Sword Among Us

: have equal shares

Chapter 902 is divided equally

the first time!

For the first time, when I was playing against the players, I was forced to make a dragon by the first move...

In the same way, for the first time, under one face, the figure that has been set off from the shape of the dragon is set and can only be defended.


The heart was secretly surprised, but the movements in the hands of happiness were not at all scornful.

The chest was stunned by the fierceness of the air, and the happy left hand instantly burst out, becoming a claw, and buckled on Megatron's kick-backed calf.

But what makes you happy is that.

When the dragon's hand clasped the calf, there was a sudden darkness in the other's body, which happened to be gathered in the calf...

boom! !

A ten-figure blow was bounced off;

One second of stiff time did not appear...

I am too happy to be surprised how the other party is so precise and ingenious, but a master who knows how to use the darkness is really not restrained by ordinary dragons.

While Megatron broke the heart of his hands, the strength of his heart was inevitably weakened.

With a right hand, the dragon-shaped vortex easily stopped the weak foot of Megatron.

The darkness broke out.


Both sides take a step back.

Megatron finally couldn’t help but reveal the color of surprise.

"A good high-end cut-off approach."

"A good "Dragon's Eighteen Palms" is really wonderful."

I am happy to know that the high-end interception method in Megatron is the ‘擒龙手’, which cuts off the flow of infuriating air and instantly suppresses the internal force of the enemy. He smiles slightly: “Your darkness is also good.”

If it is not the special nature of the dragon's 18 palms, it has the effect of weakening and fierce attack, I am afraid it will suffer under the darkness.

"Just just warming up, then, you can't be so lucky again, come back!"

As soon as the voice fell, Megatron was at the foot of the day.

Dark and vigorous.

A powerful dark force penetrates from the earth...

At the same time, Megatron rushed to the top.

The two-pronged tactics are much more flexible than the gantry deputy heads that have been encountered before, and they are still more and more dark. It seems that Megatron knows that there are some secret ways to use it, so he has made more preparations and means.

Happy suddenly encountered such a strong enemy, while dignified, the skills that were used in various past lives began to emerge from the dusty memory.

More than dark, better than skill?

it is good!


In the past life, there was no peerless martial arts such as "Jiuyang Shengong" and it was able to break into the top 16 of the world, and even the finals. The *** of this world does not know how much higher.

Although this chain-driven reaction has also led to the early display of many masters, happy has the same strong confidence in himself.

Simply give up the dragon's 18 palms, which is just enough, but not soft enough, and replaced the palms and spirals learned from Xu Ziling.

Although Xu Ziling’s method is not very fast, the victory is stable enough and comprehensive enough;

Moreover, with the help of the spiral force, the instant of two different darkness is more difficult to deal with than the usual darkness, and it is sharper and sharper.

As soon as he played against him, Megatron, who was full of confidence, quickly realized the transformation of happiness and the wonders of the darkness...

However, he apparently did not encounter Xu Ziling, and did not have a very detailed and detailed understanding of the spiral strength in "Da Tang Shuanglong Biography".

Feel the unique darkness of the sharp and sharp in the palm of your hand, and it is inevitable that you will be surprised.

The offensive was curbed.

Megatron immediately turned to attack and prepared to carefully analyze the details of happy and dark...

The two played against each other very quickly!

One move and one fiercely hides and kills the murderous machine. Sometimes, the seven and eight strokes are spelled together in an instant, which is completely serialized and dazzling.

In addition to the Megatron and happy himself in the field, the people of Yipintang and Xu Xin have not been able to keep up with the rhythm, only to see the two groups of blurred figures have turned into many residual images.

As the remnants of the road gradually faded away in the sound explosion, more new afterimages swayed from the front and staggered each other...

In an instant, hundreds of moves have passed!

As time went by, Megatron Tianyu became more and more shocked.

He only feels happy that he may have obtained a unique and dark method of exerting a master's skill, so that he is slightly disadvantaged, so he later concentrated on using speed and moves to defeat the enemy.

But what he didn't think of was that the swordsmanship was very happy, and he had five or six fascinating martial arts. He was so tenacious in his hand, and he did not fall into the wind in the battle against him. , one by one, take the initiative to seize the past.

"how is this possible."

Even if it is a master of mythology, there are very few ways to do this.

"The master of Weimen, make all your books, so playing down, it will be very boring."

When I was happy, I was able to speak, and I was able to speak with ease. The attitude of Megatron was once again stagnation, and my face finally became solemn and serious.

"it is good."

Megatron screams and shouts:

"Let's let you see today, the real "Qun Kun gossip ghost"!" The voice did not fall, an amazing momentum suddenly spread from his body...


Stepping on the eight steps, suddenly rushed to the face of happiness...

The speed has changed from fast to mysterious, and it has a taste of shrinking into the inch.

The fierce palm of the hand broke through!

The face is condensed, happy not to be scorned, one hand steady up, the spiral is swallowing, welcoming the face knife of Megatron.

But this time, the unexpected darkness did not appear.

"not good."

His face changed, and he was quickly aware that Megatron’s hands did not appear dark, but suddenly there was an extremely powerful collision force at his feet.

This force came very suddenly, and it was almost out of the way. No one could guard against it, and I felt happy that this darkness was not a lock-in attack, but a piecemeal attack, like a group carrying a wind-spin hurt.

Immediately, even the dragon shape does not need to be used, start the golden bell, do not retreat into the ground, and backhand to the arm of Megatron that has not yet gotten out of control.

Megatron is a secret smile:


The force from the bottom rushed into the golden bell that came out of the happy float.

The golden light suddenly stunned, and there seemed to be a small-scale violent explosion in the air. The sudden turbulence would turn over and the body would lose balance.


In the pavilion, Xu Xin, who has been watching the field, couldn’t help but exclaim.

Onlookers, the master of Yipintang is full of ecstasy.

For the first time, they saw happy eating.


The smile didn't have time to stay for too long, but he saw the happy body twisted in the air like a dragon. The head and tail were reversed, and the lightning speed of the high-speed lightning kicked the Megatron.

Although the latter was flustered and calmly lifted his arms and blocks, how could the power under the rush be comparable to the singularity of the real dragon?


The momentum of chasing collapsed in an instant, and the whole person slammed back several consecutive steps to stop, but did not get hurt;

Happy without chasing.

Megatron's weird palms, and the power that showed no signs of surprise, made him a little surprised. Although he couldn't break the golden bell, it suddenly gave people such a fight, and the opponent was very difficult to prevent. - Even if he had just eaten it, he had to start the 'dragon tail' in time to pull back the situation.

This time, the match between the electric and the flint, the two once again equalized the autumn.

"Good effort."

The Megatron balance regained the slightly tumbling blood, and the color of the dignity on the face was a little more:

"Shentian used this trick for the first time in front of people. I didn't expect it to be cheap in the hands of happy brothers..."

"You are also very good."

Happy to answer.

The strength of Megatron has indeed reached the same level.

One of the global wonder list...

Sure enough, no one is easy.

As soon as the voice fell, Megatron’s heart calmed down, and the lower set of the gossip made a gesture of “gossip”: “It’s just the first one in the “Kun Kun Gossip”, and the rest is seven, please be happy to teach.” I think that happiness is just a Megatron who relies on peerless martial arts and luck. At this moment, I finally feel happy as a real opponent.


Hearing words, happy face sinking!

The master of the global geek list, really can not be underestimated.

If he had made the worst plan from the beginning, he would wait for it, and I am afraid that it is not as simple as being knocked out.

This time I came to Shaolin for two purposes.

Not for the sake of revisiting the place, nor for remembering anything...

It is to be in the Shaolin Temple, the martial art that made his life in the past! Make a final battle with Yipintang! !

Deliberately going to Shaolin alone, the purpose of attracting Yipintang Mengyun and many elites has been reached.

Another purpose is to make an ultimatum with these so-called top players abroad!

This battle...

What is now concerned is not only whether Mufu can enter the north this time, but also completely destroy the Yipintang; it is also about the face of the Central Plains martial arts.


The sizzling sound suddenly broke, and the two men fought together again.


The two people are playing faster and faster, and they are completely unable to tell who is who.

The two groups of light and shadow crazy intertwined, a stock of amazing waves in the air constantly meet, impact, issued a frequent crisp burst.

The battle between the two top masters has attracted the attention of countless disciples of the Shaolin school. The mountain roads less than 100 meters are completely dead, dense and confusing. Some people simply fall to the nearby forests and can stand up quickly.

More people are hearing from the mountains and mountains.



Light and shadow, the body shape of Megatron is finally clear, and a little wrinkled body has a lot of palm prints. At this time, the hands hold the cylinders as whales, and an amazing force pulls the happy figure from the fuzzy fast. Come out and move uncontrollably to Megatron:

"Give me over!"

In the air, happy and fast-speed printing, a real voice shaking the sky:

"临!" (不动明王印)

The air is shaking!

Happy body seems to have a solemn treasure of a layer of sound! Go on the move!

Megatron's eyes flashed in the same color, and finally chose to attack!

Happy not to panic, handprints:

"All!" (outside bond, also known as 'King Kong Sasang Puxian Faith Mantra')

At the moment of the export of the mantra, within a radius of 100 meters, everyone has a sense of trepidation, including Megatron.

At the moment of awakening, happy hands quickly complete the third handprint, photographed the Megatron sky door, and steadily spit:


The moment of the electric light flint, the victory and defeat has been divided!

The attack that the King Kong Wheels has improved is no less inferior to the mythical strongman. The Megatron is so fierce and then leans forward, flying far away...

Time is lingering!

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