Sword Among Us

Chapter 898: Mine ambush

Chapter 898 Mine ambush


"How did the people of Mufu come in!"

"Is the frontline people all blind? The eight resources all have an accident, and thousands of people slipped into our hinterland and no one found it in advance!!"

After a burst of anger and anger, the altar of the Lord’s affair was fully armed and led hundreds of Yipintang disciples from the altar; the thousands of people who came from the city and nearby towns and towns gathered together. On the scale of the team, divided into four out of the city, the momentum is rampant, flying to the resource mines of the accident.


The big earthquakes have sounded, and the people of the rivers and lakes in Yucheng City are the first to see the people in Yicheng’s Yipintang, so they are standing in the distance and pointing at the arguments:

"Is this going?"

"Who provokes a good hall?" Because things happened suddenly, many people inside Yipintang have not yet got the news, and the outside world knows that there are very few people at this time.

Moreover, the resources of Yucheng City have always been controlled by Yipintang. The second-level **** case is not known to many people.

A small number of insiders in the crowd preached:

"Trouble?" Shake the fan, the face is full of color: "It is not so simple, this time the fun of a class is big."

"How to say?"

The Central Plains has always been a lot of good people, people around them have come together, eyes are brightly waiting to be confused.

In this year, on the rivers and lakes, the well-informed has always been very popular.

The man was smug for a while, and the eyes of the surrounding players were all focused, which cleared the throat and said:

If someone is crossing the road with a grandmother on the roadside, no one will pay attention to it; but if someone touches the top of the pyramid, it will surely attract countless spotlights and gloating glory--Yi Pintang is definitely the supreme top-level force in the North of the Central Plains. .

"Hey, this time, Yipintang is losing money."

"I just came over from Wu Temple. You guessed what I saw..."

"Don't sell off." "Yes, let's talk."

"See what."

"The open space outside the Wu Temple is all the people of Yipintang. There are hundreds of them, and they all meditate and run the mind."

When the words came out, the players around suddenly became stunned:

"...resource points!"

"His grandmother's, the resources of a product hall let people give it!"

"That's not! Brothers, when I used to hear a person in the past, I called Qiliantian, hey! Eight resource points! Eight!! At the same time, the people in the second-tier mining area, one no, all died!"

The player's face is full of glory, as if this is his own work, don't mention how much!

Around the players at the same time took a sigh of cold, face to face.

Yucheng is one of the most resource-intensive cities in the north. It is a money bag of Yipintang. One day, according to outside informed experts, the eight resources of Yucheng can be worth 3 billion yuan worth of mineral materials.

"It’s no wonder that Yipintang has transferred all the people nearby."

"An hour of nearly one million credits! It must be a time to ensure the normal operation of the resource points." The player's eyes are full of money strings - as the game enters a stable period, the proportion of silver to rmb has long fallen. .

"Who is so bold?"

A voice in the crowd just sounded. The man immediately noticed that the players around him had turned around to look at him. His eyes were very strange, and the volume suddenly weakened: "Newcomers seek science..."

A group of people are blind at the same time, and they are unanimous:

"What's new to the newcomers, and hurry to practice."


In the end, the weak newcomers left with the ‘Maintenance ***’ sign.



Bang! ! ! !

The iron hoof is thundering.

A man of more than five hundred rides in the hall, with dozens of burning torches, violently and astoundingly into the mountains.

After entering the game for more than a year, these people have already practiced a good riding technique. They climbed the mountains and crossed the forest and played very slippery.

I did not waste any time and entered the mining area.

"Brothers, I will show you your tips, see the people of Mufu, whoever he is! Leave it to Laozi!!"

In the team, a deacon of the head of the head spoke loudly.

Although the city was attacked, the loss was not small, but after all, the city was close to the capital and there was a back mountain; and the people of Mufu only started to rush to the resources, and did not dare to directly attack the players of the outside world, and did not dare to enter the city and attack the altar. They have already explained their guilty conscience, and the number is small, just to undermine the economy.

Therefore, after thousands of people left the city, they were divided into eight batches in the halfway. They were prepared to take the second floor of the mining area and eliminate the residual horses of Mufu.


In the dark woods, where the fire can't reach, a person can't move in the dark bushes and quickly release the pigeons.


"The goal is coming."

Outside the hole in the southeast mining area, a group of people dressed in night uniforms nodded quickly and quickly turned into the nearby woods, and disappeared without ghosts.

Less than twenty seconds...

The roaring iron hoof came unexpectedly.

Hundreds of people in the hall, rushing to the hole.


The head of the Yipintang, who was headed, turned over and plunged into the hole, and the whole movement was done in one go;



The people behind will have the same kind of learning, take the mount and plung into the mine.

In the mine, there are a few players who mine on the first floor...

Most of these are the bottom-level disciples of the gang who have a good relationship with Yipintang. They come here to train their life skills, or come to seek minerals. However, the game has progressed to the present, and there are very few people who will mine on the first floor.

The situation inside the mine is clear at a glance.

Many miners were overwhelmed by the influx of people, and they didn’t know what was going on.

The deacon of the head casually asked someone to ask if they had seen the people of Mufu go to the second floor. The man nodded and said, but did not see people coming out.

"People are still inside!"

"How to do……"

The people behind are suddenly embarrassed.

The second floor of the mining area is a special area, with a maximum of ten people at a time.

“Get ready for the colorful mine!”

The deacon deacon asked the number of people who entered the house and immediately relieved, immediately resumed, and looked awkward:

"Fortunately, the number of enemies is not too much. It is okay to rush in and stand firm.... Well! The well-equipped, high-protection brothers entered with me in the first batch, and the second and third batches were ready for the seven-color mine. The fastest speed comes in support!!"

"Understand." The group promised that the crowd came out of a dozen pieces of equipment and the men who were very good.



The airflow swelled, and a group of people were fully open. The body was also running to the limit and nervously entered the chamber.


Boom! !

The rear of the dragon stone is released, and the second floor is suddenly clear.


Whizzing! !

A group of people are tense and ready to go, Shimen opens, and they rush into the cave with a block gesture...

However, the scene in front of the scene made the deacons of the altar and a group of masters of the company awkward.

The second floor mine is empty!

No one is there.

A group of people face each other for a few seconds, and behind the stone door suddenly burst into a loud noise - the second group of people also rushed in.

"what happened?"

The unexpected fierce battle did not appear.

A group of people suddenly lost:

"Mufu people should not leave..."

"It should be offline."

"Haha! This group of idiots! Let's stay here and wait for them to send them back when they come up!"

Someone in the crowd easily proposed.

I thought that a class of disciples who would fight in a bad fight would have eased up and should be together.

The deacon of the deacon is only wrinkled, and there is always something wrong.

Mufu’s arrangement has mobilized a lot of people. From sneaking into exploration, to hands-on, it can be said that the plan is well-conceived and thunderous.

However, the first big gang in the Central Plains could not make a purchase of a group of elite disciples for hundreds of life professional players. The injury status does not affect the skills of life professional players.

But look back.

There are indeed a lot of awkward places in the meantime.

It has been almost half an hour since the accident.

During this time, the people of Mufu had the opportunity to leave with ease and leave the city in the night to find a more hidden place to hide.

But at the first floor, because people who know Mufu are still on the second floor, they forget to consider this when they are excited...

Now think of it, the deacon of the altar suddenly burst into a cold sweat!

"not good!!"

"There is an ambush!!"

As the face changed, the deacon of the altar turned back and roared:

"Hurry to pass the pigeons to the brothers outside, let them be vigilant, and the people coming to the capital may not only be so, there may be a large number of people outside the cave!"

At this moment, he finally figured it out.

The people of Mufu deliberately stayed here and did not leave, but they led them into the hole and took a slap in the face.

Although he is still incredible, he does not know that the people of Mufu are so bold in the belly of a restaurant, but he has not considered it so much.

At this time, the third batch and the fourth batch of people have come in one after another...

Before I rushed out, I heard the roar of the deacons of the altar, and they changed.

But leaving from here needs to go offline.

"Get off the line!"

"Get off the assembly line!!"


The deacon deacon quickly enters and exits the game.

When I returned to the game again, it appeared in the mining hall on the first floor.

"Someone sneaked!"

"There are people outside the government!"

"Brothers are rushing! The enemy is not on the second floor, outside."

When the foot just stepped on the ground, the deacon of the altar heard the roar and scream of his own person from far away, and his face was black on the spot.

Still late...

One layer and two layers of messages are isolated.

During the time when the pigeons passed the book, Mufu had already launched a surprise attack.

Because there is no defense behind it...

When hundreds of masters of Mufu emerged from the darkness, the people who stayed outside the cave at Yipintang had no chance to react and were directly shot.

The people inside heard the movement, and both batches were shot and cleaned...

Deacon deacon rushed to the front line to see his brother was shot and killed, and then roared back to make people come back.

Unfortunately, it does not help!

The whistling sounds of various whistling and swords have become the main theme. The people of Mufu have especially let go of a few disciples of Yipintang, let them rush out of the diplomatic war, attracting more and more people from the Yipintang.

They were greeted by a round of arrows and a dense number of attacks.

Seeing here, the deacon of the altar is sweating:

A blink of an eye, more than 500 people, less than half of the mines.

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