Sword Among Us

: Smoking smoke, ask Shaolin

Chapter 899, smoke from the four, ask Shaolin

The things in Yucheng are not that simple!

The people in the Chijin mining area have not been sitting on the hot water from the back of a stick, and eight resources point, the whole line is on fire! Most of the people were killed and the rest were blocked in the mine. After rushing for a while, they gave up the breakout and simply did not come out inside.

The news came from Yucheng, and Yipintang suddenly became awkward...

Eight resource points!

Originally thought that only small people infiltrated into the harassment and diverted Yipintang's attention to the grassland, but from the strength shown by the Mufu, the shogunate at least sent thousands of people through the defense.

More than a thousand people!

It is enough to pose a great threat to the rear of Yipintang, and even bring great damage.

"So many people have entered Beijing, and there is no reaction in the altar near the line of defense! Let us rush to the night to fight the fire! Mom!"

The people who have been in the altar of Yipintang are depressed.

But it can't be saved...

Suddenly, no one expected that Mufu would make such a big handwriting and risk the sacrifice of more than a thousand disciples to directly attack the city.

The high-level warfare of the altar was dead, trapped and trapped, and the back defense was empty. He was attacked into the altar by hundreds of people from the Mufu.

The amazing wealth and resources of the Yucheng Altar are at stake!

This is the material accumulated in a week, nearly 20 billion silver materials, and equipment and medicinal materials that have been hoarded for a long time...

Yipintangtang’s main dream cloud is sternly ordered, so that all the nearby altars will start immediately! Keep the resource warehouse of the Yucheng Altar at all costs!


"At all costs, give me the money to drag the people of Mufu! Never let them destroy the Yucheng altar, have to go to the resources in the warehouse!!"

The people of Yipintang are completely crazy!

After being trapped in the mining area, the people who were trapped in the mining area began to break through and desperately rushed outside;

Even most of the people who died in battle have been playing with the injured state and the people of Mufu...


The same thing is repeated in Aru City!

Lin Biao brought more than two hundred disciples of Xia Yimen. When the team of Xiaobei began to entangle with Yipintang, they rushed into the altar of Aru City!

Hundreds of people who came back, like the lambs to be slaughtered, under the sword of the chivalrous masters like wolves, like the wheat that was cut down, did not have the power to fight back.

"Brothers, move faster!"

"The people of Yipintang are coming back soon, and I quickly took the resources to leave me here!"

There was no suspense in the altar, and Lin Biao’s face finally burst into a smile of hate and shouted loudly: “Alu is not the end, we have more things to do, and we all have fun!”


"Developed this time!!"

"The mouth smiles at you, let's go."

Under the envy of countless martial arts people, a group of people rushed out of the ruins of the Yipintang altar and called out the mount, which quickly disappeared into the night.


Less than ten minutes after the collapse of the city of Aru, the sub-tank of the small town of Toma followed closely.

But the people who attacked here were not so lucky.

More than two hundred people have been left!

A man led by a core disciple of Yipintang was escorting a team of darts passing through the small town of Toma. He was sent to cover the news and copied the back road of the Mufu Brigade.

More than 800 people, leaving more than two hundred, the rest of the scattered escape...

As for those who are not lucky, they are stared at by thousands of Yipintang masters. They can’t go out of town and can only stay in the city.


"Copy our divorce!"

"The courage is not small..."

"I advise you to spit out what you swallowed, I will plead for you, let you join us in a hall, you have to go... How about? Don't promise? Fuck! Wait for the number to be deleted, anyway, you I don’t want to go back in this life."

"Oh, I will give you something that is foolish."

The people who were monitored were indifferent expressions and walked in the city. They looked around and looked at it. Nothing went to the restaurant to drink a few cups. There was no sorrow for death and despair in Jedi.

From time to time, the irony and intimidation of Yipintang disciples came from time to time:

"...you don't want to play tricks, tell you, your name is recorded, and you will take care of you twenty-four hours a day to see who will save you."

Yipintang was provoked and made even worse.

Persuaded to drop, fixed a few people to monitor one, and all these Mufu disciples were monitored, and a pair of postures that made him unable to play.

After all, here is the hinterland of the north...

As long as Yipintang is willing, a large number of people can monitor 200 people in the district.

Play dead and play.


Mufu is ignited everywhere.

Except for Kui Town, which has no resources and has not been destroyed, the three altars were destroyed at the same time overnight, and the triple line of defense set by Mengyun was forcibly torn apart.

However, this is the way Meng Yun deliberately let go...

Do not let go.

Mufu shock Kui town is expected.

Other actions are all unexpected!

The Aru City Altar was jointly attacked by the people of Mufu and Xia Yimen, and lost thousands of people...

The appearance of the Chivalry Men Lin and Mufu Xiaobei.

The two each brought a group of elite troops that did not follow the breakout, which made Mengyun feel uneasy.

Moreover, the two did not worry about the exposure of the line, and they destroyed the city of Aru and then rushed to the other two altars of Mufu under the exploration of Zhou Yi.


In addition to.

The huge loss of Yucheng made Meng Yun feel painful! At the same time, I felt a chill!

The actions of the four major gangs in Mufu are somewhat strange. It seems that it is not as simple as breaking out...

The elite of Chivalry and Mufu seems to appear in other areas in batches.

Aru City, and the small town of Toma.

The elite position of Lin Biao and Xiao Bei is evidence.

Why are these people staying?

There is also a former lady horse of thousands of people...

Thousands of Mufu masters sneaked into the hinterland quietly! !

It is like a sharp knife, which is not far from the heart.

Meng Yun did not dare to continue to put all his energy on the three lines of defense at this time, letting the people of Mufu and Xia Yimen continue to destroy their own altar.

The three *** defense lines have already drawn a lot of power...

At this time, it is inevitable that the people outside the defense line will begin to have unusual gatherings and movements, and it is impossible to take care of the rear.

At this time, the hinterland is actually very dangerous in front of a group of elites in Mufu and Chivalry.

In addition...

Of course there is a more important reason! !

Happy location now.


A night passed quickly...


Shaoshan Shaolin!

The bonfire of Yipintang lingers throughout the north.

When Yipintang’s disciples rushed for the enemies of God’s ghosts, this ancient ancient temple still stands tall, and Shaolin disciples seem to be in a paradise outside the rivers and lakes.

A pair of young men and women with good temperament, with a fight, like the people in the paintings of the gods, holding the mount of Gao Shenjun, slowly descending from the foot of the mountain to the peak, leisurely, as if walking in the painting, there is no The people in the rivers and lakes are in a hurry, but they seem to be more like people in the rivers and lakes than anyone else.

Down the mountain...

The Shaolin monk who climbed the mountain to practice the basic skills of diving, using the light body to lift the scorpion, the disciples who went to the wall, met the men and women who could not see the appearance, all eyes.

If the mounts of both of them are expensive hoofs, I am afraid that many people will treat them as plot characters and run over to trigger hidden missions.

"Along the way, Shaolin is the most comfortable..."

The voice of young Belle is gentle and moving, people feel unconsciously giving birth to a good feeling, and have the urge to open the battle veil: "It seems to be a little more peaceful than other places, and a little less rivers and lakes."

As soon as the voice fell, the young man next to him laughed:

"Of course."

Suddenly, regardless of the strange eyes cast around, said:

"The whole north is now surrounded by the wind, only Shaolin, quiet, peaceful, after all, is the land outside the square, the peace of Shaolin, can make people calm, quiet, better Buddha, meditation ... So, Shaolin disciples, As long as it is in the temple for a long time, there will be a similar kind of temperament on the body, which makes people feel comfortable."

"It seems a bit reasonable."

The girl looked at the strangely: "How do you know everything..."

"Of course, I have been here."

The young man sighed aloud and seemed to feel something.

"Okay, then I will test you."

"it is good."

Men should fight.

The girl has a chance to move:

"You tell me why the Shaolin disciple picks the water mountain every day? Many people have seen that I am already dead..."

"This is simple."

The young man smiled slightly:

"Shaolin martial arts is famous for its solid lower plate. Picking a water mountain can exercise basic foot strength, arm strength, root bone, and insist on picking water every day. It seems to increase the arm strength, root bone and body method at the same time. Although the most difficult, but the most solid foundation, it is also the most effective way to improve strength."

When I heard this, some of the monks on the roadside seemed to have some understanding, but some of them showed disdain.

At this time, the voice of the young man sounded again:

"However, when I came last time, there were very few people who insisted on picking water. Today, there are a lot more. It should be caused by the prophet's remarks."


Under the veil, the young woman's face slightly squinted, revealing the color of listening.

"To get ahead, lay the foundation first... If the Shaolin disciple can persist in a period of hard work, the achievement will not be inferior to the "Fengsen" who has the power of nine people on the list."

As soon as this statement came out, the Shaolin disciples around him suddenly moved, and they all showed incredible colors.

"How did you know?"

"Haha, the Buddha has a reincarnation, maybe I was a Shaolin disciple in my previous life."

"You mean, was your past a monk?"

"Shaolin disciples, disciples, can be detained." The young man pulled up the temperament girl's jade hand, the latter wants to earn not to break.

Seeing this scene, the young Shaolin disciples all showed a kind smile and accelerated to leave.

Of course.

The voice just fell, but in a pavilion not far away, there was a sound of alpine water. Although melodious, it broke the peace on the mountain road.

A man with good temperament and a handsome face, while cuddling the piano, while facing the young men and women who stood in the distance, revealed a mysterious smile:

"Two, can you listen to me?"

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