there are only a dozen people who go to the resource point... The brothers outside the city are scattered, and the total number of appearances has passed two hundred."

There seems to be a small number of people listening to the audience.

"How do you say in the letter of the altar?"

"Let's wait for you to go online and find out the number and purpose of Mufu. It is said that Kui Town, Toma Town, and Yucheng have all gone wrong. The owner will let you decide after going online."


The altar of the altar has a bottom, and after a moment of indulgence, he ordered:

"It may be that the East is hitting the West, you, immediately adjust a dozen brothers, guarding the four gates of the city... Huang deputy altar! You bring a hundred people to the first floor of the resource mine to investigate the situation... Others go out with me to find someone The injured stayed."

“Everyone goes out? The altar, will this be too risky?”

"Since Kui Town has something to do, it will be wrong. Mufu united with the four major gangs to make a big move on the grassland. It is definitely a plan to lose the troops and protect the handsome, give up the task of obscenity in advance, and break through from the north... So attacking us is to drag the people of Aru City and confuse our sights. Toma Town and Yucheng are also smoke bombs, so..."

The altar owner is full of confidence:

"There are not many people left outside the city of Aru! Mom, let them bully more than 20 days ago... Brothers, this time we have to get back twice! Go!! Go out to find the rabbits !!!"

The analysis of rationality suddenly spurred a group of disciples who had low morale.


Hundreds of people Ma Haohao rushed out of the altar.

They did not know that a group of people who had been sneaked into the restaurant had seen it in their eyes.

More than 20 people, headed by Chivalry Men Lin.

Silently holding a glass of wine, watching the people of a class of people, Ma Haohao swayed through the streets and went away, one by one showing a weird smile.

"Haha! The deputy head of Lin is really good! The people are gone, and there is an empty shell and a group of wounded."

"These **** think that we are just harassing, we can't think of it, we are both breaking through and harassing, and they are not letting go."

"Well, all are ready, wait for Xiaobei, they will get the fire with this group of people, we will start immediately!" Lin Biao sat quietly in the elegant room of the restaurant, the wide and heroic back, rare faint murder:

He waited for this day and has been waiting for a long time!

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