Sword Among Us

: Happy road

Chapter 903 Happy Road

Hundreds of Yipintang masters, including Shaolin disciples who came to watch the battle from the mountain to the mountain, had a feeling that the heart was shocked when they saw that Megatron was happy to shoot.

The effect of the outer binding is somewhat similar to that of the Buddha lion, but the lion's lion is a continuous means of injury, and the external application is a spiritual shock.

After seeing this scene in an instant, there was some reaction, but I couldn’t believe it. I just played the two top players who didn’t distinguish each other and instantly won the game...


When the master of a product hall was exposed to the dignified color and stared at the happy time, the rear crowd suddenly exclaimed:

"Get up, look, get up!!"

"Not dead yet!"


The scene was noisy, and countless people were shocked when they saw Megatron’s sorrowful reunion from a distance.


"Is this guy still a person?"

"It won't die like this."

"The palm of my hand, I guess I can smash the head of the stone. Is this guy with a shovel on his shoulder?"

"Oh, it’s a metamorphosis on the global genius list, and it’s estimated that there is another Rongsen."


"I almost got rid of you."

Megatron was flung by a palm, and his body had suffered a minor internal injury. At this time, while rubbing the blood on his lips, he smiled and walked over: "Happy brothers, what do you learn from martial arts, this time, for a while... ..."

"Is the Prophet not telling you?" Happy to Megatron's life as Xiaoqiang's general vitality did not feel much shocked - after awakening from the impact of the external bond, Megatron had a evasive and dark-moving In the move, most of the damage was transferred to the body, so the end of being killed by a palm was removed.

"Xu Ziling's "Nine Characters Manuscripts", but according to the prophet, this martial arts is rarely used to deal with players and myths."

Megatron touched his chest and the ribs should be broken.

Happy smile...

That's right.

Everyone knows that he is happy to practice martial arts. He has a mastery of martial arts, and there is a method of swordsmanship and fingering. The most used in the grassland is the knife method. Therefore, the prophet who takes it for granted will be happy. Chewing masters who are not bad.

But the prophet forgot to find out how he got up before he got these stunts.


He has mastered it almost in the past life. In this world, all that needs to be done is to integrate these unfamiliar schools.

This is not difficult for him.


The past life has long understood the truth, how can happiness be forgotten.

Happy has long explored one's own strengths a long time ago, and finally determined that martial arts and miscellaneous also have the benefits of martial arts.

There is no need to separate martial arts! Deliberately choose a route for yourself!

"Jiuyang Shengong" is his best weapon!

All kinds of mythological martial arts can be copied and simulated. Some ordinary martial arts can also be simulated. After the idiom is used, it will become the most unpredictable and uncomfortable way.

Fighting the stars!

Participate in the reference!

Dragons 18 palms!

Real Dragon Ten!

Mutual match, and then with the recent crazy practice simulation of the nine-word mantra handprint, spiral strength, purple gas Tianluo, immortal seal, eight in the well... happy on the grassland and the mythical masters, have long used the fire, a trick One way to go.

Happy and confident to deal with different types of opponents, even if the other party's strength is stronger, the ability is strange again...

Happy did not answer, Megatron also knows that the other party will certainly not say the secret, bitter smile:

"Happy brothers are not the first master of the Central Plains. Today, they are defeated. They are convinced and convinced. However, they will be recovered in the coming days. This will leave."

Turned to leave, but was happy to call:

"and many more."

Megatron is a glimpse.

"We have an old saying in China, you certainly don't know." Happy looking at Megatron: "Do not do what you want, don't do it to others, Weimen is coming to the Central Plains as a guest, and learning from each other, happy, but if you do something else, Happy is a disciple of Murong family. 'With his own way, he still applies his own body.' This martial arts practice is still okay. After Weimen left the Central Plains, he carefully considered it."

Megatron took a deep breath and nodded:

"Before I look for you again, the people of Longmen will not step in the Central Plains again."


Happy did not say anything, just a hand, and sent Megatron to turn away.


When Megatron left, there was only one person in the field who was happy, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense and tense...


Happy and a little playful look around, just a battle, has shown the strength in front of hundreds of masters in the hall, the momentum, oppression is also pulled up to the apex, surrounded by a class of disciples and touched happy eyes, have to avoid.

"Your lord, haven't you arrived yet?"

The sound is not big, but it is clearly introduced into everyone's ear. When it comes to the back, the tone is changed:

"In this case, happy and stupid people can only use stupid methods ... playing small, not afraid of the old can not come out."

Under the astounding eyes of many masters of Yipintang, they clasped their fists in a circle:

"Friends of Shaolin, happy today and Yipintang have a grudge, you also please take a convenient, retreat from one or two, or the sword will be eyeless at a later time, happy enemy hurts everyone, it is not good."

It’s wonderful to be happy.

He did not say that he himself was wrongly hurting people. Instead, he reminded everyone not to be hurt by a person in the hall. Not only would it not give people a sense of arrogance, but instead they would treat Shaolin disciples as their own people, giving them a feeling of gentleness and righteousness. It became a bad person who is not evil, good or evil.

Xu Xin could not help but laugh at the pavilion.

As soon as this statement came out, the Shaolin disciples who looked around were really shunning back and forcibly clearing out a circle of open space...


The people of Yipintang are undecided, face to face, do not know whether it is up, or retreat - although the original intention of a group of people is to block the happy, but happy and Megatron's stunning battle, down to a group of people, Look at each other and make up your mind.

The strength of happiness is in front of you, playing, not playing.

The battle of the stars is best at group battles. The two previous masters of the hidden weapon have verified this with their lives. Do not fight, is it left in front of so many Lin disciples?


At this time, happy is to take out the weapon from the Qiankun bag!

It is not a four-segment guardian sword, but an artifact that everyone can't help but scream and scream - Tu Long Bao!


The golden knives fell into the hands of happiness, and the slashing knives rang through the ears of everyone, and a group of masters of Yipintang suddenly became pale.

"Happy, *** really, come to meet you."

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