Sword Among Us

Chapter 900: Sacrifice wine, killing

Chapter 900, Sacrifice, Killing

"Two, can you listen to me?"

The young men and women who wore the fights did not show each other. They were suddenly invited, and they could not help but stop to look at the men in the pavilion and the surrounding environment.

The pavilion was built on the side of the mountain road. There is a green meadow nearby. The tens of meters behind it is a lush mountain forest. The scenery is very beautiful.

The latter has a sleek look, handsome appearance, gentle temperament, which makes people feel bad, and his technique should be very proficient in temperament, not a half-way monk who can have less than twenty songs in total.


The young woman paused and turned her face, as if she was waiting for her man to make a decision.

The latter whispered aloud and replied:

"Sui Yuping, rushing to invite, is still free." The sound is clear and plain, although the requirements of the people in the pavilion are rejected, it seems very calm and natural, and it is not rude to intentionally keep the distance.

"That would be a pity..."

The man in the pavilion chuckled.

On the one hand, the piano sounds continually jumped out of the fingers; while continuing to say: "The first master of the Central Plains, there is the ability to let a class of 100,000 troops continue to smash feathers, can make a product in the north of the earth, but will be afraid of strangers' pledges. ”

Speaking of stopping here, I did not continue.

"Clarify two points."

The young man did not move at all, and slowly took off the fight. He said: "First, happiness never takes the first master of the Central Plains... Second, it is not an offer to worry about strangers, but some occasions that some people choose. Great scenery."

After the fight, the young man’s face is displayed in front of the pavilion.

Just happy


The man in the pavilion listened, decisively filtered out the previous one, and his eyes fell on the details of happy and female companions, and could not help but smile:

"Happy to blame, it is really wrong to choose the wrong time, playing the second interest, I am really sorry... However, now that Yipintang is too busy, the happy brothers are leisurely carrying the mountains, it is a bit unreasonable." It was a laugh.

"You are wrong again."


The man in the pavilion looked sad.

Happy to shake your head and laugh:

"It's still two points... First, the reason why you are happy to reject your offer is not because of this. If you are in another place, someone will play the tunes for free to adjust the atmosphere, and you can't ask for it. The reason why you say that you are rash is because the place is wrong. ""


The man in the pavilion smiled and continued to listen.

"Playing the piano is indeed an elegant and leisurely entertainment. Unfortunately, Shaolin is a peaceful and peaceful place, sacred and secluded. Your piano sound not only broke the mood underneath, but also the sound of the piano is slightly harsh, but it is a bit of a superfluous, burning the crane. Suspect."


The man in the pavilion didn't want his own move to win such a happy evaluation, but he was very happy when he said this. After the mistake, he got up and put up the lyre:

"It turned out to be a shocking day, thank you for your happy brother."

The happy smile continues unabated:

"Second, happy to come to Shaolin, how can I bring beauty to the mountains, Wei brother should know that the grassland war, in the next hand dyed too much blood and life, this trip Shaolin, in fact, is coming to Shaolin for air The master helped over the death of tens of thousands of Mongolian soldiers, as well as the soul of Yipintang. Of course, by the way... I plan to entertain a few guests in Shaolin."

When the words point out ‘Wei Xi’, the man’s eyebrows in the pavilion beat.

After hearing the back, the complexion could not help but become a bit strange:

"It turns out that happy brothers know the identity underneath, but I don't know, the guests that happy brothers want to entertain are..."

Happy face smiles, but did not answer immediately.

"You may not be a guest, maybe a sinister is not necessarily." In the middle of the conversation, the young woman holding her side walked into the pavilion.


The man in the pavilion with the vigilance of the color, "Wei Zhentian" could not help but admire the color:

"Happy brothers know that they are still daring to come in, and they will admire and recall the words of Menglang before..."

Megatron is the official owner of the largest gang of the United States, 'Longmen'. According to the information provided by Silver Fox, the latter American Chinese, the family has created a fairly prominent foundation in the United States, not only dozens of martial arts And at the same time involved in a variety of industries, civil and military double repair;

In the game, Bai Xiaosheng also already took out the old bottom of Megatron.

Megatron, life and death, internal force up to 570 points, no accident, up to three months can enter the solution.

The practice of Megatron's cultivation is very common, and it has the shadow of the Qiankun Eight Diagrams and the Soul of the Soul, and the use of internal forces to achieve the transformation. It is the only one on the global list of people to rely on ancestral martial arts. Use ordinary martial arts to enter the ranks of geeks!

Silver Fox has a high opinion of this person;

The same is true for Bai Xiaosheng!


Knowing all this is happy, naturally know why Megatron said this.

He does have arrogant capital!

The global geek list master!

Top 100 global listers!

Moreover, it is expected that happy to come to Lushan, waiting here in advance.

In the face of an equal enemy, a strong enemy waiting in advance, the heart can not be overwhelmed, but happy and calmly entered.

"What are you admired?"

Happy chuckle said:

"The perception of Jiuyang Shengong is far superior to that of the average person. Even if it is the ‘Prophet’ Kaysen, it cannot analyze all of them. Or, Weimen has the confidence to avenge oneself for your subordinates alone?”

The relationship between the Dragon Gate and the Prophet has been pointed out.

When this statement came out, Megatron suddenly laughed:

"That thing, my brother has told me that he is still young, young and ignorant. Seeing that I have laid a foundation in the United States and stabilized the situation, he clamored to bring his disciples to the Central Plains. The happy brothers helped me to teach him. Let him know what to do, how can I blame it."

Talking about the temperature and the temperature, suddenly a turn:

"But when the earthquake came to the Central Plains, it was also an annoyance. I wanted to personally compare it with my happy brothers. In addition, I wanted to resolve the contradictions and misunderstandings and seek cooperation with Mufu."

"to seek cooperation?"

Happy is not without ridicule:

"What about Yipintang? Why, why did Longmen plan to abandon his allies and cooperate with the enemies of the allies?"

Hearing the words of happy and sharp, Megatron did not move at all:

"Oh, Zhentian has already said that it is a misunderstanding. It is the decision of my younger brother who is not arrogant. If I am happy, I can drive him out of the wall and not allow him to step into the Central Plains."

This Weimen Lord, he has cleaned himself up.

It is estimated that Yipintang has sinned against the two top gangs of Mufu and Xiayimen. It has stood up to the seal. Now even if it continues to cooperate with Yipintang, it is difficult for Longmen to make substantial progress in a short time or even in a year or two. This is the intention to replace the partner.

Happy smile, not broken.

"I heard that I have already learned the essence of the martial arts of the "Kun Kun and Eight Diagrams of the Souls" created by Weimen. I really want to teach them."

Megatron eyes are bright!

“Happy brothers are not saying to entertain a few guests?”

"They should be on the road."

Happy and indifferently looked up: "I don't mind, I am afraid that when the earthquake brothers are not good enough to explain."


Hearing the words, Megatron stunned and immediately laughed:

"Happy brothers are jokes. It is not me who has a connection with Yipintang. I don't need it, and there is no need to explain anything to Mengyun."

Some words were upright, with a gentle appearance, even happy are almost convinced.


Megatron has missed a bit.

Although the prophet had the effect of speculating and breaking the shield of the heavenly cockroaches, he did not know much about the celestial movement. The real mystery of the items that are not within the five elements, except for Bai Xiaosheng, no one knows.

It is precisely because of this that Bai Xiaosheng has made appropriate responses and counterattacks after facing the challenges of the prophets.

I passed the transaction between Longmen and Mengyun to Happy, and also gave support to Mufu at the most critical time.

This is very enjoyable.

What is different from the prophet is that Bai Xiaosheng is...

Bai Xiaosheng never took the initiative to put himself on the table, just like the real capable hermit in the Central Plains.

Although the prophet seems to have the same ability, and he has won a bigger stage than Bai Xiaosheng, he also put himself on the bright side at that moment.

Zhou Yishi, in the words of Bai Xiaosheng, said that going against the sky should try to keep a low-key convergence, so Bai Xiaosheng even gave up cultivation, everything on the rivers and lakes.

While proposing an unmanageable stage, the Prophet put himself on the stage and played in an intricate stage game in an attempt to win the game.

Very unwise!


For Megatron’s words, happiness does not believe, but it does not express itself from the mood:

"Since the Weimen Lord said this, I will wait for the first time." Said, elegantly, take a jug of wine from the Qiankun bag, two cups.

"Oh, I didn't expect the happy brothers to have such an elegant taste. I heard the wines in my hometown intoxicated next time. Unfortunately, I have no chance to come to the Central Plains. I don't know if I can borrow a cup of drink."

"of course."

Happy and proud smile.

The voice did not fall, Xu Xin grabbed the previous step and took the jug to the hand.

Her actions suddenly caught the attention of Megatron.

"Haha, happy brothers are blessed."

Happy and laughter, but my heart is a little warm:

This girl is much smarter than before.

Pouring wine to Megatron, it is not the first big gang of the Central Plains, happy to do things, and when the wine is poured, the whole body is exposed, in front of the enemy, very unwise - happy, although I have confidence in myself, but my heart is right The gantry is very resistant.

In the first battle of Yangzhou City, Longmen’s output was not small. Now it is also a joint venture with Yipintang and the Prophet.

The wine is good, Xu Xin warmly retreats behind.

"Weimen Lord."

Happy eyes lift:

"Do you know, in our Central Plains, in ancient times, when did people in the rivers and lakes drink alcohol?"


Megatron thought for a moment, then shook his head: "Shentian is willing to hear the details."

"Killing, offering wine."

During the talk, Megatron doubled up and then saw the happy side, and when he came up the mountain, there was a shadow.

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